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December 04, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-04

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id E iijiGAN

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such situations. It is immediately apparent that
an official commission of economic experts is im-
perative, to unearth and present facts and give
I advice on such matters.


Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.

b l

4 X ITH6AR1 O , $ 50P PN bir 0. Cf ANNA b ! s . yso , m VO
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Cotrol ;of'S1tudent Publications.;.
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tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Third Assistant Postmaster-General. -
5ubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard-Street.
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
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Boyiston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
ITYEITO)1.........................KARL SEIFERT
SPORTS EDITOR....................JOHN W. THOMAS
IGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman P. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
Albert Newman, Harmon Wolfe.
REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A. Ellis
Bal, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald R.
Bird, Donald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur
W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney
Frankel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey Robert B. Hewett,
George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Rich-
arclson. John Simpson, George Van Vleck, Guy M.
Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White.
Z;iatherine Anning, Barbara ates, Marjorie . Bek,
Eleanor B. Blum, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley,
Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar,
Jeanette Duff, Carol J . anan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
son, Frances J. Manchester. Mare J. Murphy, Eleanor
Peterson, Margaret D .,Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet
l'e, Marjorie Western.
Telephone 2-1214
OEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Adeiing Contracts, Orvil Aronson; 'Advertising Serv-
e, Nol Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
eulation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS.: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Alen Cleve-
land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, FredHertrick,
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Elizabeth Ailer Jane Bassett. Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmny, Bilie Griffiths Virginia Hartz Catherine Mr-
Henry, Ueleii Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried,
KAthryn Stork.
SUNDAY, DEC. 4, 1932
Economic Board Needed
To Settle Tax Mix-Up ...
H OW can a balled-up tax situation
in a state government be unrav-
elled? Obviously by means of expert treatment.
The tax situation in Michigan today is highly
complex, and it is difficult to get to the bottom
of the trouble; expert treatment is needed here.
Why not an investigatory commission of economic
experts, official and permanent, vested with power
to dig out facts and present them, together with
appropriate advice, to the legislature? Such a
group is badly needed.
One phase of the question which receives little
publicity is this: who is going to pay for the
sulppoirt of those who themselves can afford to
pay but little? Here we are not referring to in-
stitutional charity, especially; that situation is
well on the way toward solution. But what of
those groups that have impoverished themselves
either through their own folly or through that of
others affiliated with them? Are they to be al-
lowed to pull themselves out of the mess, or is
the entire state to contribute to their rehabilita-
tion? There lies much of the complexity of the
tax question.
There are innumerable examples of this par-
ticular phase of the difficulty, but let us present
one incident that has caused a great deal of
trouble. The Covert Road Act, passed before the
era when automobiles became in general Lise,
was originally intended to provide for financing
of road construction and repair in districts where
it was difficult for farmers to get their produce
to market. If there were bad faults in a given
road which was an artery for an entire farming
coimmunity, the affected farmers might make use
of the provisions of the Covert Act, and float a

bond issue through the state on the basis of their
own property. The cost of making a road prac-
tically for wagon travel, by merely repairing a
few localized zones (levelling a hill, filling a
swale, etc.) might come to a total cost of $30,000;
this, when distributed over the property of sev-
eral farmers;wasno hardship, and they were
usually able to pay off the bonds when they ma-
The situation changed drastically, however,
with the growing popularity of automobiles, espe-
cially in the general neighborhood of Detroit.
Many districts became frantic over the prospect
of concrete roads; real estate men would buy
land on contract, and make use of the Covert
Act to construct many more paved highways than
necessary. In "boom" times (between 1921 and
1929), a 20-foot concrete highway cost between
$30,000 and $35,000 per mile. And when the crash
came, and real estate men defaulted on their
contracts, the farmers came back into possession
of property which was often bonded for far more

Duke ......................Pat O'Brien
Mike ...................Ralph Bellamy
Ruth ....................Gloria Stuart
Slim ................ Slim Summerville
Dizzy ................... Russell Hopton
Irene-..................Lillian Bond
Tommy..... .. ......Frank Albertson
"Air Mail" is a fast-moving, stirring drama of
the men who bring the mail through in modern
We're cramped for space tonight, but don't turn
away from this movie thinking it's old serial
slash-bang stuff. .
It isn't. It's good. That's why it gets two stars.
Gloria Stuart continued to show the promise
which she gave evidence of in earlier pictures.
Pat O'Brien is even better in a swaggering what-
a-man role.
There is a little sex rolled up in "Air Mail,"
and even that would put it out of the ordinary
movie of its general type. We refer to Lillian
Bond as Irene, and Russell Hopton as her hus-
-G. M. W. Jr.

If you're in the Art Cinema League swim, read
this letter. We hope you're an intellectual and
can grasp the import.
To Screen Reflections:
The stink of the Red Revolution penetrated
the halls of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last
night, diffused by faint perfume and vague ex-
halations of Detroit's Mayfair and sorority row.
With tremendous crescendo the impact of the
Revolution battered against the walls of Fascism.
democracy, philistinism, asceticism, scholarism,
professorism, and intellectual kulakism. Last night
the mighty surf spent itself in the gentle rise
and fall of bedizened bosoms, to whom fulle
pneumatic loveliness was imparted by Fifth Ave-
nue's incomparable corsetierres.
Men of steel, revolutionists, tempered in the
hot crucible of centuries of oppression of a class,
smug in its own stupidity, emasculate in its in-
tellectual vaporings, and its pietistic romantic
velleities, had stamped out the last embers of
what had been the glowing of a society of lubri-
citous libertines who alternated conubial felicity
with the rich voluptuousness of bizarre Parisian
bordelloes; a society of fat-bellied shopkeepers,
warm in the bourgeois security of grob Fresserei,
sucking pulpy Havanas in their bloated satiety,
heavily dozing upon the plump breasts of their
wives. These revolutionists, confronted with the
seductive yearning of such comfort averted stag-
nation by the unquenchable fire of their tem-
perament, by the irresistibleness of their desires,
and the massiveness of their ambitions. It was
with one fell sweep that they dispensed with
what had been the product of the accretion of
the ages. Moulded of such metal was the adam-
ant Red Guard who stood immovably fixed and
rigid in the defense of the day, the new day
he guarded on the Nevski bridge.
And it was this that was vouchsafed to the
myopic vision of sanitary college professors, fresh
from their classes in Contemporary Drama, Polit-
ical Science, Sociology, and Victorian Literature.
Were they not overwhelmed with a tremendous
sense of impotence? Were they not horrified with
the littleness of their souls? Were they not ridden
with confusion at their cheap self-abasement?'
Were they not revolted by the dreary aridity of
their teachings? Were they not driven back to
the mustiness of their scholarly closet? Did they
not feel themselves in the presence of an alien
force which disintegrated the careful order of
their existence?
It was the realization of the need to awaken
sueh .slumbering ash-can souls that the Commu-
nist Party, the National Student League and its
intellectual arm, the Art Cinema League produced
yesterday's work, after having gloriously duped thej
pompous poltroons of the faculty and studentj
body who strutted and hawed, without the slight-
est consciousness that their chesty expansiveness
could have suffered a speedy proletarian prick. In
particular one noticed the deliberate smile with
which the Radical Comrade Seidel instructed the
violins to play the trenchant revolutionary an-
them "L'Internationale" dimuendo et un poco
rnaestoso. And so to Mr. Seidel and his revolu-
tionary Kameraden was due an evening gaudy
with the brilliance of a Union dance, festooned
with the tender delights of the English class,
sanctified by professorial respectability, and
withal ennobled by the spark of revolutionary ar-
dor embodied in the National Student League and
its arm, the Art Cinema League.
*Aliases this column was asked to use.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this con un should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymaous commiuncaios will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.
In these hurried days, when perspectives are

golden instruments-we have, in the larger cities
symphonies that are magnificently impressive ras
to size and often-in sound-butwhen it comes
to giving music an actual part in our lives, to
bringing it into the intimacy of our homes and
playing or listening to this "little"' music in the
way and in the setting in which it was intended
to be performed-it just isn't done. And as far
as box office value goes, the failure of the Cham-
ber Music Society to find a large enough au-
dience to provide their series with a stable finan-
cial basis, has shown that even in such a com-
paratively musical community as Ann Arbor there
is very little demand for this type of art.
So, to those who have acquired the taste, it is
a privilege to have an opportunity to be able to
hear this kind of music as it is done by the
School of Music trio. Friday night, in a compli-
mentary concert for the Instrumental Music Clinic
and anyone else who was interested, they gave
a historical survey of compositions that have
been written in this field by representative com-
posers of each of the three great schools. The
program included Rameau, Mozart and Bee-
hoven, for the classicists-Brahms, Turina and
Iansman as the moderns. The works were well
chosen, not only as indications of the character-
istics of their period, but from the standpoint
of a varied and carefully balanced program, and
the players showed an understanding and a
comprehension of each of the different styles of
writing, that made it all the more regrettable that
this music is not more generally played and
-Kathleen Murphy.
To The Editor:
There appears to be a great deal of hue and
ry about the alleged "liquor problem" at the
Jniversity. Does it or does it not exist?
In Ann Arbor, President Ruthven, through the
Daily, tells us that "the drinking situation at
raternities is a problem for the Alumni Inter-
raternity Council to handle. I feel confident
hat the alumni group can take care of the
)roblem without the University interfering for
hey understand the situation much better."
,Thursday, November 24.) The above statement
ertainly presumes that a drinking situation and
problem exist.
In Toledo, President Ruthven tells the alumni
md Rotary Club: "There hasn't been any drink-
ng problem at the University for two years. There
.s less drinking there than in any other town
where there is an equal number of young people.
Whey come to the University to get something and
hey're much too busy to waste much time on
iquor. Fraternities are usually blamed because
hey are the only organized student bodies on
;ampus." (Toledo News Bee.)
For the benefit of the students, we have it from
?resident Ruthven that there is a drinking prob-
,em. For the benefit of the alumni, there is no
?roblem. Which way, Janus?
ro TheEditor:
We offer apologies, deep and sincere, to all
chose who were inconvenienced by the antics of
sur Alex last week. We hadn't, really, intended to
disappoint those people with interest enough in
our hero to rise at nine A. M. only to find that
further exertion was necessary in chasing Alex
from page to page.
To be perfectly honest, we though that Alex
was getting a little old; he had told so many
things, and been around so much, that we thought
that he might be losing his attraction for many
of the students. We didn't think that so many
would miss him if he left his time hallowed po-
sition. After all, Alex is a diminutive cuss, and
easily overlooked. But it appears that a great
percentage of that quality in Alex which is com-
monly 'known as "It" depends on his remaining
in the locality where his fans arenused to looking
for him.
When the dissection of Alex was performed,
we entirely overlooked the possibility that there
might be dissenting voices. But so many people
(including the Alex-American Girl) objected, that
in this issue we have decided to collect the scat-
tered pieces of Alex and put them back together

again. We solemnly promise you now that Alex,
having been properly chastised, won't go chasing
all through the paper, with frenzied and break-
fast-less people trailing him and praying for a
brace or so of bloodhounds to aid in the search.
Seriously, we're glad you like Alex, and now that
our little experiment has proven that you do,
you can expect Alex to "be around" every week,
in the usual place and in the usual manner.
-Alex's Boss.
itorial omment
The University of Chicago has given a year's
trial to an educational plan similar to the Honors
Course here, and proclaims it a success. The
Chicago plan applies to Freshmen andSopho-
mores instead of to upperclassmen as does the
Minnesota honors courses.
The student is expected to obtain a general
knowledge of the humanities, biology and physical
and social sciences. He takes but one special x-
amination, given by a board of examiners and not
the professor, to determine whether he has cov-
ered the ground successfully. There are no other
examinations or additional requirements.
Although class attendance was not made com-
pulsory, no "cutting" problem occurred. One stu-
dent explained it this way: "So many distin-
guished and able lecturers have been provided,
that we would no more think of 'cutting' a
class than we would think of throwing away a


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