Parker Speaks
University Alumni Asked
Ts F Saloon Retuir
To A. A'U-W ca U
1zEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 9.- A
f M odern Artcall to college and university alumni
th. oughout the land to oppose the
return of the saloon under repeal was
'There Is Nothing Q eer issued last week by the Yale Alumni;
Weekly. Said the weekly in part:
About Modern Art,'Says "The universities of the country are
jPhilosophy Professor
particularly interested in all local as sale of spiritous liquors to be con-
wellas general policies that are to be sumed on retail premises is not to be
followed after repeal, because of the permitted - otherwise we shall have
fact that they stand in the relation of the old saloon system back, which
temporary guardians to the youths certainly was no benefit to any large
that fill their campuses. group of graduates or to anybody
"It makes a great deal of difference else."
what those public policies are to be,
and what the public sentiment is to Too many boys and girls are going
be that will support them. to college whom nature intended to
"The universities will be most anx- be working with a pick and shovel. -
ious to see that any wide-open public Dr. Charles W. Burr.
-Associated Press Photo
Cary Grant and Virginia Cherrill of the films have refused to make
any announcement of their plans, although friends say they momen-
tarily expect word of the couple's engagement.
Pledoings Announced Houses.
Entertain With Dances, Dinners
Despite its novelty and distinctive
characteristics, there is really nothing
strange about modern art, since itE
follows the same universal principles
as art of previous epochs, Prof. De-
Witt H. Parker of the philosophy de-
partment said yesterday in speaking
on an aesthetic analysis of modern
art at the meeting of the American
Association of University Women at
the League.
Modern art, according to Professor
Parker, is a distinct product of this
epoch and cannot be denied, since it
expresses our culture and civilization.
A strange attitude toward modern art
is prevalent now; curiously enough
people feel even a certain repugnance
to modern art, he said.
After stating that a student of the
aesthetic must observe all forms of
art such as music, drama, poetry, as
well as painting alone, Professor
Parkeradescribed a picture as a sen-
suous surface, made up of colors,
lines, light and shade which all com-
bine to form shapes. These lines, orI
colors as the case may be, have a
certain beauty and significance for
themselves, he said.
A picture undertakes to be a repre-
sentation of some part of the visible
world, presenting a panorama of na-
ture to the observer. Every picture
also has a pattern or design other
than its photographic effect.
According to Professor Parker al
picture may be treated as an exact
photographic representation or may
be distorted, or stylized. Stylization is
done to emphasize the beauty of color
and line, or the pattern, or for sub-
ject emphasis as in caricatures. Pic-
tures are also stylized to create a
more poetic effect and to avoid the
prosaic effect which might result if
nature were observed too slavishly.
Professor Parker illustrated his lec-
ture with slides, including some by
Cesanne, Picasso, Gainsborough, and
Martha Cook Dormitory
Holds Musicale Today
Individually selected items especially to fill the wants
of Gift Seekers and to delight the feminine heart.
The gift of Jewelry will be
welcome - choose here from
glorious pieces to "go with"
her sports, street, afternoon
or formal outfits - Earrings,
clips, necklaces, beads, brace-
lets and rings - Gold and
silver finishes, rhinestones
crystals, marcasite, woods.
50c to $3.95
-new and distinctive are the
compacts of wood in natural
finishes -Walnut, mahoga-
ny or maple - She'd like one
for her sports outfit.
$1.0mt0 to $4.0
Comb to match is 75c.
Without a doubt, Handkerchiefs are
on your gift list - Choose distinctive
and smart new styles - sports prints,
new colored novelty and initialed ones
and exquisite lace-trimmed squares.
Novelties at 35c or 3 for $1. Other
handkerchiefs at
25c, 50c, $1.00
N eckweo r-
The newest pieces are of velveteen in
bright colors - of lame' (silk with
metal thread stitchery), pique and
angora wools at
$1.0 to $3.
';: \ ..
-tea.-.- ,:Q!>:...
sical education department and Prof. A musicale will be given after din-
M'argaret Elliott of the economics de- ner today at Martha Cook dormitory.
partment assisted Dean Lloyd as The program will include a group
hostesses. Yellow roses and chrysan- of tenor solos by Maynard Klein,
hemums were used as decorations. Ypsilanti, accompanied by Emilie
Paris, '36. Miss Paris is chairman of
.Pl the series of Sunday musicales.
Student Poll At Columbia
Shows Unusual Trends - _
(By Intercollegiate Press) Look Your Loveliest
NEW YORK, Dec. 9. -The fresh-
men at Columbia College don't go so *ohesa *. .
strong for "great big football men."
As a matter of fact 236 out of 325 Our Permanent Waves
expressing their opinions in a ques- leave your hir luxuri-
ionaire sent out by the Spectator,
student newspaper, said they would ously soft and natural.
nuch prefer to have a Phi Beta ,. Each permanent is indi-
Kappa key to a football letter. vidually designed to add
Thirty-three admitted they would like ta striking touch to your
lo have both. V
While 215 said they did not drink , appearance. Dial 9616.
hard liquor, most of the men ex-
pressed a liking for 3.2 beer. There cc
were only 128 who smoked, of whom .-
three smoked only cigars. Bird H ir Sho
Asked what they intended to do Nickels Arcade
after leaving Columbia, 52 said they
ntended to go, to work, 51 to study --c> -o .......-.c:
medicine, 34 to enter law school and -__________________
24 to pursue other graduate study.
One frosh said he felt he would
have accomplished his most cherished
lesire if, after four years of college,
he could be allowed to "sleep in
- U
If you're seeking a card that's:
. out-of-the-ordinary - we can
provide it with your name in
smart type.
20 Unusual Cards j
1.35,an p
Every smart woman wants and The printing is done in
needs Bridge Slippers. KID... our own shop which insures
CREPE.. and BROCADE... soft prompt delivery. We also
padded or turned leather soles pro delivere alsog.
pa e,, nwAp, fn,, go ,,n1%
For dressy wear give a compact to match her
clothes -new square and round ones in eel grey,
pansy blue, red or green finishes.
$1.00 to 4.0
For evening there are swanky compacts of fabrics,
faille, velvet and crepe silk covered in colors, also
black and white -with two initials at
"i f..
Evening Bags-
Gleaming bags of senuins, pearl oi crystal bead
and lovely ones of silk crepes with embroidery
of velvets in white and bright cclors to match y
$2.50 to $62
College Shop gloves will be very welcome Christmas
gifts. Pigskins for sports wear -black or brown at
$2.95 pair. Suedes - in black or brown - pull-ons
at $3.50 pair. Suedes in eel grey at $4.50 -Red
velveteen at
$2.50 pair
Grand gifts - envelope, pouch and backstrap -
zipper-top styles in various leathers -black or
brown at
$2.00 to $5.00
Yardley, Coty, Yardley, Williams,
Sand Others
Springtime in Faris an Others
Ranging in Price from
Evening in Paris $1.00 to $5.00
Cutex Manicure Sets
The Ever-Appropriate Gift
Gilbert's Chocolates
50c - $5.00 HIS PIPE
Gift Blouses
Exciting gifts- and evening blouse of lame'-$1500
and $16.50 -Tunic Blouses at $5.95 to $10.95 and
Sports and classroom blouses at
$2.00 to $5.95
I-r.isy%, Y V4
r" 1 "~
}}S~z , ,r.. :
,au."r _ . J,'v... :.:il : ..tSw ......J~~, "
Chiffon Hosiery
You're safe with Hosiery-no woman
ever has too many pairs -Gotham
Gold Stripe in new winter shades at
95c, $1.15, and $1.50 a pair. Gotham
adjustables at $1.15- Non-run weave
stockings at
$1.65 pair
ScO fs-
Bright colored Scotch wool ones in
stripes and plaids-And silk scarfs
in plain and combination colors.
$1.0 o$3.9
Intimate Gifts-LINGERIE
Yolande, Handmade-
A superb gift -beautiful soft silk
and so handsomely tailored-Teddies
Vanity Fair--
"skintites--smooth fitting garments
for formal wear at $3.50 --Panties at