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November 02, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-02

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* -

Established 1890



itinerant opera companies -could come here, se-
cure a major theatre for a week, and virtually
coin money.
Nowhere in the world is there a finer musical
i series than the Choral Union series and the May
Festival; the Oratorical Association lectures are
unsurpassed; but we believe well-executed grand
opera is something for which there is a definite
place in the cultural life of this community.
Whether it is to be the San Carlo or some other
company, we respectfully urge some alert booker
to bring "Pagliacci," "Martha," "Rigoletto," "Lu-
cia," and the other classics to Ann Arbor.
Screen Reflections


Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
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iston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
liam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney
A. Evans, Ted R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas
roehna, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski,
Thomas Hf. Kleene, David G. Macdonald, Joel P. 'New-
man, ,Kenneth Parker, George I. Quimby, William R.
Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Marshall D. Silverman, A. B.
Smith, Jr., Arthur M. Taub, Philip T. Van Zile.
WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Han mer,
Florence Harper, Marie Held, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
phin Mc~anMarjorie Morrison, Sally Place Rosalie
Resnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider, Margaret
Telephone 2-1214
.......................... CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-
ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Carl rlb-
iger, Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal,
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Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley,
Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur-
ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret
Mustard, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds.
Colgate Plan Wins
Carnegie Recognition. .
B ELIEVERS in the "Colgate Plan"
of higher education are happy at
the recognition that has come to it through the;
Carnegie Foundation's $120,000 award. The prin-
ciple of the "Colgate Plan" delights most students
and educators, and the readiness of the Colgate7
faculty to change administration details has won
them the praise of every practical executive who;
has been watching.-
The "plan" has two aspects. The first has to
do with administration or method. It may be
described as tutorial; and, while generally looked
upon with favor, has little in it that is original.
It is in the second aspect, the quantitative or
curricular part of the plan, that the originality
lies. This is the aspect that has aroused the
This curricular part of the Colgate program is
built on the principle that a student may best
find the field in which he is best fitted and has
the greatest chance of happiness by looking briefly
at all fields. Accordingly a freshman is required
to take comprehensive survey courses in five of
six fields: physical sciences, including astronomy,
geology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics;
biological science, including botany, zoology, andr
psychology; social science, including history, poli-
tics, economics, sociology, and education; philoso-
phy and religion; fine arts; and languages. At the
end of the freshman year one of these fields is!
selected, a major part of the sophomore year,
being spent in introductory courses in it. In the
junior and senior years the student concentrates
in one department in this field. A. comprehensive
examination is given in.the work of the last two
years at the end of the senior year.
Thus a graduate of Colgate finds himself well
equipped in one field; has had an opportunity to

choose that field in a sound way; and has in
addition been permitted a glimpse of all major
fields of knowledge.
No thinking student who has experienced the
difficulty of deciding what to study can fail to
appreciate the principle of this system.
The Carnegie award is a tribute to the results
so far obtained, and an indication of faith in
what the plan promises to do.-
An Open Letter
To Si-nor Gallo. ..

Four stars means extraordinary; three stars definitely
recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior;
no stars, stay away from it.

First Run Double-Feature
"The Solitaire Man"


"The Solitaire Man" gives Herbert Marshall, in
an inferior picture (he was excellent in "Trouble
In Paradise"), a chance to display his mellow
voice and smooth manner.
Jewelry-man, ex-soldier, and leader in a rather
smooth robbery circle that includes May Robson,
Elizabeth Allan, and Ralph Forbes, Herbert Mar-
shall tries to go straight but runs into difficulty
with Lionel Atwell while aloft in an airplane.
Mary Boland again displays her characteriza-
tion of the American tourist, May Robson, ac-
tress-extraordinaire, puts over a minor role with
great success, while Herbert Marshall is below
his class in an average picture with a good cast.
* * *

would be likely to seek, or find, a representative
in the person of Bishop Cannon.
It is true that there are poor-whites agrarians;
but it does not follow that all agrarians are poor-j
whites. There is in the South a large body of re-
spectable, ambitious, industrious farmers, in many
respects strangely like Michigan farmers. In some
sections, Georgia among them, they are a very in-
fluential part of the electorate. The present gov-
ernor of Georgia boast of being the farmers'
choice., But these farmers most emphatically are
not poor-whites.
A professor in the University who listened'
sympathetically to my bitter protests against
your statement, suggested that it is a popular mis-
conception in the North that in the South there
are only three social classes - the aristocracy, the
poor-whites and the negroes. This classification
takes no account of the bourgeoisie, and the inde-
pendent farmers whose status I have gone to such
length to explain.
I shall close by suggesting that if, in the light
of the new understanding I have given of the term
poor-white one should want to use it again, we
use it thus - po' white trash. It's much more of-
fective, and much nearer the truth.
- Southerner.
The The;;atre
A Review
Such goings-on as there were last night at Hill
auditorium have the unfortunate result that the
critic is left with very little to say beyond an
apology for saying nothing.
Miss Sands has a saucy way with her, and such
a keen eye for mannerisms that her evening on
the platform is riotously funny. Also, she is an
actress, one feels, in her own right.
In an elusive way, Miss Sands kids some of her
characters along and plays others straight. Her
Lotta and Frances Starr were of the latter per-
suasion, and the fact that they were excelled by
several other numbers is only a proof that Miss
Sands' mimicry is even better than her acting.
Her outline of American theatrical history was
at all times interesting, but didn't really get
under way until it got down to the people Miss
Sands has herself had the opportunity to observe.
At that point her insight into personality and the
elements that make it up brought the perform-
ance to a higher level of enjoyment. After that
it was a panic -in fact (why quibble on words?)
a holocaust,
Outstanding, to our particular taste, was her
Ethel Barrymore, with cynical hands and rich
foggy voice complete. However, there was Garbo,
the Swedish nightingale with the bass voice, The-
da Bara, the Squirming Siren, and Mae West -
she of the wicked eyes. This department thinks
Miss Sands has sort of nice eyes, too.
Rather than fumble further to express our ad-
miration, we are herewith presenting Miss Sands
with our entire critical vocabulary of laudatory
fwords, viz.:

PRINTING-Lowest City Prices
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cabinet with illuminated dial.
An additional popular feature is the SEMI-SHORT WAVE
reception which permits tuning in on police calls, aircraft
reports and amateurs.



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from Tuesday to Friday with
a line of High Grade Strings,
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Collegiate Shoe Section







"Narrow Corner"

Somerset Maugham's "Narrow Corner" hasn't
been made into too good a movie. The pho-
tography spoiled what might have been a fairly
sincere attempt in giving a South Sea scene of
romance and adventure.
The best achievement in this picture is Ar-
thur Hohl's characterization of a half-crazed sea
captain, while Patricia Ellis is poor, wears little,
and acts poorly.
-R. E. L.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to
less than 300 words if possible.
To the Editor:
I was so impressed with the very arresting first
paragraph of the article entitled. "Tragedy at the
First Methodist" in The Daily of Thursday, that-
although I have, for a long time, been too weary
of Bishop Cannon and his various excursions in-
to the public eye to make even the most casual
interest in them - I read the remainder of the
article. To my genuine admiration of the opening
remarks and the astuteness they showed, was
added a marvelling awe of a writer whose range
was so broad that he could in one paragraph
delve deep into the heart of a poor, misled pub-
licity seeker; and, in the next, in one sweeping
clause, depict the entire political history of the
South since the War Between the States (the
Civil War to you). I confess to a distinct feeling
of surprise at this latter statement, because I
had had no idea that such a condition as the
writer indicated had ever existed; though I sup-
pose such lack of knowledge is excusable in one
who has merely been born and bred in the South,
and has never been able to view its progress from
the vantagepoint of Ann Arbor - or point north
of the Mason-Dixon line.
It is the toleration I expect because of this ob-
vious disadvantage that leads me to be bold
enough to ask a few questions about this state-
ment, which is as follows: "Somehow, looking
at Cannon sitting there in his chair, pounding
his fist and raising his arms, one knew that this
man represented the agrarian poor-white South
which sprang to power after the Civil War, and
which only now is losing control." The first thing
I should like to ask is how the writer knew this.
Was it some peculiarity about the good Bishop's
method of pounding his fist and raising his arms
that marked him? Was it the writer's knowledge
of the Bishop's ancestry which led him to deduce
that there pounded a man of the people? Where
did he represent them? On Wall Street, perhaps?
I believe I am right in recalling that the more
interesting of his activities were there. And again,
attacking the problem from another angle, what
is this section referred to, that has been so pow-
erful for so long? Does the writer have the slight-
est idea what the term poor-white means in the
South? And did it drag the Bishop down in its
decline, or vice-versa? Lastly, and most impor-
tantly for me, who am one of the oppressed gen-
tility, is he absolutely sure that it HAS fallen? As
long as I was unaware that such domination ex-
isted, I lived contentedly enough, but now I shud-
der at the thought of having to endure such a
yoke longer.
Before the collapse of the plantation system,
the' term poor-white was applied alike to the
shifting white tenantry, and to the small inde-
pendent land-holders. After the war, lack of
money and resources made agrarian aristocrats,
and agrarian poor-whites equal in opportunity
for the first time. Very possibly, since the war
had so decimated the ranks of the higher class,
control was with the poor-whites. But what the
writer has overlooked is the small, but important,
fact that those poor-whites who profited by their
opportunities, have ceased to be such, fifty years
gone, and their descendants would be the first to
jump at your throat for intimating that anything
other, than this were true.
The term poor-white today is applied to those
shifting, shiftless members of the population who
eke out a living wherever the wind blows them -

237 South State Street

Round Trip to .2
Champaign . . .
Follow your team to the big
game, by Greyhound Bus. Con-
genial crowd-comfortable, cush-
ioned chairs - schedules conven-
iently timed. You'll save money
and have a pleasant, scenic trip.

* -D

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.. 1







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Get the whole crowd togethert
Save money by chartering a
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a grand party . , . entrancing
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smart formals - budget priced.



nuts, the


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! -

Miss Sands may take her choice. We can do
no more. -Powers Moulton
Collegiate Observer
Ohio Wesleyan University is offering a course
in Prohibition as a Government Problem. This is
believed to be the only one of its kind offered at
any college. Legal aspects and details of prohib-
ition will be stressed rather than the general
scope of the controversy.
Superstitious students at the Colorado School
of Mines have thrown a horsehoe over the goal
posts before each football game since doing so
"helped win an important game" way back yonder.
Many students on or near to campuses have
a new name for their girl friends; they call
them "bacon" -somebody is always bring-
ing them home.
A certain professor at the University of Cali-
fornia is decidedly more courteous than the gen-
eral run of people about to hear a familiar joke.
Instead of replying. "I've heard that one before,"
he always says, "I've always enjoyed that one."
Ninety-five students of which five are girls are
studying embalming at the University of Minne-
sota. It certainly must be a dead course.
Football has fallen in line with the depression
at Wittenberg College, where seats for the games
can be obtained for as low as 49 cents.
The girls at Mercyhurst College, a small
girls school in Erie, Pennsylvania have
adopted, in the interest of economy, the NRA
code-No Rouge Allowed.
Observings from here and there - A new
course "Personality Development," has been
added to the curriculum of New York Univer-
stiy - The girls that live in dormitories at
the University of Chicago have no hours -
A co-ed at Melville College, a small western
school, sells papers in order to work her way
through school
Popularity is commercialized for sweet charity's
sake at the "Dime Crawl" dances at the Univer-
sity of Southern California. The co-eds are the
hostesses for the night at a park plan dance, and
the popularity of a lady is rated by the number
of tickets she takes in.


The Deadline for Senior Pictures
Has Been Set...
DEC-EMBER, 1.5.th
First-Come to the Press Building and Pur-
chase Your Photographer's Receipt at the Press
Building or at the Office of an Official Michi-
ganensian Photographer, $3.004.
Then-Make an Appointment with one of
these Official ichiganensian Photographers.

T HE "dollar opera" is proving as
much a success in Detroit as else-
d the San Carlo Grand Opera Company,
e direction of the dynamic impresario
)rtune Gallo, is playing its second week
ty audiences in a huge downtown thea-

According to Madame Albertina Rasch the
model co-ed of 1933 is a combination of Venus
and Mae West. How do you co-eds fit in with
perfect figures of today? Here they are girls-

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