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October 22, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-22

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IR 22, 1933

Established 1890


tration to be understood, and more thoroughly
Known as the Tragic Symphony, the work
builds up from the beginning movement to the
last, starting out with a sorrowful, brooding na-
ture, continuing in the second, in a mood of mas-
culine serenity. The third is not the merry
scherzo that ordinarily brightens up a symphony
at this point, but is, rather, one of veiled, distinct
cheerfulness. The fourth movement has "confl-
dent vitality", with a vigorous folk melody. The
horn passage of this movement is famous.

- - tI
IN M~h Wl mVTrP _vWPIAm
ublished every morning except Monday during the
iversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
ntrol of Student Publications.
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TY EDITOR....................BRACKLEY SHAW
GHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
Liam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
OMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum,
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OMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hammer,
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ather Coughlin
legins Another Series.. ..
ANOTHER season of radio sermons
will be ushered in today by the
ev. Fr. Charles E. Coughlin, pastor of the Shrine
f the Little Flower at Royal Oak.
Within, recent months, Fr. Coughlin has been
;sailed, p a r t i c u l a r l'y by a Detroit news-
iper, as a demagogue and a person holding de-
sions of grandeur. His method of presentation is
idoubtedly flowery, and his addresses appeal
ijefly to the emotions of the masses. On the
her hand, Fr. Coughlin must be counted on as
ie of the most powerful' persons in the country
day. He has the largest audience that any
'eacher ever had. Millions of Americans tune
every Sunday to hear the 'radio priest' assail
fiat he believes to be the vices of modern cap-
mism. The influence which he exercised during
le 1932 presidential campaign cannot be esti-
ated. The new administration realized his
)wer for it gave him a seat high in its councils.
It is true that Fr. Coughlin has been de-
unciatory and, to a large degree, vaguely gen-
al in his talks. But he has done as much as any
an in obtaining the repudiation of the 'rugged
dividualism' doctrine of the last decade. He
s certainly done much to bring about the new
The position of the Catholic church has always
en against 'rugged individualism.' It has always
vored national co-operation. However, the posi-
on of the church had not been clear in recent
ars. The liberal encyclicals of Leo III and
us XI on the rights of labor were not well-
lown. It has been left for Fr. Coughlin to ex-

und them to the American people. The power
the 'radio priest' shows that a man who is will-
g to work hard and who has a speaking ability
ay still stir the masses.
Musical Events
Brahms First Symphony closes the program of
e Boston Symphony Orchestra, Tuesday night.
comes with a different kind of emotional force
an the Stravinsky Rites of Spring, which pre-
des it. This has to do with a personal emotion,
e other a collective.
The four movements are:
I. Un poco sostenuto; allegro
II. Andante sostenuto
III. Un poco allegretto e grazioso

Much could be read into Brahms that was never
intended by him. Nevertheless, this does have a
retrospective, contemplative character, befitting
Brahms North German nature. It is concentrated
evaluation of an individual experience.
Closing with the Brahms, the program has no
let down. Rather, it builds up from one high peak
to another after the Rites of Spring. The ad-
vantage of closing with the Brahms is that it is
fairly well-known, and will compensate for the
strangeness of the other.
- Sally Place
Hopwood Poetry
These poems are printed through the courtesy of
Poetry, in which magazine they originally appeared.
Next Tuesday they will be reviewed by Professor Nor-
man E. Nelson. They are by T. C. Wilson.
What is it to me? do you think I care
reverance took this form to thank the dead?
Tribute paid with so many loads of cement,
bronze plaques stuck on the stones, and
honored by a generation of the sons
of heroes.
The wind blows
down the highway SEETHEBATTLEFIELD
THEYSATISFY across the ground where
homage is an elevator
taking up tourists to enjoy the view
from the top (these looking down are also
Americans) - strikes off to another place.
On the monuments the sunlight pouring down
is real; it warms: the soldiers felt it too.
I had not thought even the sun's lustiness
could stir these acres any more. . . Come on.
Devotion's last full measure has been paid,
and long ago. Let's get away from here.

When the Light is Gone
and the eyes
seeking the tulips'
bright red,
behold the sharp edges
worn away,
the flowers a part of the darkness-
It is then
the trains calling and crying
are closer,
and the heart grows small in its
watching the lights
snapped on and
as the hours pass.

Hoover, director of the Bureau of Criminal In-
GENERAL JOHNSON has acquired another
claim to fame. He is the first person ever
known to be late to a White House dinner.
He and Mrs. Johnson were asked for eight
o'clock dinner in honor of the president of
Panama. But at eight o'clock Johnson was in the
midst of a plea to a labor meeting. He finished
at 8:15.
Meanwhile the White House guests were "mak-
ing conversation" in the East Room. At 8:25 they
were going to dinner, just as the Johnsons ar-
rived, breathless, 'in the lobby.
SENATOR PAT HARRISON of Mississippi al-
ways has had an enviable reputation as an or-
ator. Now he has proved the magic of his voice
for all time.
He went to play golf with Col. Ed Halsey, Sen-
ate secretary. Harrison putted and the ball stop-
ped, coyly, on the edge of the cup.
Halsey was keeping score and marked down a
six for Harrison. The senator objected and start-
ed to talk coaxingly to the ball in his low, resonant
voice. Suddenly the ball rolled quietly into the
cup. And Halsey marked up a par five for Har-
MILD bets are being placed again on the cap-
itol's most famous fur coat. It's a huge, ankle
length, black affair worn for the past 30 years
by Rep. Robert Holden Tinkham of Massachusetts.
Will it see its thirty-first year of service?
Tinkham explains that he likes the coat - but,
really, it is his ardent dislike of shopping.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars definitely
recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior;
no stars, stay away from it.
Ann Vickers..................Irene Dunne
Judge Dolphin..............Walter Huston
Malvina Wormser.......Edna May Oliver
Lindsay Atwell............... Conrad Nagel
The Lieutenant ................Bruce Cabot
In bringing Sinclair Lewis' "Ann Vickers" to
the s c r e e n, RKO-Radio Pictures has achieved
striking entertainment without deviating too far
at any time from the main current of the book,
now a best-seller.
Irene Dunne and Walter Huston co-starred in
this picture seemingly destined for popularity al-
most equal to that of Lewis' original. The screen,
of course, found it necessary to add what Holly-
wood considers a faster tempo, intensified ro-
mance, and "vivid realism", or what Mr. Lewis
would undoubtedly call "plenty of zip and go for
good old Zenith-we'll by gosh show 'em."
Brilliant characterization by Miss Dunne and
Huston feature this drama of a sociologically-
minded young woman who is not afraid to tell
the world where it can get off, and Miss Oliver,
Caboa, and other strong figures lend able sup-
port . The restrained directing hand of John
Cromwell is much in evidence throughout.
Although a great deal of credit must go to the
RKO-Radio men for not making a silver hash of
Lewis' strong work, it must at the same time be
admitted that the sociological reforms advocated
by Lewis are almost entirely left out. Lewis
dwelt on them constantly; the movie reflects them
only in passing. Where Lewis devoted a chapter,
the movie can only spare a fleeting glimpse. And
to make "vital realism" of what is, indeed, a well-
nigh plotless book, as so many Lewis' works are,
takes injections which Author Lewis may not so
cordially approve of. To date, however, no Dreis-
er-like complaints have been recorded.
- G. M. W., Jr.
HOLLYWOOD - By this time Mary Kaaren
(back there in Brooklyn), you have received a let-
ter from your impulsive little sister, Susie, telling
you that she has fulfilled your wish.
Susie says she thinks you won't believe that,
the very first time she saw Gene Raymond, she

kissed him for you, just as you had requested.
But she did. I saw her and so did several others.
One of the witnesses to this strange conduct of
Susie's was Ussaki Zade Bulent, secretary to the
Turkish embassy in Washington, with whom
Susie was lunching. His expression, when Susie
jumped up to rush over to Raymond's table, said
something like: "In Turkey, women don't do
such things, but this is America - and Holly-
Susan Kaaren has been assured she'll get along
in Hollywood, she tells me, because she's always
doing queer and unexpected things. She believes
no one in the movies is altogether normal, or one
wouldn't be in them.
Fu'ned Down A Test
Her chance to come to Hollywood was the re-
sult of an unpremeditated decision. Nearly two
years ago, when she had just started on the stage,
Susan was asked to take a movie test. Owing to
her lack of experience, she refused.
A few days ago she happened to be in the vici-
nity of the Fox New York studio. "I guess I'll ask
if I can take that test now," said Susan. She took
the test, went home to tell her parents (and her
two sisters and her two brothers) that she was
going to Hollywood.
"I'm quite psychic," says Kaaren. "I get that
from my mother. I knew, while I was taking the
test, that I'd be in Hollywood before long. Sure
enough, a couple of days later, I signed a contract.
Steps Ahead
Susan's test, different from the average in that




Too easily impressed,
the heart attains no
indifference - it has not learned to
stand apart from these things
though they bruise it.


Among the lights, the
born of passing cars, the
boats loading and
the idle talk of men at
corner grocery stores .

in its own strength - a
dark mass that will not
surrender to stars -
the night is a lesson in wisdom.

8:15 Sharp

Off The Record
THE two of them were leaving the White House
in quite a hurry -Secretary Woodin of the
treasury and Henry Bruere, new co-ordinator of
federal credit agencies.
They made a simultaneous dive for the door of
the waiting limousine and bumped heads. They
bowed and tried again. They bumped again.
"Well," said Woodin, "lets flip for it."
Solemnly Bruere pulled out a xnickle and "flip-
ped," and just as solemnly Woodin- pronounced,
"Heads." Woodin won.
EVER so often a westerner in the capitol can't
resist giving an easterner a little thrill in the
wide-open-spaces manner.
The urge took "Wild Bill" Lyons of Denver,
special assistant to P.ostmaster General Farley
and formerly a Colorado state senator.
At a post-world series celebration Lyons strap-
ped on a rattlesnake belt with a .45 appended and,
assuming a pose, announced ominously, "We shoot
from this position."
It was so sudden that most of the guests slid
rapidly behind chairs. But Carl Hubbell, himself,
from Oklahoma and now pitcher for the Giants,
just reached up for Lyon's gun and announced
reassuringly, "Shucks, he doesn't mean anything."
IN the lulls at the White House offices three
newspapermen and Marvin McIntyre, secre-
tary to the President, put their heads together

"EINE KLEINE NACHTMUSIK" Serenade.............Mozart
for String Orchestra (Koechel No. 525)
I. AllegroIII. Menutto; Allegretto
II. Romanza IV. Rondo: Allegro
"LE SACRE DU PRINTEMPS" ("The Rite of Spring").. Stravinsky
A Picture of Pagan Russia
I. The Adoration of the Earth
Introduction - Harbingers E of Spring - Dance of the
Adolescents - Abduction - Spring Rounds - Games of
the Rival Cities - The Procession of the Wise Men -
The Adoration of the Earth (The Wise Man) - Dance
of the Earth.
II. The Sacrifice
Introduction - Mysterious Circles of the Adolescents -
Glorification of the Chosen One - Evocation of the
Ancestors - Ritual of the Ancestors - The Sacrificial
Dance of the Chosen One.
SYMPHONY No. 1 in C MINOR, Op. 68 . . . . . . . . . . ..Brahms
I. Un poco sostenuto; Allegro II. Andante sostenuto
III. Un poco allegretto e grazioso
IV. Adagio; Allegro non troppo, ma con brio


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