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January 06, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-06

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Volverine Puck Team Will Meet Dearborn Flyers At Arena


Wolves Hope To
Keep Unbeaten
Record In Game
Influenza Keeps Scoring
Ace In Hospital; Artz
Will Play At Center
Michigan Has Edge
Opponents Use Individual
Style Of Attack While
Laowreyrmen Use Pa sses
Ann Arbor hockey fans will have
their first treat of the 1933 season
as Michigan Varsity ice team battles
the Dearborn Flyers at the Varsity
Arena here tonight. The contest is
scheduled to begin at eight o'clock,
and the undefeated Wolves will at-

_ -- ,

Out Of Ca te

MICHIGAN students and alumni can be proud of many things in the
Wolverine sporting world. Records for the year, for a decade, and for all-
time will cause many to cheer. The individual stars turned out will appeal
to others. But the biggest reason for our feeling of pride is that Michigan
coaches can retain their jobs in spite of unfavorable seasons.
Even though their teams may be losing steadily, there is no wrath from
the Board in Control and there is no calling on the carpet. A team can be
losing but the coach need not be afraid of his job. He is here to train ath-
letes, not just winning athletes.
A good example of this is right before our eyes-basketball. The team
has lost four out of five pre-conference games, yet the coach is not under
fire nor will he be even if Michigan should not win another court game this
season. The Board would be satisfied with his services without victories.

tempt to defend their season record
marred only by a tie with the team
representing the University of West-
ern Ontario.
The Dearborn- Club is a member of
the newly organized Michigan-On-
tario Hockey League, an association
of amateur clubs which so far this
year has furnished some popular
sports events. Their exact strength
is not known, although Michigan is
accorded an edge in comparative
scores, since the Wolverines defeated
Chatham, a team which tied the Fly-
ers in a recent contest.
Use Individual Style
The Ford City pucksters have built
up a reputation for sparkling indi-
vidual play, however, which is a style
in hockey almost as efficient as the
passing game featured by the Wol-
verines. None of the aggregations
met by the Maize and Blue this year
have used' an outstandingly indivi-
dual offensive, but the Wolverine de-
fense is strong this season and may
prove especially effective against the
Dearborn offense.-
Michigan's chances of.victory seem
somewhat dimmed by the illness .of
Co-captain Keith Crossian, veteran
center, around whom the Wolverine
attack usually swings. Crossman is
confined to the infirmary- wi-th a
touch of flu. He is reported conva-
lescent, however, and may bd recfy
to play against the Ontario Agricul-
tural College sextet which invades
Ann; Arbor Monday.
The burden of the offensive will
fall on the broad shoulders of the
other co-captain, Ennmry Reid; who'is
an effective shot, a good passer and
a fast skater. John Sherf, sophomore
defense man, may also be relied upon
as a scoring threat as he often comes
up from the defense for a fast solo
effort and his usual hard and aceu-
rate shot.
Artz Plays Center
Avon Artz will replace Crossman
in the face-off position at center ice.
He is a capable reserve, and has seen
a good deal of service as a spare this
season. David may be relied upon
for his usual steady game at the
other wing, while Chapman will pro-
vide more than his share of the Wol-
verine defense. Jewell will occupy his
usual position before the Michigan
net where he has done outstanding
work so far this season.
In preparation for the hard season
ahead several members of the Mich-
igan squad have been practicing reg-
ularly over the holidays here in town,
while others have been keeping in
shape. After the game next Monday
against a team reputed to be one of
the best in Ontario, Michigan will
play St. Mary's, a newcomer to the
Wolverine schedule, so a busy week
is ahead for the ice squad.
lurleigh Grimes Loses
Appendix In Operation
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 5.-P)--Burleigh
Grimes, veteran pitcher for the Chi-
cago Cubs, says he's a "new man"
now that he has separated from his
troublemaking appendix.:
He expects his recent trip to the
operating table of a St. Louis hos-

Keith Crossman, star center, will
be out of the game Friday night. The
co-captain of the hockey team is in
the Health Service with influenza.
Avon Artz, former Detroit high
school star, will replace Crossman in
the forward line.
CochKeen To
Cut Mat Squad
or State Meet
By the time of the Michigan State
meet, Jan. 21, the Wolverine grap-
pling squad of 60 will be reduced to
35, Coach Cliff Keen has announced.
Ten men will be subject to the ax
this week, and the remaining 15 will
be sliced off a little at a time.

In order to' go 'about this sys-
tematicplly, Coach Keen has aranged
two inter-team meets, one between
Varsity wrestlers, scheduled for to-
morrow, the other between Varsity
and freshmen grapplers, to be held
next Friday, the 13th.
Tomorrow the squad will be di-
vided into two sides, the Maizes and
the Blues. There will be fifteen or
twenty matches held, the *restlers
being paired off as evenly as possible.
M tches will be of Cight minutes du-
Next Friday Coach Otto Keller's
frosh grapplers will form the opposi-
tion for the Varsity wrestlers. The
freshman squad this year is, accord-
ing to Coach Keen, "potentially the
best squad we have evcr had at
Frcshmen Meet Varsity
The cream of the yearling crop of
some 50 grapplers will be chosen to
oppose the best men of the Varsity.
rnteen or twenty matches will be
This program of matches will give
Coach Keen a good chance to look
over some of the prospects who will
give the six letter men a fight for
their positions.As yet, no positions
are cinched, and the Michigan State
meet may see some new faces in the
Wolverine lineup.
A lot of time is being put in to get
ready for the State meet as the Spar-
tans have virtually the same team
which turned back Michigan 14 1-2
to 13 1-2 last year. Many of the Wol-
verine grapplers returned to school
early to engage in extra practice.
Coach Keen is a little worried by
the flu jinx which has hit , everal
of the matmen now, and may be
prescnt to handicap his regulars
after the season begins. Sigwart,
Spoden, Wilson and several others
are on the hospital list with slight
pital-together with the big .pitchers
of milk he's drinking down on the
farm-to make trouble for the slug-
gers who walk up to the plate when
he is on the mound next season. l

There has, however, been consider-
able comment in the past few days
about the team. Rumors that spread
like wildfire have coverd the campus
to the effect that a shakeup was due
in the coaching staff..Due or not due,
it is not going to take place.
In reality Coach Franklin C.
(Cappy) Cappon is an excellent
basketball coach. There is not a su-
perior one in the whole country, even
Van Alstyne of Michigan State must
doff his hat to Cappy.
The Michigan mentor has worked
gut basketball to a system. Instead of
a game in which the determining fac-
tor is whether a man is hot or not,
Michigan's basketball has been de-
veloped to an art. (Don't laugh
either, we mean it.)
One faculty member on campus is
a dyed in the wool track fan. Until
last Wednesday pafternoon he could
not see basketball for dust. It did not
interest him. It was all breaks, luck,
and undeterminable factors. Or so
he thought.
He happened to be in Field House
as the court team was working out.
At first he' simply watched the track-
men, but after a little he kept turn-
ing back to the pactice on the floor.
Finally he walted over to the bleach-
ers and sat down- to spendan hour
watching closely the antics of'Garner
and Co. and see just what there was
in the sport anyway.
He watched Cappon-remak Michi-
gan's offense. The old system had not
penetrated the. oppoition's defense
satisfactorily. Instead of three men
being the key-at one time-to the
offense; he adde .a nian and taught
the team the rudiments of a four-
man offense.
The regulars took the ball down
the court time after time, working it
in to the basket against the reserves
who were on defense. Every time a
mistake was mide it was pointed out
and ironed out. Timing, accurate
passing, handling of the ball, shoot-
ing, the self-handling of each man,
the out-smarting of the opposition by
individuals and by the regulars, all
were under the closest scrutiny of the
faculty man.
At the end of the hour he was
sold on basketball. He praised the de-
ceptiveness of Don Black, Russ
Oliver's handling of the ball, the
shooting of Captain Eveland, the rug-
ged play of Ted Petoskey, and track
lost a fan. Cappon won one.
The basketball material, although
not as good as that of former years,
is adequate for a successful team. Not
an undefeated team perhaps, but a
successful one.
In the Syracuse game two scouts
sat beside us in our namesake, the
Press Box. They saw Garner give
flashes of improved form. They say
the team work better than ever be-
fore. But they did not see all.
When Michigan plays its respective
teams they will get the surprise of
their lives. In short, the team is
quickly rounding into first-class con-
In practice Garner is one of the
best centers in the Big Ten. The six-
foot-six center is the tallest in the
Conference. Although not as smooth
as some big men, he is a decided as-
set to the team. In the .scrimmage
against the freshmen, he followed in
six shots, a thing he has not done be-
fore. His pivot work under the basket3
reminds us of Daniels of last year.
Captain Eveland s h o w s more
promise than anyone .else on the

Cage Squad To
L e ave Friday
For Iowa City
Nine men will make up the Mich-
igan bawketball squad that will leave
here Friday afternoon for Iowa City
and Champaign to meet two Big Ten
foes, Iowa and Illinois. The Wol-
verines will help Iowa pry the lid off
the Big Ten season Saturday night
and will return as far as Champaign
to meet the Illini Monday night.
Coach Franklin Cappon's hopc.;
have been buoyedtup>f some etent
by the sho>winUg his hardlwood qulintet
nade when it played Syracuse here
last Monday night. The team lost 31
to 28, but it played a much better
brand of the game than it has dis-
played at. any time this season. It
lost in the closing few minutes be-
cause of six unstoppable shots regis-
tered by the Orange.
Cappon plans to start the same
team against Iowa and probably
against Illinois as he used- against
Syracuse; that is, Captain Eveland
and Plummer at the forward posts;
Garner at center; and Petoskey and
Altenhof at the guards. Other men
who are to make the trip are Oliver,
forward; Allen, center; and Petrie
and Teitelbaum, guards.
Some hope is being held out that
Ivan Williamson will get in a few
minutes.of play during games later
in the season, but Cappon has no
intention of using the big star unless
the latter's knee will stand the gaff.
In short, he is not relying on Wil-
liamson at all, but will find a place
for him if the star's condition per-
squad. Some maintain that he has
not developed as much as expected
but he is the best shot on the team.
Unless he is off, which is seldom,
he collects more than his share of
the points. His defensive work is
rapidly improving until now he can
hold his own in any competition.
Don Black is the cleverest floor
man on the squad. He also has a
good eye arid can handle the ball
with the best, but his one drawback,
lack of height, is almost an impos-
sible handicap.


Football Teams
Have To Seek
New Coaches
Stanford, Michigan State,
And Chicago Are Among
Those Needing Guides
CHICAGO, Jan. 5.-1AP)-The pas-
time , of wondering who will coach
what football teams next year has
been stimulated anew.
The wonderers had just nicely set-
tled down to waiting until Thomas N.
Metcalf, new athletic director at the
University of Chicago, should appoint
Don Peden, Jimmy Phelan, Pat Page,
sr., Charley Bachman, Judge Walter
P. Steffen or someone else to succeed
Amos Alonzo Stagg on the Midway,
when Jimmy Crowley leaves Michigan
State to sign up with Fordham.
Now they wonder whether Don
Peden, Jimmy Phelan, Charley Bach-
man, Miles Casteel, Amos Alonzo
Stagg, or someone else, will replace
Crowley at Michigan State. They will
wonder who will succeed Pop Warner
at Stanford, and if Phelan is signed
by Chicago or Michigan State, their
will can get exercise wondering who
will coach at the University of Wash-
ington, where Phelan has been since
Jan. 5.-(A)-Selection of a Stanford
football coach to succeed Glenn S.
(Pop) Warner-charged by one mem-
ber of the board of athletic control
with "laxity"- was the announced
purpose of an official meeting here
Frank Guerena, alumni member of
the athletic board and chairman of a
special staff committee on the coach-
ing situation, asserted the veteran re-
tiring mentor ignored freshman play-
ers and reserves.
- Warner has resigned to take charge
of Temple University's football squad.
"He never went to a freshman game
and the only time he saw the reserves
was when they scrimmaged the var-
sity," Guerna declared
Michigan State athletic council will
Imeet next Monday afternoon in a
preliminary session to consider the
selection of a successor to James- H.
Crowley, retii'ng football coach. Indi-
cations are the council will have hun-
dreds of names before it when it con-
venes. The athletic office has been
flooded with telegrams and letters of
applications from coaches throughout
the country since it was announced
that Crowley would leave here for
President Robert S. Shaw said the
administration is anxious for a speedy
disposition of the problem with the
probability that a successor will be
chosen by March 1.
Michigan Normal 39; Olivet 30.
Detroit 31; St. Johns 23.
Colgate 38; Cornell 35.
Princeton 42; Rutgers 26.
Mt. Union 39; Case 23.
Earlham 24; Centenary 18.
Depauw 32; Wittenburg 22.
Dayton 50; Fenn 48.
Louisiana State 32; Alabama 27.
West Virginia 35; Salem 29.

If you're looking for a man namied'
Allen on the track squad it's poor
policy to go down to the Field House
and just yell "Allen!" You might, by
chance, get the right man, but in all
probability you would not. For thierea
are Charles, Walter, Boyd, and Elbert
who all claim Allen as their surname.
And, queer enough, these Aliens
are all distance runners. As an added
attraction to the meets this year
Coach Hoyt might feature an "All-
Allen Relay Team." The boys could
probably give a very good exhibition
in the mile or two mile distance,
But just in case you get your Al-
lens mixed up there are brothers Chit
and Walt, both seniors, who hail
from St. Louis, Mo. Chit, a 440-maan,
is perhaps the best known of the two
on the cinders. Although bothered by
ineligibility for the last few seasons,
he's ready to go out and make up for
lost time this year.
And then, to compete the quartet,
Boyd and Elbert Allen of Milwaukee,
Wis., came to the University this
year. They're going through their
paces on the freshman squad under
Coach Doherty, and may fit into the
places vacated liext year by the , en-

places vacated next year by the sen- the yearling squad.

Newberry Receives
Intramural Trophy
Helen Newberry was awarded the
women's Intramural hockey trophy
at a banquet last night celebrating
the championship 1932 season. The
victory over Kappa Delta a few weeks
ago gave them the title,
Marie Hartwig, faculty Intramural
manager,. was toastnistress. She
lauded the spirit of the team and re-
marked that the 1 to 0 victory over
Kappa Delta this season was just the
reverse of the score last year, when
the latter took the cup.
Virginia Cooper, athletic house
manager, expressed the good will of
the Kappa Delts in turning over the
trophy. Dr. Bell encouraged the par-
ticipation in Intramural activities.
Pr feso Fr' es
Football Decline
NEW YORK, Jan. 5.---4,1--College
football was about the only one of,
the "spectacle" sports that kept pace
with the growth of interest ifi active
competition during the "Iboom" years
and now, with gate receipts declining
sharply, the college sport appears to
have found an iinportant rival in the
professional game,
While the number of golfers, ten-
nis players, automobile campers and
others who prefered to take their
outdoor sport in an active way was
growing by leaps and bounds in the
years before 1930 and baseball and
boxing were suffering, football kept
pace, it is shown in the report of the
president's research commitatee on
social trends. But, adds Dr. J. F.
Steiner, professor of sociology at the
University of Washington who con-
tributed the chapter on sports and
recreation to the report, there is the
possibility that "public interest may
eventually shift from college to pro-
fessional football because of the su-
perior skill of the latter.", -

All.State Cager
To Be Lost To
L o alI School
Faced with the loss of two of his
stars, Ferris Jennings and Pete Pag-
en in February, LaVerne Taylor, Ann
Arbor High School basketball coach,
must find suitable replacements if
last year's fine record is to be re-
Jenn~ings -was placed on last. year's
All-State basketball team at guard
position and was selected as captain
and quarterback of this season's All-
State football aggregation. Rated as
one of the best athletes ever to at-
tend Ann Arbor High, Jennings is
fast, a deceptive drlbbler, and has
a marvelous eye for the basket. Pa-
gen is a forward and joins with Jen-
wings to form, thei main cog in the
team's offense and defense.
Jefending the Five-A title, the
local team has won three games.this
year, beating Wayne 32 to 14, Lan-
sing Eastern 24 to 23, and Flint Cen-
tral 33 to 22. Friday night the squad
will play Lansing Central at Lansing.
The Central cagers eliminated the
Ann Arbor team in the semi-finals
of last year's state tournament and
Friday's contet .will renew an old
Fencers 'rTo Meet 3 Non-
Conference Opponents
John Johnstone, fencing coach,
has arranged a home-and-home
series with three teams, as well as
competition in the Big Ten cham-
pionships, for his 1933 fencing team.
The home-and-home series are
with Michigan State, the Toledo
Y. M. C. A., and the Detroit Turn-
verein. Johnstone has several veter-
ans returning from last year's team
and has some good freshmen coming

ior Allens, as they're distance men
While on the subject of brother
acts there are others who cannot be
overlooked. For some reason or other
the track has drawn more than its
share of them. Either track just runs
in the family, or the family just runs
in for track.
The best known brothers on the
squad are Bill Howell, cross-country
captain, and his sophomore brother
Rod. Both were outstanding on this
year's harrier team, and are continu-
ing their activities on the track
squad. Both are distance men, of
course, and Bill has a very good
chance of getting first call for the
mile run.
The fourth pair on the squad is
the Ellerby brothers. Tom Ellerby, a
junior this year, placed third in the
440 in the Big Ten meet last year.
With Capt. DeBaker and Chit Allen
he is one of the reasons why Coach
Hoyt is not worrying especially about
the quarter-mile event.
And this year from Birmingham
came his younger brother Dick, who
immediately started off in Tom's
footsteps. In the freshman meet held
just before vacation he placed first
in the 440, outrunning the pick of
the yearling squad.

Michigan Athletic Squads Have
Own Brother Acts; Allens Lead

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