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October 05, 1932 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-05

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iven. 'hese le tures' will be held
a4Y OFFICIAL LLETNy4: " p. in, Sarah
S F UCawell Angell Hall on the econel
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all membcrs of the f7nOi R of Ba our Gynnill.u.
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Pre eit e ntl
3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. aerring 'tudent ha: had
IL:. XLIII WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1J39No a course in Personl or General Hy-
giene which has been accepted andI
NOTICES credited by this University, she will
Identification Cards: Students whose names begin with letters A- be exempt frm btnhre iene require-
inclusive may secure their identification cards on Wednesday, October 5' mnt here,butn, od secure a slr
by calling at Room 4, University Hall, and presenting their athleticcopon from the ofice of the Dean of her
books. Cards H-Q will be given out on Thur;sday, October 6, and R-Z On college showing the credit received
Friday, October 7. The office will remain en)fl during the noon hour on j1for the hygiene course. Such slips
these three days. Students are reminded that duplicate cards will be is- are to be presented to Mrs. Daum in


sued only upon payment of a $2.00 fee, and that identification cards mus
be surrendered upon withdrawal from the University.
J. A. Bursey, Dean of Students ,
Attention of New Students: The new students are reminded of the
assemblies on "How to Study" which will be held on the afternoon of
October (5, 6 and 7) in the Natural Science Auditorium. In case of con-
flict between class work and the assemblies students will be excused from
class work as attendance at the assemblies is obligatory. Each student is
expected to attend only the assembly to which he has been assigned.
John R. Effinger, Dean of the College of Literature, Science and the
James B. Edmonso, Dean of the School of Education.
Earl V. Moore, Director of the School of Music.
Applicants for khodes Scholars are requested to report to the Secretary
of the History Department, 1004 A.H., on or before Friday. A. L. Cross
Pre-Medical Students: Students who intend to apply for admission to
the Medical School should obtain the Announcement of the School by call-
ing at the office of the Secretary, Room 17 West Medical Building. Atten-
tions is called to the increase in requirements which become effective next
year and also to the rule regarding "D" grades in required subjects. Stu-
dents desiring further information should consult with the Chairman of
the Committee at an early date. Executive Committee, Medical School
School of Education Faculty Meeting: A regular meeting of the School
of Education Faculty will be held on Monday, October 3 at the Michigan
League at 12 o'clock noon. A full attendance is desired.
Notice, The Pearce Steel Strop Demonstrators will be at Calkins' &
Fletcher's Drug Store, 324 So, State street, on Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday, October 6, and 8. The product is sold under a money-back guaran-
tee. Any students interested in selling this product during the coming
school year are asked to leave their names at the Student Employment
Bureau, Dean of Students Offic, or at Calkins' & Fletcher's on So. State
University Women: The Staff of the Michigan League Building is of-
fering a course of instruction, free of charge, to girls who wish to wait on
table at special parties and dinners. Any girl who has received this training
and who is called for this extra work will be paid in cash. Those who are
interested please sign up with Miss McCormick in the Michigan League
Graduate School Students: Students who have changed their elections
since submitting the election card should call at the office of the Graduate
School, 1014 Angell Hall, this week. This involves dropping and adding of
courses and substitution of one course for another, as well as a change in
instructor. G. Carl Huber, Dean
Graduate School Studehts' Attention is called to the rule governing
late registration in the Graduate School. "Students may register at any
time up to and including the second Wednesday (October 5) of the semes-
ter. After this date they may register only with permission of the Dean,"
G. Carl Huber, Dean
Graduate School Studiits: Gi'aduates who have changed their Ann
Arbor address since registering should report the change to the office of
the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall.
Regularly enrolled graduate students, who hold the rank of Instructor,
or above, at another institution, are asked to leave their names at the
office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall, at their earliest conveni-
ence. This applies oily to married students. G. Carl Huber, Dean
Women Students Attending The Ohio State-Michigan Football Game:
Women students wishing to attend the Ohio State-Michigan football game
are required to register in the OMlce of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents must be' received in the Dean's of-
fice not later than Thursday, October 1 th. I a student wishes to go other-
wise than by train, special pertnission for such mode of travel must be in-
cluded in the xiarent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to register in the office also.
Byrl Foux Bacher, Assistant Dean of Women
Women Studentsdefers in Physical Education: All women students
wishing defers in Physical Education for the first semester may bring their
cases before Dr. Bell on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday morn-
ings between the hours of 8:30 and 9:30 in Barbour Gymnasium, or be-
tween 1:30 and 2:00. in the afternoon at the Health Service. This will be
the only opportunity to secure defers.
Required Physical Eduation-Womien Students: This is the last week
for women students to sign up for physical education classes. All freshman
and uppercass women who have not completed the requirement must sign
up at once or their semester's record will carry an. E for failure. Students
who wish to have their physical education deferred for this semester must
have an official defer slip fromi Dr. Bell.
Required Hygiene Lectures for Women Freshmen: Hygiene lectures
for freshmen women will begin on Monday, October 3, and will continue
until a series of seven lectures have been given, These lectures will be held
each Monday at 4:15 p. m. in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall on the second
floor of Barbour Gymnasium.
Upperelass: Hygiene lectures for upperclas, women will begin on Tues-
day, October 4th- and will continue until a series of seven lectures have been

Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium, who
will automatically exempt the stu-
dent from the required hygiene
Hygiene Exemption Examination:
Those students who have taken
courses in other institutions but have
no credit will report for the first hy-
giene lecture and also take the ex-
emption examination to be given
October 8th, in Natural Science Au-
ditoriunn at 10 o'clock in the morn-
ing. If they pass this examination
they are then exempt from the re-
mainder of the hygiene lectures.
If by any chance a freshman be-
lieves herself to be in a position to
pass the upperclass exemption ex-
amination, she may apply for this
privilege to either Dr. Bell or Dr.
Schutz at the Health Service.
R. O. T. C. Uniforms: The tailors
will be at the R 0. T. C. office Thurs-
day and Friday, October 6, 7, from
8:30 .a m. to 5:00 p. n. All regular
members of the R. O. T. C will re-
port during the periods indicated to
be measured for uniforms.
Used Book Exchange of the So-
cialist Club- will be open today from
two to four p. m. at Lane Hall, at
which time money will be refunded
for books sold and for returning un-
sold books after Wednesday. The
Exchange will be closed until the end
of the semester when books will be
collected for the second semester
University Girls Glee Club will be
held in Miss Hunt's room, 216, at
School of Music on Wednesday, from
one to three, and Friday from three
to five of this week only
Seminar in Mathematical Theory
of Statistics: There will be a meeting
of those interestcd in the organiz/a-
(ion of an informal seminar in the
mnathematical thory of statistics,1
Thursday at :3 o'clock in 3020 A.
This seminar will be open to those
who have had or are taking Mathe-
matics 227 and 228 or its equivalent.
English 230 (Spenser and his Age)
This class will meet in Room 2213
A.H. Friday afternoon from 3:45 to
15.45. M, P. Tiley
Prychology 41: Make-up final ex-
anination will be held Thursday eve-
ning, October 13 at 7 o'clock in Room
1121 N.S..
University Lecture: Friday, Octo-
ber 7, 4 p. m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Dr. Henry Seidel Canby,
author, and editor of The Saturday
Review of Literature: "Prize Litera-
Glider Club: All interested in a
year of fascinating sport withmthe
Glider Section of the U. of M. Aero-
hautical Society are urged to attend
the first meeting of the Club in room
48 in the West Engineering Building
at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, October 5.
Membership is limited.
Senior Society: Important meeting
of the members at 5 o'clock in the
Pi Tan Pi Sigma: Business meet-
ing at 7:30 p. m,. at the Union. Room
number will be posted.
Sigma Rho Tau: Meeting at 9:00
p. m., in the Reference room in the
W. Eng. Bldg. All members are urg-
ently requested to be present at this
meeting, which will only last a short
Michigan Socialist Club: William
V. Banks, Detroit attorney and mem--
be1 of International Labor Defense

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1Z11
The classfied columns close at three
o'clock p ,review;x to dayv of insertion.
Box numbers may be ,e ured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-tie per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
lOc per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate-15c per'areading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
mere insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract per line---2 lines daily, one
month ....... .....Se
4 lines .F. .,~2 months .... . .. , , 8c
2 lines daily, college year........7e
1l i ll ine;. 0. ),.college year....., . 7e
1)00lues used as desired .......... 9c
300 lines used as desired.,.........e
1.000 lines used as desired..........7
2,000 lines used as desired .......... 6c
rhe above rate. are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
The above rates are for 71,2 point
ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capi-
tal letters. Add 6c pe rline to above
for bold face, upper and lower case.
Add 10e per line toabove rates for bold
face capital letters.
MASONIC CLUB open every after-
noon and evening. You are wel-
come. Billiards, etc.at reasonable
rates. 327 So. 4th Ave. 4
DANCING Wednesday and Saturday
nights at Woodman Hall, up over
the Ann Arbor Restaurant. Ad-
mission 25c. 2

Maynard. Free mendiing and darn-
ing. Collars and cuffs reversed.
Opening special, 12c a shirt cash
and carry. Dil" 8894. Sc
STUDENTS' Laundry by experienced
Laundress. Prices reasonable. Will
call for and deliver. stockings done
free. Call 116 and ask for 769F13.
soft water. Call for and deliver.
Dial 4789 after 12 noon. 3
WANTED - Student washing. All
Mending neatly done. Phone 3006.
water. Will call for and deliver.
Sure satisfaction. Telephone 4863.
LAUNDRY-Soft water, 21044. Tow-
els free; Socks darned. 13c
W A N T E D-Student and family
washing. rough dry or ironed. Rea-
sonable, call for and deliver. Phone
5118. 14c
WASHING and ironing. Called-for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory. 223478.
611 Hoover. 15c

WANTED-To buy one set of Har-
vard Classics, Write Postoffice
WANTED-Experienced dressmaking
-Mrs. S. J. Reed. Tel. 761F2.
Called for and delivered.
WANTED-Student a u n d r y and
good work at reasonable rates. All
mending free. Called for and de-
livered. Dinl 4929. 11
WANTED-Eb sax player; ight read.
Dial 8265, leave name. Dance job.
BLACK patent leath purse. Lost
Monday afternoon. Contained keys,
cash, Eversharp. Call 265 Jordan
Hall. 5
L 0 S T - Brown leather brief case,
containing papers of value to own-
er, at Huron River Park, Saturday
afternoon. Reward. Return to
Michigan Daily office. 18

LOST-Men's gold wrist watch with
heturn I,,10 Di1 ,ly. iblfrew 1Gard, i
FOR SALE -Battery set and trickle
charger. 317 S. Division. I
FOR SALE-Sweet cidr,. Paw Paw
grapes and grape Juice. Call 9534
or 22413. Wagner Cider Mill.
EAST OF CAMPUS -Clean, beauti-
fully furnished t hree-room apart-
ment. Includes soft water, lights,
gas, and garage. Uiversity pco-
pie preferred. Phone 3713 or 5792.
ATTRACTIVE furnished suite. Two
rooms', half block from Michigan
League. Graduate or instructor
preferred. New single rooms. Very
reasonable. 222 S. Ingalls. 22



WALKER'S Home Laundrv-Student
laundry a specialty. Terms very
reasonable. Dial 4776. We call for
and deliver. 7c
S T A Y B R O O K Country School.
Washtenaw road. Full day rates
including lunch-$25.00 per month
Half day rates -- $12.50. Trans-
portation provided. Age, from in-
fancy to 8 years. Mrs. H. S. Mal-
lory, director. Tel. 23891 and 9806.
will speak on "The Scottsboro case,
Is it a legal lynching?" under the
auspices of the Michigan Socialist
Club at the Natural Science Auditor-
ium at 8 o'clock. Admission Free.
Chess and Checker Club: Import-
ant meeting Wednesday evening at
(Continued on Page 6)

Youth Takes Its Stand


Sunday" for
many students, is






W 0 L S EY
Mickey Mouse Cartoon
Short Reel
Paramount News
Matinees 30c, Nights 40c-50c

Myrna Loy, Jean Hersholt

discovered the pleasure of telephoning home
at a certain time each week. And, because they
expect the call at that time, the folks always
plan to be at home.
Arrange a "Telephone Home Day" with
Dad and Mother this year. You will find the
cost surprisingly low, and you can charge the
calls to your home telephone if you wish.

"Telephone Home Day"


-Extra Added Feature-
Exclusive Official
All Talking Pictures
o the
Beween --
-and -



Seeing the Pictures is
Better than having a
Seat at the Ringside.
-also Late News---



*Not only Sunday, but any day
you prefer may be designated
"Telephone Home Day" . .

On The Stage


We Hve JustReceived


Large Shipment Of fall Books

The Latest In Fiction and Non-Fiction Numbers

These books are outstanding for imaginative vision and diction is finely sustained throughout. The non-fiction volumes are particu-
larly interesting, describing the changes of educational methods, of government, and of material conditions during the past 80 years
and are illustrated with incidents and anecdotes of school life and descriptions of prominent personalities.
We Feature This Week Fine Writing Paper At Bargain Prices


Watch for Our Week-end Specials - Every Friday and Saturday.
Two fine stores, located at each end of the campus, and owned and operated by alumni of the University of Michigan.

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