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November 23, 1933 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-23

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
Until 3:30; 11:30 a. m Saturday.r


VOL. XLIV No. 52x
To All Faculty and Staff Mem-
bers: The campus telephone direc-
tory as of October 20, 1933 has been
distributed to all offices insofar as
possible. Directories will be sent to1
any offices overlooked in the dis-
tribution upon request to the Uni-
versity Business Office.
Freshmen from the following'
schools are reminded of the confer-
ences with their principals in the
Registrar's Office, Thursday, Novem-
ber 23:
Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Bay City,
irmingham, Cranbrook, Culver,
Dearborn, Detroit, (Cass, Central,
Cooley, Country Day, Miss Newman's,
Northeastern, Northern, Northwest-
ern, Redford, Southwestern, West-
ern), Eaton Rapids, Flint, Fordson,
Grosse Pointe, Highland Park, Howe,
Jackson, Kalamazoo Central, Kings-
wood, Lansing, Monroe, Mt. Clem-
ens, New Trier, Northville, Owosso,
Plymouth, Pontiac, Saginaw, Univer-
sity (meeting at High School), Ver-
milion, Walkerville, Wayne, Whitmer,
Wyandotte: Roosevelt, Ypsilanti.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Freshmen enrolled in Political Sci-
ence I, having appointments with
their principals this morning between
11:00 and 12:00 o'clock, should re-
port at the Registrar's office for such
appointments between 10:00 and
11:00 o'clock in order to avoid missing
the lecture at 11:00 o'clock.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.

"Evidence Bearing on the Interpreta-
tion of Variable Bright Lines in Stel-
lar Spectra." Tea will be served at
Political Science Journal Club
meets in the Political Science Sem-
inar Room, 2037 A. H., 3:00 to 5:00
p. .

Applied Mechanics Colloquium:
Prof. A. A. Jakkula - "The Theory of
Suspension Bridges;" Prof. M. J.
Thompson - Review of Literature.-
Meeting will be held in Room 4451
West Engineering Building at 7:30
p. m.
Tota Alpha: Regular meeting at
7:30 p. m. in room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg.
Professor J. H. Muyskens will address
the society on "The Mother Tongue."
All graduate engineering students are
cordially invited to attend this meet-
A.S.C.E.: Meeting at the Union at
7:30 p. m.
Quarterdeck Society initiation at
3:30 p. m. in the Naval Tank. Ban-
quet promptly at 6:00 at the Union.
Phi Delta Kappa: Michigan Union,
4 p. m. Initiation ceremony, with
banquet at 6:00. Dr. W. W. Patty of
the Univ. of Indiana will deliver the
address. Special invitation to mem-
bers of Phi-Delta Kappa from other
All Members of the Faculty and all
ORC who are interested in establish-
ing a faculty team and regular classes
in rifle and pistol marksmanship will
meet at the R.O.T.C. Headquarters
at 7:30 p. in., to discuss organiza-
tion, purchase of ammunition, etc.
Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting in Mich-
igan League, 8:00 p. m. Arnold Price
will talk on 'the German "Gymna-
sium." For members and all inter-
Polonia Literary Circle: Important
meeting, at 8 p. in., Michigan League.
Program is being planned which will
be of interest to all members.
University Girl's Glee Club: Special
full rehearsal at the League from
7:15 to 8:45. No absentees are al-
Varsity Glee Club: Very important
rehearsal at 7:15 p. m. All members
absent without excuse from this
meeting will be dropped. New music!
for Detroit, Dearborn, and Battle'
Creek concerts will be issued.

Upperclassmen: Former students
of the schools listed above are invited
to call at the Registrar's Office, No-
vember 23 to meet with' the prin-
cipals. e you will call Extension373
you can learn at what hours your
principal Will be havi4g interviews.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Women Students Attending the
Northwestern - Michigan Football
Game: Women students wishing to
attend the NQrthwestern-Mchigan
football game are required to register
in the Office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents
must be received in the Dean of
Women's Office not later than
Thursday, November 23. If a student
wishes to go otherwise than by train,
special permission for -such mode of
travel must be included in the par-
ent's letter.
Graduate women also are invited
to register in the office.
Byrn Fox Bacher,
Asst. Dean of Women.

oreign students, New York, and for
ears a friend of Chinese students.
All Chinese students, Christian or
ion-Christian, are cordially invited
be present.
Music Section of the Faculty Wom-
en's Club meets at 8 p. m. at the
home of Mrs. C. T. Johnston, 1335
Hill St. A program of our Earliest
American music will be presented
under the direction of Mrs. H. W.
Those who plan to attend are re-
quested to notify Mrs. Raymond
Mathews, 3354.
Faculty Woman's Club: Regular
monthly meeting at 3 p. in., Mich-
igan League Ballroom. A special fea-
ture will be a demonstration of the
making of Christmas decorations.
Faculty Wives and Michigan
Dames: There will be an informal
meeting of all Dames interested in
sewing and nursery work at Wesley
Hall (now Stalker Hall) in back of
the Methodist Church on State St.,
at 2:30 p. m. Members of the Dames
who would like to shop or who have
social engagements for the afternoon
are invited to leave their children in
the care of those in charge. Faculty,
wives who wish to avail themselves of
this opportunity to have their chil-
dren cared for during the afternoon
are urged to do so. The charge for
the afternoon to faculty wives will be
twenty-five cents. There will be com-
petent supervision including a nurse,
and parents are asked to co-operate
by not bringing children who have
The Vanguard Club: "Thirty Days
in Russia"- a motion picture taken
by Mr. A. Abrams in 1932 -will be
shown on the third floor of the
Michigan Union at 7:30 p. m. under
the auspices of the Vanguard Club.
No admission charge. The public is
cordially invited.
Hillel Foundation: There will be a
tea at the Foundation from 4 to 6.
It will be sponsored by the indepen-
dent girls.
A Discussion of the NRA will be
held by the National Student League
at 8:15 p. m. in Natural Science Au-
ditorium on the topic "The NRA -
Success or Failure?" The speakers are
Joseph C. Hooper, chairman of the
local NRA Compliance Board, and A.
B. Magil, editor of the Auto Workers'
News of Detroit. The public is invited,
Coming Events
All Women in Education: A very
important meeting is being held on
Monday, November 27, from 7:30 to
9:00in the Library of the University
Elementary School Library. All are
requested to attend.
The Graduate Outing Club will
hold an over-night hike this week-
end. Meet in front of Angell Hall Sat-
urday at 2 p. m. and hike to Camp
Newkirk. Every person must provide
his own blankets. Please make reser-
vation as soon as possible. Phone
3465. Bring 75c to cover expenses.
Transportation will be provided for
blankets and any necessary articles.
Phone for information or possible
variation of above plans. All grad-
uate students invited.
Stalker Hall: Special party. Extra-
ordinarily good program starting at
8 o'clock sharp. Dancing and refresh-
ments. Everyone invited. Friday, Nov.
24. Tickets 35c.
O'Neill Asked To Talk At
Conference Of Teachers

Professor J. M. O'Neill of the
speech department has been invited
to speak at the opening session, Dec.
27, of the convention of the National
Association of Teachers of Speech
in New York, an announcement re-
ceived here recently revealed. The
convention will be held in the Penn-
sylvania Hotel, Dec. 27, 28, and 29.
This will be the second time that
Prof. O'Neill has spoken on "The
Professional Outlook" before the as-
sociation. As the first president of
the association, Prof. O'Neill ad-
dressed the convention in Chicago
in November, 1915, on the outlook at
that time. Because of the many
changes since that time, Lee Emer-
son Bassett of Stanford University,
and now president of the association,
has asked Prof. O'Neill to discuss the
question in its present aspects.
Today and Friday
MATINEES 2:00 - 3:30
EVENINGS 7:00 - 9:00
W ~PeaGY d~Russell HOPTON

-Associated Press Photo
Joseph Weldon Bailey, Jr., of Dal-
las, now a congressman-at-large
from Texas, has announced his can-
didacy for the United States Senate
seat now held by Tom Connally.
Prof. Donaldson
Makes Address
Before ForumI
States That Skyscrapers
Can Be 'Functional And
Beautiful' In Structure
"I can see no reason why our mod-
ern skyscrapers could not be both
functional and beautiful in struc-
ture" stated Prof. Bruce Donaldson of
the division of fine arts, in his lecture
yesterday on the "Fundamenta
Principles of Painting and Architec-
ture." His was the second of a group
of five forums being held at 4:15 p. m
on successive Wednedays to try, and
determine the question "Do Certain
Fundamental Principles Run through
All Art?"
Continuing, Professor Donaldson
said that in his opinion the modern
skyscraperhad little principle of der
sign. He also said that the chief pur-
pose of a work of art is to expres
emotional appeal.
"There are two basic principles o
art," he stated. First, the artist mus
decide upon the unity of design and
expression, and scondly he mus
consider hiscolor values and the rela
tion of light to dark."
According to Professor Donaldson
the two techniques of art are "tight
and "loose." The former is the abso
lute delineation of the figure whil
the latter is an impressionistic inter
pretation of the figures. He showe
slides illustrating his points.
Next Wednesday Prof. Glenn D.
McGoech will lecture on music Th
week following Prof. Bennett Weave
of the English department will lec
ture on literature. Dec. 13, Prof. De
witt Parker ofthe philosophy depart
ment will review all of the previou
lectures and interpret the various art
in their relation to aesthetics.
Explains Treatment For
Severe Infant's Disease
A new treatment for summer diarr
hoea, an infant's disease with a deat
rate of 35 per cent of those severel
afflicted, was recently explained t
the University of Michigan Pediatri
and Infectious Disease Society ata
meeting here, by Dr. John L. Law o
the University Hospital pediatrics de
partment. The disease can be con
trolled and the mortality rate cut t
10 per cent with the new method
Dr. Law said..
The treatment withholds all foo
by mouth and supports life by con
tinuous injections of food, thus carry
" ing fluids into the veins. No mortalit
followed the University hospital case
treated this way, and the method i
such that any institution can admin
ister it, according to Dr. Laws.
The doctor said that all cases o
infant intestinal intoxication ar
dangerous and should be put on th
injection treatment at once.
In the library of the Universit
of Indiana are many valuable Japa
nese prints which had been used a
wrapping paper many years ago an
found just recently in a trash heap

Seeks Senate Post

Approve Fund
For Education
Of Unemployed
Grant To Be Presented To
Minnesota Colleges For
New Experiment
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 22. -
A $120,000,000 work relief grant, to
be expended on higher education for
1,000 unemployed Minnesota youth
whose families are on public relief
rolls, has been approved by the Fed-
eral government. The funds, which
will go to the University of Minne-
sota and state colleges, will make'
possible the first experiment of its
kind in the annals of education and
Federal relief.
Under provisions of the Federal ap-
propriation the entire sum will be
given to the state board of control to
administer over a four-month period.
Applicants will be selected by Dr.
Harold Benjamin, assistant dean of
the College of Education and director
of the Minnesota Relief for Unem-
ployed Youth.
Terms provide for a $15 per month
grant to each accepted applicant out
of Federal funds for living expenses,
with the remainder of the expense
handled by the local government. All
schools included in the plan will
waive tuition fee.
With the state government forced
to find some means of adding at least
$10 per month to the Federal sub-
sidy, state taxpayers may protest the
plan, Governor Floyd B. Olson has
predicted. The governor will appear
'before his youth relief commission at
an early date to discuss ways and
'means of raising approximately $40,-
009 in state funds for the project.
At the University present plans call
for the housing of all women in the
group in a dormitory on the farm
campus, with men lodged on the main
campus. Food will be provided
through the service enterprises or-
ganization and books and supplies
will be furnished by a faculty com-
Movies Called
s trog Weapon
For Good, Evil
- DETROIT, Nov. 22. - The movie is
the most powerful weapon for good
or evil in the country, according to
Rev. Frederic Siedenburg, executive
- dean of the University of Detroit, and
e a member of the Motion Picture Re-
search Council of America.
d "The motion picture," he said,
"proclaims its message to 77,000,000
people every week and that means
e the equivalent of every intelligent
r man, woman, and child. Since the
- average intelligence in the United
- States is not much more than the
- seventh grade, it influences not only
s the plastic minds of youth, but the
is susceptible minds of adults . . . For
all practical purposes the mind of
America is the mind of Hollywood.
"Not only manners and morals, but
speech and standards of living are
determined by the current favorites
of the film. Not only feminine styles
- but even physiques, are said to be set
h by a woman once jailed for indecency
y "Eleven million children under 14
o view the movies once a week, and
c the fact that our crime is juvenile
a crime indicates that its inspiration a
f well as its technique comes from th
movies. We are at the same time the
- most movie-ized nation in the worl

o and the most criminal.
d, "Fundamentally, the motion pic-
ture is a great invention and shoulc
d be a paramount blessing for man-
- kind."

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
cash in advance-11e per reading line
(on-basis of five weraget'words to
lino) for one or two lnsertions.
10c per reading line for three or more
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or tlvo insertions.' I
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimuzm three lines per insertion,.
By con'tract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month. ...... ..... ............8c
4 lines E. O. D.. 2 months.........3c
2 lines daily, college year.........7c
4 lines E. 0 a p., solieeyear. ..c
3l1 lines used as desired'.......9c
300 lines used as, desired ........ 8C
1,000 lines used as desired ........73
2,000 lines ased as desired........6
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eigl. t reading linesper inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters.Acd 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
Wec per line to above rates for bold face
capital Iletters.
The above rates are for 7=,2 point
ty pe.
TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. 1x

FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001.
1933, 1932, 1931, 1930 models. 12x
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates.
LIRETTE'S shampoo and finger wave
75c every day. Dial 3083. 103
LOST: Reward for return, maroon
knit stocking cap. Lost on Diag-
onal or State, Sunday. Box 17.
LOST: Gold watch Friday :morning,
Angell Hall. Reward, no questions.
Call Cheever, 4917. 166
WE DO your laundry work for one-
half the usual price. Phone 2-3739.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
new suits ana overcoats. Will pay
3, 4, a, and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann
Arbor, 4306, Chicago Buyer. 5x


Allen Addresses Thumb
DIisrIct Edison roup
Speaking before the Marysville
Thumb District Edison Club last
Monday, Prof. Shirley W. Allen of
the School of Forestry and Conser-
vation tol6 of "Adventures With
Lawnmakers and Lobbyists."
Professor Allen was connected with
the American Forestry Association
from 1924 to 1928. This institution
was interested in getting more com-
prehensive conservation laws enacted
by Congress and Professor Allen, who
served in an advisory capacity, gained
much knowledge of the political life
at Washington.

ATTRACTIVE, warm room with pri-
vate bath. First floor of home.
Comfortable for 1 or 2 men. Phone
3768. 175
For every pint of beer a person
drinks he will have to play squash
for half an hour to work ofa the en-
ergy supplied. - Prof. E. C. Boads,
University of London.


We Reserve
"Zo o in Budapest"
for the
Thanksgiving Week-End

r419 9 oi.;i-
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We manufacture new hats and retail them as low as
$2.45, $2.95 and $3.50. We also make hats to order and do
high class work in cleaning and blocking hats as low as 50
cents for genuine hand work.
W. W. Maxn ' 617 Packard Street (Near State)

Swimming Club - Women Stu-
dents: Tryouts for the Swimming
Club will be held at the Union Pool
on Thursday evening, November 23 at
8:30; Saturday 'morning, November
25 at 9:00; and on Tuesday evening,
November 28 at 8:30.r
Events Today
Geological and Geographical Jour-
nal Club: Meeting at'8'p. m. in room
2054 N. S. Dr. A. J. Eardley will speak
on "A New Aspect of the Glaciation
of the Uinta Mountains" and Pro-
fessor K. C. McMurry will speak on
"A Geographical Reconnaissance of
the Lower Rio Grande Valley." All
those interested are cordially invited
to attend.
Observatory Journal Club meets in
the Observatory class room, at 4:15.
Dr. D. B. McLaughlin will speak on

Freshmen Girls' Glee Club rehear-'
sal at the'League at 7:00 p. m. sharp.
Be prompt!
Sophomore Women: All girls out
for singing for the Cabaret report
at the League at 5:00 p. m. Mimeo-
graphed copies of the songs to be
sung may be procured at the League.
Music for Junior Girls' Play: All
persons, of any class, interested in
working on the music composition,
orchestration, or lyric writing for the
Junior Girls Play are urged to attend
the meeting at 5 o'clock in the
League. Outlines of the play will be
Chinese Students' Christian Asso-
ciation will hold a special meeting
7:20 to 8:00 p. m. in the "Upper
Room," Lane Hall, to hear Mr. C. D.
Hurrey, general secretary of the com-
mittee on friendly relations among

FAIRGROUNDS (Out Jackson Avenue)
Our INDOOR RING wil be open all winter for
Only 50c P ITOJR --Daytime and Evenings.
Transportijpon for Four or More FREE
Phones 7418-- 5189




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