(Co-,tinued from Page 2)
.- I
School; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, 11
a.m. Morning Prayer and sermon by
the Reverend Henry Lewis.
Presbyterian S t u d e n t Appoint-
ments: Sunday. 9:30 Student classes
at the church house; 10:30 Morning
worship. Theme, "Sympathy, the Key
that Unlocks All Doors;" 4:15 Stu-
dent Volunteer meeting at Lane Hall;
5:30 Social Hour and Supper at the
church; 6:30 Student Forum. Lead-
er, Prof. Bennet Weaver. Subject,
"Things I Would Like to Think
Lutheran Students: "Do Science
and the Bible Conflict," is the ques-
tion to be discussed at the meeting
this evening. S h e r in a n Hoslett,
Grad., is the Discussion Leader. The
club meets in the Zion Lutheran Par-
ish Hall, corner Washington street
and Fifth avenue at 5:30 o'clock. A
supper, prepared by the ladies of the
church is served for 25c.
Congregational Student Fellowship
--5:30 to 7:30: 5:30 to 6-social half
hour, and at 6:00, supper served for
the nominal sum of 20 cents. At 7
o'clock, Mr. Gordon Halstead, for-
merly Dean of Men at Lucknow Col-
lege, India, will speak on "The Dan-
ger Zone in the Mission System."
Mr. C. Christian Pfohl will play a
trumpet solo, "Nazareth," by Gounod,
accompanied by the University Salon
Baptist Students will remember
that Don Hayne, Grad., is the Sun-
day evening speaker and his topic,
"The Covered Wagon." Guild House,
503 East Huron, 6:00 p.m.
Liberal Students Union -Student
discussion meeting, 7:30 o'clock, Uni-
tarian church. At the morning serv-
ice, at 10:45, Mr. Marley will speak
on "The Supremacy of the Supreme
Botanical Seminar meets Wednes-
day, Nov. 30, at 4:30, room 1139, N. S.
building. Paper by B. M. Davis -
"Polyploidy in Oenothera."
Psychological Journal Club will
meet on Nov. 29, at 7:30 p.m. in room
3126 N.S. Mr. J. K. Osborne will dis-
cuss "Recent Studies in Abstraction,"
and Miss Stella Whiteside will report
on "Abstraction in Aments." All in-
terested are cordially invited to at-
Romance Journal Club will meet
on Monday, Nov. 28, at 4:10 p.m. in
R.L. 108. Dr. Bement will speak on
"The Persistence of French Present
Subjunctive Endings--ons, ez~" and
Mr. Mercado on "La Sanjurjada of
last August." Graduate students and
others interested are cordially invited
to attend.
All women in education will be in-
terested in hearing Dr. Randolph G.
Adams give a talk about the Wm.
Clements Library, Dec. 1, at 7:30 p.m.
in that building. Please use rear en-
Men's Physical Education Meeting
on Tuesday, Nov. 29, at the Union,
7:30 p.m.
Forestry Club Meeting. Tuesday,
Nov. 29, at 7:15 p.m. To discuss ban-
quet with M.S.C. Student talks.
Comedy Club: Tryouts Tuesday at
4 for those notified. Michigan League.
See Bulletin Board for room. It is
important that all members be pres-
All - Campus Open Forum: Dr.
Frederick Fisher of Ann Arbor will
discuss "Can America Maintain Her
Standard of Living?, Tuesday, Nov.
29, at 4:15 in Natural Science Audi-
Michigan Interpretive Arts Society:
The next program will be held on
Thursday, Dec. 1, at 7:30 p.m., Room
302 Mason Hall. Professor Louis M.
Eich will give a lecture-reading from
a current play.
Ary person wishing to support the
activities of this society and to attend
its programs may secure a Guest
Membership card for a nominal fee
at Wahr's or Students Supply Store.
These membership cards will admit
the holder and a visitor to Professor
Eich's reading and to the other pro-
grams of the society. Active members
may obtain a visitor's card from the
secretary of the society or from the
chairman of the membership com-
Poetry Society will meet Tuesday,
Nov. 29, at 7:45 p.m., room 3227 An-
gell Hall.
Adelphi House of Representatives
regular meeting Tuesday, Nov. 29, at
7:30 on the fourth floor of Angell
Hall. An entertaining program has
been prepared and all members are
urged to attend. Visitors are welcome.
Graduate Luncheon Club will meet
at 12:15 Tuesday in the Russian Tea
Room of the Michigan League. Pro-
fessor Peter Field, Professor Clifford
Woody, Professor Theophil Hilde-
brandt, and Professor Howard Mc-
Cluskey will attend.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal Mon-
day evening, Nov. 28, in the Glee Club
rooms. Annual dues will be collected.
Varsity Football and Concert Band:
Concert band rehearsal Monday 5
o'clock at Morris Hall. All members
of the football band will meet in full
uniform at Yost Field House Monday
at 7 p.m. to retake the moving pic-
Tryouts for the Hillel Players' Win-
ter Production are invited to audi-
tions to be held from 7 to 10 p.m.,
Wednesday, Nov. 30, in the Michigan
League. All students except first se-
mester freshmen are eligible. Bring a
prepared reading for three-minute
Tap Dancing-University Women:
A tap dancing club will meet for the
first time on Wednesday afternoon,
Modern Gold
Rush In West
Is Described
More than 50,000 men are pan-
ning for gold in the creeks and river
beds of the Rocky and the Sierra
Nevada mountains, said E. A. Eard-
ley of the geology department in a
radio speech last night.
"The gambling possibilities of big
returns from a venture involving a
small expenditure such as hand
working of placer deposits has," Mr.
Eardley declared, "appealed to rest-
less unemployed, and many have
headed west with high hopes."
Nov. 30. Beginners will meet at the
Women's Athletic building and ad-
vanced students in the basement of
Barbour gymnasium, both groups
meeting at 4 o'clock. Anyone inter-
ested is invited to come.
Ping Pong final matches for All-
Campus championship will be held
Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 28 and 29,
in the Michigan Union Billiard Room.
Spectators are cordially invited.
Play-Reading Section of the Facul-
ty Women's Club will meet Tuesday
promptly at 2:15, Grand Rapids room,
Michigan League.
If You writs we bae it.
Correspondence Statio ezy,
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