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September 19, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-09-19

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onday night; Tuesday
cloudiness; warmer.

A Welcome, A
About Joining Fratei
rori ties.



No. 1



07 Freshmen Enrolled; Largest Class In



ig Levinsky
its Sharkey
tough Bout
Br Is Given Judges'
nimous D e c i si on;
,Wins One Round
Swing Almost
lishes Off Fight
sh Peddler Batters
or Constantly, Backs
i To Ropes Near End[
IGO, Sept. 18.--P)--King
won the decision over Jack
former world's heavyweight
a, in a savage ten-round
rdict of the two judges and,
"Little Phil" Collins was
us. Sharkey was credited
fning only one round out of

Aerial View+Of Campus Shows Completed Law Group

ky, the wild-swinging ex-.
ller came dangerously near
Sharkey out in the first
ids. He dropped the former
n with a heavy right to the
a count of seven in the first
d had him in danger again
second. In the remaining
evinsky had the Boston ex-
distress several times.
nded the first effort of the
champion at a comeback
was knocked out by the
:ing title holder, Primo Car-
led with Sharkey almost
through the ropes in the
und, although the former
n had fought back viciously

Rising prominently in the foreground of this recent aerial view of the campus in the Law Quadrangle,
which will be completed this month with the opening of Hutchins Hall, recitation and administration building,
at the southwest corner of the group. The photograph is by the Abrams Aerial Survey Corp., Lansing.-

stronus sta


I his adversary with
s and rights. But Le-
d the battering, sur-
d by electing to trade
harkey and went on

g Begins
ay Noon

> Contacts Will Be Per-
mitted Between Houses,
Rushees Until Saturday
lushing will begin in all fraterni-
s at noon Saturday, Sept. 23, ac-
ding to the rushing rules in force
der the Interfraternity Council.
k11 rushing dates made before to-
r at noon are invalid and must'
made again, according to a regu-
.on which the council passed at a
eting last night.
>residents of all fraternity houses
( meet for dinner in the alley of
Union taproom between 6 and
0 p. m. today, according to Max
il, '34, secretary-treasurer of the
The Council went definitely on
ecord that "no fraternity man
hall talk, walk, sit or be seen
vith any entering student from
:00 p. m. Tuesday Sept. 19, un-
il 12 noon Saturday, Sept. 23."
vo new student, whether a fresh-
n or not, may be approached per-
ially by any fraternity man before
t time, according to Bethel B.
ley, '34, president of the council.
ephone calls for the purpose of
king engagements will not be con-
ered violations of this rule, but,
sonal visits to rushees' rooms will
be permitted, he said.
'he Interfraternity Council camef
strongly in favor of the tradition
pot-wearing when a motion re-
ring all freshmen to wear pots
tl Cap Night in the spring was
sed unanimously.
Phe addresses and telephone num-
s of all freshmen will be on file at
offices of the Interfraternity
uncil on the third floor of the
ion after Wednesday noon.
the council will have on file dur-
+r . ,..,nhinq~ a nn an for ma ho.1l

Union Plans To
Cut Prices In
Daily, Monthly Bulletins
To Be Continued; Begin
Registration Thursday
With a schedule of reduced prices
in all departments meant to bring.
every activity and convenience withi
the reach of students, the Union is
planning to make this year an out-
standing one in its history, accord-
ing to Robert A. I Saltzstein, '34,
The new lower prices range from
five per cent to 15 per cent below
those that were in effect previously
and include rates in the main din-
ing room, the Taproom, the bowling
alleys, pool and billiard parlors.
Student officers have expressed the
hope that Michigan men will increas-
ingly make the Union the, center for
their activities and with this end in
view are making every effort to de-
velop a program attractive to all.
Announcement of the continuance
of the Union Daily Bulletin and the
Monthly Bulletin was also made by
Edward McCormick, '34, secretary.
It will be distributed as it was last
year and posted on various bulletin
boards about the campus.
Registration for Union member-
ship will begin Thursday, McCor-
mick said, and continue Friday aft-
ernoon, Saturday afternoon and eve-
ning, and daily for a few weeks after.
The first regular Union member-
ship dance will be held this Satur-
day night with the Union band
Auto Ban Will
o IntLo Effect
Next Monday
No change will be made for the
coming year in regard to the restric-
tion of the use of automobiles by
students, it has been announced by
the office of the dean of students.
The auto ban will go into effect
at 8 a. in. Monday, Sept. 25.
All students entitled to driving li-
censes have been urged to apply for
them during Orientation Week.
These include students who are
carrying less than five hours of work
in the University, those over 28 years
of age, those who are married, and
those who have a faculty rank of
teaching assistant or higher. Excep-
tions to the general ban are also
made in a few other special cases.
Students who plan to store cars
in Ann Arbor or in nearby towns
must register their license numbers
in the office, according to the an-
nouncement. After next Monday no
student without a license from the
rian of students will he allowed to

The Daily To Resume
Publication Sept. 26
The Daily will resume its reg-
ular publication schedule with the
issue on Tuesday morning, Sep-
tember 26. After that date The
Daily will be published each
morning of the week except Mon-
day while the University is in ses-
This is a special Orientation
Week issue and is to be distributed
free to all students interested.
Extra copies may be had by call-
ing at the business offices of The
Daily on the second floor of the
Student Publications building on
Maynard Street.
AProblem For
Students Here
University E m pl o y m ent
Bureau Faced With Huge
Application Increase
An increase of approximately 50
per cent in the number of applica-
tions for jobs, and the possibility
that the jobs open will be less than
last year, presents a serious problem
for the University Employment Bu-
reau, it was said yesterday.
The jobs open in the campus es-
tablishments are always few in num-
ber and have generally been filled
before incoming freshmen make their
applications at the bureau. As a re-
sult most of the jobs that the bu-
reau can offer are boarding posi-
tions in various fraternities.
The great majority of fraternities
have made no arrangements for em-
ployment of students as yet, it was
said, and it is doubtful if the num-
ber of such jobs open will care for
all applicants. The bureau does not
expect fraternities to ask for board
help until Wednesday or Thursday,
and, even then, many fraternities
may employ their own m e m b e r s
rather than going to the bureau for
A condition quite similar to that of
the men's employment bureau exists
at the women's bureau in Barbour
Gymnasium. where there have been
about 300 applications for jobs thus
far. Although no records of past ap-
plications have been kept, officials at
the bureau said they knew the num-
ber this year exceeded those of the
past. Most of those applying wish
to work for their room, or for room
and board, it was said.
Health Service Partially
Open During This Week
Although all its facilities will not
be in operation, the Health Service
will be open this week and a physi-
cian will be on call for house visits.

University May
Construct Two
New Buildingfs
Regents Request Share
Of State's Funds For
Building Program
Two new University buildings, an
administration building and an ob-
servatory, may be constructed as the'
result of action taken by the Board
of Regents at a meeting held Aug-
ust 26, at which time they passed
a resolution requesting that the Uni-
versity be allowed to share in the
State of Michigan's institutional
building program under the Na-
tional Recovery Act.
The administration building is es-
timated to cost, equipped, a total of
$600,000. The observatory group,
given second preference in there-
quest, is estimated to cost, equipped,
Tentative plans and sketches for
the two units were drawn up for
submission to the state building de-
partment by designers of the Build-
ings and Grounds department, un-
der the direction of Prof. Lewis M.
Gram, director of plant extension,
and Walter M. Roth, engineer of
the Building and Grounds Depart-
ment. These have been sent to the
superintendent of the state build-
ing department by Shirley W. Smith,
Vice-President and Secretary of the
University, who has aided in the
formulation of the plans and their
The formal request calls for an
Administration Building centrally lo-
cated at the University and hous-
ing the administrative and business'
departments of the institution. "Of-
fices for the Regents, Vice-Presi-
dents, Recorder, Registrar, Invest-
ment Officer, Cashier, Dean of Stu-
dents, Dean of Women, Dean of the
Summer Session and Dean of the
Graduate School together with such
offices and working space required by
the Alumni Catalogue Office, Exten-
sion Division, a central dictaphone
station, publications storage and
mailing and the purchasing and ac-
counting departments are to be ade-
quately and conveniently housed un-
der one roof so that the Univer-
sity's business relations and its gen-
eral student activities can be quick-
ly, efficiently and economically han-
dled," according to the plans for
the project.
The structure would be located on
ground now owned by the Regents
and located near the geographical
center of the University buildings.
The building, approximately 135 feet
by 200 feet in size, would be four
stories and basement in height with
a reinforced-concrete frame, brick
(Continued on Page 15)
HAVANA. Sept., 18.-()-Cuba

Regents Name
Faculty Men
For 3 Posts
Kraus, Hopkins, Lewis To
Fill Important Positions
In Administration
New Plan Includes
Committee Of Seven
Literary College Will Be
Governed By Executive
Group Appointed
Three new University adminstra-
tors for important units were named
by the Board of Regents at last
month's meeting held at the summer
home of President Alexander G.
Ruthven in Frankfort.
Dr. Edward H. Kraus becomes
dean of the literary college, succeed-
ing the late Dean John R. Effinger;
Prof. Louis A. Hopkins was named
Director of the Summer Session to
succeec Dean Kraus; and Prof.
Howard B. Lewis was appointed to
head the College of Pharmacy, filling
another of the positions formerly
held by Dean Kraus.
All of the (appointments took
effect immediately and the new offi-
cials have been actively engaged at,
their positions since that time. In
each case the appointments were pro-
motions, the Regents having taken
men from the present staffs rather
than going outside the University.
Exectutive Committees Formed
Creation of executive committees
in both the literary college and the
Summer Session has been regarded
as a significant innovation. These
bodies will assist in the administra-
tion of the units. In the literary col-
lege the step is a continuance of the
then temporary machinery set up
upon the death of Dean Effinger, to
handle the affairs of the unit until
a new dean had been chosen.
Dean Kraus headed that commit-
tee, which then consisted of five
men and will now be increased to
seven, during the period of readjust-
ment necessitated by the announce-
ment of the reduced budget. The
group which willnow continue as an
executive committee is one part of
the general reorganization planned
for some time for the literary college.-
This executive committee will be
composed of the dean of the literary
college and six other members
appointed by the Regents for three
year terms. Continuity will be
insured by the terms being staggered
so that two new members will be
selected each year.
Successive Terms Banned
A feature of the plan is that
members cannot be reappointed to
the committee immediately upon the
expiration of their terms, officials
intending to thus insure rotation of
membership and wider scattering of
responsibility through the faculty
One other change made by the
Regents was the altering of titles
applied to two of the posts filled.
The new head of the Summer Session
will be designated by the title "Direc-
tor" in the future, instead of "Dean,"
as has been the practice previously.
The other change is in the title of
Professor Lewis, who will be head of
the College of Pharmacy rather than
its dean.

Council Plans
To Be Formed
New Governing Body Will
Meet This Week; Faces
Numerous Problems
Plans for the coming year's work
of the Undergraduate Council, stu-
dent governing body formed last
year after the complete disintegra-
tion of the Student Council, will be
discussed at a meeting of the organ-
ization to be held at 7:30 p. m.
Thursday, Gilbert E. Bursley, '34,
president. announced last night.



Will Speak On
Year's Series3
Oratorical Association To
Present Unusual, Variedl
Program For 1933-34
Six outstanding lecture attractions,
two of them women, will be present-
ed on the 1933-34 Oratorical Asso-
ciation lecture series, according to
the program for the year as an-
nounced yesterday.
Officials of the association con-
sider the course one of the best to be
offered here in many seasons and
one of the most unusual and inter-
esting in the history of the series.
Opening with the appearance of
Dorothy Sands, actress and author-
ity on play history and presentation,4
on Nov. 1, the course will present
in turn Edna St. Vincent Millay in a
program of readings from her own
works; Col. Raymond Robins, au-
thority on Soviet Russia; Air Com-
modore P. F. M. Fellowes, leader of
the expedition which last year flew
over Mount Everest, showing motion
pictures of the conquest; Capt. C. W.
R. Knight, with his unique motion
pictures of bird life; and Dr. Amos O.
Squire, consulting physician at Sing
Sing Prison, speaking on "Famous
Criminals I Have Known."
Impersonations of Ethel Barry-
more, Helen Hayes, Lillian Russell,
Frances Starr, and many others will
be offered by Miss Sands in her por-
(Continued on Page 12)
Lily Pions Will
Sing At Choral
u nion Concert'
Price Of Individual And
Season Tickets Suffers
Cut, Says Announcement
Drastic reductions in the selling
price of tickets, both for the series
and for individual concerts, coupled
with the announcement that there
will be an unusual array of talent
marks the 1933-34 Choral Union
Series as one of the most promising
ever to be presented before an Ann
Arbor audience.
Season tickets for patron's seats,
located in the three center sections
of the main floor and the first bal-
cony, are now priced at $10, as con-
trasted with the former price of $12.
Seats in the side sections of the
main floor and the first balcony,
originally priced at $10, will sell for
$8.50; seats in the front portion of
the sonnd halcon have hen re-

New Literary Dean

Orientation Per



Begins Today F
First Year Studei

President Ruthven Wil
Welcome Class Of 193
Tomorrow Night
Mixer Friday Will
Conclude Progran
Enrollment Gain Stronges
In Literary College A
1,153 Register
With advance enrollment figure
indicating the largest freshman clas
in several years, members of the clas
of 37 last night were arriving i
Ann Arbor in force for a progran
of Orientation Week activities whic
will begin at noon today and con
tinue through Friday.
A total of 1,507 first-year student
were already enrolled yesterday, a
compared to 1,237 at the same tim
one year ago and 1,414 two year
ago. This was a gain of 21.7 per cen
over last year. This year's enroll
went includes 1,049 men and 45
women, according to figures fro
the registrar's office.
All freshmen will meet with the
advisors and begin to follow thei
individual programs today. Healt]
examinations will begin today an
continue every day through Friday
Registrations and classificationwI
take place Thursday and Friday.
President Alexander G. Ruthvei
will greet the incoming class at
program beginning at 7:30 p. m. to
President's Greeting
On behalf of your teachers, and
on behalf, also, of the people of
the State of Michigan who have
willed that this University should
exist and who have maintained
it for more than a century, I wel-
come back to the campus the stu-
dents who have been with us be-
fore, and greet as well thosewho
are coming here for the first time.
On you falls the duty of carry.
ing forward the time-honored tra.-
ditions of. Michigan for another
year and of sustaining the reputa-
tion which our institution has
built for decades past upon the
energy, loyalty, and keenness of
its students and the genius of the
famous scholars of its faculty.
The hardship which economic
distress has brought upon our
country has made the task of
those who compose the Univer-
sity at present no less rigorous
than that of its founders.
Michigan students, however,
have faced and met the situation
in a way which has merited the
commendation of their teachers
and the public. I am sure that
this spirit will persist and look
forward with confidence to 1933-
1934. May it bring satisfaction
and profit to each and every one
of you.
Alexander G. Ruthven
morrow in Hill Auditorium. Othe
speakers to appear at that time wi
be Dean of Students Joseph A. Bm
sley and Dean of Women Alice Lloy
Following the speakers, the Varsit
Band and Glee Club will present
program of musical entertainment,
Two exams will be given durin
the week, the first in English at
a. m. tomorrow, and the other i
mathematics at 8 a. m. Friday. Othe
events on the program are a
R. O. T. C. drill and a tour of. tl-
General Library. The week's eveni
will close with a mixer to be hel
Friday night in the Union Ballroo
The program has been curtale
slightly from that of last year,
was said.
The early gain in freshman er

rollment was almost entirely in ti
literary college, figures showed. Tha
college leads all others with an ad
vance enrollment of 1,153. The en
gineering college was next with 25
and other schools had the followir
numbers: College of Architecture, 21
School of Education. 28: Mus


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