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December 04, 1932 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-04

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-- -

Dances Attract
Many Visitors
To Sororities
Chapter Houses Entertain
Numerous Guests Over
Soph-Prom Week-End
Sororities this week-end are en-
tertaining house guests who have
come to Ann Arbor for the Soph
Prom and the mid-season house
Alpha Chi Omega wishes to an-
nounce the pledging of Mary Ellen
Webster, '34, of Pontiac.
Week-end guests at the Alpha
Omicron Pi house include: Florence
Brady, '32, Kalamazoo; Norma Caro,
Grand Rapids; and Jean Boswell, '31,
and Albertina Maslen, '31, both of
Members going out of town for the
week-end are: Stella Glass, '35, and
Eleanor Heath, '35, both of whom
left Friday for Detroit; and Adele
Ewing, '33, and Eleanor Welsh, '33,
who left yesterday for Detroit.
Red roses and red tapers decorated'
the tables at a rushing dinner for

F u Stars At Hollywood Premiere

(Asociateil Press Photo)
People come to see movie stars and the movie stars come to see
each other at Hollywood motion picture premieres. Here are Frederic
March, winner of this year's prize for the best acting, Lilyan Tashman
and Edmund Lowe.

eight guests given Thursday night.
Mrs. Blanche Harley, house mother,
will pour at a tea to be given at 5:30
this afternoon at the Chi Omega
sorority for members and their guests.
Members of Alpha Xi Delta soror-'
ity leaving town for the week-end
are: Miriam Hall, '34, and Ruth
Birdseye, '33, who arc returning to
their homes in Detroit; and Jeanne
Reed, '33, who will be a visitor in the
same city.
Members of Delta Zeta sorority
will entertain at tea this afternoon in
honor of their house mother, Mrs.
Lucy Austin. The receiving line will
include: Alice Mahnke, house presi-
dent; Mrs. Austin; and Mt~rs. Clarence'
Kessler and Mrs. Frederick Arnold,
alumnae. The rooms and tea table
will be decorated with flowers in
Christmas colors. Mrs. Wesley Maur-
er and Mrs. Clyde Love, patronesses,
will pour.
Formal initiation of Gamma Phi
Beta upperclass pledges took place
last -night. Women iniitiated were
Jane Eley, '34, Detroit; Ellen Jane
Cooley, '34, Newtonville, M a s s.;
Christine Bradshaw, '35, Beaver,
Pa.; Evelyn Walsh, '35, Pachuca,
Mexico; and Margaret Beckett, '34, of
Lakewood, 0.
Week-end guests at the Kappa
Kappa Gamma house are Betty
Frank, of-. Jackson; and Pauline
Bowe, '32, of Mt. Clemens.
Kappa Alpha Theta will entertain
as week-end guests Virginia Lane,
Detroit; Eleanor Thoman, '34, Lans-
ing; Mary Elizabeth Thoman, from
the Michigan State College chapter,
and Barbara Hill of Birmingham,
Delta Delta Delta wishes to an-
nounce the pledging of Marion An-
derson, '36SM, of Park Ridge, Ill.
The sorority members were hos-
tesses at a formal,. Deans' dinner
Thursday. The guests were Miss Alice
Lloyd, Dean of Women; Mrs. Byrl
Bacher, assistant to the Dean of Wo-
men; Miss Ethel McCormick, social
director of the League; Miss E. B.
Stevenson, assistant to the Dean of
Women; Miss Jeanne tte Perry, as-
sistant Dean of Women; Miss Alta
Atkinson, house director of the
Martha Cook Building; and Doctors
Margaret Bell and Helene Schutz.
Floral decorations were yellow but-
ton chrysanthemums.
Week-end guests at the house are
Pauline Champlin, a province dep-

Gilbert Will Advise
Students Desiring
To Enter Ministry
Prof. William Gilbert of the DrewI
Theological Seminary. will speak to
all students who are interested in re-
ligious work when he comes to Ann
-Arbor tomorrow.
Rev. Gilbert, who appears here
through the co-operation of the Stu-
dent Christian Association, will at-
tempt to explain the courses offered
at the seminary and the preparation
required for entering the seminary.
Students interested in training for#
the ministry are invited to be guests
of Rev. Gilbert at luncheon at the
Women's League Building tomorrow
noon where he will talk to the group.
Students who wish to attend. the
luncheon, which is free, are asked to
leave their names at Lane Hall.
During the afternoon he will be at
Lane Hall to personally interviewf
anyone who seeks advice concerning
this matter of religious training.

uty, of Cleveland, and Mrs. Amy O.
Parmelee, of Urbana, Ill., a member
of the national executive council.
Guests at the Founders' Day lunch-
eon Saturday were Miss Winifred
Chase, of Detroit; Mrs. Byron Mel-
froib, of Flint; Mrs. R. A. Dewaters,
of Flint; and members of the Ann
Arbor Alliance. - .
Mrs. Robert T. Viesel, province
president of Pi Beta Phi, arrived yes-
terday noon to spend the week-end
here as a house guest of the chapter.
Josephine Fuchs, '33, spent the
week-end at her home in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook, Mr.
and Mrs. Irwin Earl, and Professor
and Mrs. Louis Hopkins were chap-
erones at the informal pledge dance
-given by Sigma Kappa last night.
Theta Phi Alpha will hold ini-
tiation ceremonies for four wo-
men at 4 p. m. today. Those who
will become members of the sorority
are Mary Jane and Elinore Crockett,
'33, of Toledo; Virginia Weins, Grad.,
of Detroit; and Amelia Perkovitch,
'33, of Ironwood, Mich.
Among the founders to be present
at the affair are Miss Camilla Suth-
erland, of Toledo, and Miss Selma
Gilday, of Monroe. Miss Ed Marie
Schrauder, of Monroe, national in-
spector, was also a guest of the house.
Anna Rose Kimball, representing
the Beta chapter of the sorority at
the University of Illinois, will be a
chapter guest for the ceremony.
Among the alumnae will be Mrs.
John O'Hara and Ruth Brady, '28,
both of Detroit.
Following the ceremonies, tea will
be served for the initiates. Mrs.
Maude Thompson, sorority chaper-
one, will pour.

Alien Students
To Be Honored
At League Tea
An International Tea will be given
on Dec. 16, in honor of the 52 women
students from foreign countries who
are attending the University by the
members of 18 of Ann Arbor's
churches, it was announced yester-
day. The tea will take place in the
The guests will be escorted to thej
League by members of the churches'
who will call for them in cars. This
arrangement was made in order to,
help the women make the acquaint-
ance of their Ann Arbor hostesses.
Mrs. George E. Carrothers has
been chosen general chairman for
the affair, it was announced. Repre-
sentatives of each church will be in
the receiving line, which will be
headed by Mrs. Merle Anderson.
Detroit Magician Will Be
Featured In Fun Alley
Harry Cecil, Detroit magician, will
be one of the features of "Fun Alley"
to be held in conjunction with the
sophomore cabaret on the evening of
Dec. 9 and 10, it was announced to-
day by Marjorie .Oostdyck, '35, gen-
eral chairman. Mr. Cecil will appear
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
for several performances during both
Changes have been made in the
committees for the affair, and those
who now compose the central com-
mittee are: Marjorie Oostdyck, '35,
general chairman; Jean Berridge, '34,]
assistant chairman; chairman of
finance, Sue Mahler, '35; chairman
of properties, Kay Rentschler, '33;
chairman of decorations, Teresa St.
John, '34; chairman of publicity,
Eleanor Blum, '35. Booth committee
chairmen are: Elizabeth Gribble, '34,
Billie Griffiths, '35, Marjorie John-
son, '33, Rose Kaser, '35, Betty Lyons,
'34, Cecelia Melody, '34, Jane Park,
'34, Gertrude Pesche, '34; Nancy Ellen
Reed, '33, Genevieve Spencer, '34.
'Where G-0
Motion Pictures: Michigan: "Call
Her Savage," with Clara Bow; Ma-
jestic: "Air Mail."
Exhibitions: West Gallery, Alumni
Memorial Hall, works of six contemp-
orary artists of Europe and America.
Functions: The President's resi-
dence, open house, 4 to 6 p. m.; Wes-
ley Hall, Guild meeting and concert,
6:30 p. in., Lecture by Dr. Scott, pres-
ident of Northwestern University,
7:30 p. in.; Harris Hall, supper and
lecture, 6:15 p. m.; Zion Parish Hall,
Lutheran Student Club, Washington

Few Dormitory
Women Leave
For eeknEnd
Formal Faculty Reception
Given At Adelia Cheever
House Friday Night
Because of the nearness of the
Christmas holidays and' since this is
the week end of the Soph Prom fewer
women from the campus dormitories
have left the city than usual.
The women from Betsy Barbour
House who are spending the week-
end away from the city are Christine
Kennedy. '36, to Detroit; Betty
Burns, '36, to Grosse Pointe; Ruth
Clarkson, '33, to Detroit; and Kath-
leen McIntyre, '36, to Detroit.
Gretchen Bowman of Detroit is the
weekend guest of Madelyn Coe, '35,
and Betty Sinclair, '36, is entertain-
ing Mary Ellen Menard, also of De-
rofessor 0. J. Campbell and Mrs.
Campbell were entertained at din-
ner Thursday night as the guests of'
Helen Newberry Dormitory.
Those women who are spending
the weekend at home or visiting
friends are Barbara West, '36, who
went to Grossee Ile; Ruth White, '36,
to Highland Park; Ellen Jean Con-
over, '35, to Evart; Helen Brandt, '36,
to Chicago; Helen Louise Clark, '36,
to Hastings, Mich.; Alice Harris, '35,
to Detroit; Mathura Nadkarni, Grad.,
to Saginaw; and Virginia Hugg, '35,
to Pleasant Ridge.
Entertaining more than two hun-
dred guests Friday night, the Adelia
Cheever House gave their annual for-'
mal faculty reception. The house was
gayly decorated in orange and yel-
low. The tables of the dining room
had as centerpieces, bowls of yellow
chrysanthemums and roses. Yellow
tapers and old silver and pewter ware
were additional decorations.
In the receiving line were Olo Col-
lins, '33, house president; Mrs. Alta
Schute, director; Mrs. Louis Karpin-
ski; Mrs. Charles Washburn; and
Mrs. Byrl Bacher.
Mrs. Carl Huber, Mrs. Clarence
Yoakum, Mrs. Charles Sink, Mrs.;
Raleigh Nelson, Mrs. Edward Krauss,
Mrs. Joseph Markley, Mrs. Dean
Myers, and Mrs. Mabel Ross Rhead
presided in the dining room.
Pouring in the coffee room were
Mrs. Wilbur Humphreys, Mrs. Earl
Dow, Miss Edith Barnard, and Mrs.
William Smeaton.
During the evening members of the
House entertained the guests with
music. Alice Adams, Grad., and Jean
Deer, '36SM, sang; Leone Saxton,
'35SM gave a piano solo; and Ruby
Peinert, '34SM, played several selec-
tions on the cello accompanied by
Jane Law, '34M at the piano.
Ostrich Trimmings Will ,
Be In Style Next Year
Next year will be a good one for
the modistes, it seems, but a tough
one for ostriches. Feather boas are
coming back, says Adrian, who de-
signs many movie gowns.
He added there will be numerous
fandangles and furbelows, wide-
brimmed hats, lace mittens, velvet
gloves, long-draped dresses, dainty
parasols, fichu collars and all man-
ner of trimmings.
and Fifth Avenues, 6 p. m.; Hillel
Foundation, open forum, 8:00 p. m.

Parker, Sheaffer, Watenren,
Conklin, etc., $1.00 and up.
A large and choice alsor nent
314 S Stat St, fnn* * a Of
314 S. State St., Ann Aror.

:=rif iyjll ale Victim

(Associated Press Photo)
Edwina Booth, film actress who
played in "Trader Horn," African
jungle picture, is seriously ill in
Hollywood, the victim of a complica-
tion of tropical disorders that kept
her from pursuing her film career.
Medical specialisis were puzzled for
some time by her illness.
Fitzgerald Loses Part
Of His Lead In Recount
DETROIT, Dec. 3. - (#P')- Gaining
slightly through outstate recounts
but losing heavily by adjustment of
errors in the Wayne county official
tabulat on,Secretary of State Frank
D. WitL,,gerald's lead over Burnett J.
Abbott of Saginaw, his Democratic
rival, today stood at 2,866, net loss of
337 votes.
"A Study of Mortgage Delinquen-
cies" will be the subject of a talk by
R. J. Burroughs of the economics de-
partment at a meeting of the Eco-
nomics Club at 7:45 p. m. Monday in
roomn 306 of the Union.

Kappa Sigma Entertains
Guests At Formal Dance
Kappa Sigma entertained at a for-
mal dance last night the following:
Betty Frank, Jackson, Teaheadora
Thielman, Grand Haven, Marjorie
Lewis, Ann Arbor, Louise Sharpe, De-
troit and Edith Higbie, Ann Arbor.
Campus wom-en attending were Paul-
ine Brooks, '34, Margaret Brooks, '36,
Mary Spaulding, '34, Ruth Stesel. '33,
Louise French, '36, Marion Anderson,
'34, Margaret Jackson, '35, Helen
Barr, '35, Carol Savory, '33, Marian
Ovaitt, '34, Estelle Standish, '35, and
Virginia Bell, '36.
Guests of the fraternity were Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Webster and Dr. and
Mrs. McGarvey, of Ann Arbor; Mr.-
and Mrs. C. S. Hutchins, of Pontiac;
Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, of Jackson.
Faculty Members Are
Chaperones At Dances
Among the faculty members pres-
ent at the usual Friday night dance
at the League was Miss Helen Par-
menter, who acted as chaperone. The
Union omitted its regular Friday
night dance because the Soph Prom
was held in the ballroom there; but
a dance was held at the Union as
usual last night, with Mr. and Mrs.
O. S. Duffendack present as chap-
erones. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Huber were
the faculty members who served in
the same capacity at the League
dance last night.
Dr. James F. Breakey, of Barton
Hills, and Mrs. Breakey have been
called out of the city by the death
of Mrs. Breakey's mother, Mrs. Mich-
ael Collins of Pertone, Ill. Dr.
Breakey expects to return Monday
with his daughter, but Mrs. Breakey
is expected to remain in Pertone for
a short time.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - P- - K. D..
Warner, Yale junior who ran on the
Olympic 1600-meter relay team which
set a world's record, has come out for
fall cross country comnpetition. Only
three of the nine members of the Eli
squad are seniors.

JANE KAYanswers
An age-old question .

Detacihable Capes
And Jackets Give
We like the Sigma Nu parties. We
couldn't decide whether it was their
high buttressed eilings, balconies,
the soft music or the pretty gowns of
their guests that gave their party
(don't shoot) a romantic air.
There is something romantic about
a cape and there were several of
them there in many versions. A pale
pink satin had a fairly long cape
that banded the throat tightly and a
wide band of gray squirrel bordered
its edge. A lovely black velvet fea-
tured a cape that was bordered on
all sides with white ermine, and
which tied around the throat in a
soft bow. A white crepe boasted a
cape of chiffon that was heavily em-
broidered in gold sequins and silver
beads. The cape clasped in back and
parted enough to disclose an unusual
Speaking about decolletes an ultra-
sophisticated gown of gold metal
cloth had a most effective one. The
gown came up high in front and con-
tinued in a single strip down the cen-
ter of the back to the waist. A clever
dress of olive green crepe featured
a high, very long oblong neck that
came off the shoulders. A brown vel-
vet flower at the belt, brown gloves
and shoes were her accessories.
A black and white satin gown had
the bodice of white satin made of
two wide strips, while a chalk white
crepe had monk-like sleeves bordered
with brown fur. An egg-shell colored
crepe trimmed with uncut burgandy
velvet had crushed velvet gloves of
the same shade.
Because there were no appeals for
clemency, the South Carolina board
of pardons had to postpone a meet-
ing until some prisoner asked for
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Special - Shampoo, Finger Wave,
Facial and Maicure, all for $1.00.
Combination Croqtiignole
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Phone 21478 625 East Liberty

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The Exquisite JANE KAY yreparations (The
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you in answering this question for yourself.


Expert cosmetician, is giving individuil con-
sultation and complete treatment in a private
booth, teaching the new scientific methods of
facial treatment and makeup.
to all those taking advantage of this
unusual offer next week.

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eauty Parlor




That c5Cost 7mportant Gift
May We Suggest
-for Both Men and Women



is the time
to do your christmas
buying at hutzel's.
buy practical gifts
lounging and sleeping




pajamas, negligees
or silk undies,
silk stockings, by the pair,
or box of three,
1Is rcIr i~ UItr n Yr~i~



J ..
,_ a

and of course







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