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January 17, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-17

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SysRutiven Receives
,y Ineiewed Ont Merits Of Honor System Wir'e From Nrth



reasons Given
or Stands Pro
)r Con On Plan
hange Would Be At Least
As Successful As That
Now In Use, Say Some
U-gu ents Divided
ndergraduates Would Be
Responsible For Success
Or Failure of Plan
(Continued from Page 1)
ed,; but were willing to try it. Judg-
g from the manner in which the
plies were given, an impartial ob-
rver would be inclined to believe
at in any real show down at a
culty meeting the anti group would
,inate.. They are so certain they
e right many of those who regis-
ed themselves as "willing to try"
this poll might reverse their atti-
de into, "what's the use of Chang-

Blocks Bank Bill

-Associated Press Photo
The Glass banking bill faced an
uncertain fate after .an organized fili-
buster led by Senator Huey Long of
Louisiana prevented a.= vote on Its
most controversial feature-that per-
nitting statewide branch banking,

ons For Support
y disclosed a varied num-
>ns for either supporting
the honor system. Each
ad one or two reasons of
I when they are compiled
formidable list on both
question, with the pros
ridealistic and the cons'
cal. The reasons for sup-


be, in the words
st as successful as

evelop a better sense of
the student body.
udents want the honor
can enforce it (which
if they realy want it)
have it.
fessor cannot beat the
t who wants to cheat,
i system of proctoring,
ent is tempted to cheat

treats stu-
At put on his
er will grow
members of

this list of arguments
even longer collection
one should oppose the
the latter were based'
le conflicting directly
of the supporter's ar-
where the pros said
em worked in the en-
ge, the antis said it
e the pros said the
i was none too for-
tis said it was splen-
e pros who had been
in an institution
plan said it worked,
a similar background
ot. Apparently it all
the point of view.
rary Views
offered against the
possibly work in a
as Michigan, where
rit of mutual respon-
rit de corps" (a good
n used that phrase
lents in large classes.
its would not be will-
lie responsibility for
r is present at an ex-
only to watch, but to
swering of questions
ation of any difficul-
ht arise. To initiate
em would be depriv-
.ts of this very real

the difficulties of getting it started
would be enormous.
10. It's a splendid principle, but
won't work in practice.
Report Success in South
A good. many of the younger men
had had experience working under
the honor system. Their report as to
its success was confusing. One man
who attended a southern college re-
marked that the situation there was
"immensely better than here, so fax
as honor goes." Another man, who
attended the same college, said, "it
is my opinion that there is more
cheating under the honor system
than under the present plan." This
difference of opinion as to whether
the system actually works in . other
institutions was noticeable in a num-
ber of replies.
One faculty member, Prof. Arthur
Bromage of the political science de-
partment, had attended schools
where both systems were used. He
said, "I went to a small New Eng-
land college, Wesleyan, in my under-
graduate days, and they had the
honor plan there. It worked well. As
a graduate student I attended Har-
vard, where they had an extremely
strict proctoring system during ex-
aminations. Thus I have had experi-
ence under both systems. On the
whole, I doubt if the honor. plan
would work effectively in a large col-
lege. In order to have the system
succeed it is necessary for students
to report on those they see cheat-
ing, and while the average student
will be honest himself he is not likely
to report violations of his fellows. I
am not against the plan in prin-
ciple, which is splendid, but I do
doubt its practicability. If the ma-
jority of students desired the plan
I would be willing to try it for a
Used in Small Classes
The system appears to be used in
small classes to a great extent now.
There is a feeling that in such
groups, where the students all know
one another and are all striving for
the same objective, few will take
advantage of the others..
Bradeley Davis, professor of bot-
any, mentioned this in his statement,
"In the advanced courses," he said,
"where there are small classes, the
honor system is probably very gen-
erally employed, since instructors
know their students better and are
likely to set questions which do not
lend themselves to cribbing. Good
students, in my, opinion, are not
sensitive to sensible proctering, for
there are obvious advantages in corder
and quiet during an examination.
The evidence is conflicting as to
whether the honor' system really
works in institutions where the
classes are large and the students do
not know one another well, or care
to take responsibilities for others.
ThereforeI s am opposed to the plan."
This 'same doubting that the plan
would succeed in large classes was
expressed by Prof. John Biumm,
chairman of the journalism depart-
ment. He said, "The system would
probably nbt be advantageous to the
coltege'as a whole. Itis quite proper-
ly a decision to be left to the in-

London Torch
Killer Suspect
Ill InHospital
Scotland Yard Arrests Man
After Long Hunt; Takes
Sick In Cell
LONDON, Jan. 16.--P)-The case
of Samuel Furnace, accused torch
slayer, took another dramatic turn
today when the prisoner, who spent
the night in a cell in a Kentish-
Town (north London quarter) po-
lice station, was found ill in his cell.
He was hurried to a hospital in
what was declared a serious con-
dition. He was reported suffering
internally with symptoms apparent-
ly suggesting some form of poison-
The patient's condition improved
slightly during the morning but this
afternoon it became serious again
and a chaplain was summoned. Po-
lice also tried to get in touch with
the man's wife.
The 35-year-old builder, who hid
out in a southend boarding house,
reading detective stories while Scot-
land Yard searched for him, was
accused by police of murdering his
friend, Walter Spatchett.
One of the most involved recent
murder mysteries of London almost
had the famous Scotland Yard baf-
fled during the past two weeks since
Spatchett's burned body was found
by firemen called to put out a blaze
in Furnace's workshop.
clination of the individual instruc-
tor, who presumably knows his own
students and their respective abil-
ities. In a large class we are not
likely to have the close unity, the
"esprit de corps," the mutual respect
and the group responsibility neces-
sary for the success of any such sys-
Prof. Coe States Opinion'
No reason for a change was seen
by Mr. Carl Coe, assistant professor
of mathematics, who commented, "I
am not in favor of the honor system.
The present arrangement is not re-
garded by the faculty as a battle of
wits, and in a large percentage of
cases we are really operating under
an honor system with little atten-
tion paid to policing. This situation
is satisfactory. The students are ex-
pected to use their honor but the
faculty remains available to see that
examinations go forward in the de-
sired manner. Son instructor, it
seems to me, should be present to
protect the conscientious student
from the unconscientious. Otherwise,
there might be students who, know-
ing they could not pass the course,
might create an annoying disturb-
ance. Then, too, some would cheat,
thus gaining an advantage for them-
selves and hurting those who are
Griggs Staunch Supporter
Earl Griggs, assistant professor of
English, was perhaps the plan's most
enthusiastic supporter. "I am very
much in favor of it," he said. "In
my undergraduate days at Princeton,
where the system is in effect, I came
into personal contact with the idea
and found that it worked quite effi-
ciently. It doesn't seem to me that
the professor can beat the student
who wants to cheat, and the clever3
student is tempted to cheat by the
system as it is. The honor system
treats students as human beings, not
as naughty childre."
Byron Soule of the chemistry de-
partment compared the proctor at an
examination with a policeman on a
beat. "Policing examinations," he de-
clared, "is no reflection on the in-
tegrity of students taking the exam-
ination, anymore than a policemanI
walking up and down a street is a re-

flection upon the people who live in '.
the houses on the street. In both
cases they are there to maintain the
law, supported by the majority of
public opinion. Doing away with
proctoring is like doing away with
the police force of the United States.
Do you think it will work?"

New Leaders
Wanted By Old
Guard In G.O.P.
Rumblings In Republican
Party Forecast Lively
Contest For Control
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.-Rtm-
blings among Republican forces fore-
cast a stiring contest soon between
the old guard and followers of Presi-
dent Hoover for control of the party
Already a move has been started
to resist any effort by Mr. Hoover's
friends to have him retain the titular
chieftianship of the party after he
retires from the presidency.
Indications are that the struggle,
now being waged behind the scenes,
will break into the open after March
4. Mr. Hoover's friends, however,
appear confident that he will have
little difficulty in holding the reins.
That Mr. Hoover desires to con-
tinue as the dominating factor in
the organization with a view either
of seeking the Presidential nomina-
tion in 1936, or dictating the nomi-
nee, is the belief generally held by
Republicans on Capitol hill.
But members of the old guard,
who considered themselves slighted
during the Hoover administration,
are talking about having the present
party set up "cleaned out from top
to bottom" and a new organization
created, with a conservative basis
out a slant satisfactory to the liberal
element of the party.
They want to take over party con-
trol early in the spring to prepare
for the congressional campaign in
1934, with the hope of recapturing
the house and electing a speaker,
and thus to pave the way, by a leg-
islative record route, to seize the ad-
ministration in 1936.
While much preliminary maneu-
vering is going on, the battle lines
are not yet definitely drawn. They
are, however, to center about the
chairmanship of the Republican na-
tional committee, now held by Ever-
ett Sanders, secretary to the late
Calvin Coolidge when he was Presi-
Talk among the Republicans is
that Sanders desires to relinquish
the post within a few months. '

Ask Roosevelt
To Have Youth
In His Cabinet
Friends Of President-Elect
Suggest Choice of Young
Men As Advisors.
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Jan. 16.-(,)--
President-Elect Roosevelt is seriously
considering the persistent advice of
friends to employ a youthful cabinet.
This idea. was advanced first by the
elder statesman, Col. E. M. House; in-
timate of Woodrow Wilson. His point'
of steering clear of "us old dodo
birds" has been impressed frequently
since by other viistors.
Of course Mr. Roosevelt feels free
to pick his own cabinet. None other
than William G. McAdoo, senator-
elect from California, whose an-
nouncement at the Chicago conven-
tion cleared the way for .Roosevelt's
nomination, is backing up'the claim
for a free hand in cabinet selection.
He was an over-night guest here.
The President-elect, nevertheless,
is resting strongly on the wisdom of
some of the party men of tested
knowledge such as Senators Glass of
Virginia, and Walsh of Montana. He
would welcome their entrance into
the cabinet, it is understood.
The same process which is turning
him to younger America is believed
to have eliminated such veterans as
Owen D. Young of New York and
Newton D. Baker of Ohio, the war-
time secretary of war.
Mr. McAdoo, who said he came up
here to "get the air" and talk over
things in general, concluded his first
visit with Mr. Roosevelt since the
election early today and turned back
toward California before taking over
his senatorial duties March 4.
The "youthful cabinet" suggestion
again leaves the field once for those
upon whom Mr. Roosevelt will rely as
his official family in the days to
come. No announcements are expect-
ed before two weeks.
Ai JLMces - ar endrP table
Sold. Rentd cE zed ap "e
Large choice stock.g.
10. D.0RRlLL,
S.State St,, Ann Arbor.

A strong nationalist spirit prevades
education in the countries of south-
ern Europe, according to Prof. Or-
lando W. Stephenson, of the School
of Education, who recounted some of
his experiences in European schools
in a radio talk broadcast Sunday over
the University Broadcasting Service.
"In France, Italy, and Spain," said
Professor Stephenson, "the wearing
of miiltary uniforms is much more
common than in this country, and
parades, marching, and martial mu-
sic are much more frequently seen.
These things tend to focus the at-
tention of the boys and girls on the
importance of their own nation, nar-
rowing their sympathies and giving
them a wrong perspective of affairs."
Narrow Idea Of World
Professor Stephenson also men-
tioned the narrowness of conception
of the world which is held by chil-
dren of foreign countries.. "To Italian
children," he said, "the center of the
world is the peninsula below the'
Alps; to Spanish children it is the
peninsula below the Pyranees, and
to French children it lies above those
two barriers."

Stephenson Cites Nationalist j
Spirit In Europcan Schools

Professor Stephenson told of the
"instructions" which are sent out to
French teachers by the French gov-
ernment especially for those who are
to teach history. "Teachers are told
that they must keep in mind that
'France has always been the educator
of the human race,'" he said. "They
are told not to forget her historic
National Spirit Demanded
"'As teachers they will be respon-
sible for and representative of the
national spirit in each community,'
read the instructions. 'The school
system is the backbone of the nation,
and, of all the school subjects of in-
struction, history, together with civic
morality, can best consolidate the
French will. Instruction in history is
to be inspired by the proper national
"Little is heard of world-minded-
ness in the schools of Italy and
France," said Professor Stephenson,
"but perhaps one would hear more
economic, and political background
behind the people who make these
countries their homes."

An optimistic "new year" radio
Imessage was recevied by President
Alexander G. Ruthven Sunday from
'the Greenland expedition. The radio-
gram was signed by Dr. Ralph L.
Belknap, member of the geology de-
partment and of the polar expedi-
Reporting a "splendid winter" with
"creditable results" probable, the}
message was dated in Greenland Sat-
urday and was received here Sunday
afternoon by R. J. Rogers, local radio
amateur, after being relayed by a
fellow amateur in Edmonton, Alta.
The radiogram follows in full:
"Pres. Ruthven, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor:
"Thank you and University for
your fine support. We as American
representatives in polar year program
are having splendid winter obtaining
results which I believe will prove
creditable to the institution repre-
sented. Best wishes.
(Signed) BELKNAP."
Mine Blast Traps Two;
Three Attempt Rescue.
MORGANTOWN, W. Va., Jan. 16.
--OP)-Two more men were trapped
today by an explosion in the Scott's
Run mine of the Shriver Coal Co.,'
near Morgantown, and three miners
who went to their aid immediately
after the blast have not been heard
Officials said that no men were
at work when the explosion swept
the mine about a mile from the
slope. Boyd Ware, 27 years old, a
pit boss, and Herb Pixer, 40, fire!
boss, were in the workings making
an inspection and were trapped..
McCaffree Says Smith
Suggestion Was 'est'
(Continued from Page 1)
the exact opposite of the desired ef-
fective co-operation would result.
Mr. McCaffree further supported
his belief by recalling that similar
suggestions have frequently been
made in the past, and the fact that,
they have never been acted upon is
another precedent pointing to the
conclusion that they will never be
actel upon. So recently as during
the present administration, Mr. Mc-
Caffree said, a non-member of the
House has been suggested for the
Speakership. Calvin Coolidge, he
said, was so suggested.

Federal Banks
May Sell Bonds
Clain Experts
Improvement In Banking
Situation Will Allow
Sale Of U. S. Holdings
NEW YORK, Jan. 16.-(,P)-Gen-
eral improvement in the banking sit-
uation now makes it possible, banking
experts say, for the Federal Reserve
to lighten its holdings of United
States government bonds gradually,
while adhering strictly to its policy
of making credit as easily available
as possible.
Information that the reserve banks
would gradually lighten such hold-
ings is not to be interpreted as any
change in policy, authorities say. The
policy concerning easily available
credit will continue, they declare.
The betterment in the banking sit-
uation, accompanied by a building up
of member banks' excess reserves,
make it no longer necessary for the
central banks to step into the market
for government securities, thus tak-
ing them over from the member
banks a chance to build up their cash
accounts in lieu of government bonds.
Excess reserves of member banks
have now reached the high total of
about $650,000,000, over and above
legal requirements. Since banks earn
nothing on excess reserves, they in
theory at least, are an influence to-
ward making loans and investments.
Federal Reserve banks hold $1,812,-
000,000 of government securities, or
$751,575,000 more than a year ago.
Since the program of buying govern-
ments was instituted early last year,
there had been no important change
until last summer when new pur-
chases practically ceased. Last week,
for the first time, there was a sub-
stantial shrinkage in the portfolio of
United States treasury obligations.
The report for the week ended Jan.
11 showed a decline in this item of
$38,522,000. Evidently the system had
not, as in previous week, gone into
the open market to replace treasury
certificates which matured.

Pies 5c

Coffee 5c
436 S

This Month Only-
for brand new Parker Duofold Pencil
regularly $3.25 to $5.00
when you buythe pen to match
Your chance to get the world's finest pencil-the famous
Parker Duofold, without cost-comes solely because Parker
is about to change the Duofold Pencil to hold their new
lead cartridge. This month only, we give one of these
regular $3.25 to $5.00 pencils-FREE to every purchaser
of a Parker Duofold Pen to match at $5 to $10. And what
a pair! Smart streamlined style-jewel-like colors, and
non-breakable barrels. Come early, don't izi thi; won-
derful "bIN#,"L TC E

Gift Box included

One Block North from Hill Auditorium

4. The majority of students would
e honorable enough themselves, but
hey would be unwilling to report
heaters, and under these circum-
ances it could not work.
5. The boy who cheated would gain
n advantage, and the honest but
one-too-smart student would be
laced at a comparative disadvan-
6. The system would encourage
heating by offering a greater temp-
ition for the practice.
7. There are no great difficulties
z the present system, so why
8. It doesn't work in the engineer-
ig college, and "the faculty mem-
ers there who think that it does are
lore or less having the wool pulled
ver their eyes."
9. Such a plan should have a tra-
tion in back of it, and at Michigan


and PLATE $2.25
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The results of over fifty years experience in
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