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November 02, 1933 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-02

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Le Peares A Passing Attack For Saturdas

Suckers Re(




These Four Men Will Be Prominent At Champaign

Days Of Grange,
With Old Slogan
'Michigan, Champions Of
The West - Crown 'em!'
Is Champaign Boast
Beynon Is Passer
M e n t o r Realizes Illinois
Must Resort To Aerial
Game Against Michigan
Down at Champaign, the Suckers
of Illinois have revived an old foot-
ball slogan as they prepare for the
game with Michigan Saturday. The
slogan is "Michigan, champions of
the west -- crown em"
The slogan hasn't been used by the
Illini since that memorial day back
in 1924 when a Zuppke-coached elev-
en ran wild over Michigan, 39 to 14.
It was more than an eleven --it was
Red Grange and a great blocking
back by the name of Britton that
crushed the Wolverines.
Whether the slogan will work again
this year will be decided on Satur-
day when another fine Illinois out-
fit, called the mystery team of the
Big Ten, will stack up against a
great Michigan grid machine.
Kipke Has Been Successful
Besides being a contest between
two good football teams, the game
Saturday will be a match-of coach-
ing skill between Bob Zuppke and
Harry Kipke, the oldest and young-
est coaches in the Western Confer-
ence. Since Kipke became the Wol-
verine mentor, he has been far more
successful against Illinois than any
previous Michigan coach.
Illinois has not won a game from
Michigan since 1929 when the Suck-
ers defeated the Wolverines, 14 to 0.
A 64-yard dash by Doug Mills was
enough to win that game. The last
touchdown Illinois scored against
Michigan was in 1930 on Gil Berry's
58-yard run for a touchdown. Mich-
igan won this game, 15 to 7. In the
last three games, the Wolverines have
piled up 82 points to 7 for the
An analysis of the comparative
abilities of the two teams 'seems to1
indicate that the score of the game
Saturday may look more like a bas-
ketball result than football. The Il-
lini cannot hope to hold Michigan
scoreless throughout 60 minutes of
play - the Sucker line just isn't
strong enough to cope with the pow-
erful running and passing attack that
the Wolverines have shown in piling
up 101 points against four opponents
so far this year.
Wolverine Line Better .
Nor will the Illini have much of a
chance to score by means of a run-
ning attack. The Wolverine line is
conceded to be one of the best, if not
the best, in the country. Zuppke
does not figure to beat Michigan with
a running game, but he has a great
passing attack to fall back on to
spread the Michigan defense.
Jack Beynon (pronounced Bay-
non) is the passing threat around
whom Zuppke is laying his plans for
Saturday. Records of the Illinois
games show that Beynon is the best
passer in the Conference. Against,
the Army, the Sucker quarterback
completed 12 out of 17 passes for a,
total gain of 153 yards. Eleven of
these passes were completed in suc-
So far this season, the Wolverines
have not had to cope with a sus-
tained passing attack. Ohio State
passers were unable to find a receiver
who was not covered by a Michigan°
back; Chicago's aerial game was not
deceptive enough to fool the pass-
wise Wolverines. But Zuppke has de-

veloped one. of the best passing at-
tacks in the country around Beynon
and it may be this phase of the game{
that will prove the margin of victory
in Saturday's contest.
In case the Wolverines do solve
the Illinois passing, the constant

LETTERS OF A GANGSTER IN COLLEGE to his lady-friend in the Big,
Wicked city :
Dear Mabel:
Well I guess the Michigans put the squeeze on the Chicagos all right,
and I am very glad indeed that I can come over and take you to the
game last Saturday in spite of the fact that all of last week I have a great
desire to see the Grid-Giraffe.
I am more than pleased Mabel when you say that you like the game
of football and would like to play it yourself, even though I must confess
that I am a bit embarrassed when you crush that guy's hat what is sitting in
front of you at the game. It is too bad that I have to spoil the game by
putting the sock on the lug, but you can remember how regretfully &
practically with tears in my eyes I do so.
Well this week the Michigans play the Illinoises, which from what I
hear is a tribe of Indians living far far out in the west at a place called
Banana- Sham-pain. (You know Indians, Mabel . . . the foreigners which
inhabit this country & run around in the woods practically in the nude
before the white man comes and puts clothes on them and now the white
man is doing practically the same thing).
WELL, IT SEEMS THAT THE ILLINOISES are weak on the football
field for many many years but before that they have a swell player
whose Indian name is Red Garage and with him they put the bite on
the Michigans very bad indeed for which the Michigans never entirely for-
get about it.
Now they are strong again and I hear that they are anxious to rub out
the Michigans leaving only a heap of rubbish on the field around which
they can do a war-dance. They have a rest last Saturday and they are rar-
ing and tearing around and frenziedly singing their Indian version of "Who
Heap Scared of Big Bad Wolverine?"
Personally, I can not see missing the game even though I can not see
the Grid-Giraffe animal this week, so I am going out to get a load of what
these Indians look like and just between you and I Mabel I am living in
hopes that I and the rest of the Michigans come home with all our hair
where it belongs as I hear that it is the habit of Indians to remove it while
you wait.

Friedman Ai


Newman Fight
For Pro Hono
NEW YORK, Nov. 1.-(-P)--Buc
ets Goldenburg, of Green Bay, I
captured the lead in the race
individual scoring honors in the I
tional Professional Foot Ball Leag
The former Wisconsin star scor
three touchdowns against Phi
delphia on Sunday to boost his tc
to 42, four points ahead of I
Strong, of the New York Giants, a
five ahead of Glenn Presnell,
Presnell, incidentally, is runn
Harry Newman, of the Giants,
close race as the outstanding
around back in the circuit. The 1
braskan, in addition to being a h
scorer, has kicked the most fi
.goals, six, and ranks up with
leaders in passing and ground-ga
Benny Friedman, of Brooklyn,
taken a slight lead in the pass
averages with 27 completions in
attempts; Newman has gained
most ground with aerials, 464 yard
Sp eedball League
Play Will End Soo
Regular league competition in f
ternity speedball will be concluc
next week according to the Ini:
mural Department.nAlready, two
visional champions have been
cided, Alpha Omega, Phi Ka:
Sigma, both having finished t]
schedules without suffering a def
Present standings indicate that Th
Chi, Phi Beta Delta and Delta I
silon will constitute the remair
teams to engage in the direct el
ination tournament to decide
inter-frat champions.

-Associated Press Photo
Above are pictured two of Michigan's star players and two of the Illinois backs who are expected to
give, them plenty of trouble in Saturday's game. Everhardus, the leading point scorer of the Conference will
be playing his usual stellar game at half and Petoskey will be slashing in after Beynon and Lindberg
chiefly. Coach Zuppke is counting on Beynon to throw the passes with which he expects to score on
Michigan. Les Lindberg is said to remind Illini fans of the immortal Red Grange with his snaky hips
working over-time in an open field.

Rain Interferes
With Wolverine
Football D r ill
Kipke Gives Team Plays
For Sucker Gamne But
Stresses Defense
Scattered showers kept Coach Har-
ry Kipke's gridders running in and
out the Field House yesterday after-
noon. Practice started on Ferry Field,
rain intervened, sending the boys in-
side, and then the sun shone and out
they went. Despite this fact, much
was accomplished in the drill.
Kipke spent the first part of the
afternoon instructing his charges in
a new set of plays for the Illini en-
counter. With the reserves on the
defense, the Varsity concentrated on
a ground attack.
The major portion of the practice,
however, was confined to defensive
work. A freshman team, specially
drilled in Illinois plays, wore itself
out aiming every possible type of play
at the Varsity.
Savage Return's
Carl Savage, first team guard, was
back in the lineup after a day's
forced rest with a punctured artery
in his hand. He participated in ac-
tive drill only part of the time, how-
ever, Kipke taking no chances of
further aggravating the injured
Much of the practice so- far this
week has centered around molding
an effective defense against Illinois
passes. Michigan does notr fear
Zuppke's running game. The pow-
erful Wolverine forwards will take
care of that phase of the attack, but
Kipke admits that he will be wor-
ried when Jack Beynon starts throw-
ing that pigskin in the Illinois sta-
dium Saturday.
Neither the Ohio State or the Chi-
cago aerial attack made headway
threat of a completed throw will so
spread the Michigan defense that the
Illini may be able to shake loose one
of the best broken-field runners in
football, Les Lindberg.
After a week of camparative rest
for his regulars, Zuppke is down to
serious work this week. With no
game since the Army contest, the In-
dian mentor has had an extra week
to devise a new set of plays to be
used against Kipke's eleven. On
Tuesday, the Illinois varsity were
driven through a long scrimmage
against the freshmen, but they were
unable to score until the closing min-
utes of the practice When they man-
aged to push over a touchdown. The
greatest gains made by the varsity
were by means of intercepted passes
as the 6-2-2-1 defense used by the
yearlings was able to check the var-
sity attack.

There's Always A Good Story
When Illinois Meets Michigan

* CHICAGO, Nov. 1.-()-Sports
writers always take an extra supply
of adjectives when they cover Illi-
nois-Michigan football wars and next
Saturday they may use them all as
they watch the Illini attempt to stop
the Wolverine surge to the Big Ten
A few flarebacks to those struggles:
1920 - The game was a dog fight
from start to finish. Neither side
budged or yielded an inch when an
inch meant something. Jack Dunn
electrified the huge throng by run-
ning the length of the field for a
touchdown but "Chuck" Carney
caught a pass and scored. Illinois
kicked the goal and won, 7 to 6.
1921- The difference was Steke-
tee's toe in another thriller. He
against the Maize defense, but
against Illinois it is going to be dif-
ferent. Any team which can com-
plete eleven passes in succession as
the Illini did against Army will bear
plenty of watching.
Kipke indicated that Louie West-
over will be used Saturday by in-
cluding him in his first-string back-
field a great part of the afternoon.
Westover is noted as one of the best
pass defenders on the squad.
For some unknown reason, Whitey
Wistert and Jerry Ford were included
in the freshman line which opposed
the Varsity. In Wistert's regular
place at tackle was Willard Hilde-
brand. Austin was at the other
tackle, Petoskey and Ward at ends,
Kowalik and Borgmann at guards,
and Bernard at center. When Sav-
age went in he replaced Borgmann.
A reserve line-up which saw plenty
of activity included Bolas, Triple-
horn, Renner and Oliver in the back-
field with Remias alternating. The
line consisted of Chapman and Ma-
lashevich, ends, Jacobson and Vier-
giver, tackles, Beard and Singer,
guards, and Fuog, center.
The squad will engage in their last
practice this afternoon before en-
training for the Illinois game. Fri-
day morning they leave for Chicago,
where they will stop over for a work-
out in the afternoonat Stagg Field.
The team will not continue to
Champaign until Saturday morning,
arriving just before game time and
returning to Chicago immediately af-
ter the contest.
Good Trousers
You men who are death on
Trousers can get satisfaction
out of our Perfect Fitting stock
of splendid, better-than-usual
These Trousers are odd suit-
ing Trousers all from suits-
Don't throw the coat and vest
away- Come and get a pair.
Remember these are Suiting
Trousers not just an ordinary
pair of pants.

booted a field goal and Michigan
won, 3 to 0.
1924- Sixty-eight thousand fans
packed the Illinois stadium for its
dedication. The "Galloping Ghost,"
Red Grange, galloped over for four
touchdowns in 12 minutes to provide
one of the most thrilling chapters in
football history. Steger was cheered
lustily as he led the Wolverines in a
valiant, uphill fight and walked off
the field a co-hero with the famous
red head. Illinois won, 39 to 14.
Michigan, 3-0
1925 - A slippery field, and even
fight but Friedman's goal won for
Michigan, 3 to 0.
1926 - Fr'iedman again. He booted
two goals and Michigan tallied a
touchdown after intercepting a pass
as Illinois tried to come back, win-
ning 13 to 0.
1927 - Illinois beat Michigan, 14
to 0, and won title.
Crane blocked a Michigan punt-
one of very few to be blocked in
years - and Schultz fell on it for a
touchdown. Timm scored first on an
end run.
1928 Michigan upset Illinois, 3
to 0, on Simrall's goal. Frosty Peters
made a "perfect" kick - but the ball
hit the cross bar and bounded back
instead of over. Illinois won the title
1929 -Illinois won its last game
from Michigan, 10 to 0, with the help
of a 64 yard touchdown dash by
Doug Mills.
1930 - An underdog, Illinois gave
Michigan a battle, succumbing ulti-
mately, 7 to 15, before Harry New-
man's passes. Gil Berry ran 58 yards
for Illinois' score.

Speed King To
Bring New Car
To U.S. In '35
William Sturm of Indianapolis, busi-
ness manager of the English speed
king, Sir Malcolm Campbell, today
said the racer had started work on
another automobile that would pre-
vent him from returning to America
this winter to attempt to better his
own speed of 272.108 miles an hour.
Campbell made his present record
on the sands of Daytona Beach, Fla.,
in his gigantic "Bluebird" racing
creation, but in his attempt to raise
that speed to 300 miles an hour,
EN AVANT eve . orwr4A
A 4
Burr, Patterson & Auld Co.
Detroi, Michigan & WalkervilIe, Ontario
A For your convenience
Ann Arbor Store A
603 Church St.

Sturm said he may use a dry lake
bed course near Salt Lake City. The
new car will not be finished until
1935, he said.


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