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September 29, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-09-29

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THTMISI)AV. ARPT.' 34_ 1410

THE M aCHT :AN DaILY e r ,a, l.!1
I'~h~T1?~~AV I~'DI°r.


Established 1890

and musical intelligence." March 8 will fihd
Vladimir Horowitz, Russian pianist, at Ann Arbor.
The greatest of all artists who will appear on
the musical program is Ignace Jan Paderewski,
"dean of pianists," who will play here on March
15. Paderewski made his first visit to Ann Arbor


j _

By Barton Kane


40 years ago, and has returned seven times since I

.. ' b.
Y r

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local sews
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
secon~d class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer byrcarrier, $1.00; by mall,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor,- Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publishers Representatives.
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR......................KARL SEIBFFERT
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, Joseph W. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Ward D. Morton,
Albert Newman.


The Music School deserves much praise for the
number of internationally known artists which
it is bringing to Ann Arbor. Few people have the
opportunity of hearing such talented musicians
as are being presented in Ann Arbor this year
It is an opportunity which the students ought to
avail themselves. With the co-operation of every
one, this season should be the greatest in the
history of the Choral Union.
The Daily Inaugurates
ANew Policy.

REPORTERS . Stanley W. Arnhelm, Edward Andrews,
Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, CharlesG. Barndt,
James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald F. Blankertz,
Willard E. Baser, Charles B. Brownson, C. Garritt
urting. Arthur W. Carstens, Theodore K. Cohen,
bert S. Deutsch, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Albert
Ffedminn, Edward A. Genz, Harold Gross, Eric Hall,
John C. Healey. Robert B. Hewett, M. B. Higgins, Alex-
ancler Hirschfeld, Walter ,E. Morrison, Ward D. Morton,
Robert Ruwitch, Alvin Schifer, G. Edwin Sheldrick,
Robert W. Thorne, George Van Vleck, Cameron Walker,
Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White, Leonard A.
Jesske L. Barton, Eleanor B. Blum, Jane H. Brucker,
Miriam Carver, Beatrice Collins, Mary J. Copeman,
Louise Crandall, Mary M.. Duggan, Prudence Foster,
Alice Gilbert, Carol J.. Hannan, Therese R. Herman,
Frances Manchester, Elizabeth Mann, Edith E. Maples,
Marie Metzger, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan,
Katherine Rucker, Beverly Stark, Alma Wadsworh, Mar-
jorie Western, Josephine Woodhams.
Telephone 2-1214
CREDIT MANAGER,... ,... >. ,......... HARRY BEGLEY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Aqdvertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack, Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hume, Howard Klein, Allen knuusi, George
Laurie, Charles Mercil, Russell Read, Lester Skinner,
Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward.
Bett~y Aigler, Edna Canner, Genevieve Field, Ann Gall-
meyer, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, elen Grossner,'
Kathryn Jackson , Dorothy Laylin, Virginia McComb,
Caroline Mosher, Helen O0on, Helen Schume, May See
fried, Kathryn Stork.-

Raucous Bromage
Freshman Hot-Shots
Fraternity Tea

B EGINNING w i t h the Tuesday
morning issue, The Daily inaugu-
rated a new policy of putting men's social activi-
ties on a page of campus society news.
This is in no sense relegating the fraternity
news to the "women's page." The page on which
these items will be found in the future is de-
signed to be as close an approximation to the
society page of a metropolitan paper as it is
possible to make it. Rather than on the front
page where they have been found formerly, all
stories of a distinctly social nature, whether per-
taining to men's or women's activities, will be on
the society page.
From now on, all women's news items will be
treated as any other story in The Daily. That
is, it will be put on page two, three, or the froht
page with regard for nothing but it's news value,
exactly as any other article.
There is no longer a "woman's page." The
society page has, to a certain extent, taken its
place, but there will be no curtailment of the
stories about women's activities. The only dif-
ference is that these stories will now appear on
the front page instead of on page five. There
is no real reason why the women should be segre-
gated and all stories of interest to them crowded
on to one page, There is, however, a very real
reason why all fraternity and sorority and other
organization social activities should be classified
together and put in the same place.
In the future, all items dealing with women's
sports activities are to be placed on the sports
pages with other sport articles.
In short, in the past certain pages in The
Daily have been directed at particular groups
on the campus and these groups read only these
sections. This rearrangement is planned to make
the whole paper of interest to every one on the
campus. No more specialization. The whole Daily
is for the whole student body,


pROF. ARTHUR W. BROMAGE, political sci-
ence lecturer, yesterday was explaining to
class 107 that the recitation room would be
changed from the first floor of Angell Hall to the
basement. Said Mr. Bromage, "I don't like the
pillar loungers outside with raucous voices to
compete with mine."
EDWARD J. McCORMICK, tycoon of last year's
Student Council, is back in school. For the
second time in less than a year he will attend
both of the state political conventions as a dele-
gate; will vote for repeal of the Eighteenth
* ~**
MARJORY WESTFESSEN is a freshman. Yes=
terday she walked up to the Romance Lang-
uage building; looked the front over carefully;
stopped a junior; said that she always thought
Angell Hall had pillars in front of it.
* * *
first year men, are being rushed by most of
the fraternity houses on the campus. Hot-shots
Hilty and Harris are keeping notes on the quality
of the food that they receive at the various
houses, are saving a few open dates for the last
week of rushing; will fill these with the houses
which serve the best meal; say that rushing is
helping out their budgets considerably.
* * *
thinks the members of the class of 1936 should
wear their pots. "Cap night," says Mr. Larmbrecht,
"would not be much fun if there were no caps."
M * M
IT IS RUMORED that a certain fraternity on
the campus is trying to get permission to rush
in a big way. A tea dance on the afternoon of the
Michigan State game, with special women im-
ported from Detroit, is the plan. The fraternity
can find nothing in the rushing rules against it.
They say that they can secure an orchestra for
a moderate price and the women from Detroit for
PROF. ARTHUR L. CROSS has dismissed his
Constitutional History course twice now be-
fore the end of the hour. His students are won-
dering if it really is the hardest course on the
campus after all.


/Last Opportunity,



9 0

The M~hgnDail
From Campus Sawlesmrenc
To Insure Getting Tomriorr~ow Morni ng's Daily
Subscribe Todcay.



A114 .OO11,

a Year, Del voe


By Ge-orge Spelvin

The Choral Union
"Carries On" . .

T HE PROGRAM of the fifty-fourth
annual concert series of the Uni-
versity Choral Union, which was recently an-'
nounced, indicates that the society, under the
directorship of Charles A. Sink, will not sacrifice
the qualtiy of its music, merely because financial
conditions in Ann Arbor are at a low ebb.
Proceeding on the theory that many successful
businesses follow during depressions, the Choral
Union has increased the value of its product and
by so doing, is offering to the students of the
University a series of concerts far above the gen-
eral run.
The organization deserves to be congratulated
on the splendid series that they are offering to
music lovers. Realizing that the University is
rapidly building up its reputation as a concert
center, the Choral Union has, instead of securing
second-rate artists as it could have done in a de-
pression year, organized a program which can
justly be called the finest in history.
The result is that students attending the Uni-
versity will have the opportunity of hearing world-
falnous artists and Ann Arbor will gain addi-
tional prestige as the music center of the middle
The Boston Symphony Orchestra, internation-
ally known, is the first attraction offered by the
Choral Union and will appear here on the eve-
ning of Oct. 25.
Lawrence Tibbett, outstanding baritone of the
Metropolitan Opera Company, will sing here
Nov. 2. He is oie of the few first-rank musicians
who has achieved success in motion pictures. He
possesses the rare quality of being able to project
his personality into singing.
Organized by Ossip' Gabrilowitsch, the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra, which will play here; Nov.
30, is one of the most popular in the country,
Symphony .has appeared regularly on the Choral
Union program for many years.
Internationally known, Efrem Zimbalist, violin-
ist, will perform here on Dec. 12. Mr. Zimbalist
is Russian by birth but is considered in many
respects an American artist. In 1907 he made
his debut in Berlin. Since that time he has been
warmly received all over the world.
Nathan Milstein, violinist, and Vladimir Horo
witz, pianist, are scheduled for Jan. 16. These
two artists, together with Piatagorsky, are con-
sidered the three outstanding musicians of modern
Russia. All three' are products of the Russian
Soviet Regime.
Another treat of the Choral Union program
will be the appearance of Myra Hess, British

Editorial Comment
To the incoming students there is one great
consolation in the economic situation in Madison
and that, briefly, is the reduction of prices in
room, board, and miscellaneous expenses. At last
those landlords and boarding-house keepers have
been forced to follow the trend in the general
price level which has been on the downgrade since
the fall of 1929.
All those engaged in activities pertaining to the
furnishing of living quarters to students in this
university town of ours have created either direct-
ly or indirectly a situation which has produced a
cost of living scale far above what it is worth.
The situation confronting the students in the
years that we have been in the university reminds
one of a group of leeches and bloodsuck~ers taking,
advantage of a young but large transient group.
Such a set-up is certainly not justifiable. Compare
the prices which students pay at Ohio State, Uni-
versity of Chicago and Nebraska, and other large
universities with those charged here on our cam-
pus and one will readily gather the reason for
Madison being indicted as a "rich-man's town."
A new trend has begun; cooperative houses
both for men and women are appearing on the
horizon. It is time that the student-body voice its
resentment at an environment which attempts to
extract exorbitant prices from its temporary pop-
-Wisconsin Daily Cardinal
Robert H. Ingersoll's five million dollar fortune
has dwindled into an estate of a quarter of a mil-
lion, we understand. And the last time we saw
one, his "dollar watch" had dwindled into a five-
dollar wrist watch.
Natural forces aren't so awe-iispiring. A hur-
ricane killed more than 30 in Porto Rico. In
some southern countries, a revolution does that
much damage almost every week.

A Concise Discussion
Of The Trenchant Mr. W. J. G.
For the last three years William Gorman,
triple-threat man of The Daily's intellectual line-
up, has given out views on music, drama, and lit-
erature. Yet up to the time of his graduation last
spring no attempt had been made-in print, at
least-to evaluate his work. That is our purpose
at the moment.
In discussing his criticism, we want to make it
clear right at the beginning that we do not hold
with Brother Joe Glutz out at the frat club that
this fellow Gorman just uses a lot of long words
end doesn't really know what he's talking about.
The awarding of first prize in New Republic's re-
view contest to Mr. Gorman last summer, follow-
ing his triumph in the more doubtful Avery Hop-
woods the year before, should silence Brother
Glutz. That Mr. Gorman knows his facts, we do
not dispute.
Granting that he piled up a surprising amount
of specific knowledge for thedshort time-hardly
four years-that he studied his subjects, we
would quarrel only with the use he put it to. Or
rather, with the fact that he put it to no partic-
ular use at all.
On re-reading Mr. Gorman's columns, one is
struck by one peculiarity especially: the almost
miraculous means whereby he could jump from
the facts, which were his own, to a conclusion
that was often distinctly second-hand. He was,
we believe, a keen observer of the details of a
campus play, but the opinion derived from them
concurred all to frequently with what the New
York Times had said the year before.
We don't mean that Mr. Gorman showed no
signs of what may some day be a fine originality
-he was probably exceptional in a student body
which has never been known as brilliant, and.
which has never produced literature. (The. Uni-
versity's tendency to expell such men as Stewart
Edward White and Franklin Pierce Adams might
account for that.) Gorman was simply a victim
of premature sophistication; in his capacity of
cultural catch-all he suppressed those vivid, if
slightly erroneous, opinions that make young
writers worth reading. Scholasticism is the enemy
of creative work, and he was scholastic.
A point more important, as far as his immedi-
ate 'value to the campus goes, is that Mr. Gorman
so many times destroyed the value of an idea by
his presentation. The common objection, his sup-
posed preference for polysyllables, is hardly justi-
fied; there were times when his style was clear
and simple. His offense was one that he may of-
ten have censured in the actors he reviewed; lack
of pointing. His attitude of general depreciation
was probably the real reason that his criticism
had little noticeable effect on dramatics here.
Praise from him, being rarity, meant something;
condemnation was passed off as meaningless. In
that way he lost his chief weapon, and those who
might well have listened to him were alienated.
Moreover, there can be no doubt that Mr. Gor-
man's columns, while not really abstruse rhetori-
cally, were often wholly out-of-place-not even
the Times would have printed them. On those
occasions he gave the impression of shutting him=
self up in a verbal room where he fought esoteric
battles against an unmentioned opponent. His
supposition that even a minority of the Daily's
readers was familiar with the battleground was
not the impracticalitvynof a fine~ mind hut the af-

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By Kathleen Murphy

r 1
The Faculty Concert series of the School of
Music will begin next Sunday, Oct. 2, at 4:15 p. m.
in Hill Auditorium. The following. program will
be presented:
Recit. "Deeper and Deeper Still" from
"Jephtha". .........................Handel
Aria, "Waft Her Angels" from "Jephtha"
.................. ....Handel
Arthur Hackett
Prelude in C Minor . ..................... Chopin
Mirage ....................... ........Salzedo
Ruth .fohl
]La Fontaine IDe Caraouet ..............Letorey

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