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October 22, 1933 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-22

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22, 1933




House Dances
Honor Guests
At Homecoming
Fraternities Furnish Guest
Lists For Closed, Open{
Dances This Week-End
Fraternities honored several out of
town guests and alumni last night at
formal and informal dances held in
honor of homecoming week-end.
At a home-coming party given last
night by the members of Acacia fra-
ternity, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Neihaus
and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Christman
of Ann Arbor were chaperones. Music
was provided by Ken Lundquist and
his orchestra.
Among the guests present were:
Robert Korntee, Ralph Wilson, Mr.
and Mrs. N. C. Bartholomew, all of
Buffalo, N. Y.; Sherman R. Hatch,
'33A, Miss Lena Joshuns, and Miss
Bertha Heinz of Grand Rapids; Mrs.
T. W. Seibert and Sybil and Carol
Swartout of St. Louis, Mo.
Guests at the Alpha Kappa Lamb-
da dance last night were: Marion
Anderson, '36, Betty Bingham, '34,
'BettyCavender, '36, Edith Fromm,
'7, Thelma- Gardner, '36, Elanor
Heath, '35, Katherin Kirwan, '37,
Sarah Lacey, '34SM, Elizabeth Long,
'34, Laura Miller, Grad, Dorothy
Shutt, '37, and Catherine Stitt, '36.
Out of to w n guests included:
Misses June Bert, Charlotte, Carlisle,
Mary Jane Castoe, Peggy Compton,
Adelaine BeBursaques, Mary Eliot,
Adelaide Ely, Eleanor Francisco,
Irene Higginson, Virginia Kallow,
Ileene Peters, and Betty Ronald.
Last night at the informal dance
held at the Alpha Omega house, the
following guests were present: Miss
Beth Baum, of Flint; Miss Ann Ben-
kow, of Detroit; Miss Nessie Bloom,
of Brooklyn; Mrs. S. A. Colef, of Ben-
ton Harbor; and Rose Gravel, of De-
Miss Clair Grant, '36, Josephine
Lipsky, '36, Miss Anne Greenbaum,
of Ann Arbor; Miss Evelyn Green-
berg, of Detroit; Miss Dihny Klahr,
of New York; Miss Charlotte Loth, of
Chicago; Miss Arabelle Levison, of
Detroit; Miss Gloria Margolin, of De-
troit; and Miss Miriam Newman, of
Miss Yetta Pollack, of Ypsilanti;
Miss Harriet Pappoport, of Rochester,
N. Y.; Miss Rita Rich, of Newark,
New Jersey; Miss Ruty Seidner, of
Ypsilanti; Miss Freda Weinberg and
Miss Helen Weinberg, both of De-
Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Hubert and Dr.
and Mrs. L. Katzen were chaperons
for the dance.
Guests present at the Delta Sigma
Pi closed informal dance last night
were: Ada Blackman, '34, Virginia
Pelhank, '35, Jean Laitner, '34; Nor-
ma ;Lou Cove, '34; Annette Fansler,
of Detroit; Betty Courtright, of Day-
ton, Ohio; Helen Campbell, of Jack-
son; Lois Bogart, of Utica, N. Y.;
Rose Perrin, of Riverton, Wyo.; Nel-
lie Chillington and Lettie Stevens, of
Buffalo; John Lewis, of Flint; Lyle
Eisermann, of Detroit; H. P. Hudson,
of Wayland; Marshall Hebblewite,
of Ypsilanti; William McCord, of
Huston, Texas; Richard Aldrich, of
Cleveland; Jerry Holmes, of Bay
City; Gordon Heim, Chicago; John
Rudd and Frank Leu, of Nashville,
Tenn.; Carl Beier, Charles Batchelor,
Starr Northrup, and Ralph Francis,
all of Detroit; and Kenneth Haven of
Ann Arbor.

Guests at the Chi Phi dance last
night were: Harriet Wolfe, '36, Dor-
othy Utley, '36, Dorothy Adams, '36,
Rose Offley, '35, Kathryn Lundell,
'37, Florence Skenk, '37, Jane Bas-
sett, '35, Mary E. Morgan, '36, Mar-
jorie Johnston, '33, Betty Laub, '35,
Geraldine Jorgenson, '36, Virginia
Spray, '37, Josephine McLean, '36,
Marjorie Gleason, '37, Marie Brana-
gan, '35, Eleanor Noyes, '35, Grace
Snyder, '37, Marie Heid, '35, Eleanor
Thoman, '35, Harriet Tyson, '34,
Florence Bingham, '36, Grace Schro-
der, '36, Marjorie Jackson, '33.
Out-of-town guests were: Misses
June Hartsel, of Ashland, 0.; Miss
Winifred Hughes, and Miss Betsy
Strain, both of Grosse Pointe; Miss
Grace Wolfs, of Saint Clair, Mich.;
Miss Katherine Hinshaw, of Bloom-
field Hills; Miss Nannine Hurd, of
Grand Rapids; Miss Elizabeth John-
son,, of Port Huron; Miss Lucille
Brown, of Toledo; Miss Josephine
Loe, of Des Moines; Miss Jane Rowe,
of Paris; Miss Ruth Dorsey, Miss
Mary Ellwood, Miss Mae Cameron,
Miss Jane Ellwood,.Miss Valeria Re-
naud, all of Detroit.

Instead of dances it seemed as if While at the Sigma Nu dance we
the fraternities were staging mob noted Betty Spray, who was attired
scenes Friday night, for crowds of in white crepe. Betty Schlucter, Al-
;ouples stormed first one house and thea Binkley, Billie Carr, and Lou
hen another. Practically everyone Crandall were glimpsed on the dance
stopped in at the Theta Delt house floor. Black stain simply draped was
vhere we caught hasty glimpses of becoming to another red-head, Gin-
Jean Royce, Bettie Little, Millie ney Allmand.
Dosma, and multitudes of others. Julie Kane, who has just been
The charming couple who lead chosen for the Sophomore Cabaret
rosh Frolic last spring, Jack Mc- Central Committee, attended the Beta
jarthy and Margaret Mustard, were formal andit was there we saw Har-
;here anld the little red-headed Judy ret Heath in a smart black and white
T'ropser also. Eloise Moore, with Jack satin trimmed with rhinestones. Pe-
Bishop, entered, closely followed by tite Ann Timmons, Bernice Wether-
Maxine Maynard, Ann Edmunds, and ald and Mary Paul were there.. We
Mary Jean White. noticed Jean Shaw, Margaret Hert-
* * * rick, and Elizabeth Rush, too.
During our few moments at Sigma * * *
.ihi, Mary Edna Travis, of the soft Schiaparelli Blue velvet and a
Southern drawl, appeared, and Mary matching pert hat were worn by
'otter, was there in a brilliant red Maire Heid, recently appointed dance
gown with cartridge sleeves. Marty chairman for J.G.P., at the A.T.O.'
'Bowen wore a striking black and dance. Myrtle Cooper and Madeline
white affair with a ladder back. Gay Coe appeared and we noticed Evlyn
Mayer, Cathrine McHenry, Virginia Arnold in eel grey simply cut with a
Hugg, and Babs Rose were present. chatreuse flower at the neckline.

Adelia Cheever Holds
First Dance Of Year
Adelia Cheever gave a formal
lance in the Alumnae room of the
League last night. The chaperons for
he dance were: Mrs. Alta Schule,
Miss Jeannette Perry, and Mrs.
Frances Johnson, of Saginaw. Fol-
towing are the guests who attended:
Mrs. William Emery, of Chicago, Ill.;
Miss Evelyn Shoemaker, and Miss
uouise Shoemaker, of Columbus, Ill.;
Aviss Sally Ann Howell, of Saginaw;j
and Miss Olo Collins, of Novena.
Stuckey, New York City; and Miss.
Ruth Budds, Santa Fe. Campuss
guests included Marion McPhee, '36,,
Francene Wright, '34, Josephine Tal-
bot, '34, Ruth Kurtz, '34, Sarah
Parah Pierce, '34, Margaret Martin-
dale, 34, and Alma Harbican, '36.
The open informal dance at Phi'
Alpha Kappa list night was attended
by the following out-of-town guests:
Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich Meyer, Dr.'
J. Van Loo, Dr. Durwin Brownell,
Mrs. Elizabeth Raum, Mr. Paul Kelk-
man, James Alkena, Mrs. Catherine
Manni, Mrs. Jean Ruster, Mrs. W.
Manni, Mrs. Olive Bursing, Dr. and
Mrs. H. Kooistra, Dr. and Mrs. Hart
Stevens, Dr. and Mrs. H. Walkatten,
Dr. and Mrs. V. Ver Meulen, Dr. and
Mrs. R. Kamper, of Elk Rapids; Dr.
and Mrs. J. Sternberg, of Kalama-
zoo; Dr. O. Stehouwer, of Rochester,
N. Y.; Dr. George Gardner, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Vander Wall, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Verspoor, Mr. George Bos, Dr. and
Mrs. S. Hollander, Dr. and Mrs. J.
Bruggena, Mr. and Mrs. T. Vander-
Veen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rooks,
Mr. James DeYoungs, Mrs. George
Vander Riet, Mr. Edward Baas,
Misses Bobbie Baker, Marion Kruiz-
enga, Thelma Hull, Isabel Vanden
Boogert, G. Nan Wyke, Jean Block-
sma, Dorothy Kuiper, Doris Ronda,
John Alpent, Margie Harkens, Evelyn
Crawford, Ruth Verseput, Florence
Stuart, Myrtle Hendra, Delia Vander
Vennen, and Alice Vanden Boogert.
Guests present at the Phi Chi in-
formal dance last night were: Miss
Margaret Dwyer, of Muskegon; Miss
LaVerne Zimmerman, of Oberlin, O.;
Miss Maurine La Londe, of Toledo;
Miss Cecilia Farley, of Perrysburg,
O.; Miss Marie Tuttle, of Jackson;
Miss Ruth Mielke, of Toledo; Miss
Margaret Davis, of Lansing; Miss
Alice Hauser, of Albion; and Miss
Dorothy Downer, of Bay City.
Others attending were Mary Edna
Travis, '35, Margaret Starr, '35, Car-
oline Welz, '35, Katherine Choate,
'36, and Miss Dorothy Hail, of Ann
Chaperons for the dance were Dr.
and Mrs. Ray Waggoner and Dr.
Henry C. Ransom.
Out of town guests visiting the
Phi Kappa fraternity for the week-
end and the informal dance last
night included: Dr. and Mrs. John J.
McCarthy and Mr. and Mrs. William
J. Jergen, Jr., allaoflCleveland, .;
Miss, Catherine Kaltenmarck, Miss
Jessie Hoffman, and Paul Munger,
of Perrysburg, 0.; Mr. and Mrs. Leo
A. Joyce and Mr. and Mrs. John
O'Neil, of Buffalo, N. Y.; Arthur
r Shampoo Tint

Alumnae Honor
Senator's Wife
At Reception,
Michigan Alumnae of Ann Arbor
opened their year's program with a
tea yesterday afternoon in the Ethel
Fountain Hussey room of the League.
The chief speaker for the occasion
was Mrs. Arthur Vandenberg, wife of
the junior United States senator from
Michigan. Mrs. Vandenberg, who is
also an alumna from the University,
chose as her topic "Washington Per-
:sonalities." Dean Alice Lloyd deliv-
ered a talk on the scholarship needs
of university women.
In the receiving line were Mrs.
Vandenberg, Mrs. Ralph W. Aigler,
president of the club, Mrs. Leona
Diekema, social chairman, and Mrs.
Frederick P. Jordan, former dean
of women here. Mrs. Alexander Ruth-
ven and Mrs. James Bruce poured,
while a group of younger alumnae
under Mrs. Otto Guthe assisted in
Mrs. Aigler announces that due to
the great number of requests for as-
sociate memberships a new arrange-
ment has been made whereby such
membership may be secured by the
payment of the regular $1 fee. Such
members will be allowed to partici-
pate in all the social activities of the
At open house following the O.S.U.
game yesterday, guests of Betsy Bar-
bour House were served with coffee
and doughnuts. Mrs. Diekema pre-
sided at the coffee table, which was
decorated with fall flowers.
Sheldgen, Jerry M. Gruitch, of Chi-
cago, Ill.; B. J. McAnis, of Akron, O.;
Gene Cosgoiss, of St. Louis, Mo.; Miss
Ruth Lovejoy, Miss Wave Culver, and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buckley, of Ann
Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nichols,
Miss Catherine Sisson, of White
Pigeon; Mr. and M r s. Clarence
Brown, of Wheeling, W. Va.; Jack
Lepscomb, of Detroit; Jerald Wilson
and John M. Walsh, of Rochester,
N. Y.
Guests at Phi Kappa Tau included
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mann, Prof. and
Mrs. Frank Mickle, and Mr. and Mrs.
Jerald Hoat, all of Ann Arbor. Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Nette and Mr. and
Mrs. James Presih, all of Detroit;
Mr. Jerald Ricketts, of Covington,
Ky., and Mr. Norman Prackett, of
Cincinnati, 0., were also present.
Mr. and Mrs. James Peal, of Midland,
chaperoned the dance, given by the
fraternity last night.

Chairman For
Banquet Names
Dietrich, O'Brien, Aigler,j
St. John To Assist With
Annual Panhell Banquet
Appointments to chairmanships of]
the Panhellenic Banquet Commit-
tee were made recently by Mary
Fitzpatrick, '34, general chairman.
The banquet is to be held Oct. 30 in
the League ballroom.
Theresa S. St. John, '34, will be
ticket chairman; Lillian Dietrich, '34,
chairman of decorations; Mary1
O'Brien, '35, chairman of invitations;1
and Betty Aigler, '35, chairman of
The banquet is a traditional func-
tion at which all the sorority mem-
bers meet. Each sorority has a special
section reserved for them, and each is'
expected to sing one of its sorority
Music during the dinner will be
played by Al Cowan and his orches-
tra, and the guests will join in sing-
ing Junior Girls Play and Michigan
The usual presentation of the
scholarship cup will be made at this
time. Last year the cup was won by
Pi Beta Phi. Josephine McCausey,
'34, as mistress of ceremonies will
Sororities are urged to let the com-
mittee know immediately how many
tickets they will need.
Newman Engaged
To Eleanor Dwinell
Of particular interest to their
friends on campus was the announce-
ment of the engagement of Miss Ele-
anor Dwinell, '33, of Burlington, Vt.
and Albert H. Newman, '34, of New
York City.
Newman, who is sports editor of the
Daily, is also a member of Sigma
Delta Chi, national journalistic fra-
ternity, and of Chi Phi fraternity.
He has been elected a member of
Druids, senior honorary society.
Miss Dwinell was a member of
Delta Gamma sorority during the two
years she attended Michigan. She
spent her first two years at Mount
Alumnae House Chooses
Class Representatives
Dorothy Bolton, '36, was elected
president of Alumnae Residence,
Wednesday, Oct. 18. at the first gen-
eral meeting. Two other officers
chosen were: Rosalyn Chapel, vice-
president; Beulah Kanter, secretary;
and Ethel Miller, treasurer. Those
elected class representatives on the
Gtudent Board of Governors were:
Linda Bickel, senior; Victoria Toteff;
junior; Dorothy Bolton, sophomore;
and Louise Juckett, freshman.

Union Thronged As
Out-Of-Town Guests
Visit Famous Floor
The Union ballroom was thronged
last night with student couples and
their dozens of guests here for the
biggest football attraction in the
country, and the Union band, in
tricky black mess jackets responded
gallantly to all sorts of requests for
favorite musical numbers.
Miss Sallie Ensminger, of Detroit,
former president of Kappa Delta so-
rority and chairman of the Judiciary
Council was there, dressed in a blue-
grey gown. Blonde Eva Johnson was
stunning in smart black velvet. Hilda
Kirby, treasurer of the League, ap-
peared in a smart green crepe with
green satin shoulder tabs. Virginia
Hartz, Junior Pi Phi, wore bla'ck
Margaret Jondro wore black, as did
most of the smart women on the
floor. In fact, black gowns in satin,
crepe, lace and velvet were in an
overwhelming majority. Kay Leopold
wore a stunning black velvet and
rhinestone earings. Helen Foley chose
mauve crepe.
Foreign W omen
Entertained At
Initial D in ne r
Designed to entertain and make
better acquainted foreign women and
American women, the World's Fel-
lowship Committee of the League
sponsored an initial dinner meet-
ing last night in the Russian Tea
Room of the League.
The, committee which had a very
successful season last year is under
the leadership of Betty Davis, '34,
and will meet about once a month
with all women who are interested.
The committee was organized with
the idea that there was very little
chance for the foreign women to get
acquainted with the other women on
campus, and that were they given an
opportunity to meet there would be
many interesting facts about their
countries which they could tell the
students here. With this in view, talks
by several members of the group were
given last year, with emphasis on the
difference in customs from those in
America, and on explanations of the
various educational systems.
Martha Cook Entertains
Many Week-End Guests
Martha Cook Dormitory enter-
tained a large number of guests for
the week-end. Among them were the
Misses Gerda Hansen and Thelma
Swanser of Detroit; Miss Dorothea
Jane Zaback, Miss Shirley Austin,
Miss Helen Campbell, and Miss Mar-
jorie Johnston of Jackson, Mich.;
Miss Virginia Murphy, Miss Ruth
Breadon, Miss Elaine Warsaw, Miss
Gertrude Veneklasen, Miss Helen
Reitsema, of Grand Rapids; Miss
Betty Stockdale, Miss Lillian Hig-
gins, and Miss Margaret Kaiser of
Port Huron; Miss Daisy Lavender, of
Newberry, Mich.; Miss Madeline
Black, of Painesville, Miss Beula
Chapman, of Lennon, Mich.; Miss
Betty Snyder, of Erie, Pa.; Miss Jean
Perrin, of Berwyn, Ill.; Miss Betty
Beverstein, of Flint; Miss Ruth
French, of Buchanan, Mich.; Miss
Frances Schultz, of Bay City; and
Mrs. Clifford White and Miss Betty
Curtis of Saginaw.

Detroit Painter To
Exhibit At League
A group of 20 pastel paintings by
Ann Bedford Goodman, well known
member of the Detroit Society of
Women Painters and Sculptors will
be on exhibition in the lounge of
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre dur-
ing the week of the performance of
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Miss Goodman has exhibited a
number of times in Detroit at the Art
Institute, the Scarab Club, and at the
Detroit Symphony Orchestra benefit
showing. Her paintings were also
shown in New York City at the re-
quest of the National Academy of
Design. At a recent showing in the
Detroit Art Institute a vandal slashed
one of her canvasses.
Among the people who have sat for
portraits by her are the Rev. Wil-
liam Ma:hon of the Christ Episcopal
Church, Detroit, and Mrs. Sterling
Sanford, sister of Ernest Hemingway.
Where To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Doc-
tor Bull" with Will Rogers; Majestic,
"Ann Vickers" with Irene Dunne;
Wuerth, "Twenty Thousand Years in
Sing-Sing" with Spencer Tracy;
Whitney, "Notorious But Nice" with
Betty Compson.'
Dancing: Chubb's, Hut, Den, Rath-
Riding: Breakfast ride at Golfside
Riding Academy at 8 a. m.
Women's Clubs Discuss
Community Problems
The Ann Arbor Business and Pro-
fessional Women's Club and the Ann
Arbor Teachers Club and the Univer-
sity Laboratory Club in conjunction
with the School Teachers club will
sponsor an open meeting at 8 p. m.,
Monday, Oct. 23, in the Ann Arbor
High School auditorium.
The purpose of the meeting is to
discuss community problems, and the
meeting will be open to all men and
women who are interested. At the
meeting Monday night the topic for
discussion will be, "What are Ann Ar-
bor's most pressing problems, and
how are we to meet them?"

Alumnae Come
To Sororities
For Week-End
Alpha Gamma Delta Holds
Dance; Houses Entertain
Guests At Open House
Sororities honor guests at( open
house after the game.
Among the alumnae who were
guests at the Alpha Xi Delta house
over the week-end were: Miss Char-
lotte Etzald, '32. of Bay City; Miss
Helen Hanbrich, '31, of Wyandotte;
Miss Florence Seys, '31, Miss Ruth
Miller, 33, and Miss Emma Doer, of
Grand Rapids; Miss Ella Rachel
Lyons, '33, of Grosse Pointe; Miss
Laura Codling, '31, of Royal Oak;
and Miss Mary Helen Tyre, '32, Miss
Ruth Otto, '32, and Miss Barbara
Shuker, '32, all of Detroit.
Open house was held after the
game yesterday with Margaret Hew-
itt, '34, and Margaret Burke, '34, in
Alpha Gamma Delta held a home-
coming dance last night, which was
given by the alumnae, and was the
first party to be given in the new
Evelyn Wolford, of Wayne, Grad,
chairman or the affair, was assisted
by Catherine Rentschler, of Ann Ar-
bor. Mrs. Farah Tennant, the"house-
mother, Miss Edith Barnard, who is
chaperon of Alumnae house, Mrs.
Iva Gross, chaperone of Alpha Chi
Omega, and Mrs. Hugh Keeler were
chaperons for the dance.
Guests at the Delta Zeta house
included Miss Helen Dorsey, Miss
Doris Boughman, and Miss Delma
Becker, all from Ohio State. Alum-
nae who returned for the game were
Miss Jane Armstrong, Miss Jean
Walters, and Miss Shirley King Pat-
terson, all of Detroit; Miss Nina
Hurd, of Berkley, Calif.; and Miss
Ethelyn Miller, of Bay City.
Ciel Helberg, '34, was in charge of
the arrangements for a buffet supper
held yesterday for about 60 guests.

- -

Your After-Six


Prof. Baker Speaks At
Meeting Of A. S. C.



Members of the student branch of
the American Society of Chemical
Engineers met recently in the Semi-
nar room of the Chemistry Build-
ing, and were addressed by Prof. E.
M. Baker of the engineering school.
is subject concerned the much dis-
muted Fink Patent Suit, the question
being whether, if the appellate court
should grant the patent, it would
practically give a monopoly of the
,hromium plating industry to the
Meetings will be held every two
weeks by the student branch at which
prominent men the engineering col-
lege will speak, R. T. Bradley, '34E,
read of the organization, announced.



Faculty Members
Cinema Production

From a selection of
Parisian copies -all
exclusive - new de-
tails are here, clever-
ly handled shoulders
accompanying capes
and jackets that are


Among the prominent faculty
members who attended the premiere
of the Art Cinema production Thurs-
day night were Prof. and Mrs. Ben-
nett Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Koella, and Mrs. Arthur Cross, and
Prof. and Ms. O. J. Campbell.
- -- -~--F


in them-



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