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October 05, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-05

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The Weather
Possibly rain Wednesday,
cooler; fresh to strong North-
west winds.

'i g



Some Questions for Mr.



To Be Police
For Council
Turner Plans To Enforce
Period Of Silence; Will
Impose Penalties
Plan Has Proved
Successful So Far
Contacts With Freshmen,
Freshman Guests At
Dances Forbidden
A strengthening arm was added to
the fraternity plan of rushing yester-
day when Edwin T. Turner, '33, pres-
ident of the Interfraternity Council,
delegated the honor societies to act
as police for the Council in the en-
forcement of the silence period which
begins at 8:30 p. m. Thursday.
"The plan has proved successful
so far," Turner said, "and we are
going to take every precaution to see
that there are no last minute viola-
tions of the rules. All such viola-
tors will receive the full penalty
which the Council is able to impose."
The silence period, according to the
rushing rules, begins at 8:30 p. m.
Thursday and continues until 6 p. m.
Monday when formal pledging will
take place. During that period no
contacts° are to be made with the
first year men.
Courtesies Only Allowed
"By 'no contacts' we mean no com-
munication whatsoever," Turner said,
"with the exception of an exchange
of courtesy upon meeting the fresh-
men on the street. Any lingering
with the first year men will be con-
sidered as violating the rules.
"One fraternity was reported to
have invited a freshman to its dance
this week-end," Turner continued,
''which is absolutely against the
rules. No first year men will be per-
mitted to attend fraternity parties
during th silence period, and a
check will be made to see that this
regulation is not violated."
Preference Lists Required
All fraternities must hand in a
preference list. at the Dean of Stu-
dents' office before 9 a. m. Friday.
Freshmen who are planning on
pledging some fraternity are required
to hand in their preference lists be-
fore noon Saturday.
If a rushee does not place the name
of at least one fraternity on his pref-
erence blank, he will not be elgible
until the second semester.
"If for some reason or other a man
is not able to pledge immediately but
does not want to wait until the be-
ginning of next semester, he should
explain the situation to the frater-
nity which he prefers and ask them
not to put his name on their list,"
Turner said. "This will make him
elgible for pledging as soon after
the silence period as he sees fit."
Failure to hand in preference lists
will automatically bar any man from
pledging until next semester, accord-
ing to the ruling of the Interfrater-
nity Council.
Offices of the Council are at the
Interfraternity Office, located on the
third floor of the Union, every after-
noon during the week from 3:30 to
5 p. m. "If anyone does not under-
stand any of the rules, we will be
glad to explain them at this time,"
Turner said.
Two Cleveland

Journals Are
Plain Dealer And News
Joined; Will Preserve
Separate Identities
CLEVELAND, Oct. 4- (P) - The
C l e v e l a n d Plain Dealer and the
Cleveland News announced they have
been placed under joint ownership
through the formation of the Forest
City Publishing Company, a $9,000,-
000 holding concern.
The separate identities, policies
and managements of the two news-
papers will be maintained, it was
announced. The News is an after-
noon paper and the Plain Dealer is
in the morning field.
The Forest City Company will ac-
quire all of the stock of the Plain
Dealer Publishing Company and of

To Speak At Union

'Large Crowd
Is Expected At
Rainey Forum
Meeting Open To Students
Will Be Held Today In
Union At 1 P. M.
Abbott, Campbell,
Burke To Attend

f .,
Congressman Henry T. Rainey,
floor leader of the Democrats in the
House of Representatives, will speak
at the Union Forum today.
S.C.A. Sanctions
Co-Op Boarders,
'Our Aim Is To Support
Projects Believed Help-
ful,' Group Head Says
Jule Ayers, '33, president of the
Student Christian Association, and
member of the board, announced last
night the board's approval of the
application of the Michigan Co-op-
erative Boarding House committee to
serve in Lane Hall Tavern.
"The board feels that a movement
of this kind should be encouraged,
and that a co-operative idea of this
kind would be consistent with the
aims of the S. C. A.," said Ayers.
"The S. C. A. has initiated a number
of clubs which have later been taken
over by the University.
Program Of Service
"It is the aim of the S. C. A. to
give aid to projects which it believes
to be helpful to students of the Uni-
versity, projects which need help at
the start," said Ayers. ,
"There has been a misunderstand-
ing in some quarters that the Michi-
gan Co-operative Boarding House is
a project of the Socialist Club. This
is a mistake," Ayers announced. "The
Michigan Co-operative B o a r d i n g
has no affiliation whatsoever with
any other organization on the cam-
pus," Ayers said it would have been
difficult for the project to receive
the support of the S. C. A. as it has
if it had any socialist affiliations.
Will Open Thursday
The Co-operative Boarding Houuse
will begin to serve meals Thursday
evening. "Seventy-five deposits have
been paid, which is more than a
sufficiency to enable serving," said
Sher Quraishi, Grad., chairman of
the Board of Servants. "We will
serve all those who desire it; and
there is no reason why either men
or women students should feel any
hesitancy about taking advantage of
the offer.
"Meals will be priced at from $2.50
to $3.00 per week. The budget as
well as the menu will be open for in-
spection by all interested students.
"There are facilities at Lane Hall
to cater to 200 or more students, and
applications may be made at any
time from Wednesday morning on
at Lane Hall Tavern."
Suggestions for possible radio pro-
grams have been received from sev-
eral members of the faculty ,it was
announced yesterday by Prof. Waldo
M. Abbot, director of the University
Broadcasting Service.

Rainey Is Authority
Tariff Reform; May
vocate Lower Levies
More than 75 prominent



Democrats are expected to attend the
luncheon being tendered to Henry T.
Rainey, Democratic floor leader of
the House of Representatives, be-
fore the Union forum today at which
Rainey will speak, according to John
W. Lederle, '33, Union president.
The forum, which will begin at 1
p. m. is open to all University stu-
dents and all others interested. The
discussion will be over in time for
students to be on time for two o'clock
classes, Lederle said.
According to Horatio J. Abbott,
Democratic national committeeman
from Michigan, Rainey is one of the
outstanding constitutional lawyers in
the country and is a personal friend
of former congressman S a m u e 1
Beakes of Ann Arbor.
Local Democrats to Attend
Among the Democratic leaders
from Washtetnaw county who will be
present at the luncheon are Abbott,
William Walz, president of the Ann
Arbor Savings Bank, George Burke,
prominent local attorney Prof. O. J.
Campbell of the English department,
Prof. Waldo Abbott of the English
department, Floyd Parker, president
of the Jeffersonian club-a local or-
ganization of young Democrats-Dr.
Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of the
Simpson Memorial Institute, and Dr.
1. D. Loree, local- physician.
Rainey is being presented under
the auspices of the Union and the
University Roosevelt Club.
Rainey is a recognized authority
on tariff reform and will doubtless
discuss some phase of this question.
He is one of the last of the Demo-
crats to hold out for a very low tar-
iff schedule. Despite this non-con-
formism, he has been chosen as floor
leader of his party and will undoub-
tedly be the next speaker of the
House of Representatives if the Dem-
ocrats win the November election.
Japan Ignores
League Report
On Manchuria
TOKIO, Oct. 4-(P)-The cabinet
decided today, after a session called
to consider the League of Nations
commission's report on Manchuria,
that there was no reason to alter
its Manchurian policy, the keystone
of which is the separation of Man-
chukuo from China and the mainte-
nance of its independence.
Accounts of the meeting published
in local newspapers agreed that War
Minister Sadao Araki led the critics
and was joined by several ministers.
Araki said the report was merely "a
diary of a fortnight's j o u r n e y
through Manchuria and showed in-
ability to grasp fundamentals. As
such, he said, it was unworthy of
Japan's serious attention.

Indict Ins ells
On 4 Counts;
Quiz Goes On
Brothers Charged With
Embezzlement, Larceny
In Grand Jury Finding
State Will Secure
Extradition To U. S.
Funds From Two Utility
Firns Used In Private
Speculation, Is Claim
CHICAGO, Oct. 4 - (4) - Samuel
Insull, seventy-two-year-old public
utility ruler until his realm crumbled
during the depression, was indicted
today with his brother, Martin, on
charges of embezzlement and lar-
ceny. The collapse of the Insull
holding companies caused losses of
many millions.
The indictments were based on
charges that funds were abstracted
from two financing companies in the
Insull Utility system and used to
support marginal stock market ac-
count maintained by Martin Insull.
Samuel Insull was alleged in the
indictments to have had knowledge
of the withdrawals and to have in-
dorsed a check for part ofuthe ab-
straction. The total of funds al-
legedly diverted was $514,942.74.
Return Indictments Immediately
A county grand jury returned the
indictments in open court after de-
liberating less than a hour on evi-
dence given them by six witnesses.
Capiases were issued immediately
for the arrest of the two brothers.
Action was started to extradite Sam-
uel Insull from Paris, and Martin
Insull from Canada.
Bond of $75,000 was set for Mar-
tin Insull and of $50,000 for Samuel.
The elder brother was named in only
two of the indictments returned and
Martin in all three.
Return Brothers in Custody
Swanson sai' extradition proceed-
ings would "be instituted through
Gov. Louis L. Emmerson of Illinois
and Secretary of State Stimson. He
said both brothers would be returned
to the United States in custody, as
no provision is made in international
extradition treaties for release on
Each of the three indictments con-
tain four counts: Larceny, larceny
by bailee, and two counts of embez-
zlement worded differently for legal
The first indictment charged Mar-
tin Insull singly with larceny of
$344,720 from the billion dollar Mid-
dle West Utilities Co., a holding con-
cern. The second charged each of
the brothers with embezzlement, lar-
ceny, and larceny by bailee of $66,-
from Middle West Utilities. The
third named both for alleged em-
bezzlement of $104,222.74 from the
Mississippi Valley Investment Co.,
another Insull concern.
Saturday Tag
Day For Starr
To Presents Pictures Of
Albion Hone In Drive
For Financial Help

Starr Commonwealth for Boys will
hold its annual Tag Day Saturday
with Mr. Floyd Starr and 75 boys
and workers assisted by as many Ann
Arbor citizens soliciting contribu-
The work of the Commonwealth in
reclaiming "bad" boys has been
praised very highly by prominent
educators and jurists of Michigan
among them Governor Wilbur M.
Brucker, President Alexander G.
Ruthven, State Senator Charles A.
Sink, United States Senator Wood-
bridge N. Ferris, Jay G. Pray, Judge
of Probate of Washtenaw county and
many others.
Those in sympathy with the efforts
of Mr. Starr in Ann Arbor are co-
operating with him in sponsoring a
Starr Commonwealth week ending
with the drive on Saturday. Dr. Dean
W. Myers, who has taken motion pic-
tures of the work being done at the
home near Albion will show these
pictures to several groups of Ann Ar-
bor citizens during the week.
Because of the increased need of
this tvne of work at the present time.

Indicted For Embezzlement And Larceny

Hoover Maps
G. 0. P. Policy
On Farm Aid;
Hits Roosevelt
President Declares Demo-
cratic Relief Program
Would Have Resulted In
'The End Of Recovery'
10,000 Farmers
Hear 12-Point Plan
Iowans Applaud As Chief
Executive Opens Speech;
He Claims Great Victory
Over Economic Forces

(Associated Press Photo)
Samuel Insull (right), Chicago utility magnate, and his brother
Martin Insull, were indicted before a grand jury in Chicago yesterday
on charges of irregularities in the administration of the Insull utilities
which forced them into recent bankruptcy.

Roosevelt And
Al Smith Shake
Hands; Make Up
Reconcilation Comes At
Nomination Of Lehman
For New York Governor
ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 4-(P)--Her-
bert H. Lehman, choice of "Al"
Smith and Governor Roosevelt, was
nominated for governor at the Dem-
ocratic state convention tonight as
Smith and Roosevelt, with grins and
handclasps, met for the first time
since they were foes at the Chicago
national convention.
Smith and Roosevelt clasped hands,
warmly as they met on the con-
vention p 1 a t f o r m, both smiling
"Hello, Frank," Smith said as he
reached out to g r a s p Roosevelt's
Smith turned to the speaker's
stand to put Lehman in the nomina-
tion but the thousands he faced paid
honor to him from the beginning
with their uproar of cheers, whist-
ling and shouting.
Then photographers asked if the
governor and former governor would
pose together.
"Why not?" Smith said, turning
to Roosevelt again and joining him
in another handclasp.
"Four years ago," Smith said in
beginning his s p e e c h nominating
Lehmann, "we were told that the Re-
publicans had some kind of a patent
on prosperity.
"We had the rosy promises of
nothing to eat but chicken, he said,
"every laborer was to go to work in
an automobile and was to wear silk
"The Republicans said that they
were the party of integrity, the party
of ability and the party of intelli-
"The present President was held
up as the great example of ability,
a great engineer.
"It must have been apparent that

Professor Finds Gold
In Grizzly Bear's Fur
Prof. Dow V. Baxter of the
school of forestry and conserva-
tion spent the summer in Yukon
Territory studying wood destroy-
ing fungi. Before leaving for home
he purchased three silver tipped
grizzly hides from Indians at
Whitehorse. He turned the hides
over to Prof. E. C. O'Roke, Univer-
sity parisitologist who wanted to
look for fleas.
Prof. .O'Roke found the fleas,
also gold, small yellow crystals of
it, sticking to the fur. The scient-
ists are unable to explain how the
gold got into the fur but suggest
that the bear may have rolled in
netal bearing sand or scratched
for fleas on its own account while
its paws were smeared with gold
the collapse was due. They had ad-
vance information. What did they
do? They talked and wasted time.
They relied on divine Providence.
"And now what happens?
"Mr. Borah rushed down to Wash-
"He's offering no advice this year
-and he induced them to call a
special session.
"The boys met in special session
and what did they do for the farm-
ers? Nothing. But they couldn't re-
sist taking another little bang at the
"And that tariff closed the foreign
markets to us and stifled our com-
"And I'm thinking of that death-
bed confession on Prohibition," he
He said relief from Prohibition
"can be accomplished by the victory
of the Democratic party and election
of the Democratic candidate in the
coming election." As he spoke he
half turned toward Roosevelt.
Before Smith left the platform he
beamed at Roosevelt, shook his hand
again, and once more posed for pic-
tures with his old political ally.

DES MOINES, Ia., Oct. 4.-(P)---
Declaring the program initiated un-
er Democratic leadership during the
last session of Congress would have
een "the end of recovery" President
EIoover tonight sponsored before an
applauding farm audience a series
f 12 "policies of the Republican
)arty" in aid of agriculture.
A throng that completely filled the
10,000 seat Des Moines coliseum and
)verflowed into the Shrine temple
and across the capitol plaza cheered
the chief executive repeatedly as he
pened his first campaign speech
ince accepting the renomination.
It listened as he expounded such
'policies" for farm aid as shifting
var debt payments to expanding ag-
icultural markets abroad, revision of
the agricultural marketing act, in-
luding repeal of the stabilization
lause, and enactment of even higher
ariffs on farm commodities were
National Victor Achieved
Accounting his stewardship, the
President asserted near the outset
f his speech that through "battles
>n a thousand fronts" against de-
pression economic forces,' "a great
national victory has been achieved."
Quoting directly from criticism of
the present tariff act by his Demo-
ratic opponent, Franklin D. Roose-
velt, he asserted:
"What the Democratic party pro-
poses is to reduce your farm tariffs.
Aside from ruin to agriculture, such
an undertaking in the midst of this
lepression will disturb every possibil-
ty of recovery."
Earlier, Mr. Hoover listed propos-
als he said were initiated in the Dem-
ocratic controlled House of Repre-
sentatives "under the leadership of
the gentleman who has been nom-
inated the Democratic candidate for
vice-president and thus these meas-
ures and policies were approved by
their party."
Hits Financial Policies
One after another, the President
named "a program of pork barrel
legislation in the sum of $1,200,000,-
000," the bonus bill, the "creation of
sheer flat money," a bill to "destroy
the effectiveness of the tariff com-
mission," and a "price fixing bill."
"All this," he asserted, "under-
mined public confidence and delayed
all the efforts of the administtration
and the powerful instrumentalities
which we had placed in action to
save the country.
"These measures representing the
dominant Democratic control
brought discouragement and delay to
recovery. That recovery began the
moment when it was certain that
these destructive measures of this
Democratic-controlled House were
stopped. Had their program passed
it would have been the end of recov-
ery. If it ever passes, it will end hope
and recovery....
"Do you propose to place these
men in power and subject this coun-
try to that sort of measures and poli-
cies? It is by their acts in Congress
and their leadership that you shall
know them."
Names Republican Policies
In outlining what he called the
"policies of the Republican party,"
the President listed the following 12
1. Maintenance and possible eleva-
tion of the protective tariff on farm
products "as the very basis of safety
to American agiculture.
2. Revision of t he agriculture
marketing act, including repeal of
the stabilization clause.
3. Creation of a program for "the
reorganization of agriculture so as
to divert lands from unprofitable to
profitable use and to avoid the cul-
tivation of lands and the chief return
of which is the poverty and misery of
those who lived upon them."


Hoover Hasn't A Chance Says


Foelker In

Nordics Feel Depression Less
Than Other Lands, Says Cross

Scandinavian countries .are not
suffering so much from economic de-
pression as the United States and
other European countries, in the
opinion of Prof. A. L. Cross of the
history department, who spent the
summer in a tour of Norway, Den-
mark and Sweden.
"The cities," declared Professor
Cross," do not seem to show signs of
depression. Of course farmers get
small prices for food, and particu-
larly in the Delacarlia region, the
farmers are poor and the farms are
small. According to the laws of he-
redity the land is cut up into small
sections, and the farmer has to sup-
U .: :-i-n a vi uh AyIC A

according to Professor Cross, are off"
the gold standard. Although there
is some fluctuations among the three
countries, they are generally on the
same basis.
"On account of the tariff dispute
between Great Britain and Ireland,
there will be a market for Danish
goods in England for some time,
and at present a trade treaty is be-
ing discussed," Professor Cross said.
Acute Situation
"The Norwegians are coming clo-
ser to the Swedes, with whom they
have not been on close terms since
the separation of the two couhtries,"
Professor Cross declared.- "At pres-
Pn+ +here s a rather acut e stuation

"Herbert Hoover, the Republican
candidate for the presidency, hasn't
a ghost of a chance and if we can
turn the Socialists to; our liberal
Democratic platform we have the
election cinched," stated Paul F.
Voelker, president of Battle Creek
College last night in the first forum
of the year sponsored by the Stu-
dent Christian Association.
Dr. Voelker, who was introduced
by Horatio J. Abbot, Democratic Na
t i o n a 1 Committeeman, continued,
saying that if the Socialist party had
a chance of electing Norman Thom-
as, "a man whom I greatly admire,"
that he might prefer them to his
present Democratic associates..
In the main text of his address
Dr. Voelker presented five faults ex-
istent under the present G. 0. P.
rule which, he asserted, were ade-
quately cared for under the Demo-
cratic platform. Too much material-
ism was the first fault which the
Democratic party has promised to'
change by the introduction of a ser-
ies of international banking confer-
ences, "much like the peace con-
ferences of today," to settle the world
currency problems and adjust a per-

S. C. A. Lecture
corporations gnawing into the purse1
of the forgotten man" were advo-
cated. Co-operation of an idealistic;
and unselfish nature is the real per-
manent solution according to Dr.:I
Voelker. Capitalism is pointed out
as a disease needing the attention
of the Democratic party and the or-
ganization of new committees he
pointed out in condemning the pres-
ent Republican Interstate Commerce;
Commission. "Children will be pay-
ing interest for generations on stocks
bought during the over-capitalized
era of Coolidge and Roosevelt. A
new social order of Democracy, lik-
ened by the speaker to a Kingdom
of Heaven on earth, was the solu-
tion offered. A board in control of
investments placed on the market
was the most concrete measure ad-
Excuses Bonus Silence
In answer to the question, "What
is Roosevelt's definite stand on the
soldier's bonus?" Dr. Voelker com-
mented that he believed that the
matter was so small compared to
the immensity of the platform and
that silence on the part of Roosevelt
could undoubtedly be construed to
sigmifv his dinnronvaU1 nf rantmina

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