A number of sororities and fra- son, '33, Rose Offley, '35, Harriet
ter\nities entertained with dances last Wolfs, '36, Irene McCausey, '36, Dor-
night, among which were the pledge othy Adams, '36, Josephine Woodams,
formals given by Gamma Phi :Beta, '34, Lois King, '37, Harriet Tyson, '34,
Delta Gamma, and Chi Phi. Sigma Jane Servis, '36, Avis Pitts, '34, Mary
Alpha Epsilon also gave a formal. Hutchinson, '35, Dorothy Shutt, '37,
Gamma Phi Beta sorority's annual Katherine Lundell, '37, Marie Bran-
pledge formal was chapefoneid by agan, '35, Kay Carpenter, '35, Eliza-
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wolaver. The beth Kanter, '36, and Jean Hatcher,
decorations were planned by Ellen '37.
Jane Cooley, '34, and music was fur- Among the out of town guests
nished by Al Cowan and his or- were: Jane Ellwood, Mary Ellwood,
chestra. Mae Cameron, Detroit; Valeria Re-
At the annual pledge formal given naud, Adelaide G e d g e, Winifred
last night by Delta Gamma sorority, Hughes and Gail Wilcox, Grosse
Mrs. Phylis D. Reynolds, Mrs. John Pointe,; Barbara Crowl, Highland
S. Tennant, and Mrs. K. G. Lewis Park, Mich.; Lenore Wermuth, Bir-
acted as chaperons. mingham, Mich.; Betty Qualman,
Members of Chi Phi also enter- East Lansing; Helen 'Vradenburg, Ot-
tained at a pledge formal for which t4wa Hills, Ohio; Betty Kehoe, To-
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Townsend Jr. ledo, Ohio; Jane Rowe, Paris, Ill.;
were chaperons. Grace Schroeder, Toledo.
Among the guests attending were: The formal party at Sigma Alpha
Dorothy Utley, '36, Kay Snyder, '34, Epsilon opened the fraternity's fall
Florence Schenk, '37, Marjorie John- social program. The guests were
Mrs. E. L. Freeman, Miss Ruth Al-
lison, Frank W. Welch, Buffalo, N. Y.;
Aluni rGuests James Newell, Sturgis, Mich.; Dr.
William Brace, Mr. and Mrs. David
Reed, Ann Arbor; Misses Virginia
Come Fir Iowa Boswell, Mary Boswell, Maxine Bach-
man, Marcella Bachman, Mabel Orr,
Football Gam e Mary Gay, Detroit; Don McCracken,
lEarleBaker, and Ralph Bachman,
Notables Attend
Gay Opening Of
B"rumm' S .Play
Many Journalists And Fac-
ulty Members See "Why
Print That?"
Ann Arbor last night witnessed
one of the most colorful dramatic
openings in recent years, woien Play
Production presented Prof. John L.
Brumm's "Why Print That?" before
a large audience in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Composed of Michigan journalistsr
and faculty members, black and
white evening clothes formed a suit-
able background for the beautiful,
Among those who attended were
Dean Edward H. Kraus and Mrs.
Kraus, Dean and Mrs. H. C. Sadler,
Dean and Mrs. G. Carl Huber, Re-
gent Junius Beal and Mrs. Beal, Prof.
and Mrs. W. R. Humphries, Prof. and
Mrs. Philip E. Bursley, Dean and Mrs.
Samuel T. Dana.
From the English department were
Prof. and Mrs. O. J. Campbell, Prof.
and Mrs. G. E. Densmore, and Prof.
and Mrs. J. M. O'Neill. Other faculty
members who attended the play in-
cluded Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Guthe,
Prof. and Mrs. M. S. Pargment, Prof.
and Mrs. Roderick D. McKenzie,
Prof. and Mrs. Sunderland, and Dr.
and Mrs. Nathan Sinai.
Notable journalists in the audience
include Poet Edgar A. Guest, Mal-
colm W. Bingay, Lee A White, Abra-
ham Epstein, and members of the
University Department of Journalism.
Preceding the play a special re-
ception was held in honor of the
visiting members of the Michigan
Press Club.
Fenkell Speaks At
Engineers' Banquet
At the annual initiation banquet
of the American Society of Civil En-
gineers at the Union Thursday night
George Fenkell, general manager of
the Detroit waterworks, spoke on the
effect of the depression on the De-
troit water supply and gave his views
on the opportunities for engineers in
these times. Eighteen pledges were
taken in with Prof. Lewis M. Gram,
head of the civil engineering depart-
ment, officiating as toastmaster.
Among the initiates welcomed by
the president, John H. Skinner, '34E,
were: James F. Ba.ley, Wesley A.]
Buehl, Robert E. Cross, John J. Dobe-
lek, Peter N. Lim, John A. Lucas, Wil-
liam S. McDowell, Jr., and Richard
H. McManus, all senior engineers.
Included in the list of initiates
were the following Junior Engineers:
James Fusco, Johannes E. Jensen,
Rodney W. DeVore, and J. Cal Calla-
han. William W. McRoy, Gordon
Saunders, Henry A. Sikso, Joseph B.
Van Orden, and Jack Whitford, en-
gineering seniors, were also initiated.
Professor Angell Will
Speak On Family Life
"Trends In American Family Life"
will be the topic of the address of
Professor Robert Angell of the soci-
ology department before the Cosmo-
politan Club at S p., m. today in the
auditorium of Lane Hall. Following
the talk by Professor Angell the en-
tire audience will join in a discussion
of the question.
"We expect the discussion to vary
from the American Family to the
customs of family life in all nations,"
B. S. Samra, Grad., president of the,
club, said.
A group of Chinese students will
serve tea at the conclusion of the
New Pledgings
And Initiations
Are Announce
Post.Rushiig S e a s o n
Marked By Added Gair
In Membership
The post-rushing season bri
with it the announcements of se
eral pledgings, and a few initiatio
from the various sorority houses.
Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Delta Pi announces
pledging of Marjorie Stefan, '37.
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Omicron Pi announces
pledging of Marion F. Gordon,
of Hollis, New York.
A tea was held Thursday in hor
of Dorothy Womrath, district sup
intendent. Ten guests were ent
tained at a rushing dinner Frid
Decorations were carried out in iv
and yellow; baby chrysanthemu
were used for table decorations.
Delta Gamma
Delta Gamma announces
pledging of Marianna Chockley,
of Detroit.
Pi Beta Phi
Pi Beta Phi announces the init
tion of Margaret Mustard, '35, a
Martha Steen, '36.
~Where To G
Dancing: Union, League Ballroo
Chubb's, Granger's, Hut, Den, Di
Inn, Joe Parker's, Preketes.
Morion Pictures: Michigan, "Th
Cornered Moon" with Claudette C
bert and Rich~ardl Arlen; Majest
"Saturday's Millions" with Robs
Young and Leila Hyams; Whitr
"False Faces" with Lowell, Shern
and Lila Lee.
Many Houses
Dances Tonight
Several fraternities and sororities
are giving dances tonight, among
which are pledge formals, and tea
and dinner dances.
Alpha Tau Omega is one of the
fraternities entertaining with a dance
tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dean
will chaperon the party, which was
arranged by James Bolton, '35.
Richard Degener, '34, has made the
plans for the tea dance which is to
be held at the Chi Psi house after
the game.
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity is enter-
taining later in the day with a din-
ner dance, for which Mr. and Mrs.
Otto S. Graf and Mr. and Mrs. Sig-
mund Robinson, Detroit, will be
Arrangements for the informal
dance to be given at Phi Sigma Delta
fraternity were made by Howard
Schwarzfleld, '36. Chaperons will be
Mrs. Madelaine Rinlin, West Orange,
N. J. and Dr. Jerome I. Houser.
At the dance at Phi Sigma Sigma
sorority tonight, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Eleiger and Mrs. B. R. Kauf-
man will chaperon. Dora Eliasohn,
'34, is in charge of the dance.
Pledge formals are being given by
Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Pi Beta
Phi sororities. Al Cowan and his
League orchestra are playing at the
Kappa Kappa Gamma party, at
which about 60 couples are expected.
The chaperons for the dance are Dr.
Margaret Bell, Mrs. Lucille Conger,
Miss Irene Field, Mrs. Samuel Moore,
Mrs. Eugene Power, and Mrs. A. S.
Whitney. Several of the alumnae will
be back, including Janet Allen, '33,
Janet Driscoll, '33, Dorothy Bunce,
'33, Dorothy Sample, '32, and Mar-
garet Eaman, '32.
The pledge f or m al at Pi Beta
Phi has been planned by Katherine
MacGregor, '34. The Ambassadors
will play for the dance, which is to
be chaperoned by Mrs. A. E. Haus-
wald and Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Play Reading Section Of
Faculty Club Will Meet
The play reading section of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet at
2:15 p. m. Tuesday at the Union.
Hostesses for the meeting will be
Mrs. C. C. Glover, Mrs. C. S. Schoe-
pfle, Mrs. Jose Albaldejo, Mrs. J. M.
Cork, Mrs. Charles Sink, Mrs. L. M.
Eich, Mrs. H. D. Curtis, and Mrs. J.
E. Emswiler.
Daring Darlings 9f
1910 Is Theme Of
Sophomore Cabaret
Some people are of the opinion
that the Sophomore Cabaret and the
League Fair of this year, which is
combined under t h e single title
"Come Up Sometime", has as its
theme the "gay" nineties. Whatever
gayety belong to the nineties with its
two-steps and waltzes, with its Flora-
dora sextet, is sentimental drivel
compared to the daring days of 1910,
which is the theme for this year.
And when we say daring, we aren't
just waxing poetical. For a "tootsy"
of 1910 was not only daring, but
downright heroic, when she went
onto the dance floor and strutted to
the Grizzly Bear, the Bunny Hug, the
Turkey Trot, the Gabby Glide, the
Kangaroo Dip,.the Fish Walk. She
went into a dance number never
knowing whether she would be
strangled or flattened under foot. If
she came out of the Fox Trot (our
modern survival is mild) without any
permanent disabilities, she was lucky;
for men were men in those days, and
they put their football into their
Yes, men were men. They wore
screaming check pants and bellowing
stripe sweaters. If a "Joe" in those
days belonged to a good fraternity,
he added to the costume a bright red
"fez" with a shiny gold tassle. No
cigarettes f o r those boys - they
smoked huge bowl pipes that held a
quarter of a pound of tobacco.
Those were the days. The public
hangout was "The Brass Rail" where
the boys fought over Jim Jeffries
and Misto johnson, and went to see
the floor show and dance a bit be-
tween rounds.
The football week-end is the oc-
casion for open-house festivities, and
brings with it numerous alumni. and
guests, returning for this, the next
to last game of the season to be play-
ed in Ann Arbor.
Alpha Phi
Alpha Phi sorority entertained the
Hon. Junius E. Beal, Dr. and Mrs.
Harley Haines, and Mrs. Bishop Can-
field at dinner Thursday night.
Guests over the week-end are: Mrs.
J. F. Woodward, Battle Creek; the
Misses Elizabeth Sterling, Monroe,
and Valerie Renault, Detroit.
Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Xi Delta will entertain a
number of guests a n d returning
alumnae at open house after the
game today. Among the alumnae will
be Jean Botsford and Barbara Shu-
ker, Detroit.
Collegiate Sorosis
Mrs. J. G. Hayes entertained the
alumnae, the mothers of the Ann
Arbor pledges, and the Collegiate
Sorosis house mother at a luncheon
yesterday. The m o t h e r s of the
pledges are: Mrs. H. M. Beebe, Mrs.
H. W. Kanouse, and Mrs. C. M.
Guests at the sorority over the
week-end include: the Misses Louisa
Soukup, '30, Kalamazoo; Elizabeth
Fennon, Detroit; Betty Qualman,
Saginaw; a n d IBarbara Watson,
Grand Rapids.
Delta Alpha EpsilAon
Robert R. Miller, '33, Grand Rap-
ids, is a guest at the Delta Alpha
Epsilon fraternity this week-end.
Delta Phi
John Marshall, '32, is a guest at
the Delta Phi house this week-end.
Mr. Marshall is at the present time
attending Harvard Law school.
Kappa Delta
Among the guests entertained by
Kappa Delta at their open house
after the game today will be Dr. and;
Mrs. Henry Ballard, Mr. and Mrs.
John Becker and John Becker, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy St. John, and Mr.
Charles Wise all of Detroit.
U3. S. Students In Paris
Select New Club House
It was announced recently that
American students in Paris will have
for their meeting place the house
which was formerly occupied by M.
and Mme. de Chateaubriand. The
club house, which is to be finished
next spring, will contain a swimming-
pool, bowling alleys, library, and
rooms where American games can be
Dance to Cor~oBriggs Musk act
No Minimum Charge, No Cover Charge
BEER l0c
A Complete Chicken Dinner, Sunday .. 50c
C. R. Pullen, Manager
Corner 4th and Huron Sts.
s a
Hiking about campus through
snow flurries, with cold hands, is
no fun, even if you're with the
one and only. Along with their
complete line of accessories, the
League Hosiery Shop now car-
ries knitted mittens, gloves, and
furlined gloves, at the most mea-
ger of costs. The bright color
combinations alone will lighten
your midsemester blues, and add a
gay football note to your ensem-
ble. For the hands themselves,
French oatmeal soap counteracts
hard water.
From stadium to dance floor is
in reality a sudden change, but
modishly requires only a visit to
the Elizabeth Dillon Shop. When
you lunch and go to your fifty-
yard line seat, be at your swank-
iest in a soft wool, accented in gay
plaids. Then for evening, be ut-
terly appealing, perhaps in the
sleekness of a gold, backless din-
ner gown, girdled in metals, and
trailing in a gay nineties manner.
Christmas gifts for the whole
family are a worse nerve-breaker
than bluebooks, and a tax on the
checkbook. But luckily we found
the things we want to get for
many folks at Quarry, Inc. There
is a trick Glazo bag affair that
zips and takes up no room at all.
There are sets of all the famous
beauty artists, Arden, Grey, and
the rest, with refillable boxes for
the modernistic cover of the origi-
nals. And Evening in Paris tal-
cum "bombs" now have inexpen-
sive fillers for ye who regretfully
sigh when the last flake is gone.
Alas, little windbitten game en-
thusiast, don't weep! Gad-About
found in the Lure of Eve Salon,
in Jacobson's, all the especially
blended creams to protect your
skin from the ravages of nippy
stadium winds. For to be lovely
in the moonlight that same eve-
nnig, not only must your cosmetics
be true to you alone, in shade, but
the foundation cleansers and bas-
es must bring out the natural
clearness and softness of your
skin texture.
With short locks ruling swag-
ger alley, the lack of barbers for
the feminine contingent is as-
tounding. So Amelia has an ex-
pert in the shears coming on
Thursdays and Fridays to her
beauty shop on E. U. There no
head of hair that can't be clipped
flatteringly, and after it's cut,
Amelia will give you one of her
special permanents, with very
ringlet ends, and loose, natural
waves. And by all means, you must
see her modernistically adorned
It may be only a very petite
shop at 300 S. State, but they of-
fer to the damsels of this rainy
town a spot-proof, rain-proof ho-
siery. Attesting to their quality,
the name is Smartest Hosiery
Shop. With each purchase of these
dreams in sheerness, a presenta-
tion of Ivory Snow is made by the
management, so that the lovely
fall hues may be preserved with
the best economy. All the hard
wear campus may give cannot
make this hose cry, "enough."
You'll Lose Your Iowa Foe-lks if you don't bring them to see
PLAY PRODUCTION'S presentation of
PROF. JOHN L. BRUMM'S farce satire
Phone 6300 Now for Reservations Prices reduced:
Box office hours: 10-1:30, 4:30-8:30 Main :loor 50c, Balcony 25c
71rAft U'
cjq/rcade Jewelry Shop
College High-Grade
And Fraternity ENGRAVING Watch & Je elry
Jewelry Repairig II
Carl F. Bay 16 Nickels Arcade
the delicious diference that Electric
Coong makes
IT IS USELESS to try to describe how electric
cooking differs in taste from ordinary cooking.
We can only tell you that it has a flavor all its
own-and that it is incomparably delicious.
Meats and vegetables cook to, melting tender-
ness in their own juice--and steaks broiled
electrically have a distinctive flavor unsurpassed
by meats broiled over charcoal. Cakes are light
and fine-grained, with the even texture that is'
the envy of all good coys. Pastries are flaky
... . and an electric range will bake golden,
fluffy biscuits that men eat by the half-dozen
and women delight in!
It's stuPid? to shiver and
Shake all through the game-
The Right Fashion
for Football Is --
4 . NkV
If your family gives you ,:- ,-problem of lagging
appetites, start serving eUctrically cooked meals.
With an electric range, you can produce tempt-
ing, appetizing dishes that you will be proud
of .. . and that will bring you compliments. We
don't promise tht the range will do it all-or
that a knowledge of cooking isn't necessary. But
next to hiring a skilled chef, an electric range is
the biggest cooking help you can have.And you'll
find the new ranges surprisingly economical.
I t t