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October 28, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-28

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French Decision And World
Peace; Some Economic Aspect
Of Russian Recognition.'


.. . .


Issue Aniual
Fiscal Report
Of University

Wolverines Ruled Favorites


Chicago Contest



Shoaws Drop In
And Expenses,

Grid Graph To Show Gam

Will Ask Identification Of
All Voters; Bursley To
Explain Voting Dates
With two class elections, the sen-
iors and juniors, already completed,
members of the two lower classes are
nominating candidates, caucusing,
and swinging into their campaigns
for the coming elections. Sophomores
will vote Wednesday, Nov. 1, and
freshmen Wednesday, Nov. 8.
In the literary college both soph-
omore parties have chosen their can-
didates and yesterday began distribu-
ting "pluggers" in the hope of gain-
ing the advantage over their rivals.
The State Street g r o u p named
George Northridge, Delta Tau Delta,
for president, and Woodward Grove,
Zeta Psi', for treasurer.-
Remias Picked
The Washtenaw-Coalition party in
the literary college has chosen Steve
Remias, Alpha Tau Omega, for pres-
ident, Winifred Bell, Chi Omega, for
secretary, and JamesEyre, indepen-
dent, for -treasurer.,
.Yesterday sophomores in the Col-
lege of Engineering, composing the
Independent-Fraternity - Cooperative
party, named their candidates for the
election to be held the same day.
Harold Hertz, Alpha Sigma Phi, was
chosen to run for president, Anthony
Dauksza, independent, for vice-pres-
ident, Dale McCormick, independent,
for secretary, and Edwin King, Sigma
Chi, for treasurer. Jack Stevens will
run for the Engineering Council on
their slate, and Stuart Reed for the
Honor Council. Sophomores in the
Medical -School will also vote, and
others must petition for an election
Must Present Petition
In setting dates for class elections,
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president of
the Undergraduate Council, explain-
ed that all classes which had pages
in last years Michiganensian are hav-
ing elections arranged for them auto-
matically, while any others may have
a date set for them if they petition
the Council before the end of next
week. Any junior class which did not
vote Wednesday may have a special
election arranged for them if they
petition the Council some time today.
In commenting on the past elec-
tions, Bursley stated that all have
been run off without the least diffi-
culty, under the direction of a mem-
ber of the Council assisted by a
Union committeeman at each polling
In some schools eligibility lists
have been furnished by the recorder's
office to check voters, but in the lit-
erary college names have been check-
ed off in the student directory. Some
positive means of identification must
be furnished in order to obtain a
Plans Control
Olf Distilleries
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27. -(M)-
Plans were moving forward today
within the Roosevelt administration
for federal control of the liquor in-
dustry between the time of prohibi-
tion's expected repeal and new legis-
lation on the subject through a
market agreement with distillers.
This agreement already has taken
tentative form at conferences be-
tween representatives of the distillers
and officials of the farm adjustment
Officials said today the distillers
themselves were anxious for some
form of governmental supervision in
the interim between repeal and addi-
tional laws by congress.
It was pointed out that, aside from
state regulations -4 considered in,-

adequate in some cases - there was
nothing to prevent a rush to go into
the distillery business. Unless there
is a measure of central control, many
liquor manufacturers fear there may
be the return of abuses.
Pharmacy School Holds

The curtain will fall tonight on
Harriet Beecher Stowe's immortal
epic of slavery, "Uncle Tom's Cabin,"
Play Production's opening vehicle of
the fall dramatic season under the
direction of Valentine B. Windt,
which is being staged in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
A special children's matinee will
be presented at 2:30 p. mn. today in
the theatre, with prices set to suit
the limitations of "flattened purses"
of both members of the student body
and the younger set, according to
Mr. Windt. Seats in the balcony and
the main floor will be sold at 25
cents for children and 50 cents for
adults. For the benefit of members
of the audience who are interested
in the outcome of the Michigan-Chi-
cago game in Chicago, the score will
be announced between scenes.
A number of good seats are still
available for the matinee, John Hirt,
'34, business manager, said. Tickets
may be reserved by calling the box
office at the theatre. The final show-
ing of the play will be presented at
8:30 p. m. today.
Litvinov Leaves
Soviet For U. S.
Russian Envoy, With Few
Delegates, Keeps Silent
Concerning Mission
MOSCOW, Oct. 27- (') - Maxim
Litvinov, to whom all Russia looks
for the attainment of American rec-
ognition, was on his way to the
United States today in an atmos-
phere of utmost secrecy.
A peep beneath a scarcely-raised
blind from a window of his train
was the only parting view of his as-
sociates the foreign commissar was
seen to permit himself.
And the crowds which gladly would
have cheered him off on the all-im-
portant journey to Washington were
barred from the railroad station.
-Hours after he .had slipped away
behind closely drawn shades on the
Berlin train, it was impossible even
to learn whether his English-born
wife had accompanied him.
To the time of his unheralded de-
parture he refused to break the si-
lence in which he has locked his ideas
about the forthcoming negotiations.
Similarly tight-lipped were his as-
sociates in high government circles.
They would discuss neither his plans
for the talks with President Roose-
velt nor his itinerary..
Accompanying him were C. Ou-
manski, chief of the foreign office
press section, and Ivan A. Divilkov-
ski, secretary of the foreign office
The small party, accompanied by
a handful of minor foreign office at-
taches, entered the station shortly
before midnight and boarded the
train 15 minutes before its scheduled
Call 2-1214 For Final
Scores Of Major Games

DETROIT, Oct. 27.-(P)-Henry
Ford's long-standing "silent contro-
versy" with the NRA was at an
abrupt end tonight with the Ford
Company's statement-the first since
the motor magnate failed to sign the
auto code-that recovery administra-
tor Hugh S. Johnson is "assuming
the airs of a dictator" and "attempt-
ing a grave injustice upon a law-
abiding American industry."
"Johnson's daily expression of
opinion is not law," said a statement
from the company offices today.
"Signing a code is not in the law;
flying the blue eagle is not in the
law. The Ford Motor Company ob-
serves the law and exceeds it in all
its real recovery features."
The statement, incidentally, made
the charge that favoritism in the.
awarding of governmental bids is
"possible under the NRA."
Breaks Silence
The sudden breaking of silence by
the Ford Motor Co., which since the
outset of the National Recovery Act
had remained uncommunicative as to
its policy, followed Johnson's declar-
ation in Washington today that he
would "turn the case over to the at-
torney general" if he found concrete
evidence of direct violation of the
code by the Ford company.
Ford officials indicated clearly that
they believed Johnson had singled
them out unnecessarily in his state-
ment, which concerned wage, hour
and schedules of employment to be
furnished by the national automobile
chamber of commerce required by
the NRA code. Ford is not a mem-
ber of the N. A. C. C., but he has con-
sistently maintained that working
conditions in the giant Ford plants
are better than those demanded by
the code. The company indicated that
the figures would be furnished if they
were requested.
Ford Bid Less
"If bids have been made by Ford
dealers it is because the government
departments insist on it being done,"
the statement said. The situation at
Washington, which has so greatly ex-
cited Mr. Johnson, is a simple one. A
Ford dealer who is a citizen of Wash-
ington, entered his bid at the request
of government men. His bid was
something like $200,000 less than the
"There is no money in government
bids unless some form of favoritism
is practiced, such as is now possible
under the NRA.
"Johnson now proposes to charge
the American taxpayer a higher price'
in order to give government business
to a concern that pays lower wages
than the Ford Motor Co. does. More
money out of the taxpayer's pocket,
less money in the working man's
pocket-that is the way it will work."
Circuit Court
Jury Convicts
Armed Robber
George Fahndrich, 29, was found
guilty in Circuit Court this afternoon
of robbery armed by a jury which
had debated his case for 27 hours,
beginning Thursday afternoon. No
sentence was pronounced and Fahn-
drich remains lodged in County Jail.
The jury found Fahndrich guilty
of robbing the Forest Chase home
in Milan of $500, after binding Mrs.
Forest Chase and Edna Vernett.
Sentence will p r o b a b l y be pro-
nounced Monday by Judge George
The case of Brent Dunn, 29, charg-
ed with murder in connection with
the death of John Reinhart, aged re-
cluse whose body was found in his
home on South Fifth Ave. three
weeks ago, will probably come before
Judge Sample late Monday after-

noon, Prosecuting Attorney Albert J.
Rapp said today.
mRIarnra'.a nv'H ,naoA cumilfu

Increase In Assets
Give Explanation Of
Trust Investments
Figures Of Total Assets
Show Increase Of Over
One Half Million
Showing an increase in total as-
sets along with a large decrease in
the cash operating income in spite
of a drop in currert operating ex-
penses, the financial report of the
University for the year ended June
30, 1933, was released recently after
having been officially adopted by the
Board of Regents as their report to
the governor of the state.
Total assets of the University at
this time were placed in the report
at $52,168,159.65, an increase over the
same period in 1932 of $769,710.17.
This increase was largely in the edu-
cational plant account, the rise in
this part alone being $600,185.96.
-Under this head lands increased $1,-
796.87, buildings $373,517.98, land im-
provements $5,987.92, and equipment
Receipts Total 7 Million
Net cash general fund receipts for
the year, including the University
Hospital, although it is regarded as
a self-sustaining unit of the Univer-
sity, totaled $7,846,795.92. The in-
dividual parts of this total, with their
percentage of the total, are as fol-
lows: student f e e s, $1,204,515.67,
15.35 per cent; State appropriations,
$4,597,108.41, 58.59 per cent; Sales
and services, $194,268.51, 2.48 per
cent; hospital receipts, $1,815,594.00,
23.14 per cent; miscellaneous, $35,-
309.33, .44 per cent.
The University's cash operating in-
come during the year, including the
hospital income, was less than that
of the previous year by $469,435.36.
Current operating expenses of the
University totaled $7,818,969.76, less
$1,976,014.71 if the University hospi-
tal were to be excluded as a separate
unit. These current operating ex-
penses are lower by $989,683.18 than
the previous y e a r, including the
Fund Goes For Research
The current part of the current
general fund disbursements went for
instruction and research,/ 54.88 per
cent being used for this purpose;
25.27 per cent of the total was used
by the hospital; 8.05 per cent for op-
eration and maintenance; 4.77 per
cent for general administration; 4.63
per cent for general expenses; .88 per
cent for service department; .83 per
cent for extension; and .69 per cent
for physical plant additions.
Invested trust funds, including de-
posits (i. e. funds belonging to the
(Continued on Page 2)
Freshmen In Literary
College Begin Caucuses
Inaugurating the freshman polit-
ical campaign in the literary college,
representatives of fraternities and
sororities affiliated with the State
Street party in this class will hold
a caucus Monday night at the Delta
Kappa Epsilon fraternity, according
to Donald Hillier, '37, chairman of
the party. Leaders said that candi-
dates for the election to be held Nov.
8 will be selected at this time.


First Appearance Of Big
Playing Board Scheduled
At Union This Afternoon
Will Present Fans
With Graphic View
Wire Service Direct From
Game Allows Students
To 'Witness' Contest
The Grid Graph, a mechanical de-
vice which will enable football fans
in Ann Arbor to witness pictorially
the plays of the Michigan-Chicago
game at Stagg field in Chicago today,
will have its initial appearance in
the Union ballroom this afternoon.
By means of a direct wire from a
representative at the game, the play-
by-play will be flashed across the
large board here. Each player on the
field is identified by a light bulb
which flashes when he becomes a
participant in the immediate play.
Figures on a miniature gridiron,
which the board contains, indicate
the progress and direction of the
play. The type of play in use is also
shown as soon as the action begins.
This device is an innovation in Ann'
Arbor but has been used with great
success in several other cities+
throughout the country. It is being
sponsored by the Union, the Alumni1
Association, and the Michigan Daily.
A complete diagram of the Grid
Graph which will help fans to under-;
stand the mechanism when it is wit-
nessed this afternoon will be found
on page three. The ballroom will be.
opened at 2:30 p. m. and a small
admission will be charged to cover
the cost of operation.
Accommodations have been made;
for 700 spectators. Attendance will
not be restricted to students, but willi
be open to townspeople as well, ac-
cording to a statement made by Rob-,
ert A. Saltzstein, '34, president of the
Saltzstein also said that the Union
will furnish a radio to pick-up cere-
monies and band music between the
halves. More ambitious musical pro-
grams which include attendance of
the Varsity Band have been arranged
for later in the season, but the pres-
ence of the band in Chicago today
precludes any such feature on this
French Cabinet To
Consider Finances
PARIS, Oct. 27.-(P)--Only a few
hours old, Premier Albert Sarraut's
ministry "convalescence" plunged
without delay into the task of bal-
ancing the French budget.
Finance Minister Georges Bonnet,
"the guardian of the franc" and
Gardey, the new budget minister,
studied prospects of bringing finances
into equilibrium from the viewpoint
of both senate and chamber of dep-
M. Gardey, an influential member
of the senate, has been speaking and
writing on financial restoration for
months, and is expected to develop
plans which will satisfy the senate,
while M. Bonnet will reflect the
chamber's attitude.

Probable Lineups
Chicago Pos Michigan
Wells ........LE ..... Petoskey
Perretz .......Lax.......Savage
Patterson ...... C...... Bernard
Maneikis .....L...... Kowalik
Bush .........RT....... Austin
Womer .......RE.:........Ward
Flinn ..... ...QB......Fay (c)
Zimmer (c) . . . LH... Everhardus
Berwanger ...RH....... Heston
Nyquist .......FB...... Regeczi
Referee Frank E. Birch (Earl-
ham); Umpire Anthony Haines
(Yale); Field Judge Col. H. B.
Hackett (West Point); Head
Linesman Jay Wyatt (Missouri).
Varsity Band
Entrains For
Game And Fair
Special Train Carries 110
Musicians; World's Fair
Concert To Be Given
Leaving for a World's Fair concert
and its first major football trip in
two years, the Varsity Band was to
entrain at 7 a. m. today at the
Michigan Central Station en route
to Chicago.
The unit, including more than 110
members and officers, was to as-
semble on the platform shortly be-
fore train-time and be checked into
its cars on the Varsity Band Special
for breakfast. Railroad officials last
night said that more than 10 coaches
in addition to diners for the band
and students, would make up the
train. Approximately 500. reserva-
tions, in addition to those for the
band, had been made for students by
last night, it was said at the ticket
The train will arrive at the 53rd
Street station of the Illinois Central
Railroad at noon, Ann Arbor time,
and the "Fighting Hundred" will
march to its headquarters in the
Hotel Windermere for lunch before
the game at Stagg Field.
A brief concert of Michigan songs
will be given tonight in front of the
Michigan Building on the grounds of
A Century of Progress Exposition,
and after the concert ,the bandsmen
will be dismissed to see the Fair or to
visit friends in Chicago.
They will re-assemble shortly after
noon tomorrow and at 2:30 will pre-
sent a six-number concert in the
court of the Hall of Science. In the
evening after this concert, for which
Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone has chosen
classic and semi-classic numbers
which have proved popular in Var-
sity Band concerts on the campus,
the band will entrain for Ann Ar-
bor, arriving here at midnight.
In Educational
School Picked
Appointments to senior committee
positions in the School of Education
were announced yesterday by Flor-
ence M. Shaw, class president, with
those named distributed among five
Merable Smith was named chair-
man of the executive committee, and
Barbara Andrews, Cant Bowsher, and
Mary Kessberger as other members.
On the finance committee, Miss
Shaw appointed Corrine Fries, chair-
man, Marion Foley, Beatrice Mass-

man, and Clifford Friend. Lucile
Root was appointed chairman of the
cap and gown committee and Eliza-
beth Cooper, Clayton Fowler, and
Gladys Dingle committee members.
The invitation committee consists
of Gunnard Antell, chairman, Alice
Goodenow, and Rose Shon, while
Lois Parker was appointed chairman
of the canes committee, assisted by
Henry Krul and Robert Amsten.
Senior committees in four other
schools, the Law School, School of
Dentistry, School of Music, and Col-

Michigan Squad Detrains
At Chicago, Takes Light
Work-Out On Stagg Field
Experience .Is Big
Factor In Rating
Regular Line-Up To Start,
Kipke Says,Sophomores
Take Brunt For Maroons
(Special To The Daily)
CHICAGO, Oct. 27-Thirty-three
Wolverines arrived here today set for
their invasion of the Windy City, as
they battle the Maroons of the Uni-
versity of Chicago tomorrow after-
noon on Stagg Field. The contest is
set for 2 p. m. C. S. T. (3 o'clock
Ann Arbor time).
The formidable Wolverines de-
trained at 53rd St. station early this
afternoon, and after installing them-
selves at the Hotel Windermere, took
over Stagg Field for a light work-
out under the direction of Coach
Harry Kipke later in the day.
Tomorrow's battle finds Michigan
top-heavy favorite to hand the team
from the Midway their second set-
back in as many starts, while the
Maroons will be gunning for the
Maize and Blue to give them their
first beating in 18 starts.
Has Experience Advantage
Michigan's advantage lies largely
in experience; the Maroons will not
be outweighed by a great deal, and
may give the Wolverines more op-
position than is expected. Last week,
Thicago held a strong Purdue aggre-
,ation to a 14-0 tally, and the week
before scored a 40-0 victory over
Washington University of St. Louis.
,The regular ineup will start the
;ame, according to, Coach ipke,al-
;hough it is not definitely known this
evening whether Jack Heston and
red Petoskey will be in uniform, and
it is fairly certain that neither of
these stars will play for the dura-
ion of the contest, no matter what
the outcome.
For the first time in the forty-two
year period of intermittent rivalry
between Michigan and Chicago,
"Staggmen" is not an acicepable
synonym for the team from the Mid-
way. Coach Shaughnessy, formerly
of St. Mary's, is now in charge.
Depends On Sophomores
He has a lineup composed largely
of sophomores. Sahlin at quarter
and Zimmer at left half are the two
veteran members of the backfield,
but Berwanger, a newcomer at right
half has starred so far this season
and the sophomore line is heavy and
aggressive despite its lack of expe-
Michigan is expected to take to the
air for a good deal of the offensive
play tomorrow, as Coach Harry Kipke
is trying to spare his runners and his
running attack from the eyes of Bob
Zuppke, coach of the Illini, who will
view the contest.
The first-stringers are expected to
go in and score as early as possible
in order to give the Varsity stone
wall and the four iron men of the
backfield a rest while a team of sub-
stitutes takes the field, although it is
expected that Chicago's offensive will
give them too much of a battle. If
so, the Varsity will have to go in
The two thousand Michigan fans
expected here before game time to-
morrow have already begun to arrive,
while alumni headquarters have been
set up at the Hotel Windermere.

Slosson To Speak On Religion
Before Freshman Round Table


Opening the second month of the
Freshman Round Table discussions,
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the lit-
erary department will speak on "Re-
ligion In This Changing World" at 9
a. m. tomorrow in the Grill Room of
the League. This subject will be the
general theme for the weekly discus-
sion sessions of the Round table dur-
ing November.
Professor Slosson who last year
taught history as a Carnegie profes-
sor at the Universities of Glasgow,
Manchester, and Bristol, will not ap-
proach his subject from a theolog-
ian's viewpoint but rather from a his-
torical angle. Part of his address will
be devoted to the answering of ques-
+ir.rc r.of lii n it mon th'sdiscus-


Government To
Cease Buying
Ford Products
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-()-
President Roosevelt and his aides
committed the government today to
an effort to obtain affirmative com-
pliance with the automobile code
from Henry Ford, or go after the
manufacturer with formal prosecu-
tion and exclude him and his dealers
from government business.

,,:: .: . .

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