M.S.C. Noses Out Wolverine Courtmen In Thriller, 2
Improvement In
Maize And Blue
Leads Cagers
Offensive Shown
Buysse, S t a t e Center, Is
High Point Man As He
Scores 13 Counters
Allen Gets 9 Points
Cappon Praises Play Of
Two Sophomores: Ford
And Tomagno
(Continued from Page 1)
point Cappon sent in an entirely new
team composed of Jablonski, Rud-
ness, Tessmer, Regeczi, and Tomag-
no. Both teams missed fouls until
Reck finally sank one to tie the count
at 10-10.
Patchell then collected a point on
a free throw that was matched al-
most immediately by Tomagno's shot
from the foul line, but Buysse came
through to give the Spartans a two
point lead at half-time with another
shot from under the basket.
First Team In Again
Cappon started the first team at
the beginning of the second half and
Allen soon knotted the count at 13
all, but Van Faasen dribbled around
Petoskey to bag one from under the
Plummer dashed in on a throw-in
under the State basket to collect two
points and again knot the score. In
the next minutes State repeatedly
menaced the Wolverine basket but
couldn't connect until Van Faasen
made good on a free throw.
Michigan had been getting the tip-
off in the first, half, but Allen was
apparently tiring in the second stan-
za and Buysse's ability to out-jump
him gave State a big advantage.
Reck and Btysse counted on scin-
tillating one-handed shots to give the
State team what appeared to be a
commanding lead, the score being 15-
20. Allen and Van Faasen both sank
free throws and Michigan gained a
point when Plummer was fouled by
Reck and cashed in on it.
The game was becoming fast and
furious with frequent fouls and a
great deal of fast passing that was
ragged at times. Tomagno replaced
Petoskey, fouled in the act of
shooting, made good on one throw
and made the score 18U to 21, and
Allen ran it to 20 to 21 when he took
a nice- pass ,from Ford for an easy
shot under the basket.
Ford Makes Basket
Then Ford put the Wolverines in
front again with a basket from the
foul line. With seven minutes to go,
Buysse put in a left-handed shot
from the side to regain the lead for
his side. Regeczi intercepted a State
pass and dribbled the length of the
floor only to miss his shot.
With four minutes to go Tessmer
and Rudness replaced Petoskey and'
Plummer. Van Faasen and Rudness
both cashed in on free throws to
make the score 23-24 with one min-7
ute to go. With the Wolverines fight-
ing desperately Reck broke loose for
a basket. Tessmer immediately du-
plicated it and the Wolverines were
fighting desperately for another as
the final gun sounded.
Fred Petoskey, one of Michigan's
most versatile athletes in recent
years, is captain of the basketball
team which opened its home season
against Michigan State last night.
Besides being a stellar end on the
xootball team for three years, and
toldingi down a guard position on the
ourt squad, Petoskey is a slugging
outfielder on the baseball team.
Appointing Of
Elmci Layden
1em mber Of Notre Dame's
Four Horsemen Chosen
To Coach Ramblers
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Dec. 9(/)--
The appointment of Elmer Layden,
one of Notre Dame's famous "Four
Horsemen," as athletic director and
football coach and the selection of
Joe Boland as his assistant on the
gridiron staff was announced at No-
tre Dame today.
The Rev. John F. O'Hara, acting
president, announced the choice of
Boland through his office shortly af-
ter the Rev. Charles L. O'Donnell,
president of the University, con-
'rmed the reports of Layden's ap-
pointment while en route from Roch-
ester, Minn.
Resignation Is Accepted
The text of Father O'Hara's state-
ment follows:
"The University of Notre Dame has
accepted the resignation of Jesse
Harper and Heartly Anderson as ath-
letic director and head football coach
and has signed Elmer Layden for a
contract that covers both positions.
The University also has approved the
,election of Joseph Boland as assis-
tant football coach."
Boland, a Chicagoan, was a reserve
tackle on the Notre Dame football
team of 1924. After leaving school,
he went to St. Thomas College at St.
Paul as football coach, concluding
that position with the close of the
1932 season.
The now famous sealed envelope
was opened shortly after the definite
announcement of Layden's appoint-
ment was made. It contained a
statement, signed by Father O'Don-
nell, praising Harper and Anderson.
Michigan's Conference
Schedules Announced
CHICAGO, Dec. 9 -(07) - Univer-
sity of Michigan's Big Ten baseball
schedule for 1934, announced today
at the Conference coaches' meeting:
April 20-21, Michigan at Northwest-
ern; April 27-28, Michigan at Ohio
State; May 5, Illinois at Michigan;
May 11-12, Ohio State at Michigan;
May 17, Michigan at Indiana; May
18, Michigan at Purdue; May 19,
Michigan at Illinois; May 26, In-
diana at Michigan: June 2, Iowa at
Swimming schedule for 1934: Feb.
17, Ohio State at k9ichigan; Feb. 24,
Iowa at Michigan; March 2, Michi-
gan at Northwestern; March 3, Mich-
igan at Illinois.
The Lion And The Unicorn In The Rose Bowl .. .
* * *
ing-Glass," I note a passage amazingly relevant to the Rose Bowl game:
"The Lion and the Unicorn were fighting for the Crown.
The Lion beat the Unicorn all around the Town.
Some gave them white bread, some gave them brown,
Some gave them plum-cake and drummed them out of town."
'"Does the one that wins get the crown?' asked Alice.
'Dear me, no!' said the King, 'What an idea!'"
Now if you will substitute "Indians" for "Unicorn" and delete the part
about the Lion beating the Unicorn, you have the Rose Bowl contest this
year, it seems to me. Two parties are fighting for the crown under the
illusion that the winner gets it, when actually neither of them has a chance
for it.
HE COLUMBIAS AND THE STANFORDS, theoretically, will be fighting
for the National Grid Crown out in the Rose Bowl New Year's day. You,
dear reader, will play the part of Alice and ask me, "Does the one that
wins get the Crown?"
I, as the King, will answer, "Dear me no! What an idea!" (or words
to that effect).
I am not going to scream with impotent rage and rend my garments
over the inefficiency and stupidity of the Rose Bowl committee. In fact, I
believe that with all the necessary considerations of who played last year
and the restrictions keeping the leading teams in the country from making
the trip, the committee has done at well as it could do.
But as you probably know, Stanford was beaten once and tied twice,
and it seems to me that no team thus knocked about when many national
gridiron leaders went through the season with only one defeat or one tie
or a clean record . . . no such team, I say, can claim the National Cham-
Columbia had a season of glorious triumphs over such tough opposition
as Lafayette, Penn State, and Cornell. The Lions dropped one game to
Princeton by the shadowy margin of twenty points. It seems to me, that
even had the Gothamites refrained from playing that game altogether, their
schedule would not admit of more than a very very faint claim to the
Now I have heard no particularly strong allegation to the effect that
either team is a National Champion, but knowing the general tenor of West
Coast publicity out in the land where everything grows to enormous propor-
tions due no doubt to the climate and such, I am taking no chances on
letting this thing slide.
I hereby notify Rose Bowl ballyhooers that the minute that they insin-
uate that the New Years' game is for the National Championship or any-
thing but strictly a question of "Who is the champion of Stanford and Co-
lumbia, Stanford or Columbia?" I am going to lift my deep editorial voice
to the wild heavens and thunder "FRAUD."
Maroon-Purple Merger Wo'uld
Up>set Football Schedules-Yost
Kipke Sougrht
As Mentor Atj
Yale, Is Rumor
Michigan Coach Mentioned
As Possible Successor To
Reggie Root
According to an Associated
Press dispatch from New York
last night, a group of prominent
Yale alumni has been negotiat-1
ing with Harry G. Kipke, headI
coach of Michigan's Nationalt
Champions, in an attempt tot
obtain him as coach at Yale.
In an official statement lastt
night Kipke said that he had
had no definite contact with Yale
authorities and that "I only knowe
what I have read in the papers."',
Kipke will be in New York next
week-end to appear on a nation-<
wide All-America broadcast andt
Yale officials will undoubtedlyf
have an opportunity to discussi
'the matter with him then.
Revolt against persistent defeatt
broke out into the open today among1
Yale's powerful alumni, threatenings
to sweep away not only the football
regime of Reggie Root, young head
coach, but the traditions of over a
half a century as well.t
Just as "Hunk" Anderson was over-
thrown at Notre Dame this week, and
as the old order was tossed over-t
board at Princeton, arch rival of the
Elis, two years ago with the impor-,
tation of "Fritz" Crisler to start ac
victory string, so has Yale headed
definitely toward a new deal on the
Never in Yale's football history,t
dating back to that first game with
Columbia in 1872, have the Elis gone3
beyond the graduate ranks for a head
coach. There is still a possibility T.t
A. D. Jones, former Yale star, coach
and brother of Howard Jones oft
Southern California, will be calledt
back from retirement, but the alumni
now appear strong for a thorought
Things have gone so far that a
nommittee of prominent graduatesa
has negotiated with Harry Kipke,
successful young head coach of
Michigan's Big Ten and National;
Kipke probably won't accept thet
,ask of directing a team that, despite1
plendid material, lost this fall tot
3eorgia, Army, Harvard, and Prince-I
,on, and faces next year the hardest
schedule in the history of the Uni-
versity, eight successive major gamest
i g a i n s t Columbia, Pennsylvania.
3rown, Army, Dartmouth, Georgia,.
?rinceton, and Harvard.
If he does refuse, the job may bet
offered to Lou Little, Columbia coach
who took a handful of material andt
moulded it into the East's Rose Bowl
Purdue Quintet Set For
Opener On December 12
With the opening of the 1933-34
-age season scheduled Dec. 12
against the well-balanced Indiana
State Teachers quintet that came
within an ace of defeating the Boil-
ermakers last season, Coach Ward
Lambert has shifted the scene of
Purdue's net drills to the Jefferson
High School gymnasium where all
home games will be played this sea-
The Western Conference wrestling
meet next spring was awarded to
Michigan at the meeting of the Big
Ten coaches Friday night in Chi-
cago. The preliminaries will be held
in Yost Field House on March 9 with
the finals on the following day.,
Other Conference meets were
awarded as follows:
March 10- fencing and gymnas-'
tics at Chicago; March 9 and 10 -
swimming at Iowa; March 10 -in-
door track at Chicago; May 17, 18
and 19 - tennis at Chicago; May 18
and 19-Outdoor track at Northwest-
ern; and, May 21 and 22- golf at
The Big Ten coaches andsathletic
directors met in Chicago over Fri-
day and Saturday along with the
faculty board for the purpose of mak-
ing up schedules for the winter
sports and drafting recommenda-
tions of football rule changes to be
presented at the annual meeting of
the national rules - committee which
will meet later on this year.
Want Training Table
The football coaches were virtually
unanimous in proposing that the
Conference again allow the various
schools to provide for a training
table, an institution that has been
discontinued in the Big Ten for sev-
eral years. The coaches recommend-
ed that the training table be re-
sumed on a modified basis, with the
evening meal being the only one at
which the training table would be
it is the contention of the grid
mentors that, due to the fact that
practice in the fall is seldom over un-
til 6 o'clock, the players are forced to
eat cold meals at their various fra-
ternity and boarding houses, a prac-
tice that is harmful to the condition
of the gridders. The recommenda-
tion, provided it is approved by the,
faculty board, will enable al l the
gridmen to eat a carefully supervised
meal in the evening.
Advance Opening Date
In addition they went on record
as favoring the advancement of fall
football practice from Sept. 15 to
Sept. 10. The schedules of all of the
Big Ten teams next year are so
strenuous that it will be necessary
for the teams to play "November
football" from the start of the sea-
son. Michigan, for instance, opens
the 1934 season against Michigan
State, followed on successive Satur-
days by the University of Chicago
and Georgia Tech. All three of these
teams had comparatively successful
seasons and with a wealth of soph-
omore m a t er i a 1, will be much
stronger next fall. In order to ex-
tend the unbeaten record of the Wol-
verines which now stands at 22 con-
secutive games without a defeat, the
Maize and Blue will have to be at
the peak from the start of the sea-
Suggest Changes
The coaches went on record as
favoring the following rule changes:
The removal of the present rule
whereby the ball is declared "dead"
if any part of the runner's body,
other than his hands or feet, touches
the ground; the adoption of the rule
which would allow a forward pass
to be thrown at any point behind
the line of scrimmage; and the re-
instatement of the old "windy day"
rule which would allow the offensive
team in possession of the ball within
their own 20-yard line the option of
either kicking or surrendering the
ball to their opponents at a point
25 yards down the field.
In the Chicago game this year,
Capt. Stanley Fay slipped to his
knees on the Maroon two-yard line
while in the clear,
preventing a sure
Michigan t o u c h-
down as the half
ended before play
could be resumed.
The recommenda-
tion of the coaches
w o u 1 d eliminate
any such happen-
ing. It would also
make legal "Old
"83", one of the FM
scoring plays that has made Mich-
igan teams famous.
The present rule on forward passes
state that the ball must be thrown
at "a point at least five yards be-
hind the line of scrimmage." The
recommendation of the Big Ten
coaches would open the way for quick
passes and would make the passing
attack a more dangerous weapon
than at present.
Helps Offense
The contention that the defense
has a decided advantage over the of-
fense is causing considerable com-
plaint by coaches and this new rule
would be a distinct advantage to the
offensive eleven. The National Foot-
ball League has such a rule and it is
proving successful in providing for a
more varied attack.
The disadvantage u n d e r which
teams are at present on a windy day
would also be eliminated by the re-
instatement of the "windy day" rule.
When the Wolverines d e f e a t e d
Northwestern this fall, a 35-mile
wind was blowing down the field
making it virtually impossible for
Regeczi and Auguston to get any
distance on their punts against the
gale. It is not unusual to see the ball
caught by a gust of wind and drop-
ped almost on the line of scrimmage.
Big Ten Coaches Propose Rule
Changes And Draft Schedules
If Chicago and Northwestern com-
bine before the next football season
comes around members of the Con-
ference are going to have one of the
biggest jobs of their careers in re-
arranging the schedule to suit all
concerned, stated Athletic Director
Fielding H. Yost yesterday.
Yost took Michigan's 1934 sched-
ule to show what the predicament
would be if Chicago and Northwest-
ern became one, for all athletic in-
tents and purposes. Michigan has
a game scheduled with Chicago for
October 13, at Chicago, while she
also has a game on the books with
Northwestern here on November 24.
In the first place the proposed
move would leave Michigan with
only seven games, five Conference
games and an open date. When all
these complications were ironed out
there would still be the question as
to whether the Michigan-ChiNorth
game would be played on Oct. 13 or
Nov. 24, and whether it would be
here or in Illinois. It is probable
that Yost would not look with a
kindly eye on a game with the Chi-
North outfit so early in the season as
Oct. 13, but the team that takes on
Chicago at the later date would also
have a logical right to demand that
Scheduling of an outside team or
a conference team after the first of
the year to fill an open date will be
well-nigh impossible, as Yost pointed
out, since most of the major schools
in the country have their grid cards
made up a year in advance, at least.
The fact that every conference
team usually plays from four to six
games with Big Ten opponents would
cause other complications. For in-
stance if a team is playing only four
Conference games and has both -Chi-
cago and Northwestern on their list,
they'll have to skirmish around for
another team.
It case another team was invited
to join the Conference and wanted
to take active part in the. football
competition in 1934 more major
changes would have to be made.
Notre Dame regularly plays two or
three Conference teams while Ne-
braska and Michigan State both play
one each.
Reorganization of the schedule of
any one of these teams would have.
nationwide effects on grid cards.
Such drastic changes would be nearly
impossible without upsetting sched-
ules from coast to coast, and it is
probable that if any team is admitted
she will not take an active part imtil
1935 at least.
209 South Main - Since 1895
Michigan FG
Ford, rf .........3
Regeczi, rf ......0
Plummer, if ......1
Rudness, if ......0
Allen, e ..........4
Jablonski, c ......0
Oliver, lg ........0
Tomagno, lg.....0
Petoskey, rg ......0
Tessmer, rg ......1
Totals .........9
Michigan State FG
Van Der Roest, rf 0
Van Faasen, if ...1
Patchett, lf......0
Buysse, c........5
Herrick, rg ......1
Riordan, lg......0
Reck, lg........2
1 1 3
0 1 2
1 2 0
1 0 0
1 0 3
0 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 0
1 2 1
0 0 2
7 8 12
0 0 3
3' 0 3
1 0 0
3 0 1
0 4 2
0 0 2
1 2 3
6 8 12
Sports mant
l Find Everything Here
For "Him' or rHer'
Officials: Schommer, University
Chicago; Beam, Western State.
Hanley Picks Two Ohio
Men For Eastern Team
EVANSTON, Ill., Dec. 9.-(P) --
Joe Gailus, guard, and Sid Cillman,
end, of Ohio State, have accepted in-
vitations from Coach Dick Hanley, to
join the east team which will tackle
a picked western team in the an-
nual Shrine benefit football game at
San Francisco January 1.
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