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December 03, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-03

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ill Give

President's Representatives On Movie Code


Ickes Brands
Smith Attacks
As Insincere'

Bosses Liquor Code

Hitler Keeps German Pre

As Symbol Of Reich Unification

. 4V

eture Dec.


:hority On Prehistoric
fe To Relate Problem
f Modern Biologists
of. Ermine C. Case, director of
Museum of Paleontology, will de-
the third lecture of the Uni-
ty Series on "A Modern Biolo-
Attitude Towards the Problem
Ife" at 4 p. m. Thursday, Dec. 7,
atural Science Auditorium.
ofessor Case has been a special-
n paleontology for 40 years and'
fellow of the Geological Society
nerica and the American Associa-
for the Advancement of
ice, member of the noted Philo-
ical Society, and a former presi-
of the Paleontological Society
nerica, of the Michigan Academy
cience, and the Research Club
He should be well qualified to
e the paleobiologists part in de-
ining the history, reasons, and
rs of life, authorities stated.
leobiology is a comparatively re-
science which concerns fossils
meir relation to life as opposed to
ontology, which is the study of
Is as bearing on the geological
of the strata in which they are
ery summer Professor Case goes
the field fossil-hunting, accord-
o Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assist-
to President Ruthven, and he
,vered the largest Permian bone
in Archer County, Texas. He is
cognized authority on the ver-
ate life of Permian and Triassic
>Iler Returns
'rom Two-Day
Surgical Clinic
. Frederick A. Coller, professor
irgery, recently attended a two-
meeting in Boston of a group
he. outstanding surgeons of the
.try. He is one of 10 members
10 group, known as "The Visiting
eons Club," and this is the third
that they have met for the pur-
of study at clinics.
its year the guests, each of whom
lowed to bring two friends, were
ts of the Lahey Clinic, Boston,
:ucted by Dr. Frank Lahey. Their
meetings were held at the Mayo
ic, Rochester, Minn., and the
eland Clinic, Cleveland, 0.
ie of the features of the meet-
was the witnessing by the visi-
of 20 operations at the New
and Deaconess Hospital. Doc-
from Michigan, Missouri, Cana-
Eentucky, Ohio, and Massachu-
make up the membership of
diatrics Will
e Discussed
3y Cooperstack'
nong speakers appearing on the
ram of the joint meeting of the
rican Academy of Pediatrics and
Detroit Pediatrics Society Wed-
ayt aChildren's Hospital in De-
will be Dr. Moses Cooperstack,
tant professor of pediatrics in
Medical School.
se chief topic of discussion will
he effects of the depression on
Iren, as related to the field. It
includes a clinical session in the
Ling and a meeting at which Dr.
ord Grulee, of the University of
ago, will discuss progress made
hildren's care in the last 50 years.

alth Service Has1
/ddition To Staff
recent addition to the University
lth Service staff is Miss Jean
mberlain, of the dietetics staff
he University Hospital, who is do-.
part time work for students. Her
k will be to advise and keep
;k of students in their problems

-Associated Press Photo
President Roosevelt, in extending the arm of government over the
motion picture industry, provided a 90-day trial period during which
he expects a "full report on excessive salaries or other emoluments, both
as to artists and as to executives and their families." The President
named as his representatives on the picture code authority two film
players, Eddie Cantor (left) and Marie Dressler, and A. Lawrence Low-
ell, president-emeritus of Harvard.
Librarian Important Member
Of Cincinnati Symphony Group

A member of the Cincinnati Sym-
phony, which appears here next
Tuesday, who seldom appears on the
stage with them, is Ferd B. Weiss,
the librarian of the organization.
He has been a member of the sym-
phony since its organization nearly
40 years ago. His position carries
with it considerable responsibility. He
is custodian of the orchestral works,
numbering thousands of composi-
Wallace Gives
Federal Award
To Ford Dealer
Gen. Johnson Concurs In
Contract After McCarl
Rules In Its Favor
Henry Ford may not be flying the
Blue Eagle, but he is so nearly com-
plying with the automobile code that
one of his dealers today has a new
contract to furnish possibly 700
trucks for the CCC.
There may, however, be subsequent
study of whether the bid which won
the contract for the Bethesda, Md.,
Ford dealer was under the minimum
price fixed by the code.
Agreement to award the contract
was announced by Secretary Wallace,
who said the decision had been con-
curred in by Hugh S. Johnson, NRA
For weeks the automobile pur-
chases had been held up while of-
ficials decided whether the govern-
ment could buy from Ford since he
had not signed the code.
Comptroller General J. R. McCarl
held that even though Ford had not
signed, his dealers' bids were accept-
able if it were complying with code
Even Johnson said Ford was com-
plying. But subsequently Johnson
wondered publicly whether the bid
for the trucks -the government may
take as many as 700 -was under
the code minimum. That was re-
ferred to McCarl, who said that was
a question for "judicial determina-
tion" and not for the purchasing
agent to decide.
Wallace said the decision to accept
the Ford bid was based "on the ad-
vice of the comptroller general as
the best way to secure compliance
with the President's recovery pro-

tions, and worth many thousands of
When the conductor announces his
program, the librarian's first task is
to check this collection for the in-
clusion of the compositions listed. Mr.
Weiss must also check all of the
parts for accuracy, mark all string
bowings, and place all scores on the
desks of musicians.
The conductor, Mr. Eugene Goos-
sens, depends on him to keep the
music inperfect condition. There
must be no markings other than
those notations of the conductor.
When there is a guest conductor,
Mr. Weiss must make all changes in
the notations according to the inter-
pretation of the particular leader.
Sometimes parts get into bad con-
dition and cannot be replaced by
purchase. It is then the librarian's
task to copy all the missing scores
by hand.
Not content to merely play the
part of general librarian, Mr. Weiss
often takes an actual hand in the
performances themselves. He plays
the trumpet whenever necessary, and
assists in the percussion section at
almost every concert.
Lawyers Urged
By Bar Leders
To Clean House
CHICAGO, Dec. 2--P )-The le-
gal profession had before it today
the challenge of the president of the
American Bar association, Earle W.
Evans, Wichita, Kan., that it "clean
house" and drive some of the
"crooks" from its ranks.
Evans spoke Friday night at a ban-
quet of the Illinois State Bar asso-
ciation and the Chicago Bar associa-
tion in honor of the justices of the
supreme court of the state,sand he
was not long at coming to his point.
"It is never the primary object of
the legal profession to make money,
although we have our black sheep
and confidence men," he said.
"We never heed the parasites in
the profession, who regard it as
merely a means of making money
and who consider they are licensed
to commit all sorts of crimes and
misdemeanors on the public. We can
not help it."
He asked for co-operation in driv-
ing out the crooks" and said he was
inclined to agree with the public and
the newspapers in their belief that
the entire profession was responsible
for its "black sheep."

Disappointed Ambitions
Cause Former Candidate
To Grumble, He Says
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 - () - To
Alfred E. Smith, the public works ad-
ministration is a "failure;" to Har-
old I. Ickes, Smith is "nourishing a
grudge as the result of disappointed
They said so recently, the former!
New York governor in an editorial
in the New Outlook and the PWAI
chief and interior secretary in an an-
swering scatement.
Smith, 1928 Democratic Presiden-
tial candidate, held that the new
$400,000,000 civil works administra-
tion is being created to do the job-
providing scheduled for PWA, a
"crazy, top-heavy structure broken;
with bureaucracy and red tape."~
"Without a complete reorganiza-
tion of the public works administra2'
tion," he continued, "there will be no
more public works under way on Feb.
15 to absorb the civil workers than
there are today to absorb the relief
workers. The civil works program
will certainly afford an alibi for the
incompetents in the public works ad-
To which Ickes replied:
"Mr. Smith is permitting his re-
sentment against the administration
to run away with his judgment. He
is apparently under the illusion that
the coining of sarcastic phrases will
be misunderstood by sober-minded
"The public works administration
has functioned efficiently to date in
spite of Mr. Smith and will survive
this latest outburst. The civil works
administration was a logical develop-
ment of the public works program."
Detroit Institute
Of Arts To Hear
Famous Author
Will Durant, journalist and author
of the famous best seller "The Story
of Philosophy," will speak twice on
Tuesday, Dec. 12, at the Detroit In-
stitute of Arts, according to a recent
Dr. Durant replaces Count Felix
von Luckner, who has been delayed
in Germany on government business,
and who will appear at the museum
later. Mr. Durant will speak at 4
p. m. Tuesday on "The Ten Greatest
Thinkers of the World," and at 8:30
p. in. on "Russia and America," a
.comparison of capitalism and com-
munism. Each lecture will be fol-
lowed by an open forum.
Norman Thomas, celebrated social-
ist, speaks twice at the museum Sun-
day, Dec. 10. At 3:30 p. m. his sub-
ject will be "America and the Next
War" and at 8:30 p. m. "An Analysis
of Conditions in America." An open
forum will follow each lecture. Cap-
tain Carl von Hoffman, colorful Rus-
sian explorer, will give an illustrated
lecture on "Forbidden Trails in Mor-
occo" at 8:30 p. m. Saturday, Dec.
9, at the Museum.
DUBLIN, Irish Free State, Dec. 2.
- U)-The cry "frame-up!" was
raised by the United Ireland party in
reply to the government's charge that
arms and ammunition were found in
the headquarters and homes of mem-
If the charge is true, members of
the so-called "Blue Shirt" party as-
serted, then the alleged confiscated
instruments of combat were "plant-

-Associated Press Photo
James H. Choate, Jr., New York
attorney, was named administrator
for the federal liquor control code.
Co-Education Is
100 Years Old;
beganIn Ohio
Oberlin College Was First
in This Country To Give
Privilege To Women 1
OBERLIN, O., Dec. 2.--(/P)- Co-
education will be 100 years old Sun-
The first institution of higher
learning to adopt co-education, Ober-
lin College, founded Dec. 3, 1833, in
the heart of a wilderness, by the Rev,
John J. Shepherd and Philo P. Stew-
art, a former missionary, will observe
its centennial with exercises in Fin-
ney Chapel.
Dr. Ernest Hatch Wilkins, presi-
dent of Oberlin, is scheduled to de-
liver the Founders Day address be-
fore hundreds of alumni and stu-
"The grand objects of Oberlin In-
stitute," the founders said in 1833,
"are to give the most useful educa-
tion at the least expense of health
and money.
"To extend the benefits of such
education to both sexes; to bring
within reach of the misjudged and
neglected sex all the instructive priv-
ileges which hitherto have unreason-
ably distinguished the leading sex
from theirs."
When Oberlin, named in honor of
Jean Frederic Oberlin, an Alsatian
educator from Eastern France, flung
open its doors 100 years ago, approx-
imately one-third of the enrollment
of 45 was represented by the "mis-
judged and neglected sex."
The college's' policy of admitting
women on an equal basis with men
was looked upon with distrust in
press and pulpit and ridiculed by the
public as "heresy." Today, however,
more than 80 per cent of institutions
of higher learning in the United
States are co-educational.I
The leader in co-education, Ober-
lin, situated 35 miles southwest of
Cleveland, also was the first to admit
students regardless of sect, creed or
race; the first to take a definite stand
against slavery; the first to intro-
duce physical education courses in
the curriculum, and among the first
to adopt the "ranking system" of
grading, officials recalled today.

BERLIN, Dec. 2-(P) -For ob-
vious reasons, Chancellor Adolf Hit-
ler presumably will leave one im-
portant article of Germany's new
constitution either open or in terms
capable of wide interpretation. That
is the article defining the head of
the government.
While the 86-year-old President
von Hindenburg lives and is willing
to continue to function, he will con-
tinue to head the nation with the
title of reich's president.
For a while it seemed almost cer-
tain that Germany's venerable field
marshal might retire after the ple-
biscite and reichstag election of Nov.

No other than Hitler, himself, how-
ever, asked von Hindenburg to con-
tinue after Nov. 12. Here's the way
a cabinet member explained this to
the Associated Press:
"Hitler sees in von Hindenburg the
one man who is the living connect-
ing bond between the empire of Wil-
helm I and II, the 'November repub-
lic' of 1918-33 and the third reich
of the Nazis.
"Now that Hindenburg has com-
pletely allied himself with his youth-
ful chancellor, such a venerable sym-
bol of unity, such a bridge between
the past and the present, is some-
thing that any nation can be happy
to have."
There is another reason for insist-
ing that the aged president remain:
von Hindenburg still clings with all
the devotion of a faithful imperial
officer to the house of Hohenzollern.
Obviously, von Hindenburg would
see as the crowning feature of the
whole work of unification undertaken
by Hitler the re-establishment of the
Hitler's mind, as far as can be
learned, is open on the question; but
not so the mind of the three groups
of followers who constitute the back-
bone of his power-namely, the small
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador-An
eruption of the Izalco volcano caused
considerable ,damage to coffee plan-
tations and livestock farms.
* * *
WASHINGTON -Whether price-
cutting in connection with chain
stores is unfair competition was the
subject of the Federal Trade Com-
nission's report on its investigation
of the chain store system of retail

farmers, the workers, and the Nazi
Storm Troopers.
The small farmers are against
crowned heads; the workers, while
now all organized in one vast Nazi
labor front, have nevertheless been
thoroughly schooled in Marxian phi-
losophy, and the Storm Troopers can
conceive of no other person at the
head of Germany than The Leader.
Many persons speculate that, once
the venerable president is no longer
at the head of the nation, the chief
executive will be called "reich's lead-
The only chance now given the
monarchy by informed political ob-
servers is that of Nazism failing to
make good economically, in which
case Hitler might conceivably take
refuge in a monarchy.
But the program of economic re-
construction is not being allowed to
lag. It is being pushed with all the
vigor characteristic of the aggressive
Nazi government.
The economic reconstruction pro-
gram, said Werner Daitz, chief of
the foreign trade section of the Nazi
foreign political division writing in
the "Diplomaten-Zeitung," will be
governed by five fundamental prin-
ciples. He wrote:
"The first principle is an ancient
farmers' rule: Taxes must not ex-
ceed a tithe and interest half a tithe,
for otherwise they will become, not
conservators and augmenters of the
substance, but its consumers."
In other words, he said, they will
strive to prevent the consumption of
more liquid assets than are produced.
"The second principle proclaims
social peace within the Nazi state
instead of the class war of the Demo-
cratic state." There will be no
strikes, Daitz declared, and no lock-
outs. "Thirteen trustees of labor"
will decide disputes.






RIO DE JANEIRO - Col. Charles
A. Lindbergh advised Pan-American
Airways that he is planning to leave
Bathurst, Gambia, for a flight across
the South Atlantic to Natal, Brazil,
at daybreak tomorrow.
LONDON - According to a dis-
patch from the Daily Mail, President
Eamonn De Valera of the Irish Free
State declared to the British govern-
ment that he intended to continue
his efforts to create an Irish repub-
WASHINGTON - Sen. Duncan U.
Fletcher, chairman of the Senate
stock market committee, said that
the recent inquiry carried on by his
committee indicated that new stock
market laws are in great demand.
NAPLES -Russian Foreign Com-
missar Maxim Litvinov landed after
what he termed "an excellent voy-
age" from the United States.

Sophisticated and Gay.
Reminiscent of an English

PRICE 1.10


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The Michigan Calendar--1934

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needing to increase or
ir weights may have deft-
prescribed for them byj
pontments w i t h Miss'
n. For stout persons who
rtrol in their eating, she
a.t provide stomach-





but not fatten

--- - --a'UL a

ring ULeIO. p i____________________-- ----- - ----------- -- -__





Tried The Breakfast Menu

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