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October 28, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-28

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U S. Gold :Purch'ases PHut B4 Mines In S potlight
r ,
Associated Press Photo
The government's policy of buying gold at a fixed price has focused attention again on the nation's
more famnous gold mines. This is a general view of the noted Homestake mine at Lead4, S. D., wvhich pro-
duces about $6,00 090 in gold ann~ualy. Since 1876 this, mine has produced more than $200,000,900 in gold.
Blackbirds R efuse Complete Annual Statement Of
To Be EviedByUniversity Finances Released
Irate home-Owners______
(Continued from Page 1 \ supplies, and services other than per-
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 27.-(P)- Alumni Association, Michigan Union, sonal came .to $1,976,331. Grand to-
Blackbirds still roost in the 3500 block Michigan League, Student Publica- tal expenditures of the University
on Olive St., despite eviction proceed- tions, hospital equipment reserve, and were $9,596,654.
ings. the several dormitories, etc.), expend- Expenditures by libraries totaled
Fretful home owners, welcoming able items, and loanable principal of $324,97. In the literary college the
the suggestion of a fireworks manu- student loan funds shoxv an increase English depar'tment had the Iargest
facturer, fired Roman candles int6 of '$191,047.47, due largely to the total expenditure" of any department,
the trees Thursday night. There was transfer of funds from the University the figure being $124,297, and the
a fluttering of wings-and shouts of Hospital which have been set aside mathematics department was second
victory by the home owners. Then for equipment replacement and re- with $111,655. Expenditures of the
there was another fluttering of wings serves and several small gifts for en- entire literary college came to $1,-
--and groans. The blackbird had re- dowment totaling $85,089.01. 273,903.
turned. The class of investments is divided Total salaries for teaching and re-
R. D. Ewing, strategist, accepted into bonds, 53 per cent, contracts, .6-2 search in the Jliterary college caine to
the suggestion of a shotgun. Two per cent, deposit in closed bank, .03 $1,118,650, and $386,485 in the Col-
.shots, fired into a tree where the per cent, mortgages, 29 per cent, lege of Engineering.
blackbirds appeared thickest, brought notes, .22 per cent, real estate, 12 per Total value of lands owned by the
down one bird. At that rate the cent, script, less than 1-100 per cent, University is ulaced at $4,867,170,
Sshooting would last all winter, stocks, 3 per cent and tuition loans, and educational plant assets at $25,-
- So the attackers withdrew, leav- .09 per cent. 958,158.
- ing the blackbirds to clack noisily-- Over a period of years by trust
Sand triumphant, fund opera'tions the University has
accumulated a reserve amounting to Surrenders After 33
$107,284 on June 30, 1933, subject to Yearsi As A IFLgitive
L ehr lo SpeaK charges for any final losses from con-
solidated investments when duly au- MARSHALL, N. C., Oct. 27.--(A)-
- 'l~) P- ethorized by the Regents. Bronzed and looking years younger
eDoIre lstrleL Income from students for the year than his age, James Lunsford, a 58-
,is set in the report at $1,144,884 from year-old Louisiana rancher, was back
Leion AI eetin . ition and fees, $29,696 from labor.. in his native hills today to face a
Satory fees, $26,674 from diploma fees murder charge from which he fled
and $3,261 from deposits for theses, 33 years ago. Surrendering at the
YPSILANTI, Oct. 27.--Con- keys, etc. sheriff's office Thursday Lunsford
gressman John C. Lehr, a member of The Income from the dental oper- announced that he was wanted for
the house judiciary committee which ating room is set at $30,961, and mis- the fatal shooting of his cousin, Bud
is conducting an inquiry into Fed- cellaneous department sales a n d Lunsford, in 1900.
eral receiverships in Chicago, will be services added $121,234 more. Sales "I know I was justified," he was
the principal speaker before the quar- and service at University Hospital quoted as saying, "but I just wanted
terly convention of the American netted $1,815,594, and miscellaneous to get this thing cleared up, and get
*Legion's second Michigan District raised the total $41,412 more. it off my mind." Arrangements were
here Sunday, Lester E. Miller, chair- Dormitory receipts totaled $165,081 mnade for his release on $1,500 bond.
man, announces, from Mosher-J o r d a n Halls and His trial is expected at next month's
More than 500 delegates from posts Fletcher Hall. An unusual feature of session of superior court.
.S . Lnsodfod ficr h adbe
in Jackson, Lenawee, Monroe and this item is that the room deposits Lnfri odofcr ehdbe
Washtenaw counties are expected for which are made at Mosher-Jordan lvn nLusaafrmr hn3
years and that he had become well-
the convention, which will be held in were nearly $1,000 below the roomtodinhectlbuns.
Charles MeKenny hall on the campus deposit refunds._________________
of Michigan Normal college. The con- Of the net receipts of the Univer-
vention will open at 4 o'clock Sunday sity from students, $818,339 is for
afternoon, simultaneously with a the annual fee, $120,418 for the -
business session of the Women's aux- Health Service, $58,038 for the Mich- E T
iliary to be held in another part igan Union, $56,466 for outdoor phy--
of the building-. sical education, $43,280 for the ma-
Congressman Lehr will address a triculation fee, $29,166 for the Mich-
combined banquet of the two organi- igan League, and $14,520 for the Li-
zations at 6:30 in the evening. Gov. brary. In the Summer Session there

William A. Comstock has been invited is $2,874 that goes to The Daily.
to attend as the honored guest of the Total salaries and wages paid by
occasion, the University during this one-year
"Americanization" has been named period are recorded as $5,783,099,
as the general theme of the men's and total expenditures for material,
meeting. Speakers will be Donald
Beardslee of Greenville, state com-
mander; Leslie Kefgen, Bay City, NAL is b sess Jf UT
. NAL is business and financial t
member of the national executive education. Send for sample copy
committee; Ray Kelly, Detroit, for- and special student rates with-
mer state commander, and Fred out obligation. 44 Broad Street,
Battelle, commander of the second New York."
f IN
Broaw t io M yoo


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