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January 04, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-04

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The Weather
Cloudy, snow Hlurries, colder;
Thursday, snow, colder.

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-Iqw Amp


success to Michigan's Ni
Governor; Oklahoma's H
Week for Critics.

VOL. XLII No. 71



Alpha Chi
Rho Gives
Financial Troubles Cause
Closing Of Chapter Of
National Fraternity; Was
Founded In 1921
Traveling Delegate
Advises Withdrawal
Bursley, L o c a l Alumni
Urge Combination With
Other Houses Similarly
Hit ByDepression
Alpha Chi Rho's Phi Xi chapter
here was forced to relinquish its
charter because of financial difficul-
ties Thursday, Dec. 15, it was learned
through the dean of students' office
yesterday. Twelve men were living in
the house at the time, while six other
members lived outside.
After conferring with Dean Joseph
A. Bursley, Wilbur M. Walden, trav-
eling secretary for Alpha Chi Rho
fraternity, decided that under pres-
ent conditions the Ann Arbor chap-
ter would not be able to continue
throughout the year and that it was
therefore advisable to withdraw it
charter before it ran too heavily in
debt, it was learned last night.
Dean Bursley and local alumni of
the organization suggested that the
fraternity combine with some group
which faced the same financial diffi-
culties, but this plan met with dis-
approval fron the national organi-
zation, Dean Bursley said. The mem-
bers of the fraternity were in favor
of it, however, he stated.
Edwin T. Turner, president of the
Interfraternity Council, declared last
night that several fraternities experi-
encing financialtroubleat the be-
ginning of the year had been urged
to> comrbine. T&prpsl ,did not'
meet' Withsucess, he said, and in
all likelihood other houses will be
forced off the campus before the end
of the year.
Alpha Chi Rho fraternity was
fiXunded at Trinity College in 1895,
and the Phi Xl chapter, Ann Arbor,
was dyganized in 1921. The frater-
nity now. consists of 21 active
Cash Total In
Student Fund
Passes $500
Anonymous Contribution
Of $50 Received; Party
Raises $43 More
Contributions to the Student Good
Will Furid during the holiday season
swelled the cash total to more than
$500 and measurably increased the
supply of used clothes, according to
an announcement made yesterday by
Chairman John H Huss
An anonymous contribution of
more than $50 was the largest single
donation. James Inglis, '33, co-spon-
sor of a New Year's Eve party held
in the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity
house, contributed' $43. More than

70 couples attended and the net
profits were $23. However, in view of
the fact that proceeds were to go to
the Good Will Fund, the Alpha Delta
Phi chapter donated the sum due
them for the use of the house and
the orchestra furnished extra music
without charge. Other sponsors of
the party were Beach Conger, '32,
and Richard H. Lyons, '35M.
Twenty New Boarders
Join Cooperative House
Membership in the Michigan Co-
operative Boarding House took an-
other rise yesterday when 20 new
boarders signed up, it was announced
last night; by Sher Quraishi, man-
One hundred sixty-five regular
boarders and an average of 15 guests
are now served by the student non-
profit organization.
The Board of Servants has decided
to remove the $10 initial deposit. New
boarders may sign up now by merely

Katherine Keller, Accused In
Torch Murder, To Get Retrial

LANSING, Jan. 3.-(P)--Kather-
ine Keller, sentenced to from four to
five years as an aftermath of the
"torch murders" in Washtenaw
County in 1931, was granted a new
trial Tuesday by the State Supreme
Court. Several rules for the conduct
of her trial were laid down, indicat-
ing that she will not escape further
prosecution merely because the orig-
inal conviction was upset.
Miss Keller's arrest followed the
most appalling crime in Washtenaw
County's history. Crazed by cheap
moonshine, three youths killed two
couples who were in a parked car in
Peninsular Grove near Ypsilanti. The
two girls were attacked before being
murdered. Their bodies were placed
in the automobile, soaked with gaso-
line and burned.
Victims of the crazed killers were
Vivian Gold, Anna May Harris,
Harry Lore and Thomas Wheatley.
The murderers were Fred Smith,
Frank Oliver and David Blackstone,
all of whom are serving life sen-
Smith and Miss Keller were sweet-
hearts. It was charged by the State
that, she was with him early in the
evening of the night of the crime and
that she knew of his guilt and at-
tempted to shield him from arrest.
Miss Keller denied that she was
aware of Smith's participation in the
brutal killings.
The Supreme Justices agreed that
,he was not fairly tried, particularly
aecause evidence was introduced re-
'lecting upon her character, which
vas not competent testimony. The
court held that many statements
were made to the jury that had no
bearing upon the charge that she
Was an accessory to the murder, and

1933 Summer
Session Plans,
To Meet Cut
Balanced Program Will Be
Possible ,Despite Action,
Of Regents, Kraus Says
Appropriation for the Summer Ses-
sion of 1933 was cut 15 per cent at;
the meeting of the Board of Regents
held on Dec. 31, but, according to
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Sum-
mer Session, a careful study has in-
sured a well-balanced program in all
units of the University.
Provision will be made, Dean Kraus
said, for special lectures, concerts,
and excursions as in former years.
The Summer Daily will also be pub-
lished on the same professional basis
that was used last summer, with a
subscription for each student paid
for out of the tuition fee.
To effect the reduction in the bud-
get for the short term some courses
were united, a few courses that had
been elected by only a small number
of students in the past were omitted,
and some other activities were slight-
ly curtailed.
Nevertheless, Dean Kraus empha-
sized, the offerings of the Summer
Session will be exceptionally well-bal-
anced and will meet the need of all
of the various types of students.
Dean Kraus was aided in the pre-
paration of the curtailed budget by
Dr. G. Carl Huber, dean of the Grad-
uate School; Dean J. B. Edmonson of
the School of Education; Prof. Louis
A. Hopkins, secretary of the engi-
neering college; Prof. A. E. R. Boak,
head of the history department; Prof.
Howard B. Lewis of the chemistry
department; Prof. Harrison M. Ran-
dall, director of the physics labora-
tory; and Prof. Henry A. Sanders of
the Latin department.
'American Crisis' To Be
Durant's Subject Here
Theyauthor of "The Story of Phil-
osophy" will be here again on Jan.
11, this time lecturing on "The Amer-
ican Crisis."
Achieving his reputation first as
a popular teacher of the history of
philosophy, Will Durant has branch-
ed out into original thought. His the-
oretical work has been read by thous-
ands in "The Mansions of Philoso-
phy," his novel "Transition," and
similar works. During the past few
years his lectures have taken the
form of sociological and political sci-
ence. Last year he presented "The
Case for India;" on Jan. 11, brought
here by the Oratorical Association, he
will treat a topic relating driectly to
American life.
One boonk .makdr. Durant famous

that other testimony was excluded
that was of importance.
"Considered independently, these
matters may not have been suffi-
ciently prejudicial to warrant rever-
sal," the High Bench agreed in its
opinion. "But, in combination, their
effect must have been to create a
court room atmosphere at least un-
friendly to the defendant.
"The trial of the case followed
closely the atrocious murder. The de-
fendant's prior intimacy with those
concerned in the crime placed her in
an unfavorable light with the jury
and it should not have been aug-
mented by matters which reflected
on her and shed no light on the is-
"Under dficut circumstances the
record shows that Circuit Judge
(George W. Sample), was painstak-
ing in his effort to give the defend-
ant a fair and impartial trial. His
charge was clear and fair and in the
main on his part the trial was well
conducted. But the record also shows
error on account of which the judg-
ment of conviction must be re-
Judge George W. Sample last night
said that Katherine Keller would
probably be returned to Ann Arbor
immediately to await the new trial
Ordered by the Supreme Court. He
said that the status of the girl pend-
ing trial would depend upon the Su-
preme Court's recommendations. Her
case might be brought before the De-
cember term of court, now sitting, he
said, if the prosecutor desired to cal
it. Otherwise it would appear during
the March term. Prosecutor Rapp
refused to comment until he had read
the .supreme Court's verdict.
Hearing To Be
Held Saturday
For Richards
Circuit Court To Decide
If Sanlty Commissioi
Should Be Appointed
A hearing to determine whether a
sanity commission should be ap-
pointed in the case of William K.
Richards, 24, of Mankato, Minn.,
charged with fraud in the sale of air-
plane tickets to students, will be
held in circuit court Saturday morn-
Richards, under the name of the
Southern Michigan Airways Cor-
poration, sold round trip tickets to
students for vacation rides home.
This corporation, it was revealed,
did not exist, but Richards had ar-
ranged with the Detroit Air Charter
company to furnish planes. He re-
ceived more than $1,000 from stu-
dents, it is believed, in advance pay-
ments but did not turn more than
$400 over to the Detroit company.
Nearly $300, however, was refunded
to students on request and the ac-
tual discrepancy in Richards' ac-
counts was between $200 and $300
it is estimated.
When students appeared with
tickets demanding rides on Friday
before Christmas vacation, Richards
had disappeared. The Detroit com-
pany furnished several students with
rides, taking two parties of five to
New York and one of five each to
Cleveland and Erie. Richards was ar-
rested in Ann Arbor by Detective
Clifford West on the following day.
Frank Michelsen, president of the
Detroit firm filed charges of larceny
by trick against Richards. He also
declared that the tickets sold by
Richards were for one-way, not
round trips. However, S t a n 1e y
Thompson, traffic manager of the
firm, had said that the tickets were
for round trips.
Dean Joseph A. Bursley has estab-
lished communication with Richards'
parents in Minnesota with the hope

of refunding some of the money
paid to Richards.All studentsmwho
bought tickets are requested to give
their names to Dean Bursley.
Richards has secured Robert Cav-
anaugh as his attorney. He is also
charged with obtaining a sum of
money from a filling station owner
on the pretense that he was the
representative of a collection agency.
At Dean Bursley's request he was
held at the State Psychopathic Hos-
pital several days for observation.
Experts there have declared him
mentally unbalanced.

Ruthven Says
Loan Fund Is
Greatest Need
President Outlines Wants
Of University In Annual
Report To Regents
Asks Support For,
Religiois Program
Administration Building,,
New Observatory Also
Named As Necessities
"The most important need at the
present time is for additions to the
loan and scholarship funds," Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven stated1
in his annual report submitted to
the Board of Regents at their regular
meeting last Friday. He also named
among the University's needs a new'
observatory, an administration build-
ing, dormitories for first-year men,
funds for research, and additional
support for the program of religious
education which is being introduced.
The President spoke of the success
of the new plan whereby the faculty
'akes active participation in the ad-
ninistration of academic affairs, and
ie declared that "notwithstanding
he general unrest and unfavorable
conomic conditions the University
has had a successful year."
Loan Fund Short
In stressing the need for more stu-
dent loan money, Dr. Ruthven quoted
from a report at the end of the year
which showed that during 1931-32
there had been available for student
loans $325,041.82, that loans of $251,-
148.23 were outstanding on June 30,
and that the balance available for
loans was therefore $73,893.59. The
loans granted in 1931-32 totaled
$143,939.05. "The comparison of the
last two figures will show how vital
is the need 'or more -money to be.
used in student aid," the report stat-
ed.."Loons'tfladE1t'year' eceeded
those of the year before by $30,000
and an even greater call is to be ex-
pected in the year to come."
"The year has been remarkable
principally for the progress made in
the study of University activities, in
revising the organization, and in the
laying of the groundwork for expand-
ing the activities of the University
as a character-building organiza-
tion," Dr. Ruthven said.
"Self-Survey" Installed
A self-survey intended to "central-
ize information about the depart-
ments, to study and evaluate methodsI
which are proving successful in other1
institutions, and to co-ordinate the
activities of departments," was in-i
stalled during the year. Two infor-I
mation blanks have been prepared
which will each year be sent to the
members of the staff. These data
sheets when filled in will give a rec-
ord of time distribution of the in-1
The plan, in no sense a rating
scheme, is simply a method whereby
each instructor can record his duties
and activities, and the administra-
tion can discover those inequalities,
which sometimes result in real hard-
ship, impaired efficiency and embit-
tered lives, according to the report.j
Faculty Aid Is Successful
With reference to the recently in- 1
augurated practice of drawing large-
ly upon the faculty for administra-
tive duties in the University, Presi-,
dent Ruthven says, co-operation of
the University staff during the past
year is sufficient evidence that the

general plan has possibilities. If it
proves successful, both the critics
who have claimed that faculties can-
not administer the educational af-
fairs of a large university and edu-
cators who have viewed with regret
the centralization of athority in our
great universities should be satisfied.
(Continued on Page 2)
Consider Armory
As Home For Men
Use of the local Armory to house
unemployed single men was recom-
mended in a resolution adopted by
the city council last night.
Alderman William Faust reported
to the council that the poor com-
mittee had requested the use of the
armory. Capt. K. L. Hallenbeck of
the local post of the.National Guard,
Faust said, had indicated that he

Tokio Blocks
War Spread
As City Falls
Moves To Limit Fighting
Area After Chinese Are
Routed At Shanhaikwan
Campaign To Seize
All Jehol Is Denied
Japan Fears Break With
Foreign Troops In Dis-
trict; Warns Governor
(By Associated Press)
After Tokio had been informed
yesterday that the battle of Shan-
haikwan resulted in the complete
rout of the Chinese, government offi-
cials announced that the Japanese
command had been ordered to pre-
vent the conflict from spreading
One factor in this decision appa-
rently was the desire to avoid fric-
tion with foreign forces, including
Americans, stationed in the Shan-
haikwan area.
A Japanese war office spokesman
said the Shanhaikwan clash was "in
no wise connected with the inten-
tions of the Japanese army ultimate-
ly at make Jehol unmistakably a
part of Manchukuo." Jehol is the
province between Manchuria and
China proper.
Press dispatches from Tokio re-
ported that the Shanhaikwan action
involved land, sea, and air forces and
that the Chinese retreated, leaving
many dead.
In Peiping, Gen. Chang Hsiao-
Liang, boosted as governor of Man-
Thuria by the Japanese morethanr
year ago, was warned by Japanese
military and naval officials that he
would be held responsible for any
developments resulting from the
Shankhaikwan hostilities.
In Shanghai Dr. T. V. Soong,
China's finance minister, declared
he Shanhaikwan attack was another
step "in the carefully laid plans of;
Japanese militarists" to invade. Mon-
golia and north China.
Party Leaders
Planning For
Extra Session
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.--(/)-The
possibility that P r e s i d e n t-Elect
Roosevelt might call the new con-
gress into special session April 17
was discussed today by Democratic
Most of the chieftains said pri-
vately that if on extra assembly is
called, it should be within a few
weeks after the new administration
takes over the government March
Only six weeks would have elapsed
between inauguration day and April
17, and then it was noted in 1929
President Hoover assembled the new
congress April 15.
Speaker Garner reiterated today
that he thought it would be "dif-
ficult to avoid an extra session" in
view of the "lame duck" congress' at-
titude toward the Democratic legisla-
tive program and indications that
the legislation may fail of enact-
Representative Rainey of Illinois,
the Democratic floor leader, said he

felt that the new congress should
meet as soon as possible after the
present one dies.

Crowley Leaves State
To Take Fordham Job
EAST LANSING, Mich., Jan. 3.-
(R)-James H. Crowley, football
coach at Michigan State College for
the past three years, tonight an-
nounced he had signed a three-year
contract with Fordham University,
New York.
Crowley's resignation, to take ef-
fect on Feb. 28, has been accepted by
Dr. Robert S. Shaw, president of
Michigan State College, and the state
board of agriculture, governing board
of the college, Crowley said. He plans
to leave for the east as soon as his
resignation takes effect.
The Fordham agreement gives
Crowlev free rein in choosing his as-
sistants, he said. His title is to be
1eic football coach. He did not di-
vulge the salary provided by the con-
tract, but it is understood to be $11,-
300 a year. His salary here is $8,000.
The contract was closed by Crow-
ley tonight, he said, in a telephone
conversation with Jack Coffey, grad-
uate manager of athletics at Ford-
ham. The Notre Dame star succeeds
Ma.. Frank Cavanaugh as football
coach at Fordham.
Council Failure
Attributed To
Student Attitude
Bursley Says Change In
Student Point Of View
Is Necessary
A 'change in the point of view of
the student body must take place be-
fore the Student Council can func-
tion as a live force on the campus in
the opinion of Joseph A. Bursley,
dean of students, as expressed in his
annual report to the President.
"As long as the large majority of
the students is not interested in a
student council, or in student self-
government, there is no use wasting
time trying to decide. whether the
Council shall consist of this or that
number ,of members, or whether it
shall have tbis 'ptiUar function or
that," Dean Bursley says,
Dean Bursley expresses himself as
interested in seeing a Council de-
veloped which has the backing of the
Student body and which can be said
to be truly representative.
The present status of the Council
as summarized by the report is as
follows. Late in the spring of 1931
a petition was presented to the Uni-
versity Council by the Student Coun-
cil recommending the abolishment of
the latter body and providing other
means of student participation in
handling matters affecting the stu-
dent body.
In the fall of 1932, before this re-
quest could be acted on, another re-
quest was presented that the first
petition be returned without action
and the Student Council be continu-
ed. In June 1932 a third communica-
tion was presented the University
Council providing for a Student
Council with greatly increased pow-
"Judging from the past," Dean
Bursley concludes, "it would not be
surprising if the Council for the year
1932-33 has another idea of the best
method for student participation in
the government of the University and
asks to have its plan substituted for
the one presented in 1932."
Robbers Take $15,000
From South Bend Bank
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Jan. 3.-M)~

The Western State Bank of South
Bend was held up today by three
men and robbed of between $12,000
and $15,000.

Say Differences A
Of Basic Importar
Sinai, Sunderland,
Worley Head Boa
Of Inquiry In Govern
State-Wide Probe
Rumors of sharp disagreemer
questions of state governmenta
form between Professors Thomi
Reed and Arthur W. Bromag
the political science department,
members of the State Commissi
Inquiry into County, Township,
School District Government
verified yesterday when Prof
Reed indicated in an interview
h'is and Professor Bromage's c
ions were fundamentally diff(
from those of the commission.
The controversy follows the
mored rejection by the Comni
f a number of recommenda
made to it, at its sug<estion, by
fessors Reed and Bromage.
'ecommendations of the two
,ere made after careful analys
detailed factual information col
id in six typical counties in
Objections Withheld
Professors Reed and Bromam
fused yesterday to make known
objections to the Commission's
as expressed last week in a pre
4nary renort, but declared that
were fundamental. Thei r ni
together with the facts and ana
from which then derived them.

Reed, Bromage Advoca
Abolition Of Townshil
County Supervisoi
Boards, Is Rumor


form of an independent report.
Alth- ifdh the nrofe ors have n(
committed themselves, it, is believe
that their suggestions will'be simil
to those made by Professor Reed seN
eral months ago in a report of go,
ernmental conditions.in Oaklan
County, prepared for publication f
the request of a private citizen. Si,
nificantly prominent in the Oaklar
County report are recommendation
for the abolition of the county boar
of supervisors and for merging an
abolishing townships.
Townships Are Contention
Similar reforms throughout ti
state are being demanded, with it
creasing vehemence. RecommendE
tions for them are conspicuously al
sent in the Commission's report, an
it is rumored that it is principal
on this point that the opinion
Professors Reed and Bromage diffe
with that of the Commission.
In making its report the commi
sion followed a unanimous vote rul
It is believed that the recommend,
tions of the political scientists th
were not followed were blocked X
one or two members who from pr
sumably partisan reasons fou
them objectionable.
Appointed by Brucker
The Commission membership co:
sists of Clarence L. Ayres, chairma
Clarence E. Bement, Parm C. Gi
bert,Melville B. McPherson, and A
bert E. Petermann: It was appoint
by ex-Governor Brucker at the r
quest of the legislature which h
just expired. The Commission a
pointed as its general director of r
search Dr. Lent D. Upson, of the ]
troit Bureau of Governmental R9
search, and a professorial lectur
Investigation has been conduct
in eleven fields. The survey made
Professors Reed and Bromage was
organization and costs of county a:
township government and the pc
sible consolidation of country go
ernments. $5,000 for these investig
tions was appropriated by the sto
legislature and $20,000 was furnish
by the Laura Spelman Rockefel
Foundation of New York. The Ui
versity donated $3,000. In maki
this grant the Foundation stipulat
that in addition to the Commissi
report, the individual reports shot
be published, and it is as a res
of this that the complete recomme

Detroit Man Who Lost Child In,
Hospital Mixup Denied Redress

DETROIT, Jan. 4.-(M)-The har-
rowing and pathetic trail that Wil-
liam C. Greatrex has followed since
he was given the wrong baby by a
nurse in Deaconess Hospital here in
1923 ended Tuesday when the State
Supreme Court ruled that he has no
The eight justices admitted he had
been given the wrong child and that
his own child probably had been
murdered, but they said only sym-
pathy can be extended. Greatrex
had asked $200,000.
To hold that the hospital, 'founded
as a charitable institution, is respon-

Ong mistake made by the nurse, but
because of the disappearance of the
child which was rightfully the-
A blond, eleven-pound son was
born to Greatrex and his wife on
Sept. 6, 1923, at their home, 319
Continental Ave. Three days after-
wards the mother became seriously
ill and was taken to Evangelical Dea-
coness Hospital, 3245 E. Jefferson
Ave., where she died on Sept. 17.
While Greatrex was taking his wife's
body to their childhood home in To-
ronto for ,burial, the boy was given
by the mistake of a nurse, Mrs.


Of Heart Attack

(Continued on Page 2)
Pink Dinosaur, Newma
Beautify Latest Garg
Decorated on the cover with

TTI----------- /V _ .._ _.T_ _- J-1

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