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October 07, 1932 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-07

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7, 1932




Varsity Sho
Freshman Line
Readily Opens
Enormous Holesi

Weakness In




Four Probable Key Men' In

Tomorrow's Contest

Damm, Williamson And
Cantrill Show Up Well
In Final Scrimmage
Mareovsky Injured
Backs' Defense Against
Wildcat Passing Plays
Brightens Prospects

Keen Pleased
With Showing
Of Yearlinas
First Scrimmage Brings
Out Promising Men On
Freshman Squad
Several promising prospects were
.nearthed yesterday afternoon when
"he freshman football squad went
.hrough its first scrimmage of the

"FOOTAL TEAMS at Michigan'
are getting smaller and smaller,"
said a Professor of English to us the
other day. "Why I can remember
back in 1914 when such big boys as
Rehor, McHale, and many others
played, all weighing above 200
In the files it was discovered hat
the great 1914 team had a line that
averaged 191 pounds and a backfield
of 153 pound average. This backfield
included the All-American Maul-

Entering the home stretch of pre-
paration for the coming contest with
Northwestern, Coach Harry Kipke
sent the Wolverine eleven through
an extensive workout yesterday.
At the start of the day's drill, the
linemen were put into a charging
and blocking practice against guards
and tackles from the "B" team.
Meanwhile the regular backs and
ends worked out against a series of
Northwestern passes. Following these
practices the Varsity took the field
in a dummy scrimmage against a
freshman eleven armed with Wild-
cat plays.
It was in the scrimmage that the
coaches found more to worry them,
for the yearlings repeatedly ploughed
wide holes in the line. With a man
of Rentner's ability to carry the ball
through such openings, the Purple
should make several serious scoring
threats tomorrow. However some ray
of light was found
in this practice in
t h e showing of
Russell Damm,
playing at a tackle
.} 1 post. With Wil-
... liamson and Can-
trill and Petoskey,
he broke through
the yearling line
repeatedly and
smeared attempt-
Pe7o$'& ed spinners, off-
tackle drives, and triple passes.
Bernard, at center, again illustrat-
ed his defensive strength and was
able, abetted by John Kowalik, play-
ing on his left side. Kowalik, at
guard, and Ted Petoskey, at end, will
offset greatly the inexperience of
Will Hildebrand, who seems slated to
start at left tackle. Although Whitey
Wistert was back on the field in uni-
form, he appeared to be favoring his
injury and took no part in the drill.
Early in the scrimmage a casualty
was added to the list when Abe Mar-
covsky, veteran guard, suffered a
severely sprained wrist. Cantrill step-
ped into the breach, however, and
filled the position capably.
All of the backs looked effective
in breaking up Northwestern pass
plays. Herm Ever-
hardus shone here,"
batting down sev-"
eral passes and in-
tercepting a num-
ber of others. That
he appears slatedk
f o r a starting .
berth seemed cer-
tain, since he play-
ed through the en-
tire drill. Stan Fay
worked out at the 6v'gaRQIgus j
other halfback position for most of
the afternoon, finally giving way to
Jack Heston.
When the Varsity appeared to have
fathomed the Wildcat shift, they re-
tired to sand bag drill, and a second
eleven took their place. This group
found the Purple plays even harder
to solve than their predecessors. Tage
Jacobson, star of last Saturday's "B"
team game was soon pressed into
service and acquitted himself credit-
ably, as did Gerald Ford, second
string center.
Of the reserve backs, Oliver, at the
fullback post, and backing up the
line, showed up to the best advant-
age, while Willis Ward, negro end,
flashed his usual speed. He appeared
at his best as a defensive agent
against passes.
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eason on Ferry Field. Although thc betsch who weighed only 155 pounds
squad as a whole gave only 'a fair and gained exactly 155 yards against
:erformance in the workout, Coach Harvard one afternoon.
1lifTord Keen expressed himself as Michigan's 1932 line will average
leased with the outlook for his 191 pounds, the same as '14's but the
,eam. backs average 177 pounds, or 22 more
Of the nine men who were out- for each man. Old-timers overlook
,tanding in the initial scrimmage, the fact that we have two ends that
Ive are backs and the rest are line- weight over 185 whereas ends in the
inen. It was indicated that the men- day of Maulbetsch tipped the scales
,or of the first year squad may be at 168 each. Our tackles are 206 and
:orced to make over some of his 191 while the guards are 195 and 187.
Backfield material in order to streng- 3 The 1914 team had guards of 225 and
shen the forward wall, since there 215 and tackles of 182 and 205. Ber-
are more good ball carriers than nard outweights the center 211 to
linemen. 185.
However, two promising guards

against Carideo's Missouri elever
proved that their new line will give
the best backfield in the Big Ten a
chance to get started. Just how big
this chance will be will determine
Year Northwestern Michigan
1892 .... .... 10 8
1893..............6 72
1898 ..............5 6
1901..............0 29
1917 .............21 12
1919.............13 16
1924 ..............0 27
1925 ..............2 2
the outcome of the game. If thei:
backs get the right kind of blocking
Michigan is in for a bad afternoon
but if Captain Williamson and Ted
Petoskey can box them up as the;
did Monnett and Eliowitz, the grea
Rentner may not get started.
Rentner is not a brute-force back
but rather a slippery-eel. His weasel-
like tactics won him unanimous All
American selection last year, and h
is just as brainy and slippery and ha
even better blocking this season.

f apt
Williamson, Rentner, Heston, and Sullivan are four names which will probably figure largely in stories
and summaries of the Wildcat game here tomorrow. Captain Williamson will start at end for the Wol-
verines; Rentner, a slippery halfback constitutes a large portion of the Purple threat; Sullivan is an able
blocking half to pave the way for Rentner; Heston is a. probable starter in the Maize and Blue backfield.

Tan quad Will
Have Depression,
Says Coach Mann
Swimming at the University of
Michigan will go into a decline with-
in two years, in the opinion of Matt
Mann, coach of the freshman swim-x
ming team. His assertion is based on
the poor showing of the freshman
squad, which now numbers 15, in-
cluding three divers, out of 35 men
who turned, out.
This squad will begin work with
the Varsity immediately at the In-
tramural building. They are prom-
ised plenty of hard work by Coach
Mann, who is quite dissatisfied with
their showing so far.
The. group includes F. Felsenfeld,
D. Johnson, and N. Diefendorf, di-
vers, and T. Robertson, C. Porter, F.
Freeman, D. McLeish, L. Spatzley, E.
H. Williams, R. Lawrence, J. Levitt,
P. Van Zile, D. Lewis, R. Blake, D.
Schurz, and Dennison.
Mixed Doubles Tennis
Tournament Is Carded
Tennis seems to be the chief point
of interest .in the Intramural sports
depaTtment this month. The mixed
doubles tournament, sponsored by
the department, is one of the main
attractions for tennis fans. It is to
be played off at Palmer Field in the
near future.
The entries for the tournament
close this afternoon. Men may sign
up on the bulletin board in the In-
tramural building, and if they have
partners they s h o u 1 d sign their
names on the list beside their own.
Newark Wins, 8 to 7,
In Little World Series
Newark Bears won the Little World
Series today by rallying for three
runs in the ninth inning to defeat
Minneapolis 8 to 7 in the sixth game
of the minor league classic. Newark
won four games to two for Millers.
Marvin Owen's home run with
Jensen on base in the ninth inning
gave Newark the decision in a slug-
fest after five Bear pitchers had
.failed to halt the American Associa-
tion champions.
Earlier in the' game, Red Rolfe
had clouted a Newark homer and
Joe Hauser and Joe Mowry hit four
baggers for the Millers.

Coaches Seek
Solution For
Upsets In East
William And Mary Beats
Navy While Bates Ties
Powerful Yale Team
Many surprise scores marked the
opening of the football season at the
large eastern universities last week.
'the biggest surprise was Bates' tie
with the reputedly powerful Yale
team. A determined Bates line out-
charged'. Yale throguhout a major
part. of the game. The entire Blue
team played sluggishly, but on the
whole outplayed the smaller school
without making a single point. Yale's
most important-.ground gaining play
was ,a spinner with Parker carrying
the ball.
The main reason for Navy's de-
feat by William and Mary, according
to Coach Rip Miller, was the green-
ness of the squad; last year most of
the regular team graduated.
A large number of surprisingly low
scores appeared last Saturday. Ar-
my was forced to extend itself in or-
der to squeeze a 14-0 win from a
fighting Furman eleven. Cornell had
to get out all its big guns to pull a
victory out of fire from Niagara by
the score of 7-0.
The reason for the success of a
large number of small colleges in
holding big schools to low scores
seems to lie in this year's new rules.
Because of a new substitute ruling,
the best man on a small team may
be put back into game in any quar-
ter. The ruling which hurts the uni-
versity teams most is that substitu-
tions may be made only when time
is out for some other purpose than
for the removal of an injured player.
However, there were a few over-
whelming. scores. Fordam trounced
Baltimore, 69-0. N. Y. U. repeated
its early season high score against#
Hobart by a victory of 41-0. Dart-
mouth, Pittsburg, and Columbia won
by large scores.
Sssssss-Boom- (Whistle)--Rah
The Eee-yah

Women Will Have
Archery, T ennis,
Golf Instruction
An excellent opportunity to get
special tutoring in their favorite
sports is being extended to the wo-
men of the University during the
outdoor season this fall. Every aft-
ernoon- from 4 to 5 p. in., coaching is
offered in tennis, archery, and golf
at Palmer Field.
This instruction is to go on as far
into November as the weather per-
mits. There are no restrictions at-
tached, and it is not necessary to
come every day. The training is de-
signed purely for the convenience of
anyone interested in either learning
a sport or in perfecting her skill.
Women who are intending to enter
any of the Intramural tournaments
are urged by the physical education
department to come out and get some
additional coaching.
U. of M.-Rah-Rah
U. of M.-Rah-Rah
Who, Rah-Who, Rah
Michigan, Rah-Rah.

Burned up at the workout in John-
ny Hildner of Hillsdale and Bob
Wells of Grand Rapids. Greer Bo-
vard, brother of Alan Bovard, pow-
arful center of the 1930 Wolverine
:eam, appeared a leading candidate
.or an end position, with Dave Ca-
"en of Ironwood, another outstand-
ing performer.
Steve Remis, star halfback for
Harrison Technical School in Chi-
;ago last year, and Tom Raymond of
Bloomfield appeared as the leading
bidders for halfback posts on the
freshman squad. At quarterback,
Coach Keen will probably have Red
James, who brings a great reputation
from Detroit where he was all-city
man last fall.
Bill Wallbridge, a product of a
Buffalo, N. Y., high school, showed
promise in the fullback postiion. A
Chicago man, George Bolas, fills out
6he list of leaders among the back-
field candidates.
With the nine men as a nucleus,
Coach Keen hopes to develop a
strong squad for the game against
the physical education eleven, which
will be played some time in Novem-
Siegel, Nichols Play
First Varsity Match
Seymour Siegel and Dan Nichols,
two promising tennis men from last
year's freshman squad, played the
first fall match on the varsity team's
schedule last night. According to ad-
vance reports, they will probably ap-
pear as regulars on the squad.

has had a newt problem forced
upon their hands. A Freshman came
into the building the other day and
requested to be shown around. It
turned out that he could not under-
stand the official's speech. Finally he
was brought in to the office and
there it was discovered that the lad
spoke French but little English. So
the I-M heads are considering add-
ing a linquistic department to their
already large program.
0UTSIDE PAPERS have favored
Northwestern o v er Michigan,
some by the odds of 2-1. The Cleve-
land Plain Dealer picks the Wildcats
as do every major coach in the coun-
try except Hunk Anderson of good-
old Notre Dame, who he says is play-
ing a hunch on the Wolverines.
However many perdictions have not
come in as yet and a last-minute
swing may bring the odds down to
Northwestern's g r e a t showing

large shipment of








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