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January 17, 1933 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-17

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.,. ,

Sororities Give
Linners, Dances
honoring Guests
0uj-O-Town Visitors Here
Entertamed At Houses
During Week-End
Sororities spent last week-end for
the most part entertaining guests
from out of town. The majority of
houses will be hostesses at rushing
4inners this week.
.Hortense Bumpus, of Monroe, and
Corinne Krentler, of Detroit, both
former students, spent the week-end
at the Alpha Phi house. Mr. and
Mrs. Grant, of Monroe, were guests
for sunday dinner.
.Sunday night supper guests at the
Alpha Xi Delta house included: Ted
Petoskey, '34Ed., Sam Dibble, '32, of
Detroit, Alex ClaIrk '34, Martin
Cheever, '36, Duff Brown, of Royal
Oak, and Kenneth Benton, Grad.
Winifred Chase, of Detroit, was a
guest at the Delta Delta Delta house
last week-end,
Jean Hathaway, '28, and Gertrude
Smith, '28, both from Detroit, were
Delta Gamma guests over the week-
Mrs. C. C. Dibble, of Lakewood,
Ohio, captain of the Cleveland
alumni chapter of Gamma Phi Beta,
was a guest at the house this week-
end. Miss Helen Finnegan, '34, of De-
troit, was also a guest.
The sorority will be hostess at a
gushing dinner tonight. Black tapers
And black and white artificial flowers
aree to be used on the tables.
Dorothy Brown, '32, of Detroit,
,Barbara Hill, of Birmingham, and
,Eleanor Thoman, '34, of Lansing,
were guests at the Kappa Alpha
Thea house last week-end.
The recent run of musical comedies
,n Detroit has attracted more than
a few women from the campus to
that city. Thosewho spent last week-
end there from Pi Beta Phi are Mar-
celle Morford, '35, Mary Fitzpatrick,
'34, Ruth Campbell,.'34, Marian Gid-
dings, '34, Ruth Bosse, '35,'and Helen
Spencer, '33. Maxine Maynard, '35,
went -to Adrian to ispend the week-
Sigma Kappa will entertain five
guests at a rushing dinner Thursday
night. The tables, will be -decorated
with pink ros'es and black tapers.
More than 40 couples were guests
of Theta 'Phi Alpha at an informal
dance held Saturday night. Music
was 'provided by Joe Conlin and his
orchestra from 9:30 until 12 p. m.
Marie Reid, '35, was in charge of the
Chaperons were Mrs. Eva Ander-
son of the Delta Delta Delta house,
Mrs' Phyllis Reynolds from Delta
Gamma, aid Mrs. Ocie Behymer
from Alpha. Omicron Pi, together
with, Mrs. Maude Thompson, house
mother at Theta Phi Alpha.
Alumnae members and guests of
the house included: Josephine Kriser,
'32, Mrs. Roy E. Batie, '32, Julia Mae
Conlin, '30, Virginia Brodell, '28, Mar-
garet Robb, '34, Ann Robb, '31, Wini-
fred Busha, of Detroit, Dorothy
,ones, '36, Ruth Calkins, '35, Made-
line Melencon, '35, Jane Conlin, '38,
Dolores Schotard, '36, Patricia Kelly,

Rachel Crother's
Play Given Monday,
"Mary the Third,?' a play, of mar-
ried life and the younger generation,
by Rachel Crothers, was presented by
the drama section of the Faculty
Women's Club at a meeting held at
7:45 p. m. Yesterday at the home of
Mrs. M. B. Stout at 1417 Morton
Characters of the play were taken:
by: Mrs. Richard R. Coursey, Mrs.
Carl E. Burklund, Mrs. Basil D. Ed-
wards, Mrs. Robert B. Hall, Mrs.
Walter V. Marshall, Mrs. Arthur B.
Custis, Mrs. Francis E. Ross, Mrs.
Newton S. Bement, Mrs. William M.
Hoad, and Mrs. Roy H. Holmes.
Theta Xi Holds Informal.
Buffet Supper and Dance
Members of Theta Xi fraternity
entertained Sunday night with a
supper-dance. Among those .present,
were: Elizabeth McCoy, '36, Olene
Rippey, '33, Beulah Bargerdine, '35,
Greta Wessb ,rg, '34, Marion Hecka-
thorn, '35, Jane Reed, '36, Mary Ann
McCarthy, '34, Barbara Bates, '35,
Barbara Casper, '34, Marie Dayton
of Ann Arbor, and Margaret Conklin

i Jrs. Roosevelt Selects Her Official Secretary

Dr. Smithies Is
Given French
H onor Cross

Rene Weiller Prese
Medal To Univers
Alumnus In Chicago


-Associated Press Photo
Malvina Thompson of New York was selected by Mrs. Roosevelt to
be her official White House secretary when she moves to the executive
mansion March 4.
Various Types Of Clothes Are
Permissible For Evening Wear-

After a general survey of last week-
end we decided that it was the most
profitable one yet, as far as fashion
news is concerned. Probably one of
the best times to see all types of
clothes is in our various and sundry
eating "jernts" when people start
sauntering in, attired in all kinds of
dress from formal evening wear, in
honor of a Sphinx dance, to active
sports clothes in honor of a hockey
The young lady who wore the black
and :white formal was seated at the
table across from us and we had
good .opportunity to rudely stare at
her frock. The black was expressed
in taffeta with its fullness from a
high empress waistline and the white
in perky organdy ruffles, crisp and
dashing, that stood out over the
shoulders in wing-like layers.
Next we caught a glimpse of a
tailored coat dressinheavy crepe
with an eggshell ground printed in
all gay colors of wine, yellow, blue,
gray, and green, with the new look-
ing double V neckline, and a single
big covered cutton at the waist. A
peplum of white fox on a black and
rust red velvet gloves to match the
velvet trim on a white frock were
other highlights of the evening.
An olive green dress next held our
attention. It was medium length with
huge tapering sleeves and buttons
that fasten it closely to the throat. It
looked like a one-piece dress, and we
were surprised to see that there was
a jacket that came off to reveal a
Education Faculty
To Hold Reception
The faculty of the School of Edu-
cation will honor the senior educa-
'tion class at an informal reception
tonight at Palmer Field House.
Dancing and bridge will be fea-
tured as entertainment, as well as
bowling and ping-pong. A special
program has been arranged by the
social committee, including a vocal
solo by Elizabeth Fagg, '33Ed.
Ruth Stesel, '33Ed., is chairman of
the social committee for the affair.
Other members of the committee are
Ruth Birdseye, '33Ed., and Howard
Braden, '33Ed.
All seniors are urged to attend and
become better acquainted with their
Skating Party Given By
New Student Outing Club
The second affair planned by the
committee in charge of an outdoor
movement was a skating party held
at Island Lake last Saturday.
The committee consisting of repre-
sentatives from Ann Arbor churches,
the League, and the Women's Depart-
ment of Liberal Education includes:
'Mr. A. L. Klaer, of the Presbyterian
Church, Marie Hartwig, instructor in
physical education, Randolph Web-
ster from the Intramural building, a
'epresentative of the Methodist
Church, and Ethel A. McCormick, so-
cial director of the League.
The committee is attempting to
promote out-of-doors get-togethers
for the students. The first party was
also held before the holidays, a skat-
ing party.

yoke and tiny puffed sleeves of white
closely shirred chiffon.
A good representative of the sport
contribution was of pale blue wool
with amusing pumpkin-like short
sleeves that were striped in yellow,
green and brown. A scarf and belt
of the same bright stripes completes
the outfit.
Sculptor to Speak
To Women's Club
Prof. Avard Fairbanks of the Divi-
sion of Fine Arts, will be guest lec-
turer at the weekly meeting of the
Ann Arbor Women's Club, to be held
at 2:30 p. m. today in the ballroom
of the League.
The musical program of the meet-
ing will be planned by Virginia Ham-
ister, Grad.SM., who will play "Ta-
rantella" by Liszt and as an encore
number, a march from Trokosies'
Three Oranges suite.
Professor Fairbanks' topic Wvill be
"How I Make a Statue," an illus-
trated demonstration which consists
of a running talk on practical sculp-
ture and the speaker's sculpturing
experiences, accompanied by the
forming of an actual statue of small
scale size.
A sculptor of note, Professor Fair-
banks is a graduate of the Academie
Moderne of Paris. He has been in-
terested in sculpture since he exhibit-
ed at the grand salon in Paris when
he was 17. During his period of study
in Paris, he was admitted to the
Beaux Arts. He has also studied at
the Ecole Colorassi.
Various degrees and honors have
been awarded Professor Fairbanks.
In 1925 he received a bachelor of
science degree from Yale. The Gug-
genheim Scholarship for creative
study in sculpture in Europe was
given to him in 1927. He was also a
scholarship student atHOutstudio in
New York City. In 1929 he received
a Master of Arts degree from the
University of Washington. He has
made altogether 12 monuments and
fountains called "nature works of
art," a great number of portraits in
sculpture, together with a number of
smaller works of art.
Waitress Dislikes Noisy
Soup Quaffer; Bats Him
INDIANA HARBOR, Ind., Jan. 16.
-(.P)-If there was one thing Ruth
Hill, 26, a waitress, says she can't
stand its a noisy soup eater.
As a result Ruth was in jail to-
day and Thomas Salteos, 35, patron,
was in a hospital. She allegedly hit
him over the head with a baseball
bat which he was quaffing his soup.
Mr. Baile of this shop claims that
eighty percent of the women who
are getting cheap permanents are
paying double the price of a good
permanent in the long run. Don't
run the risk of having your hair
ruined when having your next perm-
anent. Come and let our experienced
operators suggest the most suitable
wave for your type cf hair. We don't
have the cheapest wave but we can
guarantee you the best permanent
for the money in town,;s we use
the only genuine supplies and have
operators who know how to give
permanents. We givethe three lead-
ing permanents on the market today.

The Cross of Knight of the LegionI
of Honor of the French Republic was1
awarded Dr. Frank Smithies, '04M,
of Chicago, at a dinner given in his
honor at the Drake Hotel in that city
last week.
Presentation was made by the Hon.l
Rene Weiller, counsul general ofl
France. Several congratulatory ad-
dresses were made by men prominent4
in the medical profession.1
Dr. Smithies was granted this sig-
nal honor "In recognition of his ac-
tivities in the post-graduate study of I
medicine in France, in appreciation
of his scientific researches and scho
lastic contributions to the literature
of medicine, and in view of his inter-
national eminence as a teacher and
as a specialist in diseases of the di-
gestive system."f
After graduation here Dr. Smithies1
was a member of the faculty of thel
Medical School' of the University and
served from 1906 to 1909. He left to
become a member of the "original
group" at the Mayo Clinic in Roches-
ter, Minn. He left there in 1914 and1
became associated with the Medical
School of the University of Illinois,
in Chicago, where he rose to the rank
of professor of medicine.
His affiliations extend to numerous
American and foreign scientific so-
cieties. He is a past president of the
American College of Physicians, the
American Gastroenterologic Associa-
tion, the American Society of Tropi-
cap Medicine, and the American
Therapeutic Society. At present he
is one of the five members on the
Council on Scientific Assembly of the
American Medical Association.
Many Entertained
At Alumnae House
The Board of Governors and the
residents of Alumnae House were at
home to 125 members of the faculty
at a reception held Saturday evening.
The receiving line included Mrs.
Charles Sink, Miss Mary Almand, '35,
president of the house; Dean Alice
Lloyd, Mrs. Frederick Morgan, and
Miss Edith A. Barnard, social direc-
tor of the house.
Ferns, snapdragons, and roses dec-
orated the living rooms while talis-
man roses and yellow tapers were
used in the dining room.
At noon Saturday the Board of
Governors was entertained at lunch-
eon at Alumnae House. This event
was followed by the semi-annual
meeting of the board held at the
Mrs. Morgan, of Detroit; is presi-
dent of the Board of Governors. The
"rest of the board includes Miss Edith
Kimball of Detroit, Miss Nellie Hayes,
of Grand Rapids, Mrs. Fred Culver,
of Saginaw, Mrs. 'Lee A. White, of
Birmingham, Mrs. Mary Markley, and
Mrs. Hugh Keeler, of Ann Arbor, and
Dean Alice Lloyd.
Adams Will Give Speech
Before Michigan Dames
Adelaide A. Adams of the fine arts
division will be speaker of the eve-
'ning at the meeting of the Michigan
Dames Club to be held at S p. m.
today in the League.
"The Life of Art of Leonardo da
vinci" will be the subject of her il-
lustrated lecture. The speech and
slides will include a sketch of the
artist's life, an explanation of the
process of his early development, and
special interpretations of several of
his pictures, especially "he Last
.Supper" and "Mona Lisa."

Mosher Hall Holds
Dinner For Faculty
The Mosher faculty dinner held at
6:30 Sunday at Mosher Hall was fol-
lowed by an informal chat around
the Mosher fireplace for guests and
The guests included Prof. W. D.
Baten and Mrs. Baten, Miss Hilda,
Burr, Prof. John Bradshaw and Mrs.
Bradshaw, Prof. G. B. Brigham and
Mrs. Brigham, Miss Laurie Campbell,
Prof. A. A. Christman and Mrs.
Christman, Dr. J. B. Cloppet, Prof.
L. M. Eich and Mrs. Eich, Prof. C. B.
Glover and Mrs. Glover, Prof. Rich-
ard Hollister and Mrs. Hollister, Miss
Ethel A. McCormick.
Prof. L. W. Keeler and Mrs. Keeler,
Mr. Karl H. Reichenbach, Miss Jean-
ette Perry, Mr. F. K. Riley and Mrs.
Riley, Miss Sara Rowe, Mr. Clark
Tibbits and Mrs. Tibbitts, Mr. Ben-
jamin Wheeler, Prof. Munro Mein-
icke and Mrs. Meinecke.
Many Complete Scores
In Handicap Tournament
More than 30 women completed
their handicap scores last week for
the bowling tournament, according
to Marie Zettler of the physical edu-
cation department.
"Many of the participants had
never bowled before and the depart-
ment was particularly glad to have
them enter. We are anxious to have
the women learn to use the excellent
equipment the University offers,",
Miss Zettler stated.

Ramblers Club
To hold First
Hussey To Tell Members
Of Organization About
Geological Features
The Ramblers Club, sponsored by
the outdoor activities group of the
Women's Athletic Association, will
hold its first meeting next Saturday.
All women who are interested in the
study of nature, are invited to attend,
and will meet at Palmer Field House
at 2:30 p. m.
Meetings of the club, which will be
announced throughout the year, in-
clude hikes, during which a study of
plants, birds, and geological forma-
tions will be made. Dr. R. C. Hussey
of the geology department will ac-
company the club Saturday and give
an explanation and examples of gla-
ciation found in Ann Arbor.
Some members of the faculty will
go on all hikes for the purpose of ex-
plaining features of interest to the
members of the club. An automobile
will probably be obtained for the
longer trips. All women planning to
attend the meeting Saturday should
call Elizabeth Schull, '33, 7905.
W here To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "No
Man of Her Own"; Majestic, "Kon-
go"; Wuerth, "Downstairs."
Exhibits: Japanese wood block
prints, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Dances: Tea dancing, League, 3
to 5 P...

(Continued from Page 2)
Wednesday, January 18 in the chap-.
ter room. Professor G. G. Brown will
speak on "the Chemical Engineer
in the Petrolium Industry." Refresh-
Quarterdeck Society will meet in
room 340, West Engineering Build-
ing, at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Jan-
uary 18.
Le C e r c 1 e Francais: Meeting
Thursday, January 19. All members
are asked to meet promptly at 7:30
n. m. at Dey's Studio where the
group picture will be taken, follow-
ing which a regular meeting will be
held in Room 408 Romance Langu-
age Building. Several members of
the group will present a short com-
Alpha Kappa Delta will meet at
8:00 p. m., Thursday, January 19.
in the Russian Tea Room of the
Michigan League, for initiation of
new members and a social hour. Old
members are reminded that the an-
nual dues are payable now.
Freshman -Men's Glee Club: The
club will meet in the Musical Activ-
ities Room of the Union at 5:00 p. m.
University Girls' Glee Club is to
have its picture taken at Rentschler's
Studio directly after rehearsal, Wed-
nesday evening, January 18. Dark
street dresses are to be worn.
Michigan Interpretive Arts Society:
Mr. Wilbert L. Hindman will give a
lecture-recital under the title "Poems
of War and Peace" on Thursday eve-
ning, January 19, at 7:30 sharp in
Room 302 Mason Hall. This is Mr.
Hindman's offering for Master mem-
bership in the society, and all mem-
bers of the society and their personal
guests are invited to hear this pro-
gram. New members of the society
who have not paid their registration
fee and received their certificate of
membership may do so at the close
of this program. Persons wishing
to become Guest members of this
society may do so just before this
Scott Nearing, Foremost authority
nn world economics, and w e 11l
known author and lecturer will
speak on "Culture and the Crisis,"
Jan. 21, at 8:00 p. m. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn auditorium' of t h e
League under the auspices of the Na-
tional Student League.




Daughter Born To Royal Bulgarian Couple

-Associated Press Photo'
Their first child, a daughter, was born in Sofia to King Boris III
and Queen Joanna of Bulgaria. Although Bulgaria's constitution pre-
scribes direct succession by the male line, the princess was welcomed by
the country with a warmth of affection. The mother, a former Italian
princess, and King Boris were married two years ago.

Graduates Will Feature
Weekly Luncheon Today
Graduate students will hold their
weekly luncheon at the League today..
Guests at the luncheon will be Prof.
Roy Cowden of the English depart-
ment, Dr. William Grace, Prof. Louis
Hopkins, of the Mathematics depart-
ment, Mrs. Byrl Bacher, assistant
dean of women, and Prof. Carl La
Rue. Professor La Rue will explain
briefly the biological camp at Douglas
Lake. His lecture will be illustrated
by pictures and articles.
In order to acquaint the graduate
students with the interests of the
University carried on outside Ann
Arbor, they plan to ask members of
the Faculty to talk about these enter-
prises. The lecture by Professor La
Rue will be the first in this series.

As easy to use as a
powder puffGentles
massage quickly erases
hair wihout coarsen-
ing. or ~ stmulatinlg re--
growth. Contains no


. . or



Young moderns show a decided weakness
CN b
- p-
Youn~g moderns can't wait, until the robins sing to

for a room
looking for

someone to take a
room? Let the Daily
do your looking by
means of the classi-
fied ad columns ..,.

GLOVES.... .. $1.50
$2.95 to $3.95 Values
SWEATERS . . . $1.50
Formerly $1.95
An Odd Lot of Earrings,
Necklaces, etc.

The Ad, Taker


. 25c



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