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January 15, 1933 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-15

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Latest In Styles.
Seen At Dances'
This Week-End
Sphix, Triangles Hold
Annual Party; Phi Sigma
Kappa Gives Formal
Sphinx and Triangles, junior hon-
orary societies, held their annual-
dance Friday night in the Ethel
Fountain Hussey Room of the League.
There we saw numerous women
whose gowns expressed the latest
trends, in evening fashions.
Mary Jean White, '34, appeared in
a silver satin with a tiny lace yoke
and jacket whose revers were also of
the lace. Virginia Chapman, '35, wore
a red gown fashioned on Empress
lines; the double row of fur on the
shoulder straps was the distinctive
note. Light green crepe softly draped
to form the neckline in front and
crossed in back made up the dress of
Harriette Tyson, '34. Harriet Gid-
dings, '34, preferred smart simplicityj
as shown in her blue crepe with its
encircling cape.
Blue was also the choice of Mary
Brimijohn, '34, in the striking electric
shade which is so popular. Virginia
Roberts, '35, found a light blue vel-
vet more to her taste. Betty Little,
'35, was attired in velvet also, but
of an unusual green intricately cut.
Yvonne Watson, '34, was attractive
in a gown of shell pink lace. Among
others whom we notieed were Jane
Peters, '36, Jean Henning, '34, Jane
Fletcher, '36, Harriet Jennings, '34,
Virginia Holden, '34, Lucile Palmer;
'34, May Seefried, '34, Jane Reed,
'36, Eleanor Blunm, '35.
Greta Westborg, '35, June Biggers,
'35, Martha Neuhardt, '35, Barbara
Sutherland, '35, Marie Heid, '35,
Harriet Knight, '34, Sally Baegle, '36,
Agnes Hanna, '35, Mary Helen Win-
chester, '35, Nedra Alexander, '36,
Helen Mason, '34, Treasure Haley, '36,
Elizabeth Bohr, '36, Marion Blahnick,
'35, Mary Robinson, '36, Marie
Murphy, '35, Margaret Howes, and
Ruth Taylor.
- Though we had Chuck Jewett, '34,
and Thomas Connellan, '34, who
were there stag, dashing about meet-
ing people and collecting names, some
escaped us. However we did learn
that the chaperons were Mr. and
rs. .Harold Dorr, Prof. Lewis Van-
derVeldeMiss M14de o; Ook, and
Pyf. and Mrs. Maurice Eichelberger.
Te iA SigmaKappa pledges
proved themselves more than able to
compete with the "brothers," judging
by the number of° charming women
and gowns we saw at the pledge,*f or-
mal Friday night.
Alice Boter, '33, was attired in a
pink crepe which emphasized her
blondeness. Her accessories were
rhinestone, the dress being relieved
with the same. Laura Kempf, '34Ed.,
wore blac velvet, stunning in its
Simplicity of cut. A white bunny
wrap (we saw her leave after the
strains of the last dance had died
away) afforded an effective contrast
to the costume. Mary Jane Bush, '34,
chose a sophisticated gown of white
crepe with no other color accent.
Catherine Thompson, '34, wore a
flame colored crepe and accented the
gown with rhinestone accessories.
Julia Kane, '36, looked anything but
,pug" in her stunning brown satin
gown. A V back and prominent
shoulder bow relieved its simplicity.
Margart Ballard, '36, used white
satin as the material for her bias
cut frock, accentuated with a large
bow in the back. Marjorie Qostdyk,
'35, also chose black in a soft, trans-
parent velvet, charmingly relieved
with brilliant earrings and bracelet.


Black And White Wool

Sororities Plan Harmony hi Style
Preferriued By Men

Re mer Favors
Cancellation Of
, - 1

--Associated Press Photo
Sari Maritza, screen player, wears
this striking black wool frock with
ruffle and elbow to wrist sleeves of
heavy white silk.
Two effective contrasts in gowns
of different shades of blue were no-
ticed as we danced. One, in velvet,
was in a dark tone, and cut with a
high scarf collar, in back and front.
Under the collar in back, the neck fell
to a low V. We discovered, on fur-
ther observation, that Helen Hosley
was wearing it. Elizabeth Ladd, '33,
wore a dress of a tone and style
which tended to the other extreme.
It was in a very pale blue, with decol-
lette neckline in front and back.)
Crystals, in jewelry and dress .trim-
ming, were its complements.
Among the numerous attractive
gowns at the winter formal given by
,Martha Cook residents Friday night
was a black velvet worn by Helen
Hellmuth, Grad. A wide V neckline
in front was set off by an unusual
clasp of brilliants, and the closely
fitted skirt flared slightly at the
ankles. Jean Perrin, '33, vice-presi-
dent, appeared in a striking gown
of red corduroy which had a clever
belt across the back caught by two
brilliant buttons in front. White vel-
vet built on princess lines was select-
ed by Eva Johnson, '34Ed. A twisted
belt of pink and blue and little cap
sleeves were the highnotes.
A vivid green gown banded with
brilliants, almost backless except for
three strips of brilliants extended
from the shoulders to the waistline
I was worn by Marion Randall, '35.
Margaret Seban looked charming in
black velvet, for the cowl neckline
was caught up on the left side accen-
tuating the diagonal line of the belt.
Nelda Dover. '33, found electric blue
most becoming.
A record of the colors of 3,900'
bricks, collected from all parts of the
country, has been made by the bu-
reau of standards. Color ranged from
light buff to deep red.

For WeeK-End
Collegiate Sorosis Holds
Faculty Dinner; Is Feted
At Saturday Luncheon
Sororitics this week-end are busi-
ly engaged in entertaining, with
house guests, alumnae visits, and
faculty dinners, together with dances
and luncheons.
Janice Loilette, '32, Howell, and
Marion Crawford, Detroit, w e r e
guests of Alpha Chi Omega this
Collegiate Sorosis held a faculty
dinner last Thursday night. Among
those present were Dr. and Mrs. C.
W. Edmunds, Prof. and Mrs. W. A.
McLaughlin, Prof. and Mrs. P. E.
Bursley. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Reichart
and Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Boak.
Decorations were calla lilies and
brass candle stick and brass bowls.
Saturday the Ann Arbor alumnae
and members of the senior class of
Sorosis were entertained at a lunch-
eon at the home of Mrs. Edgar Dur-j
Friday night the sorority enter-!
tained Julia Quirk, Mrs. George B.
Hefferan; Ellen Reeves and. Mary
Cristy at dinner.
Theta. Phi Alpha entertained at an
informal dance last -night for 40
couples. Music was provided by Joe!
Conlin and his orchestra, and dec-
orations were in blue and white, the!
house colors.
Alumnae and guests included Mar-
garet Robb, Howell, Josephine Kriser,
'32, Dexter, Morayne Podesta, '32,
Detroit, Virginia Hanlon, '32, De-
Where To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "No
Man of Her Own;" Majestic, "Kon-
go"; Wuerth, "Red Dust."
Exhibits: Japanese wood block
prints, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Functions: Reception, President's
G residence, 4 to 6 p. m.
Church functions: Discussion by
Mr. Halstead on- "Militant PAcii-
cism, Wesley Hall, 6:30 p. m.; sup-
per and program by Prof. Stuart A.
Courtis, Harris Hall, 6:15 p. m.; So-
cial hour, supper, and program, Dr.
LeRoy Waterman on "Recent Arch-
cological Discoveries," Zion Parish
Hall, 5:30 p. m.; Talk by Prof. Low-
ell J. Carr, Unitarian church, 7:30
p. m.
W.A.A. Names Chairmen
Of New Seasonal Sports
At a supper meeting of the execu-
tive board of the Women's Athletic
Association Thursday night, chai-
man of the new seasonal sports were
appointed by Jean Botsford, '33Ed.,
president of the organization.
New managers, who are present
members of the board, include Marie
Murphy, '35, who will be in charge
of badminton; Martha Neuhardt, '35,
manager of fencing; and Betty Ly-
ons, '34, ping pong manager. An-
nouncements of tournaments in these
activities will be made later.
If You write, we bae i
Correspondence Statonery,
Votmlbeta Pents Ik eoc.
. ewxites al mnes
Greetingo. . xC for be.,
Q, D.M10RR+:LL

Definite trends on the part of bet-!r I1 n1s
ter-dressed young men have been
noticed lately towards harmony in (Continued from Page 1)
their attire. This has become in-
creasingly evident in the number of each case and a sum so small as to
harmonizing ensembles appearing, amount to virtual cancellation.
particularly on college campuses. The .2) The study of our tariff policy
aim seems to be to find an outfit and the conscious adoption of a plan
that combines practicablity with! which will permit greater imports.

style and comfort. With such a state
reached it is possible for the wearer,
to feel himself to be dressed correct-
ly without also feeling stiff.
One such outfit is particularly'
noticeable for its brown Harris tweed
jacket. It usually has a by-swing
back and the pockets are patch, with!
inverted pleats. This is the sport
jacket that has proven to be so pop-
ular for southern resort wear and in
colleges all over the country.
It is ordinarily worn with slacks-
a good number being grey glen,
plaids. These have pleats in front
and plenty of rrom all around. Of
course, they are found in the smal-
ler bottoms and ride just. at the top
of. the shoes.. A smart shoe to be:
worn with these trousers is of brown
buckskin and may be had in either
wing tips or a Blucher last. The ma-
jority of these are seen with regular!
leather soles but, as the weather gets
warmer, crepe soles will again come.
to the fore.
Argyle pattern hose, also in brown,
complete the lower part of the cos-
tume and should be of a shade which
will provide harmony and the prop-
er degree of contrast necessary to set
off the shoes and slacks.
A good shirt to wear with the above
is of cashmere, in a small pattern
of deep blue, with the popular tabI
collar. The proper tie for this would
be of yellow wool in a Paisley pat-
Announcement Of Julia
Quirk's Betrothal Made
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Quirk, Ypsi-
lanti announce the engagement of
their daughter, Julia B. Quirk, to
Brace Krag, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Krag of Ann Arbor. Miss Quirk
is a member of Collegiate Sorosis
and Mr..Krag is affiliated with Phi
( Delta Phi.

(3) The participation in reason-
able international arrangements to
meet the difficulties of the depres-
sion and to assist recovery.
(4) The encouragement of a new
and more careful policy of foreign
Professor imer set forth three,
reasons against the payment of the
war debts by allied nations, saying
that the attitudes of Belgium,
France, and England best illustrated
According to the Belgian financier
Theunis, who was influential in
causing the Belgian default, ex-
plained Professor Remer. Belgium
contributed her share to the allied
cause when she stood firm in the
first few weeks of the war. America
contributed munitions and provisions'
and then armed forces; these were
part in the war, and to ask the allies
to pay for this aid is absurd. he said.
Debts Link to Reparations
The French feel, said -rofessor
Remer, that the debts are linked
with reparations payments because
of the Hoover moratorium, and the
efforts of the United States to scale
down Germany's payments by means
of the Dawes Plan and the Young
Plan.. The wiping out of reparations
at the Lausanne conference seemed
to the French to have been done
quite in accordance with an under-
standing between President- Hoover
and Premier Laval, said Professor
The English attitude, said Profes-
sor Remer, is that America should
extend the moratorium in the in-
terests of world recovery from the


A New

'Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari' Highly
Praised For A udience Appea
(Continued from Page 1)lene Dietrich. The title role is tak
by Werner Krausa, while two oth
its walls. sombre and angular, withi prominent characters are Franc
the single source of light dlire,,ted co' i (laed by Hans von Tvaradski) au
the beautifully grouped draperies of Alan (played by Friedrich Feher).
the white.bedlinen." Suggestion was The precedent established duri:
plainly present, for although no the showing of "Ten Days Tb
corpse was at hand, no doubt remains Shook the World" of billing select
in the spectator's mind as to the evil short subjects with the feature pi
end that has befallen the bureaucrat. ture will be continued, according
Policemen standing in the weird half- Phillip R. Seidel, Grad., Art Ciner
light told the story more aptly than League official:. A two-reel Char
the deadest of corpses. Chaplin comedy entitled "Doug
First released over ten years ago, nuts" has been secured for the con
"The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" has re- ing presentation, while "Scarlet Le
(mained to this day a unique cine- ter," a historical reel; "Delving ir
|matic undertaking. It has been re- the Dictionary," a one-reel cartoc
1 vised, criticized, and referred to time and "Flowyers," a novelty in color, a
and time again, its face increasing also under consideration.
snowball-fashion as the years went All seats for "The Cabinet of 1
by. It is director Robert Wiene's lone Caligari" will- be reserved.
significant contribution to the film
world, for he has never repeated in
any like degree his notable achieve- Graduate Student Dances
ment in "The Cabinet of Dr. Cali- xg Now To Be Held Month
And so Mr. Rotha sums up: "With- "The graduate student dances ha
out the creation of "The Cabinet of proven so, popular that by vote
Dr. Caligari," much that is admired those attending the last one, pl
in the cinema of today would be non- are being made to have them moni
existent. It bore in it a suggestion of ly affairs," Miss Jeannette Perry,
the fantasy that was to be the prom- sistant dean of women,. announ(
inent characteristic of the artistic The. next informal dance will
film." held in Palmer Field house Jan.
Miss Dagover and Mr. Veidt have ;Emil Tamm, Grad., is in charge
already been mentioned as members the affair. A charge of 30 cents w
of the cast. The latter will be re- be made to cover expenses.
membered by moving picture fans I
for his work. in the United States l MODERN BEAUTY SHOP
some years ago. Miss Dagover is in NEW PRICES
Hollywood at present, studying Eng- Shampoo & Finger-Wave......35c
lish six hours a day preparatory to Croquinole Permanent.......$2.00
Oil Push Up Permanent 2 for.. $3.00
being.launched in an assault on the Manicure ........................35c
astral positions now held more or less Eyebrow Arch ...................25c
securely by Greta Garbo and Mar- Phone 2-1478


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Under the Direct Management
of' the Under-graduate Students
of the Women's League . .



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better dresses selling at
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Through our cf'orts. arra ngements have been made with our "Woolen Department" to supply you
with yardage of our Imported and Domestic Fabrics sufficient for your personal requirements.
Never before have the Women of Ann Arbor had the opportunity
to secure MANISH FABRICS such as we carry.


Let our operators insure that you
will haveatruly beautiful perma-
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wc recommend Arnoil Steam
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Phone 2-2757
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- I


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