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November 16, 1932 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-16

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University Girls' Glee Club usual coat will give the Review of Litera-
weekly rehearsal at the League at 7:30 ture. Meeting will be held in Room
p. m. in their Glee club room. 445 West Engineering Building on
Thursday, November 17, at 7:30 p. m.
Freshman Men's Glee Club meets Those interested are cordially invited
at 5 p. m. in the musical activities to attend.
room in the Union. Any one inter-
ested is invited to attend. Sigma Xi: The Michigan Chapter
will meet Thursday, November 17, at
Graduate Students' Dancing Les- 8 p. m. in the Amphitheatre of the
sons: Michigan League, 7:30-8:30 p. Dental Building. The plan of the
m. school for the teaching of dentistry
will be explained and some of the
Dance Club--University Women: teaching facilities as well as the re-
Girls who expect to take part in the searches of the school will be in-
program are urged to be present at spected. Refreshments.
the meeting this evening from 7:30
to 9:00 in Barbour Gymnasium. Goethe Film: A film dealing with
Those who can not be present, please life and writings of Goethe will be
call Mary Pray at Mosher Jordan given in Natural Science Auditorium
Dormitory. on Thursday, November 17, at 4:15
p. m. The film is silent, the titling
Rifle Club-Women S t u d e n t s: being partly in English and partly
There will be a meeting of all wo- in German. The showing will be pre-
men interested in rifle today at 4 faced by explanatory remarks by Mr.
o'clock at the Women's Athletic Stearns of the German Department.
American Institute of Electrical En- I
Michigan Socialist Club: The pub- gineers Student Branch will meet
lic is cordially invited to attend the Thursday, November 17, at 7:30 p. m.
first of the series of educational in Room 248 West Engineering Bldg.
meetings to be sponsored by the club Through the courtesy of :the Stone
at 8 p. m. in the Michigan Union. and Webster Eng. Corp., a film
"The capital levy, and its economic "Power" will be shown. Mr. J. R.
consequences" will be the-subject un- Macintyre, a student, will speak on
der discussion and will be presented "The Mercury Vapor Boiler." Re-
by Charles Orr. freshments will be served at the close
A business meeting of the club, for of the program. All Electrical Engi-
members only, will be held at 7 p. m neering students are welcome.
in the Union.
Music Section of the Faculty Wo- Iota Sigma Pi meets at 7:30 p. m.
men's Club meets at 8:15 p.i m. at the Thursday in Michigan League. All
home of Mrs. C. E. Griffin, 21 Ridge- members are urged to be present.
way. A program of music of the
British Isles will be presented under Latin American Club meets Thurs-
the direction of Mrs. F. N. Wilson. day, November 17, at 8 p. m. sharp,
Room 302 Michigan Union. Import-
Chess and Checker Club meeting ant matters will be discussed and the
at 7:30 p. in., Room 304 Michigan date of the banquet fixed.
Union. All men and women interest-
ed are urged to attend. Please bring Camera Club announces its first
own chess sets. meeting to be held in room 346 of
the Architectural building on Thurs-
COMING EVENTS day, November 17, at eight o'clock.
Geological Journal Club: Thurs- Professor Young will speak on an
day, November 17, at 8:00 p. m. in interesting phase of photography.
Room 4054 N. S. Program: The Geo- Everyone is cordially invited.
logy of Gypsum Deposits, by W. M.
Myers, and Reviews of Current Lit- Junior Education Elections will be
erature, by graduate students. held in room 2431 University High
School on Thursday, November 17
Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4 o'clock. Bring identification
at 4:15 Thursday, November 17, in cards and eligibility slips.
the Observatory lecture room. Mr.
Orren Mohler will discuss the 'work Badminton: There will be exhibi-
of Lyot on the observation of the tiqn games by a group of Detroit
solar corona without an eclipse. Tea players at the Intramural Sports
will be served at 3:45. Building Thursday evening at 8:30.
Women students who wish to play
Applied Mechanics Colloquium. Mr. will have the opportunity to do so.
D. K. Kazarinoff will give a paper on
"Some Problems of Dynamics of a Sigma Delta Chi: Important meet-
Rigid Body." Professor R. T, Liddi- ing at noon today in the Union.

Community Fund Sets $63,000
Goal; Drive Begins Tomorrow


FOR RENT-Very nicely furnished
two-room apartment. Electrical-re-
frigeration. Rent reduced. On cam-
pus. Phone 7561. 147
FOR RENT-Lower half of duplex at
1403 Packard St. Five-rooms and
garage. Steam heat furnished.
Electric stove and refrigerator.
Completely furnished if desired.
Harkins Benge Realty Co. Phone
7011, eves, 2-1426. 148
LOST-Black and white fountain
pen with name Elizabeth Robinson
printed on it. Phone 2-3248. 149

2 lines daily, college year.........c LOST-One Music Theory Syllabus
4 lines E. 0. D., college year......7c
100 'ines used as desired..........9c B-1 and B-2. History book, Monroe
300 lines used as desired.........8c and Sowntag. Notebook. At Ferry
1,000 lines used as desired. ....... .7c
2.000 lines used as desired.........6c Field, Thursday. Call 6592. 140
The above rates are per reading line,
sed on eight reading lines per inch.
nic type, upper and lower ce .Ad LOST-Female Scotch Terrier. On
per line to above rates for all capi-
1 letters. Add 6c pe Mile to above Campus Sunday night. Finder
r bold face, upper and lower case. phone 2-3462. Home 814 Hill.
id 10c per line to above rates for bold 144
ce capital letters.,
The above rates are for 7%1 point
NOTICE WANTED-Two passengers to Min-
H FRIENDS neapolis. Leaving Friday noon. Re-
4 Chairs Per Table turning Monday. Car heated. Rates
als (20 per week) .......... $4,00 cheap. Brownson, 9718. 152
als Singly: WANTED-To tutor in German.
3reakfast 15c-20c, 7:30-8:45 a. in. Have M. A. degree. Experienced.
umch .. ....30c, 12:00-1:00 p. m.
)inner .....40c, 5:30-7:00 p. m. Reasonable rates. Write 396 Jor-
unday Dinner 45c, 12:30-2 p. m dan Hall. 143
909 East Huron
3lock North of Michigan League Modeled after Guy's hospital in
Grounds) London, the original building of the
MICHIGAN DINING ROOM New Orleans Charity hospital be-
151 came 100 years old this year.


The Soul of a
Great City
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Jniversity of Michigan Radio Club meets at 7:30 p. in., Room 302
igan Union. Annual election of officers will be held and the attend-
of all members is requested.


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