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January 15, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-15

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... ,




asserts, "dare not go to their offices except by.
And these words recall President Garfield's dis-
gusted exclamation, when the office .seekers began
to pour into Washington. "My God,'? he said..
"What is there in this place that a man should
ever want to get in it?"
Music Evet





Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mall,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston- Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,

Monday night the brilliant young Russian viol-
inist, Nathan Milstein, will appear in the follow-
ing program at Hill Auditorium, accompanied by
Leon Benditzsky.
La Folia..........................Corelli
Prelude and Gavotte (violin only) .........Bach
Concerto in A minor ..,.. .. .......Goldmark
I Allegro moderato
IT Andante (aria)
III Allegretto
Caprice No. 24 ............ . .....Paganini-Auer
Minstrels........ ... Debussy
Dance (la vida breve) ........deFalla
Berceuse-.. .......................Stravinslhy
Flight of the Bumble
Polonaise in D Major .... ..........Wieniawski,

Telephone 4925
TOR...........................KARL SEIFIERT
DITOR......... ...... ..JOH1N W THOMAS,
)TORS : Thomas Conncelian, Norman F. Kraft,
Pritchard, JosephCA. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf
Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
ewman, Harold Wolfe.
RS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A.
, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald
rtz, Charles B. Brcwnson, Arthur W. Carstens,
- Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel,
John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M.
Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Richardson,
npson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple,.Jr.,
lard White.
e Anriing, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck,
B. Blum, Maurine- Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley,
Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar,
Duty, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
nces J. Manchester, Marie JI'. Murphy. Eleanor
Margaret D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet
arjorie Western.
Telephone 2-1214
MANAGER.................BYRON C. VEDDER
ENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
ng Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications wil be disregard-
ed. The names of commiunicants -will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request.-Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if. possible.
To The Editor:
The . economic crisis is here; the Good Will
Fund at best is a temporary stop-gap.-t gets to
the roots of nothing .and -suggests neither causes
nor cures for the deplorable situation in which
many students are found. There may be some ex-
cuse for inter-student charity, if that is the only
immediate relief possible. To pauperize these
students is preferable to letting them starve.
Those who open their hearts and purses, however,
and those who- put their energies into the .;cam-
paign must not think that they are helping some
great and constructive cause; they have changed
nothing, but for a few weeks time. The- deepest of
' capitalist morality" is superficial.
- As students we should be able to look deeper.
Lhe University and the students are -part and
parcel of aninadequate- economic system and an
anjust society. But social consciousness is fast
.wakening and social morality (such as a sense
f economic justice) is a matter of education. The
,ask of constructing a rational and classless so-
ciety is not a hopeless one. The University and
.he entire educational system can play a decisive
part. Imaginative instructors are setting out to d
instill social consciousness and a superior social
norality. Their students are looking for the new
forms and are going outs to build them. UnlesE
{ exaggerate the possibilities of education, it has
a peculiar significance to the state. -
Shall the state, by an extension of scholarships,

>rdon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
'froyxntson; Fred lHertrick,
~ussell Read, Pred Rogers,
low, Robert Ward.
, Beulah Chapman, Doris
na Hartz Catherine Mc-
Schmiude. May- Seefried,a

SUNDAY, JAN. 15, 1933

sive influence on Gandhi who urges all his fol-
lowers to read it.
Lately larger Christian bodies such as the
Methodists have taken a definite stand against
War. Furthermore in this country a-questionnaire
sent out recently to all Protestant clergymen re- -
vealed that the majority would refuse military
service as well as any moral support of the war
machine; while in Europe influential Catholic
organizations sponsor the War Resisters move-
--A Quaker
Screen Reflections
"Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it. u
Flint..... .. . .....Walter Huston
Tula .......... ........Lupe -Velez
Anne,................Virginia Bruce
Gregg ....... ......C. Henry Gordon
Don't let the title of this picture lead you
astray. It is not a. travelogue produced by some Lo(
geographical society but instead, a stirring story
of a white, half-savage, jungle hermit. In many
respects, "Kongo" is comparable to the recent '
"Red Dust," however, without Jean Harlow's out-
standing attraction. S{
To fortify himself against the outside world roo
and -consequently to seek revenge for- a crippled
back received at the hands of an old enemy, Flint do
(Walter Huston): has set himself up in the midst
of the thick. Congo jungle, and built around his me
compound an inpregnable barricade of savage
native tribes. Flint has been accepted as a leader fie(
of the native tribe,
The daughter of his former enemy is brought
to: the compound from a convent in Cape Town
as Flint prepares his fiendish revenge. Not long
after her arrival, a white doctor (Conrad Nagel)
who has been driven to chewing beeang root (a
potent jungle drug), stops to rest at the. com-
pound where he is kept a prisoner. There he falls
in love with the white captive, and plots her
escape. Flint, however, in a sudden reverse of af-
fairs, relieves the doctor of his problem. .
Lupe Velez plays no prominent part in the
picture. Her use is only to bring out Flint's- hard-
ened and brutish character. She is surprisingly
missing during the latter part of the film. Con-
'ad Nagel as- the drug addict, Walter Huston as
the savage white leader, and Virginia Bruce as the
tortured convent girl are all admirably played.
Mhere is a faint attempt at comedy through the
cockney servant.
Added attractions: Hearst News: Andy Clyde
comedy, "Boy, Oh Boy!"
Speaker Garner is shocked at the irreverence
A) the Senate judiciary committee in approving
a prohibition repeal resolution-- nt ii harmony
Nith the Democratic national platform. But other
nspired writings have fared no better at timesTYPW
including those inscribed by Moses on tablets of
stone. - -Chicago, Daily. News.
- - -nderw
If beer comes back there will be- millions who p1&
can qualify as master brewers- -having- hadI 14 0
Years of "cellar experience." 14 S.
-Florida Times-Union
The American farmer having been ruined under
a national high tariff policy, it is interesting to
iote so many doctors prescribing more tariff as a '
,ure for his ills, -Davenport Democrat
By Karl SeiffertT(
k sound expert has figured out a sentence withj WT

vhich to test one's hearing. Without doubt the
eries of words that has revealed more deafness
han any other is "Who's going to pay this
With regard to investigations being made by
he Smithsonian'Institution into prehistoric sea SWISI
monsters, a writer declares that much of the in-
ormation has been disclosed by fossils. Maybe so,
ut it seems as though a famous group of scien- WAI
ists deserves a little more respect than -that. CR
-Headline ALL
Good idea-our legislators must be kept
solvent at any cost.
Political developments, says a news item, have
lad the tendency to depress the bullishly inclined
tock traders. That isn't true of at least one sen-
tor with similar inclinations. Mr. Long is fairly
evelling in the situation.
Mehitabel, a black cat which until Friday was
he mascot of an anti-superstition society in Chi- """
ago, has disappeared. The unfortunate beast -
>robably neglected to observe the old superstition
f walking around an open manhole. C
NEWS ITEM: "The hulls of cottonseed, a
waste product used only for fuel until their
value as cattle feed was discovered, are now
worth more a ton than could be obtained
for the whole seed 25 years ago." Sure, but
that was before prepared:breakfast foods had

Graduate Course
ng Sing University.


leges are represented in Sing -Sing,"
a statement made recently by the chaplain of that
institution reveals, and according to the North
Carolina Tar Heel, he is inclined to believe that
the majority of the college graduates doing time
attribute their crimes to economic conditions.
The chaplain has stated that most of the col-
lege men are serving sentences for larceny or
forgery. Crimes that involve violence, such as rob-
bery and murder, are carefully shunned by the
college trained criminal, it seems.
The Tar Heel points out that the usual crime
committed by college men comes as a result of the
temptation to take money in the easiest possible
way, which is of course, larceny. But forgery is the
favorite method, a fact that the chaplain cannot
explain, as it is one of the easiest crimes to detect
and one in which the chances for a convictior
are excellent.
In the last analysis, however, the motive for
crime among college graduates is probably the
fact that, after graduation, when they are on
their own for the first time, quite naturally
their standard of living must go down, They find
it very difficult and inconvenient to adjust them-
selves to an income that is far below the pre-
graduation allowance from home. Consequently,
the great number of larceny and forgery crimes
and the absence of crimes of violence.
The 'Tar Heel says that only one college man
has been electrocuted at Sing Sing in the last 17
years. This is encouraging but not as encouragings
as another statement made by the chaplain, to the
effect -that he has not -yet observed any college
professors among his inmates.
Perhaps the professors are smarter than their
students and either do not commit crimes or are
not caught committing them.
At any rate, the Tar Heel points out, this state-
ment has redeemed higher education.
Roosevelt's Expeditionary
Forces Are Rising.. °

Wielp the University-keep.-the best young minds, or
hall higher education be reserved for the off-
pring of the wealthy? According to Miss Lloyd,
'there is no more reason for- thestate' support of,
tudents than- for state support -of all its citizens
--an obviously impossible move." I doubt that
-iss Lloyd would be opposed to the excellent sys-
em of scholarships now existing. The critics of
;he Good Will Fund look toward a radical exten-
.ion of this system to -worthy and able students.
"his does not mean that anyone could get special
upport from the state. by j, calling: himself a
As Miss Lloyd points out, the state already pays
;wo-thirds of the cost of the University. Certainly
tate -education is the most socialistic institution
ve enjoy. Does it follow- then that the state should
not pay more?
Within two years every industrial country hasi
>een forced into the "obviously impractical move"
f supporting its citizens; even in our own land of
ocal charity. An enlightened state would provide
.n economic system capable of supporting all of'
.ts citizens without pauperizing them.
My purpose is not to-quibble with the adminis-
tration, nor to agitate against the Good Will Fund
(not even to slander the Daily). Personal feuds
.md headlines about Communists; cannot cover
;he real issues, for the Campus has discovered
.he depression.
-Charles A. Orr, Grad.
ro The Editor:
A. C. T. does not seem to realize that everys
Tar conducted in. modern times has been called
"a war of defense." The hypocriticalexplanations
riven by the Japanese government for each suc-
'essful raid upon China are classic examples of
'defensive" warfare. 3
On the other hand the thousands of civilians
tilled when the Chinese army defended Shanghai
;how that only non-violent methods constitute -
*eal protection. Readers who consider this
.itopian, should compare the fate of Luxemburg
-which did not resist invasion-with that of t
The discussion between Prof. Levi and A. C. T.1
.gnores the religion of Jesus and the religion'
about Jesus. In the first icenturies A. D. the re-

always looks greener than your
own. Lots of folks probably would give anything
to change places with President-elect Roosevelt
or almost any other of the Democrats chosen in
last November's landslide. Judging from the
statements of some who are in the know, however,
the envious would terminate their sighing abrupt-
ly if they only knew the real hardships of the
The Democrats have been away from the trough
for twelve years-and are stampeding back to it
with a gluttonous hunger that is as voracious as

Igion of Jesus prevailed and the early Christians
refused to enter the Roman legions; all the early
:,hurch fathers forbade Christians to participate
n organized murder and rather than join Caesar's
irmy they suffered death as living, torches or
:rom wild animals in the arena. When in the

The books of this series have been designed to give perspective and organization
to the College Preparatory Studies and should be helpful for the
coming examinations - They comprise.

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