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January 10, 1933 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-10

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" I.


No New Points In Auto Show Bodies--Paw



in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
a. m. Saturday.



No. 76

President and Mrs. Rxthven will be at home to the students of the Uni-
ity on the first two Wednesday afternoons of each month from four
i: o'clock.
University Broadcasting-Tuesday, January 10: 2 p. m. "The Story
he Pilgrims" by Verner W. Crane, Professor of American History. (For
inotary schools) 2:15 p. m. "The Electorical College" by Harold M. Dorr,
rtctor in Political Science.
Oratorical Association Lecture Course: Will Durant will speak iti Hill
torium tomorrow at 8 p. m. on the subject: "The American Crisis."
ets may be purchased at Wahr'q. Patrons are urged to secure their
ets as early as possible.

Cars Called Only Slight
Modifications Of Trend
Begun In 1930; Design
Similarity Is. Noted

lates for Master's Degree in English: The examination in French
for candidates for the Master's degree Who have not satisfied
ment will be given on Saturday, January 14, at 9 o'clock in Room
W. G. Rice


=1ding Examinations in French: An examination to test the know-
edg cif Brench required for the degree of Ph.D. Will be offered to candidates
in the departments listed below, on Saturday morning, January 21, in
Roo 108 T.L., from 9 to 12. Candidates should register at least one week
in advance at the office of the Department of Romance Languages, 112
R.L., between the hours of 8:30 and 12.
Tbhis announcement applies only to candidates in the departments of
Groups I and III; i.e., Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures, His-
tory, $cononics, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Education.
TI All Men Students: Students intending to change their rooms at the
enrd of the present semester are hereby reminded that according to the Uni-
versity Agreements they are to inform the householders of such intention
at least two weeks prior to the close of the semester, that is by January 27.
It i's advised that notice of such intention to move be made at once.
F. B. War, Assistant Dean
W9useholders: Householders having rooms for men students available
fob .the.second semester are requested to list them in the office of the Dean
of 'tudents, Room 2, University Hall, as soon as possible. Dial 6115.
Available light-housekeeping rooms and apartments should also be
listed. F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean
$admintn-Women Students: Women students may play. badminton
in Barbour Gymnasium at the following times-Wednesday, 10 a. m.-4
p. u. Saturday, 8 a, m.-14:30 a. m., 12-3 p. m.
Students wishing to play after 3 o'clock on Saturdays may do so by ar-
tan gement with Miss Burr.
Notice: Two lectures on "Important changes" in the Culbertson System
ot Contract Bridge will be given January 10 and 12 at 7:30 p .n., in the
Michigan League. The same lectures will be repeated on January 11 and
13 at 2:30 p. m. For further details inquire of Miss McCormick, Michigan
Ecopomies 181--Publie Finance: An hour examination will be given in
this course on Wednesday, January 11, in Room 101 Ec.
F'rench Lecture: Mr. C. E. Koela will give the second lecture on the
CercJe Francais program: ''Le Rire chez CourtYllne." Wednesday, January
11, at 4:15 o'clock, Room 103, Romance Language Bu1ilding.
Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured at the door.
'4otanIeal Journal Club meets at 7:30 p. m., in Room 1139 -N.S. Papers
by r. :Gustafson, Miss Groner, Mr. Austin, Mr. Hover, Mr. Granick and
hiss Uhvits. All interested are cordially invited.
,hysics Colloquium: Professor W'. W. Sleator will talk. Subject: "C. V.
Raman . and Others on the Total Reflection of Light," at 4:15 p. m.
Roonm 1041,. East Physics Building. All interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Mathematical Club: Meeting at.8 p. m., in 3201 Angell Hall. Professor
C. H. Langford will speak on "Some Aspects of the Theory of Propositions."
Graduate Club In Education meets at 8:15 p. In. in the University Ele-
nmeantary School Library. Mr. Orie L. Frederick will discuss the topic "Two
S n dardized Check Lists for the Organization of Secondary Schools-One
for Junior High School Grades and One for Senior High School Grades."
All interested are cordially invited
All Men in Education: The open forum meeting of all men in Educa-
tion will be held in the University Elementary School Library instead of at
the, Union at 7:;00 p. m. Dean James B. Edmonson, of the School of Edu-
cation will speak on "Securing a Position in Teaching."
Men's Physical Education Club meeting at Michigan Union, 7:30 p. i.n,
fiternational Relations Club meets at 8:00 p. m. in the Political Sci-
ence Seminar Room 2036 A.H.
Chemical Engineers. The monthly luncheon for staff 'and graduate
st&4ents will be held today, in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Professor Carl D.
Lague, of the Botany Dept., will speak on his experiences in the rubber
piantations of Sumatra.
Sigma Xi meets at 8 p. m. in the Geology Lecture Room, 2054 Natural
Seience Bldg. After informal talks by, Dean Kraus and Professors Hobbs.
aid Ehlers, exhibits prepared by the Departments of Geology and Mineral-
oy will be inspected. Refreshments.
$igina Delta Chi: Regular meeting this noon in Union. The chapter
wil discuss work to be done for Good Will Fund.
Ea Sigma Phi meeting 7:45 p. m, at the League. See Bulletin Board
for room.
,eta Phi Eta: Important meeting for all at 7:30 p. M. Also reheisal
f Ip blay at 4:00 in Zeta room. Attendance requested.
Alpha Epsilon Mu: Short but important meeting at 8:00 p. n. in the
U IOI. Room posted on' bulletin board.
Adelphi House of Representatives: regular meeting fourth floor of An-
gell Ila1l at 7:30, Manual Levin, the Adephi representative at the Student
Congress Against War which recently met in Chicago, will give a talk on

the plan for World Peace drawn up by this group. He will be prepared to1
defend this plan in an open 'forum following the meeting. Visitors are wel-

"Public opinion and advertising to
the contrary, there are no new de-
velopments of any great significancef
on the streamlining of the bodies of
the automobiles now on exhibition in
the New York Show," commented
Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski, Guggen-
heim Professor of Aeronautical En-I
gineering and prominent American I
authority on aerodynamics in an ex-j
clusive Daily interview last night.
"These cars are merely 'slight var-
iations of the trend started by Chry-
sler, Reo, and almost simultaneously
adopted 'by almost all other manu-
facturers in 1930," he pointed out. In
Professor Pawlowski's paper on "Aer-
odynamic Design in the Automobile,"
published in the anniversary number
of the Society of Automotive Engi-
neers Journal for that year, he was
among the very first to lay the
ground-work for the 'rounded corner'
design that predominates in the field
today. After delivering his address
on the subject, Professor Pawlowski
noted laughingly,. many prominent
engineers questioned him thoroughly
on his designs which appeared in a
modified form and without credit in
their models for that year.
In discussing in more detail the
models actually displayed on the floor
of the show which opened Saturday,
Professor Pawlowski noted first their
definite similarity in design. The di-
vided "V" shaped windshield of the
Chrysler and the Studebaker, he sees
as a decided improvement in reduc-
ing air resistance.
Radical Changes Slighted
The biggest field ahead in stream-
lining cars does not lie in the radical
steps taken by publicity-seeking Eur-
opean designers with' products built
in total disregard for the practical
and the comfort of the passenger.
Rather, Professor Pawlowskisees gthe
general body contours remaining
much as they are on the show models
today. The radical changes will be in

the field of fiktures, accesories, and
the streamlining of the hither-to1
neglected bottom of the chassis. s
"Headlights on.all the show models1
are too large," he pointed out. "A.
smaller lens opening-say three in-
ches, with a perfectly torpedo shaped;
body, could furnish the same illumin-
ation without the great wind resist-
ance of these lights which impairs
the progress of the car more than the
average buyer ever realizes."
Horns mounted on the front of the
cars reduce the efficiency factor of
practically every model shown, he
pointed out. "Lamps and accessor-
ies were originally mounted on the
front of the radiator for appearance
only," he stated, "and when the pub-
lic realizes their effect on the cost
of running the car due to their very
significant resistance, they will go."
Streaimling Applied
The rounded corners and curved
tops are practical applications of the
air streamlining theory -which finds
its extremes in the German and Eng-
lish "torpedo and cigar-shaped au-
tomobiles." The new shape of the
fender bottoms introduced by Gra-
ham Paige and copied by virtually
every car in the show today have no
great effect.
. "I cannot see," continued Professor
Pawlowski, "why manufacturers. do
not stress the importance of stream-
lining and work more in that direc-
tion when the public is annually
wasting so much gasoline and losing
valuable mileage from .the life of
their car when they negtect this nim-
portant factor. In a car-l of the size
and weight of a Cadillac V-16 the
road resistance is equal to the air
resistance at 32 miles per hour. When
you reach the top speed of the car
at 90 miles per hour, over 90 per cent
of your power is used in combatting
air resistance. Think of the import-
ance of reducing this resistance to its
minimum practical total by the judi-
cious application of scientific aerody-
namics. The gasoline saving, the
saving on accessories, tires, wearing
Sof the mnotor . , . all would be tre-
mendous. It is the big problemin'
automobile design today, at least
from my view-point.

"I do not advocate the adoption of
the foreign models exhibited in this
country embodying extreme.designing
because they are not adaptable to the
American situation. In the first
place, they are intended for terrific
speed on the specially constructed
super-highways which are common
in Europe but are without a counter-
part in this country today. Secondly,
we engineers must work with a well-
established body length, width, and
the modern trend in height which
demands a top at eye-level when the
car stands beside the curb. Euro-
pean designs with their waste space
in the extremely pointed backs arc
not capable of carrying a full load of
passengers comfortably if built with-
in these dimensions,"
"The car of the future?" Profes-
sor Pawlowski laughed heartily.
"With Technocracy predicting an end
to our present industrial order in 18
months, it seems even prophetic to
discuss the most immediate stream-
lining and the Auto Show changes
in design. I do however see for the
next few years a car with a more
round contour but with body lines
not very much changed from those
in New York today. I see small tor-
pedo head-lights, possibly sunken
into the fender even farther than
the old Pierce Arrow designs which
is still incorporated in their models.
The abolit on of the old wind-shield
visor was a strategic move in the
right direction for it introduced a
large ,factor of resistance. The mo-
tors will be of si all& horse-power
and a greatly increased span of use-
fulness because much of their energy
which has been directed to opposing
air resistance will no longer be
needed for that purpose.
Redesigned Under Chassis
"Cars will be re-designed under-
neath the chassis for greater efli-
ciency and less opposition. The ra-
diator will resemble the divided V-
shaped shell in use today with some
modifications. The car will have a
higher mileage on both gasoline and
tires. The sedan, contrary to popular
opinidn, has better streamlining and
is more efficient as a body type than
the coupe or roadster. I predict that
manufacturers will stress their body
designs as the tremendously impor-
tant economy factors that they really
are and that the public will learn
to look at car body contours as more
than beauty factors."
In pointing out the importance of
aerodynamic principles in automo-
bile design, Professor Pawlowski
pointed to the new Battle Creek
Auto Tram which is a street car op-
erating on a populars 1t&cylinder
motor used in automobiles today and
carrying 40 passengers with luxurious
fittings. Its top speed with the stand-
ard motor is 83 miles an hour while
the automobile, built to accommo-
date as few as two, witfi but a small
fraction of the Auto Tram's weight
achieves a speed of only 90.. The
difference lies in the fact that the
interurban is perfectly streamlined
according to the torpedo principle.
"Of course," pointed out Profes-
sor Pawlowski, scientifically ever
cautious to avoid radical state-
ments, "I recognize that this prin-
ciple can never reach that state in
the automobile." He shrugged his
shoulders, "But it does show an im-
portant trend."
Use Wind.Tunnel on Models
The University has a completely
equippd hexagonal wind tunnel in
which models of automobiles may be
suspended and any existing wind
conditions accurately simulated. At
present the department is using two
miniature Graham Paiges as they
are designed today, to check them
with the more rectangular form of

a few years ago and compare the effi-
"Sometimes the manufacturers
are not so scientific and cannot see
the relation that wind-tunnel tests
with models bear to the finished
product. At present they have a full-
sized Chevrolet in a specially con-
structed wind box both for detailed
studies that check the results with
models which I published two years
ago, and for the General Motors re-
search departments."
Racing car streamlining presents
an entirely different problem a-
cording to the engineer's view-point.
Here alone perfect aerodynamic de-
sign is sought after «t the expense
of comfort and dimensions. Speed is
the only consideration. The "Sun-
beam" of the late Major Seagrave
aid the "Bluebird" of Sir Malcolm
Campbell are two of the outstand-
ing British examples of perfection in
thorough scientific designing. The
recently developed model car of Sir
Campbell's is reported to have in-
corporated in it new princples im the
streamlining of the chassis bottom.
Agrees With Visionaries I
In regard to future car speeds,
Professor Pawlawski is in entire
agreement with statements made by
even the most visionary of Gerinan
designers of the day, Herr Fritz von
Opei. In an iiiteiwiew while in this
country recently, this inventor of the
rocket car and the rocket airplane,
and son of the qerman aibtoi-nobile
tycoon, stated, "For the race track,
the special highway, the fanatic, it

Roosevelt Acts Only As
Citizen In Mooney Case
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Jan. 9.-(:)-
Gov. James Rolph, Jr., today received
from Franklin D. Roosevelt, Presi-
dent-elect, a letter transmitting a
communication that Mrs. M a r y
Mooney gave to him in behalf of her
son, Tom Mooney, serving a life sent-
ence for the 1916 Preparedness Day
bombing at San Francisco.
The President-elect said he had ex-
plained to Mrs. Mooney that he could
send her letter to Gov. Rolph only
in the capacity as a private citizen.

is difficult to predict the terrific
speeds which engineering and aero-
dynamics can produce in the next
decade . . . but the average indi-
vidual no municipal pavemnts will
be content with speeds not exceed-
ing 90 miles per hour."
Says Professor Pawlowski, "There
is no car on the American market to-
day that will achieve more than 90
miles an hour without a slight grade
or a breeze to assist it. Dusenberg
needed 216 H. P. to put his car up
to 100 miles over any standard road
conditions. America will be content
with automobiles with the general
speed and the same body contour
that we see at the New York Show,
but a new consideration of the finer
poin l's of practical streamlining will
lead to tremendous economies in
operation costs."




I 1'

Play-Reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club meets at 2:15, in
the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League.
Michigan Dames: Everyone interested in auction or contract bridge is
invited to attend the meeting of the Sports Group this evening at eight,
in the League Building.
Avukah will hold a meeting at the Hillel Foundation this evening. Rabbi
A. M. Hirschman of the Sharra Zedek Temple of Detroit will be the speaker.
Geological and Geographical Journal Club meeting on Thursday evening,
January 12, at 8 p. m. in Room 2054 N.S. Prof. S. D. Dodge will speak on
"The Evolution of Geographic Thought." All interested are cordially in-
vited 'to attend.
AA.M.E. Student Branch will hold a meeting at the Union on Wed-
nesday, January 11, at 8:00 p. m.
Mr. A. N. Goddard, chairman of the Detroit Section' of the A.S.M.E.
will be the principal speaker. He will be accompanied by several other offi-
cers and members of the Detroit Section.
All those interested are cordially invited to attend. This will afford a
great opportunity to get acquainted with the officers of the Detroit Section
during refreshments, which will be served after the meeting.
Le Cercle Francais: The group picture for the Michiganensian will be
taken at Dey's Studio Wednesday, January 11, at 12:30 noon. Please be on
time. It is advised that men wear dark suits, and that women wear solid
colors in preference to prints.
Any.members who have not paid their dues are expected to do so at
that time.

CLASSIFI D WASHING-And ironing. Called for
ADVERTISING :£d delivered. Silks and woolens
, "'guaranteed satisfactory. 2-347.
Placeadvertisements with Classified 611T Hoover. 15
Advertising Department. Phone -1214.________________
The classified columns close at three
o'clock previous to day o f'nsertion. LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
73oX numbers may he seeured at no Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
extra charge.
Cash in advance-ie per reading line
(on basis of live average words to N(T CE
line) for' one or two insertionis,
Minlmum 3 lines per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more HAVE-Your sna sliots developed
nehone rate-- 'per reading line at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. Univer-
for one or two insertions. sity. Here fine work is the tradi-
14c per reading line for three or more tion. 29c
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion. BARGAINS--Overstiiffed chairis $3
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one to $9. Davenports $10. Stud tables
month .... .......... .8..c $2. Lampn $1. A & C Furniture,
4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months... sc 325 S. Fifth Ave. 22c
2 lines daily, college year..........e
4 lines E. 0. D., college year......7e
100 lines used as desired.........9C DOUBLE--Ahd 'iie ne rooms. Close to
300 lines used as desirei,.........7c
1,000 lines used as desired.........7 the campus. Very reasonable. Sec-
2,000 lines used as desired.,....-...6 ond semester. Phone 7618. 234
The above, rates are per reading line, ___________________
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case Add SEASONAL SUGGESTIOIS - Wall
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6e per line to above for paper, paint. Samples, estimates.
bold face, upper and lower case. Add Home Decorators since 1905. Dial
10c per line to above rates for bold face 8107 or 7600. 30c
capital letters. ________________________
The above rate, are for 7 point type.
ROOMS-Two single rooms at $2.00.
One double room for $3.00. 808
Catherine. Call evenings. 235
LOST-Slide rule. Near Ann Arbor
High School Friday morning, Wants 5,000 Men's
Reward. Phone 2-1298. 232
Suits ad Overcoats
LOST-Blue cloth-bound notebook
9x11. Contains Political Science New or Old
material. Finder please call 2-1848.
TYPING-Grad. theses a specialty.
M. V. Hartsuff, 9067. 40c "BEST CASH PRICES"
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
Theses. C. Heckart, 3423. 35c _ ___
Ohristie -Mihia
LL, Author
UTER, Director
,udent Loan Fund Son-
and 14th
7 p.m. - Phone 0100
A Tremendous Drama
?'1" - Anna Christie of Today
Reginald Werrenrath in
Capus Songs & Campus Views
Walt Disney Cartoon
CO 1 C


Spanish Club meets Wednesday evening at 7:30, in the League. A
program has been planned, and all who are interested are invited to come.
Freshmen Men's Glee Club will meet in the Musical Activities Room in
the Union at 5:00 p. m. Wednesday.

Michigan Socialist Club: Important business meeting Wednesday, Jan-
ugry 11, at 7:30 p. m., Michigan Union. Members having L.I.D. lecture
series tickets should report sales at this meeting. All persons desiring these
tickets should procure them before the end of this meeting.
Comedy Club: Important meeting W dnesday at 4:60 in the League.
Pictures will be taken at 5:00.
Interfraternity Council: The regular January meeting Council will be
held Thursday, -January 12, at 7:30 p. m., third floor of the Michigan Union.
Women-School of Education: All women in the School of Education
are invited to attend a meeting Wednesday, January 11, at 7:3O p. i., in the
Library of the Elementary School. Dr. John Sundwall will talk on his re-
cent trip to Russia.
Garden Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Wednesday at
3 p. i. in Lounge 2 of the Michigan League. Mr. A. A. LaPlant will talk on
"The Care of the herbaceous border."

cAnn* a
Proceeds Will Go to St
Box Office open 11 a.m to
I hale inecii . . . all of '

The Oa'atorical
the Brilliant Lecturer
Author of "The Story of Philoso-
phy," Studies in Genius," and
other works, at the


meeting at four o'clock in the Hostess Room of the Michigan
n. Science Organization meets at eight o'clock this evening in
f the Michigan League building. All faculty and 'students in-
invited to attend.

aff of The Michiganensian: Important ineeting of all men

Hill Auditoriun


-. _ 1





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