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October 07, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-07

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Established 1890

fair rushing advantages, are really as guilty of
violating the rules as those who ignored the
regulations entirely.
Will You Elucidate,
Mr. Rainey.

_ m . _




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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publicatio S.
Member of the Western Con erence Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is eclisively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatclhes credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post 011ice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Anin Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publishers Representatives,
Inc., 40 Ea 't Thirty-Fourth2Street, New York City; 80
Boystoni Street, Boston ; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925,
CTTY EDITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT
SPORTS EDITOR........... . .. . . JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard. Joseph W. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPORTERS: Edward Andrews, Hyman J. Aronstam, A.
Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald
R. Bird, Donald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson,'
Arthur W. Carstens, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Ed-
ward A. Gent, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert Bf.
Hiewett, Alvin Schleifer, George Van Vieck, Cameron
Walker, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White,
Leonard A. Rosenberg.
Eleanor B. Blum, Miriam Carver, Louise Crandall, Carol
J. Hannan, Frantees Manchester, Mariec J. Murphy,
Margaret C. Plalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie West-
ern and Harriet Speiss.
T'elephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
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ASSISTANTS; Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick
Joseph Huine, Alien Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin-
ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward.
Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Dorothy
Laylin, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May Seegfried,
Kathryn Stork.
An Old Political Game
Enters Into Rushing . ..


W HEN Mr. Rainey said that he knew
all there is to know about tariff
and taxation, many persons present at the Union
forum may have expected to hear an enlightened
discussion. If they did they were disappointed.
It is not our intention to discuss the speech in
its entirety, but we do wish to point out a few
examples of the speaker's method.
Mr. Rainey had a good deal to say about what
he termed "strangling foreign trade." The words
are certainly effective, but it is our contention
that unless the amount of that "strangled" for-
eign trade is set forth the matter had just as
well be dropped. According to the perhaps sur-
prising figures in the 1931 Department of Com-
merce Yearbook, almost exactly the same amount
of movable goods were exported from this coun-
try during the low-tariff year of 1914 as during
the high-tariff year of 1929. Mr. Rainey, by his
own testimony knows more about tariff than any.
other man in the United States. When such an
authority comes to Ann Arbor, we would like him
to interpret such facts as these: if he would talk
"theory," we would like him to make clear to us
his factual premises.
Mr. Rainey further evinced membership in the
factless school in his discussion of "it's the con-
sumer who pays." We are ready to admit that it
is "the consumer who pays." The point is, who
are these consumers? Are they a group large
enough to fairly distribute the burden? How
much do they pay? And what protection, in the
way of salary and occupational choice and securi-
ty do they receive? It seems to us that, unless
it begins from these and other similar facts, any
tariff discussion must be fruitless.
We hasten to emphasize that in this and other
matters we are learners and not teachers. We
wish merely respectfully to make clear our con-
viction that statesmanship worthy of the name
is not unwilling to face facts when it addresses
its public. It has for too long been the custom
in the United States to talk of such things as
the tariff with a great deal of heat, even more
of "theory," and practically no carefully checked
We are, of course, aware that the factless meth-
od has not been monopolized by the low-tariff
group. The pros and the cons have sinned equal-
ly. The point we wish to make is that we believe
the time has come to do away with the method
and substitute in its place the infinitely better
one of cool deliberation, which, of course, can only
build on the findings of disinterested investi-
The Spectator
Makes Itself Heard. .

By Barton Kane
What The Burglar Missed
Painless Treatment
Lost-Found Department
HOT-SHOT Bob Hilty, who will be remembered
as one of the freshmen who kept open dates
with fraternities to see which ones served the best
meals, went to see his advisor the other day; was
told to take all the hard subjects his first year so
that he would have easy sledding when he was
a senior; took the advisor's advice; went back and
asked the advisor how he can get to be a seior
if he stays in all the hard courses.
r 'HE CHI PHI'S had a robbery the night before
last. John Deo, Student Councilman and 'En-
sian Businessman, on hearing the news blanched;
jittered; rushed up to his room; opened a dawe;
sighed with relief. The quarter that he had stored
there was still safe.
AT LAST, I have discovered the dumbest fresh-
man of the year. He comes from Chester,
West Virginia, and went through all of the Orient-
ation Week marathon with becoming meekness.
Unflinchingly he took his medical, examination,
and then this-
He reported over at the Health Service the
other day for a vaccination; the doctor looked at
his arm; said, "Why you were vaccinated during
the physical examination."
Replied the frosh, "Was I? Gosh! I thought
they just made the mark where you were sup-
posed to insert the needle."
(CHARLES KLINE, '32 former business manager
of The Daily, sailed recently for Europe. The
older I get the more I think that I made a mis-
take when I tried out for the editorial staff.
1HE ALPHA DELTA PHIS were handicapped no
end during rushing by the fact that their cook
had a broken wrist. That is their alibi. This is a
One freshman bit into a tough piece of meat;
chewed .experimentally; grunted; spit a pivot
tooth out on the table cloth.
>r >
HERE IS a tale about Maurice (Moey) Finkel-
stein, who came to Ann Arbor; had a cold;
asked to be put to bed; was placed in the psy-
chopathic ward; was forced to stay there for three
FRED WARD, freshman who rides a bicycle,
rode it to a fraternity house last night, sup-
posedly a place of high ideals and sophistication.
When he came out, the bicycle was stolen. Local
pickaninny is suspected.
GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR., budding campus jour-
nalist, lost a coat. Yesterday afternoon, after
worrying about it for four hours, he went back
to Angell Hall to find it; was told by the custo-
dian of the floor that it had been turned in at
an office to Miss Grace M. Lister, stenographer
and secretary.
Whipple went to the office; spent 10 minutes
identifying the coat, which was locked up in a
storeroom, to the satisfaction of Miss Lister;
finally convinced her that he, and none other,
was the true owner.
Miss Lister went to the storeroom; discovered
that she had locked the keys up with the coat;
had to get the custodian to pry the door open.
Whipple's coat now has a history.
HE BETA THETA P'S believe in last minute
impressions. Last night, as the period of sil-
ence was about to go into effect, two umpty-ump
cylinder cars, a Cadillac and a Lincoln, stood in
front of the house for the delectation of the de-
parting freshmen.

Have You Heard
(r," l"H"s

You buy a Soda
We give you one free.
802 Packard St.

I, ,.



Have Your Portrait
taken Now, at
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You will be assured of
ou standing quality at a
big saving.



Ten-Day Special

One 8 x 10 only $1.00,
or Three 8 x 10, one will
be oil painted for this
special, only $2.50
Application pictures,
3 for 1 or 12 for 2
For Portraits 7That Plea.-e-



N the main fraternities have played
fairly in living up to the new rush-
ing rules this year. However, one notable excep-
tion remains as a blot on the fine sportsmanlike
record which most of the houses have contributed
to. In certain cases houses have resorted to the
most despicable form of political trickery, the
whispering campaign. This is as old a device as
the game of politics itself, and the only protec-
tion against it, aside from recourse to the laws
of libel, is the intelligence and common sense of
the individuals intended as its dupes.
The interfraternity whispering c a m p a i g n s
which cropped up during the past week naturally
enough are based upon the same sort of synthetic
slander which characterizes any whispering cam-
paign-sly, semi-confidential remarks concerning
the personal habits of those against whom the
campaign is directed. Competition between the
houses for pledges is so intense at times that
freshmen must be constantly aware that many
remarks, which re: -eeminglv dropped by rush-
er in the course of a casual conversation for no
reason at all, are made with the deliberate inten-
tion of throwing mud and prejudicing the fresh-
man against the house which he may be con-
Any wide awake freshman timst be aware of
this situation, and we can only point out that
such an underhand piece of propaganda must
not only be completely discounted by the hearer,
but should also react to the disadvantage of the
individual or house which perpetrates such a
deception. For any effort of a fraternity to tear
down the reputation of another fraternity is
almost certainly a tacit admission of weakness.
A house which cannot stand fairly and straight
forwardly on its record and on the record of its
members will, it seems, resort to a negative and
indirect means of attack.
One remark which has been dropped too many
times during the present rushing season goes
somethiug like this: that crowd over at the so
and so house is all right, but they are noted for
being an awful bunch of drinkers and rounders.
If the smug self righteous spirit behind such a
remark is not sufficient indictment of its per-
petrator, the freshman must be bound to admit
the unfairness and self interest which a statement
of that sort involves. The whispering campaign
is the cowardly baAk-biting resort of an opponent
who is too weak to compete on the basis of ordi-
nary standards, and we take this opportunity tc
warn the freshman against it.
As a guide for freshmen who are about to make
out their preference lists, we present the follow.
ing percentage rating by which, we believe, house,
may be judged:
1. Conduct in rushing 25%
2. General impressions 25%
3. Membership expense 17%
4. Local standing 11%
5. Diversity of interests 9%

Slter's Week-Ed .ciI
New Copper and Bronze Modernistic Student Lamps.
Last week our supply lasted three hours, We immediately
wired for a new shipment, and are offering them as
special values this week-end. Regularly priced Ot$1 .7
today and tomorrow only $1.00.
regularly priced at $1.00, today and tomorrow

THE Columbia Spectator, daily news-
paper published by the students of
Columbia University, has scored a notable journ-
alistic victory.
Charging gross mismanagement and corruption
in the John Jay dining hall, the paper has, under
two managements, driven its case through to a
forceful and dramatic conclusion, climaxed by the
admission of the investigation committee .that
three of its five charges are indeed true. A subsi-
diary committee for further action is also to be
appointed, this, too, as a result of the Spectator's
admirable crusade.
The Spectator is to be congratulated on the
continuance of its aggressive policy even after the
demise of Reed Harris. It is, too, a partial vindi-
cation of Harris' long list of accusations, and
something of a whitewash of his methods.
The Spectator has shown itself to be free of two
common faults of University newspapers -- the
faculty for being lulled into submission by censure
threats, and l.he periodic flare-up which is left
high and dry the next day. This paper, at least,
carried its policy through to a most satisfacory


Se Reflections
Four stars means a s.uper-piclture; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star ;just another picture;
no stars keep avay from it.

Slater's Two CampusBook ctresl
State Street East University Avenue

Editorial Coment

National prides and jealousies are queer. lor'
almost a century France and Germany have becen
at each other's throats. In the open feuds th t
have broken out from time to time the number of 1
wins and losses are divided more or less equally,
And despite the tragic leson taught between the1
years 1914 and 1918 they are still at it. No blood-
shed, to be sure, but with the same old feeling of
The latest move has been Germany's plea for
equal armaments. For some reason the action was
taken to France instead of the League of Nations
which presumably controls such things. France
harked back to the "victory" of 1918 and the Ver-
sailles treaty.
She pointed out in words more or less veiled
that at the time the nations in question branded
the Fatherland as "Public enemy number one."
And that as such it should forever be shorn of its
power to hurt. The treaty is recognized byevery
country with the exception of France, as immen-
sely unfair. Made in a bitter aftermath of the war
it could not have been otherwise.
Germany on the other hand, rallying from the
terrible blows which shattered her strength in the
last war, feels more intensely than ever the bitter
sting of defeat. Her national pride is continually
gnawed by the bullying France. And one of the

There couldn't be such a picture, possibly,
But there is; and you can't afford to miss it.
Doug Fairbanks is now 45 years old and class-
ed as one of the tliree greatest present-day box
office attractions (the other two are Marie Dress-
ler, 63 years old, and John Barrymofe, 51 years
old). And, though he doesn't jump around quite
as much as he did in the old days, a few more
years don't seem to have taken from him one
whit of that magnetic personality which so al-
lured us back in the days of "The Thief of Bag-
da4" and "Robin Hood."
Somebody modeled "Mr. Robinson Crusoe" after
"Bird of Paradise," or vice versa. Anyway, they're
very much alike-and totally different. Doug
Fairbanks and Joel McCrea both su1ddenly leave
their respective parties of wealthy young ;pots-
men in the South Seas and go native. Both Doug
and Joel eventually and inevitably meet a native
girl. But Joel's walks into a volcano and Doug's
ends up in the Follies.
And thereby hangs a tale; for that one ending
explains the entire show. Fairbanks is his same
old happy-go-lucky, adventurous swashbuckling
self. And he does the most amazing things. We
thought the whole thing was a fake when we saw
a fade-in on the tools and houses he had built
himself in his first three weeks on the island. By
the middle of the show we knew it was, and we
were in love with it. For there is not a rational
thing about "Mr. Robinson Crusoe."
You'll like the antimal shots, which incidental-
ly are among the nicest we've seen. Doug's par-
rot, saying "0 K," his goat operating a treadmill
to escape from his barking Airedale, and his
monkey turning on the home-made radio to
frighten away the head-hunters with the cheers
of the crowd at an American football game are
swell, positively swell. And the photography is


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liiiusual- Proo'ram - Nehw fLow Picefs


Subject: Subject:
"TF-r 5SinafonnvP to Manralav" "Noah's Home Town"




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