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December 03, 1933 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-03

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THE M, 3J1li 4N. DAj LY

Senior Society
Alumnae Will
Honor Actives
Will Hold Costume Party;
Plah Get-Together For
Transfers After Vacation
The alumnae members of Senior
Society, honorary organization for in-
dependent senior women, will enter-
tain active members at a "kid's"
party Monday, it was announced yes-
terday. The party will include chil-
dren's games and dancing and will
begin at 7:30 p. m. at the Women's
Athletic Building.
The resident alumnae who are
planning the affair include: Miss
Marie Hartwig, who was recently
elected a patroness of the organiza-
tion; Miss Jeanette Saurborn, of the
physical education department of
University High School; Miss Laura
Osgood, Dr. Marianna Smalley, Miss
Ann Zauer, and Susan Wood.
At a recent meeting, Senior Society
women formed preliminary plans for
a get-to-gether to transfer students
to be held shortly after the Christ-
mas vacation. The object, said Char-
lotte Johnson, '34Ed., president, is to
interest students who have just come
from other schools to this campus in
Officers of Senior Society include:
Miss Johnson, Sally Place, '34SM,
vice president; Mary Helen McIntosh,
'34, secretary; and Lucille Root, '34,
treasurer. Patronesses are Miss Ethel
McCormick, Dean-Emeritus Myra B.
Jordan, Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven
and Miss Hartwig.

Co-Eds Build Trojan War Horse OfFlowers

Colorful Collars in
Velvet And Angora
Brigh ten Old Frock
It's about time for old frocks to
be palling and for new and bright
accessories to be at a premium. One
of the best ways of dressing up an
old dress is, as everybody knows, to
put on a new collar and cuff set and
pray that it will fool the public..
Even if the public does catch on
quick it's wonderful what such an
addition will do for one's o w n
The newest collars are all that
could be desired by way of a colorful
note. They are made of satin or
heavy silk and shot with metallic
threads in intricate designs. Some
are made in the popular bow design,
while others are simply bibs and still
others are made so that they stimu-
late the new and popular high cowl.
Velvet collars are not quite so new
but are just as popular. They are
now shown in many new and very in-
tricate designs, but the favorites seem
to be huge bows and loops, which
lend themselves very well to heavy
velvet. Colors are becoming even
more riotous, bright reds, oranges,
and greens being the favorite shades
for this type of neckwear.
Other collars which are more
strictly adapted to the tailored sports
rock are those in angora. These are
shown in simple designs and in all
colors, though many people seem to
favor the white ones which look like
soft, fluffy piles of exceptionally
clean snow.
T heia Xi Entertamns
AtP1 e<lge Formal
At the formal dance honoring the
pledges of T h e t a Xi fraternity,
numerous well-known faculty mem-
bers and campus notables were pres-
ent. Edward McCormick, Union sec-
retary and chairman of the dance,
attended with May Lowery, and Nel-
son Shaw, house president, w i t h
Betty Boer.
Mary Pray, who. recently appeared
in "Round Table," was. the guest of
Harry Pick, and Rita Perterson ap-
peared with Walter Simons. Jay
Pozz, Ken Hildreth, Dave Zimmer-
man, Bob Fouss, and Mary Heckner
were also present.
Others who attended as guests of
the members were Betty Sweens,
Marion Heckalhorn, Gertrude Jean,
R u t h Boomhawer, Barbara Hiel,i
Peggy Holden, Helen Graham, Grace I
Haxton, Lorraine Waele, Jane Reed,
Aidel Hardy, Elizabeth Moore,
Bettna Rightmire, Saxon Finch, Es-
ther Lincoln, Helen McGaw, Mary
Cary, Mary Hunington, Betty Swes-
ter, Virginia Repy, Helen Bender
Fichie, Francis Rosewarne, and Mary
Jean White.

To Be J.G.P. Director

McCracken Points Out Rea
For Participation In Class

There are definite educational ad-
vantages to be gained from participa-
tion in class productions as well as
opportunities for social contact, ac-
cor~ding to Russell McCracken, who is
becoming increasingly active in cam-
pus dramatic work.
Not only is class feeling stimulated,
he said, but in working out these
projects there are possibilities for all
types of expression in music, scenery
and costume design, stagecraft, play-
writing, as well as singing and danc-
The junior Girls Play, for example,
Mr. McCracken remarked, has de-
veloped more and more each year
from the amateur stunt night type of
performance. In the work of design-
ing the scenery, and constructing and
painting the "sets," the students
learn from experience in a social way
what they might well get in class.
There are opportunities for every
junior no matter what her past ex-
perience or talent, he suggested, and
a fine chance to get valuable train-
ing. Each field offers definite prob-
lems that must be overcome, he said,
as in the musical compositions it will
be necessary this year to develop a
type of unified modern arrangements
entirely different from the usual type

chorus learning the lyrics' to a
and harmonizing those parts e
worked out, Mr. McCracken sta
Maxine Maynard is being ass
this fall by Prof. Arthur Hac
prominent in music circles, and
groups are first learning co:
breathing and diction.
So many persons believe that
ing consists of a mere "exhibit
and in working with the cast
necessary to teach them the imp
ance of bodily movement, stage I
ence, and other phases of good
matics as taught in regular c
work, he brought out.
Mr. McCracken, who has bea
familiarly known as "Russ" to
students working with him, was
first man in 10 years to direc
J.G.P. when he worked on "Love
the Run" last year. Prof. John
flrumm had preceded him.
Continuing his work with
Production since his graduatioi
1932, he has been an instructor ir
department and during the past t
summers has been on the staff of
Michigan Repertory Players. Mr.
Cracken is at present working '
the Sophomore Cabaret, "Come
Sometime," and the League Fair,
also is directing the activities of
Children's Theatre.

-Associated Press Photo
Women students at the University of Southern California are busy
constructing a huge Trojan war horse of flowers to welcome 18,000
former students at the annual homecoming celebration Dec. 19 in Los
Angeles. Lower: Draxy Trengove (left) and Donna Whitehorn. Top:
Claire Carpenter (left) and Lois'Knopsnyder.
Hawaiian Student Explains Why
Hawaii Is 'Paradise Of Pacific'

Work 9f Japanese
Woodblock Masters
1s On Exhibition
Twenty-five examples of the paint-
ing of the Japanese woodblock mast-
ers of the Eighteenth and early
Nineteenth Centuries including orig-
inals of Hokusai, Harunobu, and
Kaigetsudo, are on exhibition now in
the galleries of Alumni Memorial
Hall with the showing of 250 modern
Japanese color prints.
They are mostly figure paintings,
remarkable for their work in design
and color, according to Prof. John G.
Winter, director of the division of
fine arts. "Young Lady Reading a
Letter" by Hokusai is' one of the
famons Ukiyoe paintings featured in
the show. The woodblocks of these
masters are well known, he said, but
the paintings are quite rare.
All of the best contemporary mas-
ters of the woodblock printing are
represented in this exhibition, Pro-
fessor Winter said. Among those be-
ing shown are beautiful landscape
examples by the master of this form
of prints, Hasui. Shinsui, leading
figure painter today, is also repre-
sented by a number of works.h f
An outstanding print is that of
Shire of "Shinobazu Pond," which
was universally recognized the best
of 1932. This collection is undoubt-
edly the best and most complete of
Japanese works of art that has ever
been shown in this State, Professor
Winter stated.
The galleries will be open free ev-
ery day from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. and
on Sunday from 2 to 5 p. m. during
the month of December.
Mr. Einosuke Yamanouchi, who
brought the exhibition to Ann Ar-
bor, is the American representative
of a number of Japanese artists and
collector and lives in Cambridge,

It is rather hard to believe that
the classic dance known here and
elsewhere as the hula hula had its
origins in purely religious ceremonies.
But such is the assertion made by
Rose Shon, '34, Hawaiian student,
:nember of Senior Women's Society
and of Phi Lambda Theta, honor-
ary education fraternity.
"The hula as presented in this coun-
try has many American innovations,
probably introduced for commercial
reasons," declares Miss Shon. "Orig-
inally, the dance was done by the
Hawaiians in honor of their goddess
Pali. It is supposed to tell a story,
the actions of the narrative being
represented by the movements of the
hands. Thus, in the Islands the
dance is an artistic, creative work.
Incidentally, Miss Shon is proficient
at the dance herself.
"The skirts worn in dancing on
the Islands," she explains, are made
of green Ti leaves, which are about
the same width and length as young
banana leaves. A skirt is used for
only one dance and then discarded.
The lad, or garland of flowers worn
around the neck, is part of the cos-
Flowers are used for decorations
on all occasions because they are so
abundant. The orchid, epitome of
exotic luxury here, is sold for five
cents on the streets of Honolulu.
The night blooming cereus is a plant
son rare in the United States that
the blooming of one is heralded as
Council Expects To
Hold Formal Dance
The Interfraternity Council formal
will be held in the ballroom of the
League Jan. 5, with tickets priced at
approximately $1.50 a couple, it was
announced yesterday by Alvin Schlei-
fer, '35, who is in charge of prelim-
inary arrangements for the dance.
Several out-of-town bands are un-
der consideration for the dance, al-
though as yet there has been no de-
cision made. Attendance at the
dance will be limited to 250 couples.
The committees in charge of the
dance are attempting to obtain late
permission for women for the eve-

an event in the tabloids, but in Ha-
waii many of the blossoms appear
every night, and are, Miss Shon de-
clares, very beautiful in the moon-
light. "The business district of
Honolulu," she says, "more closely
resembles a residential district, since
plants grow around all the buildings."
While we in Ann Arbor are bat-
tling the ravages of winter, inhab-
itants of Hawaii are probably bask-
ing on the sands of the Hawaii
beach. Swimming is an all-year-
round sport there, since the tempera-
ture stays always between 70 degrees
and 85 degrees. The coral reef sur-
rounding the main island keeps the
sharks away from the bathing areas.
"Hawaii is a real mecca for pleas-
ure seekers," states Miss Shon. "It
is a sort of happy, ideal isle. There
is no race hatred. Everyone gets
along beautifully with everyone else.
It truly deserves its title of the
'Paradise of the Pacific.'"

Russel McCracken signed a con-
tract yesterday to direct the Junior
Girl's Play next year.
Dames To Fete
rs. Ruthven
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven will
be entertained at a tea by the board
of faculty advisers of the Michigan
Dames at 4 p. m. Tuesday in the
small ballroom of the Union. The
incoming and retiring faculty ad-
visers are also being honored.
Hostesses for the affair include:
Mrs. George E. Carrothers, Mrs.
Dwight L. Dumond, Mrs. Carl Hu-
bei, Mrs. Frederick W. Peterson,
Mrs. Emory Sink, Mrs. Ira Smith,
and Mrs. Clifford Woody. The in-
coming members of the board of ad-
visers are Mrs. William W. Bishop,
Dr. Margaret Bell, Mrs. Emil Lorch,
and Miss Ethel McCormick. Retir-
ing advisers are Mrs. Allen S. Whit-
ney, Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Mrs.
James D. Bruce, Mrs. Evans Hol-
brook, and Mrs. Paul Leidy.
All members of the Dames are in-
vited to attend. The club is open to
the wives of Michigan students.
Pi Beta Phi Sorority Will
Sell Settlement Products
Products made by the Pi Beta Phi
settlement school will be on sale from
10 a. in. to 5 p. m. next Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday at the Pi
Beta Phi house. Handmade furni-
ture, woven goods, baskets, and re-
finished antiques are included among
these articles made by Tennessee
women. The annual sale is held un-
der the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi, of
which Mrs. Paul S. Barker is the
president. Mrs. Edgar H. Gault is
chairman of the sale. The public is
Korean, Philippine Clubs
To Honor National Hero

rOlli r
ALL, i

Singing is no longer

a matter of a

Chlre' hete

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"Good dancing there was at the
Union" say the campus notables who,
went there Friday night to see the
Union band-leader brandish his ba-
ton over the black-monkey-jacketed '
Colors are returning to prominence'
over the so-popular black to judge
from the gowns seen for informal
dancing. Kay Carpenter, noted in
campus dramatics, wore red withI
white diagonal stripes. Mary Gay-
lord chose b 1 a c k accented with
touches of white. Julia Mary Hackett
used the popular metallic note in her
dark skirt combined with a metal
threaded blouse.
Evelyn Arnold wore brick red, with
clever vertical slits in the back. Mary
Rise, Delta Gamma, chose green;
while Virginia Chapman, of Gar-
goyle gardenia fame, wore red with
black trim. Marie Heid, J.G.P. dance
chairman, wore an unusual gown of
blue velvet, cut intricately to swirl
about the ankles. With it she donned
a Mae West hat of the same material.
Miss Alberta Heid,-Pittsburgh, chose
copper-rust velvet.

Junior Group, A.A.U.W.
To Hold Monthly Meeting
The Junior Group of the A.A.U.W.
will hold its monthly meeting next
Wednesday at the Union. There will
be a dinner at 6:15 p. m., followed
by a program in charge of Mrs. Les-
lie Rittershofer, social chairman, as-
sisted by Miss Blossom Bacon, pres-
ident. There will be a reading by
Mrs. Allison Ray Heaps, and several
vocal solos by Mrs. John Johnstone
and Mr. George Alder.



The Korean and Philippine-Mich-
igan clubs will hold a meeting at 3
p. m. today at Lane Hall. The pur-
pose of the meeting will be to dis-
cuss plans for a celebration in honor
of their national hero, Jose Rizal,
who died recently. The celebration
will be held in the near future.

Telephone 2-3251 for Your Appointment

Where To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan:
"Berkeley Square" with Leslie How-
ard; Majestic, "Broadway Through A
Keyhole" with Russ Colombo and
Constance Cummings; W h i t n e y,
"Dance, Girl, Dance" with Evelyn
Knapp and Alan Dinehart.
Dancing: Chubb's, Hut, Dixie Inn,
Preketes, Joe Parker's.
It is possible to show that the uni-
verse occupies the interior of a sphere
of ordinary Euclidean space, of which
the boundary expands with the ve-
locity of light. -Prof. E. A. Milne
of Oxford.
Wishing - --
for just another
Ne'w Soft Woolens-
for campus and travel,
at $8.95 and upwards
Tailored Silks for any day-
time occasion. '
Brightly Colored "A ft e r-
r';Pi v." T'rnl * z ' t 41 7 75

SWhen You ravel
Let a Permanent Campus Organization make
your arrangements at no increase oVer
regular tariff rates.
Airplane, Steamship, Railway and Hotel
Reservations in any part of the world.
"American Express World-Wide Service"


-0 aEspeciallyM defor
1-HE Official Kodaks that we're showing have
been especially planned to meet the needs of
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls-and
youngsters generally. They're sturdily built; they
make good pictures.. . easily and simply.
Each carries the official insignia of its respective
organization. Give at least one this Christmas, Any
youngster would be delighted to get it.




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