WJR Is Outlet
For Program
About League
Miss McCormick To Talk
On Purposes Of Build
ilg, Facilities For Work
An hour program devoted to ex-
planation of the functions of the
League and a description of the fa-
cilities offered therein will be broad-
cast over station WJR from 5 until
6 p. m. Sunday.;
An address comparing the League
with the word "achievement" will be
delivered by Ethel McCormick, social
director of the League. She will show
how the building was designed with
the idea of giving women students a
college center with as much home
atmosphere as possible and provid-
ing space for them to carry on the
many and varied activities of college
life. Further statements of the pur-
pose of the League and a detailed
explanation of the use of the indi-
vidual rooms will compose the bulk
of Miss McCormick's talk.
Helen DeWitt, '33, president of the
League, will tell of the League's ac-
tivities, and the extent and kind of
use that women make of the build-
ing. The program will also include
a medley of Michigan songs to be
played by the League orchestra under
the direction of Mike Falk. The
League trio, composed of Barbara
Bates, '35, Mary Morrison, '35SM
and Lucille Lucas, '34SM, will sing
several selections.
Slide Rule Dance
Set For March 31
The Alide Rule Dance, annual en-
gineering fete, will be held Friday,
March 31, according to a statement
by R. N. Cogger, '33E, managing
editor of the Michigan Technic, of-
ficial publication of the Engineering
college, which sponsors the affair.
Cogger was approved as general
chairman of the dance by the ad-
visory board of the engineering col-
lege at its meeting last week. He
has named the following as commit-
tee chairman: assistant to the gen-
eral chairman, DeElton J. Carr, "33E;
music committee, Harold Seamans
'33E; ticket committee, Paul Rauff,
'33E; programs and arrangements,
Robert Hayes, '33E; publicity, Wil-
liam Mohrhoff, '33E; floor commit-
tee, Jerry Gruitch, '33E; decorations,
Don W. Lyon, '34A.
The dance will be held as usual in
the ballroom of the Union. About
125 couples attended last year, with
the famous Casa Loma orchestra of
Chicago furnishing the music.
Tickets will go on sale the first
week of the second semester, it was
Paris Declares
Evening Hats
Must Be Tilted
PARIS, Jan. 27.-()-A little eve-
ning hat to wear with cocktail or
dinner costumes has taken the smart
world by storm.
Parisians apply the rule to all ex-
cept the most formal evening array,
even though the chapeaux worn may
be so small they reveal more than
half the coiffure.
Paillette berets, horsehair turbans
and velvet circles are chosen to har-
monize with the rest of the costume
and worn aslant on a perfectly coif-
fed head in a manner designed to
display much of the'coiffure.
Veils appear almost universally
with these new evening hats. Lacy1
horsehair films which stand away
from the fact in a pert circlet, and
soft black nets which shadow the
eyes are often used as the formal
finishing touch.
One chic Parisian wears aslant
over one eye .a tiny beret of black
sequins with a little sequins ball
perched on the top and a black
horsehair veil showing her eyes.
With it she wears a black velvet
dinner gown with the long tight
sleeves slashed several times and the
neckline threaded into a red coral
necklace. Her black gloves are cuf-
fed with deep puffs of coral redl
Another smart continental wears
with a black lace diner gown a tiny
black horsehair beret topped with
.two turquoise blue aigrettes and a
third chooses, as accent for a black
and white satin frock, a little white
straw toque finished with a filmy
black nose veil.
The "velvet circle hat" is one of
the outstanding contributions to the
evening chapeau mode. It is made of
three velvet circles of three harmon-
izing shades of the same color, worn
Marlene Dietrich Appears In Trousers
J-Hop Booths
Are Formed By
Favors To Be Engagement
Books; Comstocks Will
Be Present At Dance
Two booth groups were formed by
independents planning to attend the
J-Hop at a meeting held at the
Chairman of Booth A which has
25 members is Paul Jedcle, '34, while
Francis N. Fine, '34, is chairman of
Booth B. There is a possibility that
a third booth will be forced, William
Curry, '34, assistant chairman of the
booths committee said last night, as
several men planning to attend the
meeting failed to come.
A meeting to make final arrange-
ments for independent booths will
be held at 7:30 p. m. on Wednesday,
Feb. 1 in room 302 of the Union,
Curry said.
The favors for the dance are to be
white leather covered engagement
books in a modernistic design with
J-Hop insignia on the cover. The
booklet will include a list of the
patrons, patronesses and the com-
-Associated Press Photo
Mjarlene Dietrich, who has threatened to desert Hollywood for her
native Germany, wore mannish attire to a recent film premiere. Shown
with her are Maurice Chevalier (left) and Gary Cooper.
Formal Styles Seen On Campus
Strange' To Mosher Director
"I was surprised to find, on com-
ng to the University, such a well-
,roomed group as the student body
n this time of depression," Eliza-
>eth Carter, director of Mosher Hall,
aid yesterday. "After the warm
limate of California, and its accom-
>anying mode of campus wear tend-
ng to the informal, it was strange
;o discover such formal styles and
:ashionable street clothes here."
"At Montana State Normal School,
,he University of Washington, the
Jniversity of Hawaii, Northwestern
Jniversity and the University of
;alifornia, I noticed campus clothes
did not attain the formality of those
at Michigan," she continued.
According to Miss Carter, contrast
in clothes on the basis of climate is
most interesting. At California styles
are in tune with the warmth of the
climate, and short sleeved dresses are
not uncommon. On campus at the
University of Washington, where it1
rains all year, outer garments areI
seemingly limited to raincoats of all
descriptions in brilliant color tones.
Galoshes are of major importance.
Lastly, Michigan, with its adherence
to smartness in both men's and
women's clothes, finds the weather
a dictator of fashion. Fur coats, gay
mittens, and ascot scarves in warm
colors help to brave the winter winds.
"In most western colleges, cords
and demijeans have invaded the
classrooms, replacing suits, and have
proved most popular during the de-
pression," she said. "Lumber jackets
and hobnailed shoes are also charac-
teristic, and hats are a distinct
novelty, except among graduate stu-
dents. Women affect leathef' jackets
or turtle necked sweaters, skirts and
MissCarter went on to say that
some students in agricultural colleges
Two women from Martha Cook
Building are entertaining guests this
week-end and two of the residents
have gone to their homes to spend
a few days before examinations.
Helen Walter, '33, is entertaining
Helen Townsend, Detroit, and Mar-
garet Reed, Jackson, is the guest of
her sister, Florence Reed, '33. Patri-
cia Daly, '34, has gone to Port Hu-
ron and Margaret Martin, '34, has
left for Detroit.
of the west not only look like lum-
berjacks and "sourdoughs," but some
actually live in tents in small en-
campments on campus as a depres-
sion measure.
"The most outstanding feature I
noticed in men's choice of campus
haberdashery here," she said, "is the
occasional affectation of spats and
derbites. I have never before seen
them worn by undergraduates."
New Officers Are
Elected By Houses
Many fraternities have elected their
officers for the second semester.
House elections were held for Phi
Kappa Sigma fraternity. The results
were: Alpha, Oscar T. Perkinson,
'33E; Beta, Herbert H. Roose, '33;.
Pi, James R. Doty, '34E; Sigma, Cur-
tis A. Manchester, '35; Upsilon, Kent
C. Thornton, '34E; Iota, Theodore D.
Wakefield, '34; Theta, Lewis C.
Pinny, '35, and Robert D. Hewitt,
Chi Phi fraternity election results
were as follows: president, William
E. Brown, '33A; vice-president, Rob-
et F Dalzell, '33E; secretary, Don-
ald A. Johnston, '34; treasurer, Carl
J. Gladfelter, '33BAd; corresponding
secretary, Albert H. Newman, '34.
Delta Alpha Epsilon fraternity elec-
tion results were: president, Robert
G. Law, '35; vice-president, S. W.
Williams, '33; recording secretary,
Wilbur J. Bailey, '33E; correspond-
ing secretary, Georg'e Donker; treas-
urer, John D. Neal, '33; house man-
ager, C. F. Blanding, '34E.
Delta Chi fraternity held its an-
nual elections recently. The officers
are: president, Frederick C. Brun-
ton, '33E; vice-president, Carl E.
Schneider, '33E; secretary, Arthur D.
Hawkins, '34; treasurer, Robert H.
Gove, '34E.
Tau Delta Phi officers recently.
elected were: consul, Lester Segal,
'33; custos, Leonard A. Rosenberg,
'34; quaestor, Marvin A. Kreuger, '34;
scribe, Leonard Greenspan, '34; edi-
tor-historian, Hyman J. Aronstam,
Contrary to former procedure, the
favors will be distributed at the door
this year. The expense of the favors
has been somewhat reduced this year
Wallace Graham, '34, favors chair-
man, announced last night, so that
there will be a greater amount for
the dance to contribute to the Stu-
dent's Good Will Fund.
Governor Wiliiam A. Comstock
und Mrs. Comstock have accepted
the invitation of the committee to
attend the dance, Lee Olwell, '34L,
announced last night.
Where TO Go
Dances: Informal dancing, League
ballroom; informal dancing, Union
Athletic Events: Badminton match,
Ann Arbor badminton club vs. Grosse
Pointe, 4 p. m., Waterman and Bar-
bour gymnasiums.
Handball and squash meets, Mich-
igan vs. Detroit Athletic Club, 4 p.
in. Intrmmural Building.
Dr. Ro bak e, Noted
H ygic i't To Be Feted
Dr. Alexander Roubakine, of Mos-
cow, is being entertained by Dr. John
Sundwall, Professor of hygiene and
public health, while in Ann Arbor on
a tour of the United States to make
studies of public health practice.
Dr. Roubakine was formerly a
m ember of the Health Committee
of the League of Nations as a sani-
tarian from the U. S. S. R. At pres-
ent he is connected with the Inter-
national Health Department. Dr.
Roubakine became acquainted with
Dr. Sundwall at the League of Na-
tions in Geneva and was largely re-
sponsible for planning Dr. Sund-
wall's trip through Russia last sum-
-Associated Press Photo
Mrs. William H. Hyde of Ridge-
way, N. J., introduced something a
little different in beach fashions at
Palm Beach, Fla. It -is a one-piece
suit of orange, black and white
Scotch plaid wool with a jacket to
Dance Contest
Sponsored By
League Class
bIllh'oom Dancing Event
Features Waltz, Tango
And Fox-Trot Numbers
Contests to determine the best
men and women dancers in the three
dance divisions: ballroom tango, fox
trot. and waltz, were held from 7:30
until 8:30 p. m. Thursday in the
main ballroom of the League.
Emily V. White of the physical
education department, and Alta B.
Atizinson, business manager of the
League, were judges for the contests
which were the climax of the semes-
ter's classes in ballroom dancing held
under the management of Ethel A.
McCormick, social director of the
After a period donated to practice
dancing, partners were chosen fQr
the final contests, and winners were
picked by elimination. Leola A. Marx,
'39, and her partner, Herbert Milli-
"There are two main types of ac-
tivity in the children's, wards," she
said, "academia, and occupational
therapy. They are supported partly
by, state funds and partly by gifts
from private organizations such as
the Kiwanis Club and the King's
Daughters; each of these organiza-
tions maintains a teacher in the
school, and the Galens medical so-
ciety supports a woodworking shop
on the roof.
"The main purpose in establishing
a school for the patients is to keep
the child who is able and interested,
up in his school work so that he can
stay with his grade. In this connec-
tion the work is coincident with the
work done in the schools from which
the child comes. The same books,
lesson outlines are used and, at the
end of the semester, the same exams
are given as those which are given
to children in that grade."
Work Based on Preferences
The school program is built around
the inclination of the child, accord-
ken, '33, won the tango; Dorothy
Clark; '34, and Crandall W. Bisbee,
'33Ed, were chosen best in the fox
trot group; Margaret Phalan, '35,
and Sherman Kamens, '34, were win-
ners in the waltz group. Each one
of the winning couples presented
with a free ticket to the League
week-end dances.
Many requests have been made for
the continuation of the dancing
classes next semester, according to
Miss McCormick.
S opho mores
Puibli*sh Class
App ointments
(Continued from Page 1)
woman's committee, with Jane Bas-
sett as assistant, and Marian Brooke,
Anna Jane Snyder, Mary O'Brien,
Barbara Sherburne, Betty Little,
Mary Ferris, Vivian Oviatt, and
Jeanne DeLamarter.
Previously appointed on the sopho-
more promenade committee are
Lewis Kearns, chairman; Ralph
Tracy, assistant chairman, and Marie
Murphy, Catherine Moule, Charles
Greening, Colton Park, Ann Osborne,
Alfred Plummer, Horace Hess, Don-
ald Bird, Carl Hilty, George Dalby,
George Lurie, Jerome von Wingar-
den, and Kenneth Kinnee.
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