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December 15, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-15

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Phe Weather
w flurries, colder Thurs-
Friday, rising tempera-


it igan



ua. 1

Campus Organizations Fal
Line; Watch Out For Ill
Transportation Agents.



Reduction In
Wages Plan
Of Railroads)

Senate Approves Only Chapin
In President's Cabinet Choices

First Class Carriers
Next Discussion Is
Involve Basic Rates


Propose Extension
Of Temporary Cut
Labor Leaders Debate In
Secret; Roads Oppose
Further Conferences
CHICAGO, Dec. 14.-(R)-The rail-
roads served notice upon the 1,500,-
000 employees today that the next
time they discuss wages it would in-
volve reductions in basic rates and
would be held under the legal pro-
cess of the Railway Labor Act.
Spokesmen for the 47 class one
carriers of the country, conferring
jointly with 1,500 labor leaders, an-
swered a demand that they propose
an extension of temporary pay cuts
to a definite date. They suggested
that the current agreement, a.10 per
cent deduction which left the basic
rates unchanged, be extended from
next Jan. 31 to July 31.
But they specified that neither side
should propose a change in the agree-
ment prior to July 1, and that any
change or termination after that date
should affect the basic rates of pay
and be negotiated under the Railway
Labor Act, passed by Congress in
Leaders of the shop crafts debat-
ed the proposal in secret session to-
night.rTheir reply will be delivered
They faced a reminder by the car-
riers that the committee headed by
W. F. Thiehoff, general manager of
the Burlington line and conference

WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-(P)-
The influence of the November elec-
tion showed itself plainly in Congress
today by the Senate's frown on con-
firmation on presidential appoint-
ments and the progress of a domestic
allottment plan of farm relief in the
Senate Democrats approved the
appointment of Roy D. Chapin as
Secretary of Commerce, but then the
gates were closed on others Presi-
dent Hoover has appointed to office
-permanently apparently for this
session. Before the next, Mr. Hoover
will have left the White House.
President-elect Roosevelt has been
represented as favoring the allot-
ment plan to help steady the farm-
er's financial legs. Today, represen-
tatives of organized agriculture told
the House agricultural committee
that they had agreed on an allot-
ment plan. Chairman Jones of the
committee had already prepared a
bill along the lines they are seeking,
but there are differences in detail.
Mills Questioned
Questioning Secretary Mills for the
first time since the campaign, Demo-
cratic members of the House ways
and means committee precipiated a
warm exchange. They reminded him
of mistakes in revenue estimates that

the treasury has made in the past,
but the secretary stood his ground.
He was one of the leaders in Presi-
dent Hoover's unsuccessful campaign
for re-election.
Betweentimes, Mills told the com-
mittee that he estimated a tax on
beer would yield between $125,000,000
and $150,000,000 annually. He advo-
cated a sales tax to balance the bud-
After Mills left the stand, the com-
mittee concluded its hearing on the
beer measure by listening to a num-
ber of prohibition advocates, includ-
ing F. Scott McBride, president of
the Anti-Saloon League.
Hoover Proposal Heard
President Hoover's proposals for a
regrouping of about 50 government
agencies were heard before the House
expenditures committee. J. Clawson
Roop, director of the budget, testi-
fied. Committee members who ex-
pressed themselves were critical of
the suggested realignment.
Once again, debate on the Philip-
pine independence consumed most of
the Senate's time. There were roll
calls between arguments, and one of
these fixed the time for freedom for
the islands at eight years, instead of
the 18 in the Hawes-Cutting bill
under discussion. This vote is to be
reconsidered, however.

Succeed With
Book Project

Negotiations For Texts
Cost Completed; To
On Jefferson, Feb. 1



the managements, had
i a 20 per cent slash in
age rates last fall, but

Negotiations were successfully com-
pleted yesterday with a wholesale
book company for procuring text
books to be sold in -the Michigan Co-
operative book store, managers of the,
project announced last night.

aen to tr

the country.
c cutting must

Appointments Are
Made' For Senior.
Engineering Class
Class appointments of the senior
class in the engineering school were
announced last night by Cecil Can-
trill, president.
Robert F. Dalzell was appointed
chairman of the Cane committee
with Frederick M. Brett, Francis W.
Test, Vernon Bishop and Hugh L.
Baker assisting him. Other commit-
tees are as follows: Cap and Gown,
Alistair W. Mitchell, chairman; John
M. Dunnawind, Burke E. Porter,
Howard M. Jones, Leslie L. Frisk .
Class Day Banquet, Robert 1.
Hayes, chairman; Cecil Waldo, Don-
ald E. Knight, Louis Veenstra, and
Jorge J. Jimenez. Finance, Harold
P. Hessler, chairman; Emerson F.
Comstock, Ward K. Parr, James M.
Creagan, Thomas D. Coleman, Bruce
Vander Boegh, Riay H. Brundage, and
John Goetz.
Invitations and Announcements,
John H. Benjamin, chairman; Rich-
ard S. Reade, John J. Larkin, Er-
win R. Boynton, and Richard T.
Martin. Memorial, George R. Sey-
bold, chairman; George R. Squibb,
Richard N. Cogger, Earl C. Briggs,
and Jerome M. Comar.
Picture, DeElton J. Carr, chair-
man; Frederick S. Kohl, Milo White,
James A. Adkinson, and Robert H.
Lamb. Athletic, Harvey'Bauss, chair-
man; William A. Williams, W. Ed-
ward Wilson, Emerson Ried, and De-
Forest Eveland. Senior Ball, Oscar
S. Perkinson, Henry F. Schaefer, and
Kenneth W. Hartwell.
Crumbling Indian Mats
Received By Gilmore
Crumbling fragments of Indian
mats buried for years under a
Louisiana mound have been sent to
Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore, curator of
ethnology in the Museum of An-
thropology, by Frans Blom, of Tulane
Students will be allowed to drive

The method used in providing the
books will be through orders made in
advance. Students will fill out an
order blank, indicating the course
and the book required for it, and also
whether a new or used text book is
desired. "Students are urged to file
applications as soon as possible, in
order thatbooks may be furnished
as quickly as ppssible," Sher Quraishi,
Grad., manager of the store, said.
The organization will be divided
into three parts, a book exchange, a
stationery department, and a new
text book department. Prof. W. Den-
ton of the College of Engineering will
be treasurer.
Application blanks are available
now at the Union, the League, the
Publications Building,
Frances Marmarosh, Grad., last
night was elected to replace Sher
Quraishi, Grad., as secretary-treas-
urer of the Michigan Socialist club.
Quraishi last week was forced to

Baylis Take's
Stand As Trial
Nears Finish
Rapp Fails To Shake His
Story; Case Expected To
Go To Jury Today
Waiving the immunity guaranteed
him by law, Carry Hunt Baylis,
negro, defendant in the Cap Death-
erage murder case, took the stand
I yesterday -to testify in his own be-
Baylis admitted that Tom Brittop,
confessed slayer, had spent the night
of the murderat.his home but denied
any -eonnection with the crime.
Cross-examination by Prosecutor Al-
bert J. Rapp failed to shake his story.
Harry Bledsoe, Detroit negro at-
torney, closed the case of the defense
with the exception of one witness
who could not be located. In the
prosecution's rebuttal Prosecutor
Rapp presented two character wit-
nesses, Jack Poole, another Ypsilanti
negro,. and Sergeant Ernest Klavit-
ter of the Ypsilanti police depart-
ment. Attorney, Bledsoe objected to
Poole's testimony in regard to an in-
cident at the latter's house in which
Baylis had been concerned and the
objection was sustained. Bledsoe also
drew from Poole the admission that
he was on parole on a charge of
breaking and entering.
In answer to a question regarding
Baylis' character, Poole replied that
it was "mixed up a little." Klavitter
testified that Baylis' character was
untainted except during times of ex-
cessive drinking. Bledsoe, .however,
had the remark stricken from the
record on the ground that the drink-
ing did not affect Baylis' "honesty
and veracity."
The case will probably go to the
jury today, as only a few witnesses
remained to be called.

Student Fund
Reach $200
Committeemen Start Used
Clothes Collection; Gifts
Made By Merchants
Concerted Drive To
Start After Holidays
Campus Societies Offer
Aid; 100 Local Families
To Give Meal A Week
Numerous contributions received
by the Student Good Will Fund yes-
terday swelled the total cash thus
far contributed to more than $200
and merchants in the State Street
district have added to the fund's sup-
ply of clothing with generous dona-
tions, it was learned last night.
In addition to this, Union under-
class committeemen have begun to
make used clothes collections in re-
sponse to telephone calls to the
Students are urged by Chairman
John Huss to bring their used clothes
that may be suitable for further wear
back with them after the holiday
vacation to donate to the Good Will
The general fund committee is
busy with plans for a concerted cam-
paign for contributions from stu-
dents to begin shortly after vacation.
A huge send-off dinner is being
planned to start the drive in which it
is hoped to personally solicit every
Underclass committees of the Stu-
dent Christian Association, the Un-
ion, the League and several under-
.graduate honorary societies have of-
fered to co-operate with the general
committee on the drive. The so-
cieties are Mortarboard, Senior So-
liety, Wyvern, Michigamua, Druids,
Vulcans, Sphinx, and Triangles.
Forty men from Dean Joseph A. Bur-
sley's freshman luncheon clubs will
also aid in th campaign.
Announcement was made yester-
day that Williarn Elliot, '33, has been
appointed assistant chairman of the
general committee.
"The general committee of the
Good Will Fund has been greatly en-
couraged in their work by the hearty
co-operation which has been offered
by students and townspeople," said
Chairman Huss yestel'day.
One man in conjunction with the
fund is organizing 100 Ann Arbor
families who will each be willing to
furnish warm meals once a week for
needy students.
eenic To Go
On Sale Today
nd Tomorrow

Sellars And
Cooper Miss
Rhodes Prize
Wisconsin Places Two In
Final Selection Of Four
Student Winners-
Kentucky And Ohio
l g1 i- '

A r e Ri. e presented; ed a beautifully embossed resolution,
bound in shining leather.
Then Eddie Tolan made a brief
Michigan Appointment Is speech. He thanked the mayor and
Omitted For First Time I the council for their kindness, but,
between the lines of the speech the
Since 1929 Failure councilmen and the mayor read Ed-
die's hesitation. He wanted to ask
This year, for the first time since them something-and yet he didn't
1929, neither of the candidates from want to. He intimated, delicately,
the University was awarded a Rhodes that he would have appreciated'
scholarship, it became known last something more substantial.
night. Family Out of Work
The two candidates from Michigan "You can't eat a resolution, can
were Wilfred S. Sellars, '33, of Ann you, Eddie?" spoke up Councilman
Arbor, and Frank E. Cooper of De- Edward J. Jeffries, Jr.
troit. Sellars, among other campus "Well, no," said Tolan. "Frankly
activities, is executive secretary of gentlemen, I need work. I had just
the Michigan Socialist Club; he is the a short engagement in vaudeville
son of Prof. Wilfred Sellars of the since the Olympic games. I haven't
philosophy department. Cooper was got a job now. Not one member of my
city editor of The Daily in 1930-31. family is working. It's not because
Both have maintained exceptionally we don't want to work, gentlemen."
high scholastic averages, falling just There was a silence in the council
short of an A average. chamber. Then Mayor Murphy made
In 1929, the only candidate granted anothe eh-y audsimprimtu one
ascholarship from the stat o h "Detroit owes Eddie Tolan some-
igan was not a student at the Univer- thing," said the mayor. "Any younre
sity. man who has brought so much credit
to his country, state, and city, has a
HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAM- claim on the citizens of his home
BRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 14.-(AP)-The town, if he is at all worthy. Eddie
four Rhodes Scholarships winners for Tolan is worthy of anything that can'
the Great Lakes district, comprising be done for him, and it is only cir-
Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, In- cumstance that prevents him from
diana, Ohio, and Kentucky were an- helping himself. I am going to see
nounced tonight at a meeting of the that he gets work in some city de-
scholarship committee.-partment. .
The winners are: Thomas C. Men- "Gentlemen," said. Eddie, snmllinr
denhall, 22, of Madison, Wis., grad- happily, "this is the biggest boost I've
uate student of history at Yale Uni- had since I won the 100-meter dash
versity, who reported from Wiscon- I'll' value the resolution-but I'll do
sin; S. Shepard Jones, 23, of George- my best on the job, no matter what
town, Ken., graduate student of in- it is."
ternational law. at Harvard Univer--
sity, who reported from Kentucky;
Frank H. Verhoek,. 2, of Grand. Oy'Chapin, Approved
Rapids, graduate student of chemis- For Cabinet Positioi
try at the University of Wisconsin,,
who reported from Wisconsin; and < WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.- (A") -
Alfred E. Wilhelmi, 22, of Cleveland, Senate Demtocrats successfully raiser
pre-medical student at Adelbert Col- their, promised barrier against th
lege of Western Reserve University, confirmation of President Hoover',
Cleveland, who reported from Ohio. appointees today and then dropped i


ish to resume the i
verthrown, was expect


h analmost united dema
he continue in office.
After a day of conference
?resident Albert Lebrun ar
,aders, seemed likely Fran
.ave a new government w
.ours, with Herriot at the I
most of the old ministers 'w
England's debt installr
$95,500,000 will be paid
hursday, but Premier Edou
iot, of France, has informe
'ngton that because of his d
;he Chamber of Deputies h
authorized to continue neg
:or Thursday's payment by
Cheers greeted a staten
'hancellor of the Excheque

Eddie Tolan Finally
Secures Detroit Job
And Mayor's Praise
DETROIT, Dec. 14.-(A)-Smiling,
Eddie Tolan, star of the 1932 Olym-
pic games, came back to Detroit tx-N
day to get the city's official thanks
for the honors he captured. He got
the thanks-but more than that, he
got a job.
Eddie, the Negro sprint champion
of the Olympics, stood before the city
council as Mayor Frank Murphy
made a flowery speech, and present-

Return Is
Defeated Premier May Bo
Reinstated; Earlier State
ment Refuses To Con
tinue Debt Parley
England Will Make
Payment Thursda,
Belgium Probably W il
Default; Poland Is Ui
decided; Italy Has Pai4
Her Installment
PARIS, Dec. 14.-(.P)-The govert
cent of France was virtually return
3d tonight to the hands of Premie
Edouard Herriot, who was defeate
.rly today whey the Chamber c
Deputies voted to default on Thurs
lay's debt payment to Washingto
Herriot, w h o fought valianti
against default and said he did no

Military Honor Society
Holds Initiation Banquet
Scabbard and Blade, national hon-
orary military fraternity for mem-
bers of Reserve Officers' Training
Corps, held an initiation banquet
last night at the Union- for their new
student and faculty members.'
Profs. John S. Worley and John
C. Brier, of the engineering school,
and Stanley Waltz, assistant man-
ager of the Union, were granted
memberships. All of these men hold
reserve commissions in the United
States Army. Since they are not stu-
dents they are not eligible for active
membership but were honored by be-
ing made associate members.
Indiana 34, DePauw 19.
Purdue 48, Miami 24.

long enough to permit approval o
Roy D. Chapin, of Michigan, as Se
retary of Commerce.
Of course, Chapin goes out c
March 4 with the Hoover cabinc
Sen. Robinson of Arkansas, the Der
ocratic leader, explained that a'
°)ointees who would serve beyond th'
time would not be considered.
He spoke with authority. The Ser
ate by a vote of 44 to 37 had jut
rejected the motion of Senator .Mr
Nary, of Oregon, assistant Republ -
,an leader, that the Senate go int
executive session for consideration c
This roll call was believed to ens
the issue. Democrats voted solidl-
against the executive session. Sena
tors La Follette and Blaine, of Wis
consin, Republican, voted with them
The ban includes two Democrats
Atlee Pomerene, chairman of the Re.
construction Finance Corporation
and Rep. Crisp, of Georgia, named tc
the tariff commission.

Coventry Nativity Play Will Be
Given By Students And Faculty

A medieval mystery play, "The
Coventry Nativity Play of Shearman
and Tailors" will be presented Wed-
nesday and Thursday, Dec. 21 and
22 at St. Andrew's church by a cast
composed mainly of students of the
University and faculty members, as-
sisted by the St. Andrew's choir of
50 voices.
Three performances will be given,
one at 4:30 p. m. Wednesday and at
8 p. m. Wednesday and Thursday.
The Wednesday afternoon perform-
ance is intended especially for the
children of the city. Collections will
be taken at all three performances,
and the proceeds will be given to
local poor and unemployment relief
Produced Last Year
The Coventry Nativity play, the
sixth Christmas pageant which has
been given by the members of St.
Andrew's Church dates from the
Sixteenth century and is already
somewhat familiar to Ann Arbor as
it was produced last summer by
Thomas Wood Stevens of the St.

music but the Coventry play has 16'
speaking parts. The play is divided
into a prologue and five scenes,
Isaiah, Annunciation, The Shepherds,
and the Nativity, the Three Kings,
Herod, and the Flight into Egypt.
Many Take Part
The part of Isaiah will be taken
by Prof. Warren G. Rice, Gabriel by
Sarah Pierce, '34, Mary by Ann Ed-
munds, '33, Joseph by Clement
Wheat, First Shepherd by Herbert
Watkins, Second Shepherd by Wil-
fred B. Shaw, Third Shepherd by Ar-
nold Verduin, Grad., First King by
Prof. Warner Patterson, Second King
by Prof. A. D. Moore, Herod by Vic-
tory Lane, Herald by Ward Peterson.
attendant by A. C. Stoddard, '33L,
and First Angel by Margaret Norton,
The music has been arranged from
various works contemporary with the
play while the paintings of Fra An-
gelico and other painters of the early
Renaissance period have been used as
a basic for the costumes and settings.
James Doll, '33, is in charge of the

Research On Noise Will
Be Feature ; To Sell In
Featuring an article by Dr. P. H.
Geiger on "Effective 'Noise Reduc-
tion." the December issue of the I
Michigan Technic will go on sale to-
day and Friday in the lobby of thej
West Engineering Building.
This article is a summary of Dr.
Geiger's research on the elimination
of noise in industry, especially in
automotive work. Dr. Geiger has been
working on this problem for two or
three years in the Department of En-
gineering research here.
Other articles are "Bailments," and
an engineering-law article by Prof.
Walter C. Sadler; "Extra-Curricular
Activity in Speech Work" by E. C.
Briggs, '33E; an article about the
Miss America X by Prof. Henry L.
Kohler of the mechanical engineer-
ing department giving data on the
specifications of the world's fastest'
boat; and an article on "Research in
the Applied Mechanics Laboratory"
by Dr. Franklin Everett.
Biographies of Prof. Benjamin
Bailey of the electrical engineering
department and Clyde Paton, '23E,
chief engineer for the Packard Motor
Car Company are also included in
this issue.
Graduate School Check
Shows Training Scope
The great scope of training of-
fered by the University is revealed
in a recent report of the Graduate

the letter of its bond, althougl
Ith full intention to press for i
ore favorable settlement of the tre
endour problem.
Italy Has Paid
Italy already has paid her install
ent, but Belgium, also without
vernment for the moment, prob
will default.
'he Government of Poland an
;.need that it has not yet de idec
at its policy on payment will b
t it was believed that Poland wouzl
'1nw the lead of Fran-e and Bel
A. Herriot sent word to Washing
that he can carry on only currer
"airs now and that it will be u
the next Government to continu
he debt negotiations.
At Rome there was an announce
ant that Italy had already paid th
,245,437 interest installment sh
In Brussels a new Government wa
n the process of formation by Cour
.e Broqueville, who resigned as Pre
ier after the Cabinet had decide
nanimously to refuse payment c
he $2,125,000 installment.
The Polish Government announce
-at it had not yet reached a finz
ecision on its policy. Poland owe
n installment of $3,303,000.
Germany Looks On
Meantime, Germany is merely a
>nlooker. A Government spokesme
'aid that since it is impossible to r
turn to the Young Plan anyway,
matters little to Germany what hal
pens as a consequence of the Frenc
refusal to pay.
There was an announcement
Bucharest that the powers whit
participated in the Lausanne Coi
ference had granted a three month
extension on the Eastern reparatio:
Meanwhile, a Belgian note givir
notice that default of its $2,125,0
payment could be expected was ma
public by the state department ar
a Polish embassy.statement indicat
that country would not pay its i

Michian Professors To Attend
Science Advancement Meeting

Scientists from a number of dif-
ferent departments of the University
will join fellow-scientists from all
-over the country for the 91st meet-
ing of the American Association for
the Advancement of Science held in
Atlantic City from Dec. 27 to 31. In
addition to the general public lec-
tures, each scientific field will hold
its individual meetings and scores of
associated groups will meet.
Dr. Boas Will Speak
Dr. Frank Boas, of Columbia UniA
versity, retiring president, will give
an address on some phase of anthro-
pology. Other prominent speakers of
general scientific interest are to be:
Dr. O. H. Caldwell, former U. S. radio
commissioner; Dr. Dayton C. Miller,
of Case, who spoke before the Acous.
tical Society here last month; Dr. C.
C. Speidel, neurologist; Dean Dexter
S. Kimball, of Cornell University;
and Dr. Richard C. Tolman, of Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology.
The Maiben lecture will be given
for the first time this year by Dr.

Dr. Frank N. Blanchard, assist-
ant professor of zoology, Dr. Stuart
A. Courtis, professor of education,
Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of the
Museum of Anthropology, Dr. How-
ard Y. McClusky, assistant professor
of educational psychology, Dr. Ar-
thur B. Moehlman, professor of
school administration and supervi-
sion, Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin, assis-
tant professor of astronomy, Dr. Wil-
lard C. Olson, associate professor of
education, Dr. William C. Steere, re-
search assistant at botanical gardens,
and Dr. Clifford Woody, professor of
education, comprise the list of mem-
bers who are to attend the confer-
Explain New Interpretations
Dr. Courtis will present a paper at
a joint meeting of the education and
psychology sections on "Determina-
tion of Norms." He will explain new
interpretations of results due to
growth prediction by mathematical
formulas. In his research, Dr. Cour-
tis has used the Harvard growth sys-


Welfare Fund Gets
$783.25, Re e i pt
Of 'The Messic
An audience of about 3,100

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