e Weather
Increasing cloudiness and
warmer Tuesday; followed by
light rain or snow.
t igan
Insurance For
VOL. XLMI No. 76
I Em
Shields Given
Hubbard Post
By Comstock
New Regent To Replace
Predecessor, Resigned;
Old Debt Thus Paid Off
Debo New Head Of
Pardons, Paroles
He Carried Great Part Of
Burden In Successful
State Democratic FightI
Former First Lady Mourns For Coolidge
LANSING, Jan. 9.--(P-Prominent
Democrats were appointed to import-
ant state posts by Governor Comstock
He named ldmund C. Shields,
Lnsing attorney and long a power
in the party, to the Board of Regents
of the University of Michigan, suc-
ceeding Lucius L. Hubbard, resigned.
W. Alfred Debo, of Detroit, chairman,
of the Democratic state central com-
mnittee, was appointed commissioner
of pardon and paroles, replacing Ray
0. Brundage, of Kalamazoo.
Shields becomes the only Democrat
on the University governing board.
In naming him Governor Comstock
paid off an old debt. Years ago when
Comstock, uder former Gov. Wood-
bridge N. Ferris, was made a member
of the Board of Regents, Shields
stepped aside to clear the way for
Comstock's appointment. The new re-
gent is a University graduate.
Debo carried much of the burden
of the successful state Democratic
campaign. Brundage was appointed
less than two years ago by former
Governor Brucker. The parole com-
missionership carries a salary of $5,-
000. For the time being Debo may
continue as head of the central com-
mittee, headquarters having been
opened in Lansing. ',
Ruthven Accounts For
hubbard's Resignation
President Alexander G. Ruthven
yesterday issued the following state-
ment in regard to the resignation of
Lucius L. Hubbard as regent of the
"Dr. Lucius L. Hubbard, whose res-
ignation as a regent of the University
of Michigan has just been an-
nounced, has been a member of the
Board of Regents since 1911. His col-
leagues and the officers of the Uni-
versity have heard of his recignation
with real regret, for the service
which Regent Hubbard has rendered
to the institution during the 22 years
of his term of office has been great,
and personally he has been a delight-
ful associate. Regent Hubbard was
trained as a geologist and a miner-
alogist and received the degree of!
Ph.D. at Bonn in those subjects as a
young man; he was also State Geol-
ogist from 1893 to 1899, and has been
largely concerned with geology and
with mining throughout his active
career. This has not prevented him,
however, from cultivating literary
and historical interests which have
gained him recognition in those
fields. His collections of Robinson
Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels, pre-
sented by him to the University, are
remarkably complete and he has
written extensively on the bibliog-
raphy of these two famous works. Of
late years Dr. Hubbard has been.
studying the history of Columbus'
voyages to America. It is these in-
terests outside the ordinary range. of
his profession which make Regent
Hubbard so interesting to talk with
and so charming a companion.
"As a regent, Dr. Hubbard was the
member of the Board who could al-
ways be counted upon to undertake
importat studies in which accuracy
was a cif cnsideration. For years
he has been relied upon to insist
upon absolute accuracy in the min-
utes of the Board. It was he who was
selected by his colleagues to codify]
the by-laws of the University in 1923
when they were so sadly in need of
revision. He also made the exceed-
ingly useful c-mpilation of state
laws, constitutional provisions, and
legal decisions affecting the Univer-
sity which was published before his
edition of the by-laws.
"There is so much that Regent
Hubbard has done for the University
of Michigan, and he has made him-
self so definitely a part of the Uni-
versity community that I hope, and
his many friends here will join me,
that his retirement does not mean
that we shall not frequently see him
on the campus."
-Associated Press Photo
Mrs. Calvin Coolidge leaves the Edwards Congregational Church
in Northampton, Mass., following funeral services for her husband. With
her are her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
and her son, John (right).
Florence Trumbull Coolidge (left),
Plan To Learn
Value Of RadioA
Talk _By Test
Reed, Woody To Examine
High School Students On
Content Of Broadcasts
A pioneer experiment in the value
of radio in education will be begun
in the near future under the joint
leadership of Professors Thomas H.
Reed of the political science depart-
ment, and Clifford Woody :of the'
School of Education, who is director
of the Bureau of Educational Ref-
erence and Research,'it was learned
Tests covering the material broad-
cast in a recent series of National.
Broadcasting Company lectures are
to be 'mailed to a number of high
3chools throughout the country and
given to approximately 1,000 stu-
dents. A phase of the experiment
will consist of comparing the exam-
inations answered by students who
listened to the lectures with those of
The test questions have been pre-
pared by Professor Woody and Ralph
Van Hoesen, Grad.
The lectures, which were on gov-
ernment, were presented by the
Committee on Civic Education by
Radio of the National Advisory
Council on Radion in Education and
the American Political Science As-
sociation. Professor Reed--is the
chairman of the joint committee di-
recting this work.
Formner Students
Play At Bonstelle
six former Michigan students are
prominent in the cast of Robert Hen-
derson's revival of the blood and
thunder melodrama "The Ticket-of-
Leave Man" at the Bonstelle Civic
Theatre of Detroit this week.
Alan Handley and Mildred Todd
are featured in an entr'acte rendition
of the old song "Call Me Sweet
Names, Dear; Call Me a Bird" and
Martha Ellen Scott sings a pathetic
ballad, Eugenie Chapell, Charles
Moyer, and Charles McGaw play
small parts.
"The Ticket-of-Leave Man," orig-
inally produced 1863, is' notable in
theatrical history as the first ap-
pearance of Hawkshaw, the Detective,
and the villainous Jack Dalton. The
Detroit production presents Mle.
Fritzi Scheff of "Mlle. Modiste" fame
singing a number of her songs and
Raymond Hackett, moving picture
star. z
Insanity Petition Is Filed
In Court For R. Hawley
A petition to have Ransom Haw-
ley, Jr., 18-year-old son of Prof.
Ransom Hawley of the engineering
college, . declared inane was filed
Saturday in Washtenaw Probate
Court, it was learned late yesterday.
Illini Trounce
Wolverines In
2dHalf Rally
Michigan Leads At Half
15-12; Bennett Is High.
Scorer With 13 Points
SCHAMPAIGN, Ili., Jan. 9.-(,P)--
Holding Michigan to a single field
goal in the last half tonight, Illinois
defeated the Wolverines, 22 to 17, for
its second straight Western Confer-
ence basketball victory. .
Cas Bennett with the -Illians away
to a 7 to 0 lead early in the opening
period, but the Wolverines rallied,
and at the half-time had a three-
point lead. Illinois tied it up quickly
in the second period, and a field goal-
by DeForest Eveland, which again
gave Michigan the lead at 17-15,,
was the total of the Wolverine of-
fense. .
Michigan had the edge in field
goals, 7 to 6, but Illinois cashed in
Succumbs To
Heart Attack
Paul Dickey, Member Of
Yost's 'Point-A-Minute'
Team, Taken By Death
Was Important In
Theatrical Circles
Athletic Director Pays Him
Tribute As Great Leader
And A Fine Man
NEW YORK, Jan. 9.-(P)-Paul
Dickey, 60 years old, an important
figure in the theatre and the films
since the turn of the century, died
suddenly yesterday at his room in a
club from a heart ailment for which
he had been .under treatment.
Mr. Dickey, whose home was in
Beverly Hills, Calif., was a play-
wright, actor, stage director, and
scenario writer. He staged the mu-
sical comedy "Rose Marie" and col-
laborated with Charles Goddard and
Mann Page on plays in which France
Larrimore and Elsie Janis appeared.
They included "The Misleading
Lady," "The Back-Slapper," "Miss
information," and "The Broken
As an actor he appeared with Rob-
ert Edeson in "Strong Hert" and
with Henrietta Crossman in "Sham."
He was regarded as an expert in
"doctoring" plays, and many success-
ful productions benefited by the re-
vision he made.
He and his wife, the former Inez
Dickey, of the stage, were saparated
in 1927. She now lives in Phila-
Mr. Dickey was born in Chicago
and attended the University of Mich-
igan, where he played halfback on
the famous "point-a-minute" foot-
ball teams of 1903 and 1904.;
Paul Dickey was characterized last
night by Fielding H. Yost, director
of intercollegiate athletics and oa W
of the great "point*a-mIniite" tafns
of the early Twentieth Oentury, as "a
great man and a fine football
player." Though he was not a reg-
ular, he played much of his two years
on the squad, Professor Yost said.
His chief interest, on the campus
aside from football was the avoa-
tion which later became his life-
work, the stage. He was engaged in
campus dramatics, wrote a number
of plays, and was a prominent mem-
ber of Comedy Club. When the cin-
ema came into its own he worked for
sone time in "bit" parts which re-
quired considerable athletic stamina
and ability, and was chosen most fre-
quently for scenes where he fell
downstairs and jumped from moving
He was a member of Delta Upsilon
Campus Affairs
Are Exposed
In Unofficial'
Issue Featuring Diagonal,
'S.C.A. Rae.et,' Censors,
Will Be Out Tomorrow
"Unofficial," a new student maga-
zine published by Frank B. Gilbretli,
'33, and Beach Conger, Jr., '32, will
make its initial campus appearance
tomorrow morning. The publication
will feature three pages of "Diagonal"
column, by Barton Kane, the campus'
Containing "off-the-record" stories
by twelve campus writers and lead-
ers, "Unofficial" will publish an here-
tofore untold story as to why Michi-
gan missed the Rose Bowl game,
written by John Thomas, sports edi-
tor of The Daily. This story, the edi-
tors say, reveals the negotiations and
reasons for the choice of the Pitts-
burgh team.
James H. Inglis, '33, a director of
the Student Christian Association,
will tell of "The S. C. A. Racket."
George Spelvin, campus dramatic
critic, exposes the theatrical censor-
ship here in an article entitled "Hams
and Censorship." Three prominent
athletes, Captain Ivan Williamson,
Harry Newman and Captain John
Schmieler contribute articles featur-
ing incidents on the gridiron and in
the swimming pool.
"The Censored Daily" is the sub-
ject of a story by Zeldon S. Cohen,
Judge OrdersI
Of Sanity Case
Richards, Charged With
Fraudulent Ticket Sale,
Awaits Hearing
Had Served Time
On Bigamy Count
Michigan, Minnesota State
Maintenance In Doubt;
Trial Saturday
To decide whether the State of
Michigan or the State of Minnesota
shall be saddled with the burden of
W. K. Richards' upkeep in an insane
asylum, Judge George W. Sample
yesterday afternoon ordered a sec-
end postponement in a sanity hear-
ing in Circuit Court. The postponed
hearing will take place Saturday
Richards, 24-year-old Mankato,
Minn., resident, is in County Jail
pending decision on his case. War-
rants sworn out by respresentatives
of the Detroit Air Charter Service
charge him with attempt to defraud
that company out of money due it
for airplane rides allegedly sold to
University of Michigan students Dec.
16. Many students bought 'tickets
from Richards, who organized him-
self as the "Michigan Southern Air-
ways" and contracted with students
for. transportation to their homes,
chartering planes of the Detroit firm
for the trips.
Dean Aids Investigators
When students jammed a State
Street restaurant Dec. 16 demanding
their tickets Richards had disap-
peared. He was arrested the follow-
ing day and an investigation is being
conducted -by police and Prosecutor
Albert J. Rapp, assisted by Dean of
Men Joseph A. Bursley, acting in an
advisory capacity.
Richards' attorney, Robert Cav-
anaugh, told Judge Sample that his
cliet, had diseharged -him la-st -eer
without paying1him for his services.
At Cavanaugh's request the judge
declined to appoint another counsel.
Mr. Rapp told the court that Rich-
ards had previously served time in
Minnesota for bigamy and that in
1926 he was declared mentally in-
competent and a guardian appointed
for him. On this account the prose-
cutor and Judge Sample were agreed
that if the state of Minnesota agrees
to care for Richards, they will seek
to extradite him to that state's offi-
cers. Otherwise commitment to the
Michigan Reformatory at Ionia is
the state's only recourse, provided
Richards is adjudged mentally in-
competent in this state.
Mother in Court
Richards' mother, Mrs. David
Richards, appeared in court yester-
day with her son and remained with
him throughout the hearing, show-
ing visible traces of emotion during
the proceedings. - The court, the
prosecutor, the attorney for the de-
fehse, and Dean' Bursley will talk
with her before the postponed hear-
ing Saturday to determine whether
she can pay money allegedly owed by
her son to the air charter service, to
a gasoline station the proprietor of
which charges Richards with em-
bezzling, and to various Ann Arbor
merchants and other organizations
which 'have accounts outstanding
against Richards.
'Love On The Run' Is
Of Play Selected
1933 Production
"Love on the Run," a fast-moving
revue of student lfie by Marian Gid-
dings, '34, will be the 1933 Junior
Girls Play to be given March 22
through March 25, it was announced
last night by Frances Manchester,
'34. general chairman.
What plot there is to the play, Miss
Manchester said, is merely a thread
to connect the various skits. The cen-
tral idea of the production is a sa-
tire on the ideas of the average stu-
dents of foreign countries.
The story deals with two groups of
students on a European tour with
emphasis on scenery, -costuming,
music and dancing. These are things
that student wonmen can do capably,;
Miss Manchester pointed out, and
these are the points that will be,
stressed in the show rather than dif-
ficult and amateurishly performed
musical comedy.
The cast for the play will be
chosen this week, according to Rus-
sell McCracken, director. There will
be final tryouts for those notified
on Wednesday afternoon at the
League. It is expected that a tenta-
tive cast will be announced by Fri-,
Leading Men
From Campus
Will Be Feted
Big men on the campus will be
scarce this evening because of the
annual Student Relations dinner of
the University of Michigan Club of
Detroit which, according to T. Haw-
ley Tapping, general secretary of the
Alumni Association, will be held at
the University Club in Detroit.
Among those who will attend are:
John W. Lederle, '33, president of the
Union; John H. Huss, '33, recording
secretary of the Union; Byron G,
Vedder, '33, business manager of The
Daily; Edwin T. Turner, '33, presi-
dent of the Interfraternity Council,
and Lyle. F. Passmore, secretary of
the Student Christian Association.
Joseph S. Zias, '33, president, and
Cecil E. Cantrill, '33. of the Student
Council, Edward S. McKay, '33, man-
aging editor of the Michiganensian,
Charles A. Rogers, '33, president of
Alpha "Nu, and Richard N. Cogger,
'33E, managing editor of the Michi-
gan Technic.
Prof. John S. Worsley, of the En-
gineering School, faculty advisor to
the Student Council, Herbert G. Wat-
kins, faculty advisor to the Varsity
Band and assistant secretary of the
University, and Mr. Tapping will
complete the delegation.
J .G.P Will Be
Giddings Story
Says Chairman
Fund Drive Opel
Campus Respol
Dormitory, Sorority
Unanimous Suppo
Drive With Minimi
Dollar Per Membei
Student Capta:
File Reports
Rabbi Heller App
Aid In Send-Of
At Union Suppe
To Head Medicc-
A general and gratifyi
marked the opening of
Good Will Fund drive ye
One women's dormit
-Ai.,? so-rity pledged
support with all contrib
f one aoiar or more
everywhere reported a ge
est in the drive and wl
indorsement of the plan
needy students.
Totals contributed dur
Iday were not available lat
according to Chairmar
Huss, but first complete :
been called for this afte
Captains Are Bi
Captains who receive
structions and team disc
send-off dinner Sunday
busy until afternoon ye
ganizing their groups so
solicitation will commen
To facilitate the plan -
the drive is being run, t
vidual solicitation, studei
j with sororities or fraterr
quested to contribute
proached at their nlace c
sui be
class c
heavily on foul shots to win.
Michigan FG
Eveland, f ..............2
Plummer, f........ 0
Garner, c .............. 3
Petoskey, g ............0
Altenhof, g ............. 2
Totals .............. 7
Illinois FG
Bennett, f .............. 4
Froschauer, f..........1
Hellmich, c........... 1
Beynon, g.... ..... 0
Owen, g..............0
Totals. .........6
Score at half: Michigan 15,
Sunday Rabbi Bernard
the workers attention to
need of members of the
uate body and highly
generous spirit shown
in their desire to help
"The eyes of the
turned toward this ch
ment," declared Rabbi
pointed out instances c
various United States ci
Permanent empioye
Union are uniting in
the Good Will Drive
tary subscriptions to t
- An outstanding ex
the instance of Frank
veteran Union porter.
"I subscribed $10 t
community chest but
help the students
worked for and witlh
years," he declared.
dollar and I'm sorry
5 13
2 4
0 2
3 3
0 0
10 22
Personal Fouls: Eveland 2, Plum-
mer, Garner 3, Petoskey 3, Altenhof
2, Oliver; Bennett, Froschauer, Hell-
mich, Beynon, Owen 3.
Referee -Stanley Feezle' (Wa-
bash). Umpire-H. C. Warren (South
Try- OutsTo Be
Heard By Hillel
Try-outs for. membership in the
Hillel Players will be held next week,
after the presentation Friday and
Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre of Eugene O'Neill's "Anna
Christie" for the benefit of the Hillel
Foundation Loan Fund for deserving
student, Morton Frank, '33, president,
announced last night,
Students interested in either the
acting, technical or business sides of
dramatics will be eligible upon pres-
entation of a reading or discussion
of some phase of the drama, as well
as those who are affiliated in any
branchr of the production of "Anna
Christie." Charms will be awarded to
those chosen for membership, in ac-
cordance with a resolution recently
Rockefeller Fouiidation Gives
$35,000 To Karanis Expedition
The Rockefeller Foundation of
New York has appropriated $35,000
for the use of the University of Mich-
igan in continuing archaeological ex-
cavations now being made on the site
of the ancient city of Karanis in the
Fayou district of Egypt, President
Alexander G. Ruthven announced
The gift makes possible the com-
pletion of one of the most important
projects of American archaeologists.
Most former excavations were de-
voted to the retrieving of objects of
art and to historical data in the way
of public buildings, monuments and
records. The Karanis expedition is
making a systematic survey of every
building in the city, including the
dwelling houses of the common peo-
ple, and surveyors and architects are
preparing elaborate plans and recon-
structions. When the survey is fin-
ished it will be possible to write a
I comprehensive history of the town
I from its origin in the Second Century
ject was financed by an alumnus of
the University, and the late Prof.
Francis W. Kelsey, head of the Latin
department, organized the" first staff
and started the worl going. J. L.
Starkey was the director of excava-.
tions for the first two years, follow-
ed by Enoch E. Peterson, who is still
in charge. Mr. Peterson, a former
graduate student of the University
and an associate of Professor Kelsey,
gained experience in excavation work
on the sites of Pisidian Antioch in
Asia Minor and ancient Carthage on
the north coast of Africa. Professors
A. E. R. Boak,. Campbell Bonner,
John G. Winter, and B. D. Merritt
have also been at Karanis.- Professor
Boak published a report of the re-
sults of the first five seasons' work.
a year ago, and a second volume is
about to be published. Numerous
other publications based on findings
in the excavation have been publish-
ed since the work started.
Moreover he said that it was
the interests of the individual st
dent to support the Good Will Fun
as far as he was able. Forcing t
hundreds of students who are no
stayingin -the University under t
most trying circumstances to dre
-mt would be a blow to the Universi
'vd .nriety. If students can give t
neessa rv assistance to these unde
graduates at a time when-educati
is vitally important they will ha
indirectly helped themselves, he sa
Heller Makes Appeal
In conclusion Rabbi Heller d
Scribed the immense benefit to t
person who is able to continue h
education instead of returning to
jobless community to walk the stree
and muse on his misfortunes.
closed with a stirring appeal to t
students for support of the drive
The current campaign is the lari
est and most concerted moveme
ever undertaken by University si
dents. More than 150 solicitors a
participating, and interest is gene
among all organizations.
Lyons Appointed
- James Inglis, '33, director of I
groups soliciting fraternities, a
nounced last night that Richard
Lyons, '35M, has been appointed
lead the solicitation among stude:
in the medical school. Their who
hearted efforts in regard to the C
len drive, which is annually suppo
ed by the student body, is expect
to be mirrored by their response
the Good Will drive.
The two freshman luncheon clu