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November 27, 1932 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-27

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A -P u!s

riiiii 44"SL ',
Jukool E--Ty

Annual Party Is Given
For Zoology Department

Holiday Causes
Dull Week-End
At Fraternities
Many Of Students Leave
City For Short Vacation;
Phi Chi Formal Is Held
The chance of a long week-end
over Thanksgiving induced many
students to return home. Other stu-
dents who live at a distance visited
friends in nearby cities or spent the
Week-end with the families of other
students. However, the fact that Phi
Chi held a formal dance on Wednes-
day shows that entertainment was
not lacking for those who stayed in
Ann Arbor.
Phi Chi held a formal dance
Wednesday, Nov. 24. Among the
guests who attended were: Mary
Kate Price, Grad., Roberta Fowkes,
'34, Francene Wright, '34, Barbara
Van DerVort, '34, Enid Bush, '33,
Margaret Zeiner, '34, Eleanor Blum,
'35, Demarine Cornell, '34, Dorothy
Roger, '33, Vivian Miles, '34, Frances
ROrick, '34, Ruth Kurtz, '34, Elinor
Riker, '34.
Guests from Ann Arbor included:
Dorothy Hale, Dorothy Parsons, Doris
Dayton, Margarite Dayton, Marjorie
LeWIs, Helen Michen, Elsie loux,.
Among the out-of-town guests
were La Berne Zinimerman, Oberlin,
Ohio; Dorothy Kelso, Detroit; Maur-
ine La Lorde, Toledo, Ohio; Gene-
vieve Bartlett, Detroit; Patricia Par-
sons, Lansing; Dorothy Downer, Bay
City; Xaatherine Brooke, Grand
Rapids; Polly Lander, Ypsilanti.
Chaperones for the dance were Dr.
H. H. Tiecker and Mrs. Riecker, Dr.
A. Curtis and Mrs. Curtis, Dr. Fro-
lich and Mrs. Grolich, Dr. Johnson
and Mrs. Johnson.
Those returning home for the
Thanksgiving week-end are: Clar-
ence Shaw, '33M; Samtel Zoss, '33M
Abraham Becker, '34M; Robert Leon;
Joseph Sklaver, '33; Herbert Kat,
'35M; Hy Fisher, '34, and Louis
Klatkins, '35M.
The following men were out of
town over the Thanksgiving week-
end: Bob Slessinger, Detroit; Jim
Davis, '32, Cleveland; Milton Schloss,
'3'4, Cincinnati; Henry Levy, '34, and
J M. Bensinger, Louisville, Ky.; El-
mer Herfutz and Edward Loeb, Chi-
cago; jilton Einstein, '25E, Cleve-
land, and Al Hershfeildt, Detroit.
Phi Epsilon Pi wishes to announce
the birth of two guinea pigs. The
proud parents are Little Eva and
Pete. The children have been named
Jeanie Weenie and Shot. Mother and
children are doing well.
Don Davis, '32, William Dibble, '33'
and William Warner, '35, are spend-
ing the week-end in Detroit.
Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
who have either gone to their homes
or are visiting friends over the week-
end are as follows: Otto Bird, '35,
Jack Dudley, '35, James Wiles, '36,
Reynolds Smith, Jr., '36, James Hey-
wood, '34, and John Healey, '35, have
gone to Battle Creek.
Malcolm Otis, '33, and Reed Scott,
'35, have gone to Birmingham to
siend the holiday and week-end. Ned
Welch, '35, is in Detroit visiting
friends. Carl Furner, '36, left for
Sturgis, Mich., Richard Egan, '33,
has gone to Adrian, and Roaldus
Richmond, '33, to Howell.
Walter Sullivan, '35, is spending a
few days with friends in Chicago,
Edward Jaros, '35, is in Detroit, and
Frederick Windsor, '34, is in South
Bend, Ind. George Tourtellot, III, '36,
few to Kansas City to visit his

The average American motor ve-
hidle in 1931 wvas fitted with two new1
iies during the year, "acordin to
tire manufacturers' figures.

Jj , Atanp Is Patr-icia, Not (;loria

Breakfast After 'Sorority Offers
Ball Featured Large Awards
At Sororitie . For Research


Nearly all the sororities on campus Pi Lambda Theta, National
served breakfast on Saturday morn-
ing for the members and their guests, Educational Fraternity,
after the Pan-Hellenic ball. As soon AnnoucesFlowship
as the ball was over many sorority _____sFe_ wh_
members left for their homes for they
week-end. Pi Lambda Theta, national educa-
i tion fraternity for women, recently
I)1f1'A l)ELT''A DELTA announced an award frioni the na-
Del a Delta Delta sorority enter- tional office of the organization to be
tained, seven couples at breakfastg.g. y.
n[.l-V fl17a+ SiflgnYfn1snh in year 1933-

Members of the zoology depart-
mont turned out en masse for a party
given in their honor at 8:30 last
night at the Women's Athletic Build-
ig. Facutymemersan gradat e
* studeniSts wiih thir ive1s and hus-
sands were the guesls.
Al Cowan n1d his h from
he Leue grill room played for the
*(lanci ng;and 1tho<;e who sdid lnot ,care
to dance had coniplete runl of the'
building for bowling, games and
Loth students and faculty helped
to plan the party. Those in charge
were: Dr. A. E. Woodward. Mrs. A.
L. Oleson, Mrs. J. Brierley, Mrs. J.
D. Brown, Dr. A. H. Stockard, all of
the zoology department.
Sorority Sponsors Sale
Of Settlement Products
Each year Bi Beta Phi sponsors a
sale of the products made by the
Pi Beta Phi settlement school; this
year the sale is to be held from 1
to 6 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 29, at the
home of Mrs. Carl Huber, 1330 Hill
street, and on Wednesday, Nov. 30,
and Thursday, Dec. 1, at the home
of Mrs. Alfred H. White, 608 Onon-
daga street.
The articles are made by Tennessee
mountain women and include bas-
kets, woven goods, and handmade
furniture, and refinished antiques.

Former Michigan
Student Plays With
Bostelle Company
Alan Handley, former Michigan
stuident, whose full name "is James
Alan Rives-Briscoe Handley, will play
the part of Ralph Merridew in the
Bonstelle Civic Theatre produt~Ion
of "Peter Ibbetson" opening Dec. 2.
Robert Henderson, manager of the
theatre announced yesterday.
Handley, who played thh same role
in the Ann Arbor production of th~e
play last spring in Henderson's Dra-
matic Festival, appeared on the cam-
pus last year in "Tour Du Monde,"
"Berkeley Square," "Meet the Prince,"
"Paolo and Francesca," and "The
Taming of the Shrew."
Mildred Todd, well-known here for
work in campus dramatics, will also
have the same part that she had in
"Peter Ibbetson" last spring in the
Detroit production. Eugenie Chapel.
who was also prominent in campus
dramatics, is playing in "Best Years,"
opening at the Bonstelle Theatre
Nov. 25.
$2.0 Doz.
1110 E, Huroni St. Plonie 3355


ai er the r.n-Hellenic ball. The
house was attractively decorated with
flowers and tapers .
Many members of the Gamma Phi
Beta sorority were out of town for the
Thanksgiving holiday. Doris Clarke,
'33, Helen MacGregor, '33, and Laura1
Finley, '33, were guests of Dorothy
weens '35, of Detroit, at a formal din-
ner Wednesday night,
Others who went to Detroit were
Martha Chapman, '33, Enid Bush,
'33, Carol Savery, '33, and Marian
Schmidt, '33,. Jane McCready, '33,
went to her home in Jackson and is
spending the week-end there. Eliza-
beth Dousseau, '33, is spending the
week-end in Monroe.
Breakfast was served at the house
after the Pan-Hellenic ball for twelve
couples. Decorations were blue tapers
and yellow nmums.

:31 to "a woman whoi1he to do-
vote lerl.-f to research in educa-
'This fellowshipj is known as the
Ella Victoria Dobbs Pellovship of Pi
Lambda Theta. It carries a stipend
of $1,000, $900 of which will be paid
in two 'equal amounts and the re-
mainder after certain obligations
connected with the award have been
Any woman who has at least a de-
gree of Master of Arts from some
graduate school of recognized worth,
who has shown distinct skill in
teaching, has done significant work
in research, and in addition, who
has definite plans for further re-
search, may make application for the
award. The applicant need not be
a member of Pi Lambda Theta.

(Assocti t j p inhto)
At first glance you many think this girl is Ciloria S.wanon, t she is
Patricia FMarley, a (oinpai'ative newcomer to th 6 films who looks much like


P opular Orchestral
Will Bie Feature Of
Sophomore Prom
The orchestra of Henry Theis
which is to play for the Soph Prom
on Dec. 2 is versatile organization
which has earned a reputation in two
distinct fields, one on the air as a
radio feature and the other on col-
lege campuses throughout the East
and Middle West as a popular dance
Three years as the featured or-
chestra at station WLW in Cincin-
nati gave the Theis band a national
reputation, and for two years dug-
ing that time it was presented reg-
ularly by the National Broadcasting
Company on a Sunday evening hook-
up. In addition it was signed to play
for numerous commercial programs,
among them the Studebaker, Canada
'i'y and Sohio hours.
Early last spring, with the begin-
ning of the spring dance season,
Theis resigned from the staff of
WLW and began an extensive college
tour which carried his orchestra
throughout the central and eastern
states. Purdue University, Culver
Military Academy, Ohio State Uni-
versity, the University of Wisconsin,
Washington and Lee University and
many other Ohio and Southern
schools received him on his tour.
The - band continued to travel
throughout the summer, and return-
ed to Cincinnati in September where
it has since been playing in the Flor-
a -. - - ,.- F
x: 444

The entire Kappa Alpha Theta
house has gone to their respective
Dorm Gives Break i'ast homes over the week-end.
At League A fter Ball Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority en-
tertained seventeen couples at the
MarthahCook residents who at- house for breakfast after the Pan-
tended the Pan-Hellenic Ball re- , Hellenic ball. The rooms were attrac-
served a private dining room in the tively decorated with flowers and
League for breakfast after the dance., tapers.
Twelve couples attended. Miss Mar- Harriet White, '34, and Grace May-
garet Ruth Smith, social director, er, '34, are spending the week-end in
chaperoned. Guests of the residents Detroit. Barbara Rose, and Rebecca
for the ball were Mary Thompson, Cruette have gone to Cleveland.
guest of Florence Reed, '33; and Mar- PI BETA PI'
garet Wright, guest of Kitty Wright, Nineteen couples were served at
'33. Table decorations were carried breakfast at the Pi Beta Phi house
out with mums and tapers. after the Pan-Hellenic ball. The dec-
Several guests from out of town orations were carried out in orange
were entertained this week-end. They and yellow with orange tapers and
were: Harriet Campbell, Highland yellow flowers.
Park, guest of Helen Campbell, '33; Members of the sorority who have
Genevieve Hotelling, Chicago, guest gone home over the week-end are
of Winifred Billett, '33; Mirian Sny- Helen Spencer, '33, to Grand Rapids,
der, Erie, Pa., guest of Betty Snyder, and Helen DeWitt, '33, to her home
'33Ed.; Elizabeth M o o r e, Grand in, St. John's.
Haven, guest of Mary Louise Moore, ZETA TAU ALPHA
'33; Margapet Wright, Grand Rapids, Fifteen couples were entertained at
guest of Kitty Wright, '33. breakfast at the Zeta Tau Alpha
--- - . h o u s e a f t e r t h e P a n - H e l l e n i c b a l l .
ntine room of the Hotel Gibson.Ii T Y' W RITEr6. 8
will remain there until it leaves for j P--
Ann Arbor. o e - 9eRaired
After the Soph Prom, Theis will go cskR
to Detroit where his orchestra willo-iP_
reopen the Oriole Terrace, a supliel0# M.L
club jtae . Arb or,

Application must be made by Jan-
uary 1, 1933 on a blank form which
will be supplied on request by the
secretary of the committee on award,
Maude McBroom, State University of
Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Further de-
tails will be supplied by the local
chapter of Pi Lambda Theta.
Certain obligations are incurred in
the award, such as definite reports
on research activity, and a compleie
devotion to research work on the part 1
of the award winner.I
Fooling the hen into working over-
time by use of artificial light is sound
and profitable, according to A. J.
Chadwell, poultry specialist at the
American Beauty rose-buds and black
tapers carried out the decorations.
Esther Rensrew, of Alpha Delta
chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha, is a guest
of the house this week-end, from In-
dianapolis, Ind.
Amelia Hendrick, '33, is spending
the week-end in Detroit and Lois
Zimmerman has gone to Virginia!
Polytechnic Institute as a guest over
the week-end.


_. , '



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