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September 26, 1933 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-09-26

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TUESDAY, SEPT. 26, 1933


Noted Artists
Secured For
1 Choral Series
Piatigorsky, Rachmanin-
off, Olszewska, Kreisler
And Pons To Be Here
Lily Pons, Fritz Kreisler, Serge
Rachmaninoff, Maria Olszewska and
Gregor' Piatigorsky are among the
noted artists to appear in Ann Ar-
bor at the 10 concerts of the 1933-34
Choral Union Series, one of the most
brilliant groups of recitals ever ar-
ranged by Charles A. Sink, president
of the School of Music.
Though the list of stars includes
many of the world's most renowned
musicians, the price of tickets for-
the series has been materially re-
duced in accordance with general
economic trends.
Season tickets for patron's seats,
located in the three center sections
of the main floor and the first bal-
cony, are now priced at $10, as con-
trasted with the former price of $12.
Seats in the side sections of the
main floor and the first balcony,
originally priced at $10, will sell for
$8.50; seats in the front portion of
the second balcony have been re-
duced from $8 to $7; and the re-
maining seats in the second bal-
cony are now priced at $5 instead
of $6.
Tickets for individual concerts
have received a corresponding reduc-
tion in price. Beginning Oct. 20,
four days before the initial concert,
all season tickets not sold will be
broken up into lots for each con-
cert. Formerly sold for $2.50, $2,
and $1.50, these tickets will be sold
this year for $2, $1.50, and $1. The
$2 tickets will be for seats on the
first floor, the $1.50 tickets for seats
in the first balcony, and the remain-
ing ones for seats in the second bal-
Inyaddition to the aforementioned
stars, the 1933-34 series will also
present Poldi Mildner, famed seven-
teen-year-old pianist who will make
her first Ann Arbor appearance Feb.
15; and the Vienna Boys Choir, mak-
ing its initial American tour this
year, appearing in Ann Arbor at the
third concert of the series, Nov. 22.
Three well-known symphony or-
ganizations in three concert appear-
ances are also included in the cur-
rent season. For the initial concert,
Oct. 24, the Boston Symphony Or-
chestra, under the direction of Dr.
Serge Koussevitzky, will present a
varied program. The Cincinnati
SymphonyOrchestrahwill give the
fourth concert Dec. 5, and the De-
troit Symphony Orchestra will pre-
sent the ninth program Feb. 21.

Bailey Looks Worried In Court Appearance

Seven Important Interpretations Of The Auto Ban


The following interpretations of
the auto ban have been released by
Walter B. Rea, assistant to the dean
of students. Students are advised to
keep this article for future reference.
General Interpretations of the
Auto Ban
(1) No student. in attendance at
the University from and after the
beginning of the first semester of
the University year 1933-1934 shall
operate any motor vehicle,. In ex-
ceptional and extraordinary cases in
the discretion of the dean of stu-
dents this rule may be relaxed. The
automobile regulation will become
effective at 8 a. m. on Monday, Sept.
25 and all regularly enrolled stu-
dents, other than those indicated in
paragraph 7 are requested to avoid
any driving or usv of their cars un-
til permits have been obtained at
the Office of the Dean of Students,
Room 2 University Hall.
(2) The automobileregulation
governs the use * of a car as well as
the operation of one; consequently it
is not permissible for a student to
use his car, or a family owned car,
for social, personal, or any other
purposes when the car is driven by
a non-student who is not a member
of his imnediate family.
(3) A student receiving permission

to -use an automobile must adhere
strictly to the terms of his permit.
Before any driving is done, student
permit tags must be attached to the
State license plates in such a man-
ner as to insure easy visibility. Any
act of driving, without permission
from this office, or with permit tags
unattached, will be considered vio-
lation of the ruling and will be dis-
ciplined accordingly.
(4) All permits must be renewed
when the 1934 State license plates
are required or as soon as the new
tags are purchased. At such time,
new sets of permit tags bearing the
current license number will be is-
sued at no additional cost to the
holders. All permit tags obtained
this fall will be void as soon as it is
unlawful to drive with 1933 State li-
cense plates. Hence, aftear that date,
any operation of the car, while us-
ing permit tags bearing the old li-
'-nse number will constitute a vio-
(5) Where any appreciable saving
in transportation costs is realized,
students may drive their cars to Ann
Arbor, and place them in dead stor-
age until vacation periods. This pro-
vision will not be available to stu-
dents whose homes are relatively

close to the University, for example,
cities within a 150-mile radius of
Ann Arbor. Such an arrangement
when approved, will not entitle the
owners of the cars to any especial
consideration with respect to tem-
porary or week-end driving privi-
leges. Full information on stored
cars, including name and address of
owner, make, type, and license num-
ber of car, and location of storage,
must be ,reported to this office before
the beginning of the school year.
After that date, cars may not be
brought to Ann Arbor, unless the cir-
cumstances are first approved by this
(6) The operation of a car by an
odt of town student, in and about
his home will not be considered a
matter of concern to University au-
thorities, provided:
(a) The car is not driven through
or within the immediate vi-
cinity of Ann Arbor.
(b) Such' driving does not involve
a violation of any law or traf-
fic ordinance.
(7) Students within the following

groups may apply for exemption
from the ruling by calling in person
at the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents and reporting the make, type;
and license number of car:
(a) Those who are 28,years of age,
or older.
(b) Those who are receiving credit
for not more than five hours
of academic work per semes-
(c) Those who hold University po-
sitions which entitle them to
the faculty rating of teaching
assistant, or its equivalent.
There were only 33 commercial
failures in Texas during August, 1933,
according to the University of Texas
Bureau of Business Research. This
number is the smallest on record
since 1920 with the exception of 1928,:
when only 28 firms failed. Forty-one.
were recorded for July, 1933, and 70
for August, 1932. The average for
August, 1930, 1931, and 1932, is 72.

-Associated Press Photo
Here is a closeup of Harvey Bailey, southwest desperado, as he
appeared in Federal court at Oklahoma City at the trial of himself
and several others in the kidnaping of Charles F. Urschel.

""x r




- - -


A New Deal For Your
Food Budget...
Eat at this New Tavern Cafeteria and See For Yourself ...
This Noon's Special
Swiss Steak a la Tavern. . . ...........15c
-a choice steer steak - griiied and then baked in the
oven for four hours to insure a satisfying flavor.
Tonight's Specials
Grilled Tenderloin Steak.... . . 15c
Grilled Small Sirloin Steak.. .15c
Breaded Pork Chop.......... 10c
Baked Virginia Ham........:...15c
and many others

N. R.I. P



Weare serving a
25c Luncheon
and a
40c Dinner
The Parrot

Back to Ann Arbor
Milk and Ice Cream are the two foods
which will keep you pepped up through
your school year. Both are important
items on training-table menus.
Get the Habit !
And to insure having the best, insist that
both come from the most modern dairy
in Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor D)airy Con.
Catherine at Fourth Avenue
PHONE 4101

All Soups, Vegetables - Salads- Potatoes -
Cakes - Pies - Desserts - Ice Cream --
Coffee - Tea -and Milk-



338 Maynard Street

Mike Fingerle, Prop.

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Members of the Michigan Union

. . .

The Business and Student organizations of the Michigan Union wish

to announce

that in accordance with the traditional wholehearted desire of the Union to be of service
and aid to students, faculty, and alumni of the University, a new program and schedule
of prices have been effected.
Though food costs have increased to the Union, price reductions of as much as 20
per cent are now in effect in the famous Michigan Union Tap Room. In the Michigan
Union Dining Room, considered "the nicest place in town," the price of table d'hote
dinners served in the famous Union style, has been strikingly reduced in order to make
the room more available to members. To provide for recreational desires, members are
offered the facilities of the bowling alleys and the billiard room at a substantial reduction.
When your patronize the Union you are helping more than 80 students earn their
way through school. As your Club, it should receive your thorough and wholehearted
support. It is the fond hope of the Union management that this year's program will result
in an even greater use of the Union by those who are its members.
The Michigan Union wishes you an enjoyable school year.


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