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November 16, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-16

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy, snow; colder:
Thursday colder.


~t igan



Michigan The Champions Of
The West; The Grand Old
Party A Chronic Minority.


VOL. XLII No. 45




State School
Presidents To
Open Meeting
University Of Wisconsin
Regent To Speak; Group
Will Adjourn To Lansing
Rotr Luncheon,
Tea For Members
Religious Instruction Will
Be Subject Of Ruthven's
Opening Address Today
Addresses by Frederick B. Robin-
son, president of the College of the
City of New York, Daniel H. Grady,
regent of the UniveIsity of Wiscon-
sin, and Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven,
president of the University will open
the annual convention of the Asso-.
ciation of Governing Boards of State
Universities and Allied Institutions in
Ann Arbor today.
After a one-day meeting here the
group will adjourn to East Lansing
Thursday morning, where the re-
mainder of the four-day convention
will be conducted under the auspices
of Michigan Sate College.
Founded in Ann Arbor
The Association was founded in
Ann Arbor in 1920 at an educational
convention which was in session at
the time of President Burton's inau-
guratiop1. As a part of that program
a.special meeting of regents and
trustees of various institutions was
held and it proved so profitable to
them that a permanent organization
was affected.
The convention will open at 10 a.
m. at the Michigan Union. After roll
call, President Ruthven will speak on
Th'e gnization of Religious In-
structiol in a State University." Clif-
ford W. Mills, chairman of the com-
mittee on athletics, will present the
report. of. that committee, *hcb will
then be discussed by the asembly aS
a whole.
The Rotary club will entertain the
conventionrat luncheon, whre Dr.
Grady, who "gradated from the
Michigan Law School in 1894, will
speak. The afternoon will be devot-
ed to a tour of the campus and the
organ recital by Palmer Cristian
at 4:15 p. m. Tea will be served at
the President's residence at 5:00, and
dinner at 7 at the Michigan League.
Robinson to Speak
Mr. Robinson will speak at 8 p. m.
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre on,
"If Anything Is Wrong With Formal
Education, What Is It?"
At 10 a. in. Thursday morning the
convention will meet at the Union to
leave for Lansing. Charles F. Ward,
president of the association and
president of the University of Mis-
souri, will deliver the president's ad-
dress at 2 p. m. in the Little Theater
of the Home Economics building.
there Other speeches will follow dur-
ing the next two days by Webster H.I
Pearce, state superintendent of pub-
lic instruction; M. M. Chambers,
honorary fellow, Ohio State Univer-
sity; Prof. Solomon S. Huebner, Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania; and Robertj
S. Shaw, president of Michigan State
The program will conclude with
the Michigan state-University of De-
troit football game Saturday after-]
Ann Arbor Merchants
Plan Dollar Day Sales

Friday will be Dollar Day in Anna
The Retail Merchants Division of
the Ann Arbor Chamber of Com-
merce has announced plans for a day
of saving. More than sixty merchants{
are co-operating.
Arrangements include special pro-{
visions for the parking of cars, spe-
cial luncheons to be served in restau-
rants and many other features to
help the shopper take advantage of
the sales in Ann Arbor stores.
Mr. F. C. Cahow, of the Cahow
Drug Store, who is in charge of park-
ing arrangements, told The Daily
yesterday that he would announce
specific regulations at some later"
The general affairs committee in-
cludes H. F. Straus, C. A. Wolf, Paul
Proud, Fred Schmid and Julius
Schaefer. Each member represents a
leading Ann Arbor store.
Marauders Enter Gasp
Station, Get Over $140

President, Irs. Hoover View Damn

Science Talks
Delivered On
Members Of Academy Of
Sciences G iv e Papers
In Lydia Mendelssohn
Public May Hear
Meetings Today
Dr. William Beebe Sends
Report, Was Unable To
Attend In Person
Experiments demonstrating every-
thing from the probability that sleep
is a hardening of proteins to the pos-
sibility that a newly discovered in-
tercellular communicating system
will reveal the nature of the nerve
impulse were described at yesterday's
sessions of the National Academy of
Sciences in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the ge-
ology department, and one of the
University of Michigan's four mem-
bers of the Academy, delivered an il-
A complete account of the lec-
tures today, together with a pro-
gram of the public sessions to-
morrow, appears on page six.

(Associatct! Press .Photo)
President Hoover inspected construction progress at the Hoover,
dam, the gigantic project along the Colorado River, on his return trip
to Washington from California. Secretary of the Interior Ray Lyman
Wilbur, who spoke here recently at a Unionis s t-'th the
President and Mrs. Hoover.

State S treet
Wins Fourth
Class Election
Van Zile, Pardee, Farley,
Hilty Chosen To Head
Freshmen Class
State Street ran through the last
class election of the year with -full
force yesterday when the freshmen
of that party ran up a plurality of
more than 112 votes, giving State
Street itr Iourthi decisive vi~tery of
the year.
Phillip Van Zile, Delta Kappa Ep-
silon, is the newly-elected president,
having received 228 votes to his op-
ponent's 96. Helen Farley, Mosher-
Jordan, defeated Florence Kemp,
Alumni House, for the vice presidency
by a margin of 223 to 111.
Mary Jean Pardee, Betsy Barbour
and Kappa Alpha Theta, ran a few
votes ahead of the party, polling 231
to Virginia Almand, Mosher-Jordan
and Gamma Phi Beta, who received
97 for the office of secretary. Bob
Hilty, Phi Kappa Psi, defeated Wil-
liam Dixon, Kappa Sigma, by a vote
of 228 to 100.
The results were officially accept-
ed by the Student Council at its
weekly meeting last night.
It was also decided at the meet-
ing to hold a send-off for the foot-
ball team Thursday afternoon as the
Varsity eleven leaves for its last game
of the season at Minneapolis, Minn.
Junior elections in the Business Ad-
ministration School will take place
from 3:30 to 4:30 p. m. tomorrow in
room 206, Tappan Hall, it was an-
nounced last night at the Council
Sophomores in the engineering col-
lege will also go to the polls tomor-
row at 10 a. m. in room 348 W. Engi-
neering building. All sophomores are
excused from classes at this hour,
according to Alistair Mitchell, chair-
man in charge of the elections.
Joseph F. Zias, Student Council
president, denied yesterday that he
had deliberately withheld from the
Freshman State Street party the fact
that the class o1936 elections had
been advanced one day. He pointed
out that immediately after the Stu-
dent Council meeting at which it was
decided to advance the election, pub-
licity had been given to the fact in
a small story in The Daily.
Freshman Lunch Clubs
Report Big Attendance
An attendance expected soon to in-
crease to more than the proportions
of last year is reported at the two
Dean's Freshman Luncheon Clubs,
meeting weekly at the Union.
The clubs, named the Potawatomis
and the Miamis, after two Indian
tribes who traditionally inhabited
this region, are a continuation of last
year's groups, which "made a valu-
able, unforgettable link in forming
long-standing friendships," in the
words of members of last year's

DisGe Will

lustrated lecture on past and present
expeditions to study the Greenland
ak es vstem continental glacier. Professor Hobbs
discussed the findings of these expe-'
ditions and their bearing on the anti-
St. Lawrence Waterway cyclone theory.
To Be Topic Of addres A paper prepared by Dr. Willianj
ss Beebe, well-known explorer and na-
At Trade Conference tural scientist, was read. Dr. Beebe
was unable himself to be present. His
Prof. F. N. Menefee of the Engi- paper set forth a preliminary ac-
neering mechanics department will count of the deep sea dives in -the
address the St. Lawrence Seaway and Bathysphere he has helped develop,
with special reference being made to
International Trade Conference to-
"Teone descent of 2,000 feet.
day in Ietroit on the subject, "The Dr. d n H. H ae, director of the
Great Lakes Industrial Plant and the . .,h
. -oological laboratories of Harvard
St. Lawrence Waterway," it was an- i University, described the hitherto
pounced last night. little known transmission system be-
Professor Menefee has been study- tween cells of animal bodies. Accord-

ing the waterway problem for severalj
years. He is listed in the Science and
Engineering Who's Who. His talk will
be at 11 a. m. today at the Book-
Cadillac Hotel.
The treaty with Canada to provide
the waterway has been signed by
President Hoover, but it yet remains
to be approved by the Senate. Gov.
Franklin D. Roosevelt has intimated
on several occasions that he is op-
posed to the measure.
DETROIT, Nov. 15.-(A)-A drive
to bring about the mid-west hope
for a waterway to the sea got under
way here today, with representatives
of trade and civic interests in the
Great Lakes area gathered for the
St. Lawrence Seaway and Interna-
tional Trade conference.
With the chief purpose of the con-
ference expressed by one of its speak-
ers as "to analyze the opposition and
its claims and to prevent . . . in
Washington all available testimony
favorable to construction" of the
seaway project, 100 delegates held
all-day sessions and planned to re-.
sume tomorrow their discussions.
Resolutions urging the Senate to
ratify the St. Lawrence treaty with
Canada were expected to be drafted
before the close of the conference,
while a Canadian speaker, O. E.
Fleming, Windsor, Ont., attorney, de-
clared the carrying to completion of
the seaway to be entirely up to the
United States.

ing to Dr. Parker this inter-cellular
action is as important to the life pro-
cess as the circulation of blood and
eadig Oxford
Economist Will

Tax Cut Bill
Has Lead Of
Amendment To Force The
Limitation Of Property
Taxes Is Approved
126 Precincts Are
Not Yet Reported
Pearce Declares Measure
Will Jeopardize School
District Funds
LANSING, Nov. 15. - (P) - The
probability that Michigan's constitu-
tion will be amended to force a limi-
tation of $15 a $1,000 in property
taxes has precipitated a state-wide
Latest returns from last Tuesday's
election show the proposed tax lim-
itation amendment has a lead of
more than 23,000 votes for the affir-
mative. Most of the 126 precincts
missing in this computation are in
territory where a majority in favor
of the amendment is indicated.
May Bankrupt Schools
The controversy over the amend-
ment found Attorney General Paul
W. Voorhies claiming it will force
a complete revision of the state taxa-
tion system. From Webster H. Pearce,
superintendent of public instruction,
came the opinion it will bankrupt
many school districts and jeopardize
the primary school fund.
On the other side of the question,
Hal H. Smith, counsel for the Michi-
gan Manufacturers Association, de-
nied the amendment will precipitate
a turnover in the tax system. He
said it will demand only minor eco-
nomies in the operation of the state
and local governments.
While those opposed to the amend-
ment have claimed it will necessitate
new forms of revenue, the Michigan
State Grange, strong advocate of the
measure, contends the reduction in
the average tax can be met by strict
economies. .
Revenue Is 'Problem
"The average tax rate in 1931 Was
$32.38 per $1,000 of valuation," Voor-
hies said. "The first major problem
which would result from adoption of
the proposed amendment would be to
find additional sources of revenue.
The local subdivisions have practical-
ly no way in which to raise money
except through the property tax."
Voorhies and Pearce agreed the
primary school fund will be jeopar-.
dized by the amendments, the latter
said the fund this year would have
been $3,000,000 less had the limita-
tion been in effect. He estimated it
will decrease about $1,000,000 a year
in the future as debts are gradually
The primary school fund is com-
prised largely of payments by utili-
ties. The rate paid by these groups is
the average tax rate of the state. To
reduce this rate to $15 a $1,000 will
mean a drastic drop in the primary
school fund, opponents of the amend-
ment claim.
Libby Holman
Is Exonerated;
Walker Freed
S t a t e Releases Actress
Because Of Insufficient

Evidence To Convict
WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., Nov. 15.
-(IP)-The State today wiped out the
murder charge it had placed against
Libby Holman Reynolds and nine-
teen-year-old Albert Walker shortly
after the fatal shooting last July of
Smith Reynolds, her milionaire hus-
band and a chum of Walker.
Solicitor Carlisle Higgins nol-
prossed the case, with a brief an-
nouncement that a thorough study
of the evidence against Mrs. Rey-
nolds and Walker convinced him
that the State would not be justified
in pressing the charges. The an-
nouncement came as a brief and un-
spectacular interlude at a petty lar-
ceny trial.
"In my opinion," he said, "a trial
on the evidence we have would pro-
duce one result only-a verdict of ac-
The case was officially ended at
12:20 p.im., when Judge A. M. Stack,
presiding in Superior Court, direct-

Council, committee
Cooperate On Date
Well, maybe, and then again,
maybe not.
Anyway,'the Student Council
had a meeting at which they de-
cided that the Soph Prom would
be on Dec. 2 ant: that the price of
tickets would be $3. At the same
time the sophomore committee
had a meeting at which they de-
cided without the help of the
Council's advise, that the dance
should be on Dec. 2 and that the
price of the tickets should be $3.
Maybe it was a case of mental
telepathy or maybe the Lord just
got tired of seeing people dis-
agree with the Council and sent
one of his angels down to guide
the sophomores in their confer-
Reduce Price
f Soph Prom;
jTo Be Dec. 2

Belgium Joins
In Appeal For
Debt Revision;
Europe W aits
Demnpcratic Congressmen
Say Congress Will Not
Pass Reduction; Hoover
To Talk With Roosevelt
President Denies
Favoring Extension
Belgian Note Similar To
French, British, State
Department Offi cials
Hint; To Be Made Public
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.-(P)-
While European capitals waited
anxiously today for America's answer
to French and British requests for
a renewed study of the war debt sit-
iation and an extension of the Hoo-
ver moratorium, a third request for
such action was received at the state
department, this one from the Bel-
gian government.
President Hoover, meanwhile, was
speeding, eastward to dig into the
problem with his advisors here and
<o over it personally and soon with
President-elect Roosevelt. The date
of the latter meeting had not been
set, but Albany dispatches indicated
it would occur by the middle of next
Some Able to Pay
Administration spokesmen denied
press reports (not carried by The As-
sociated Press) that Mr. Hoover fa-
vored another year of the morato-
rium. It was indicated that the ad-
ministration believes this country
should adopt a more rigid attitude



Agnew's B a n d
Be Secured For
Class Dance


Ephriam Lipson, reader in eco-
nomic history at Oxford University,
and who will lecture on "The In-
dustrial Revolution" at 4:15 p. m.
today in Natural Science Auditorium,
is one of the leading writers on eco-
nomic history in the world, accord-
ing to the statement which Prof. Ar-
thur L. Dunham of the history de-
partment made in an interview yes-
"While the title of 'reader' does not
convey the impression of a high aca-
demic office," Professor Dunham
said, "Mr. Lipson is really a scholar
of considerable distinction. His works
on the economic history of Europe
treating especially the Middle Ages
is well regarded."
Mr. Lipson is well known in inter-
national circles as the editor of "Eco-
nomic History Review," Professor
Dunham said. This journal is of in-
ternational significance, according to
Professor Dunham, receiving contri-
butions from American, English and
French economists.

December 2 will be the date of the
Sophomore Prom, and three dollars
will be the price of the tickets, it was
decided last night by the Student
Council and the Soph Prom commit-
tee. The three dollar admission price
is a reduction of one dollar from
that of the affair a year ago.
An orchestra will be chosen within
a day or two by the committee
Prominent among those under con-
sideration are Charlie Agnew of the
Blackstone and Edgewater Beach ho-
tels in Chicago, Kay Kaiser, Emerson
Gill and Johnny Hamp.
The following subcommittees were
appointed by Lewis Kearns, chair-
man; Tickets, Ken Kinnee, Jerome
Winegarden, Horace Hess; Favors,
~alph Tracy; Publicity, Colton Park,
onald Bird; Decorations, George
Lurie; Invitations, Kathleen Murphy,;
Floor, George Duffy.
The committees are incomplete due
to the fact that places are being left
for the representatives of the engi-
neering sophomores,. who have not
had their class election yet,
The three dollar admission price i
of particular significance since it is
establishing a precedent for the re-
mainder of the class functions, and
the success of the Soph Prom wil
largely determine the reductions to
be made by them.
Establish Radio
With Expedition
Student R.O.T.C. Signal
Corps Reaches Hobbs
Party In Greenland
Radio minunication h the
Hobbs pedition in Greenla d has
been stablished by the Uni ersity
Rese ye Officers' Training Corps,
Sig 1 corps branch, acco ing to
Cap . C. A. Powell, profess of mili-
tary cience and tactics
The tion is ated by students
in the sign corps and members of
the electrical engineering department
of the engineering college. It is a
700-watt station operating on 40 me-
tres, according to Captain Powell.
who is in charge. Prof. Louis Holland
of the electrical engineering depart-
ment is the technical advisor.
Prof. Ralph L. Belknap of the ge-
ology department is in charge of the
expedition and reported in the first
message received here that the party
is snowed in at present.
According to Captain Powell, any
persons who wish to send messages
to members of the expedition may do
so by bringing them to the R. o. T. C.
office. Regular hours for communi-
cation have been arranged at 8 p. m.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Eddy To Address S.C.A.
Meeting Here Nov. 19
Sherwood Eddy, prominent author
on social problems of youth and in-
ternationally known lecturer, will be
presented here Saturday and Sunday,
Nov. 18 and 19 as the principle
speaker of the Collegiate Conference
on Christian Leadership to be spon-

vere in financial difficulties, others
,,re well able to pay the sums due
an Dec. 15.
During the day, Democratic leaders
-xpressed satisfaction with the Re-
, -ublican administration's handling of
:he debt controversy and one of
fthem, Rep. Rainey, of Illinois, the
party's floor leader, asserted that any
:nove to revise the debts would be re-
jected "in this or any other Con-
Like Other Notes
State Department officials, while
planning to make public the Bel-
zian communication wthin a few
hours, indicated that it might be sim-
ilar to French and British notes
which urged an =extension of the
moratorium and a re-examination of
"he debt problem.
"I see no reason why the United
tates Government should give the
foreign debtors any more money,"
Rainey said. "I am against the mor-
atorium and opposed the first one
last year."
In Jackson, -Wss., Senator Harri-
son, Democrat, asserted that "Con-
gress will not be bound by any com-
mitments of the President, nor in my
opinion, will it modify its position
in regard to these debt payments."
Saying that Congress alone must
settle the debt question, Rep. Black,
New York Democrat, in a statement
issued here charged that "the Presi-
dential activity has been disastrous
and impertiment." He added:
"The executive duty is to keep Con-
gress informed of proposed negotia-
tions. In this, Mr. Hoover has been
at least neglectful."
Holsaple Asks
E arly Return
Of Prohibition
Anti-Saloon League Head
Plans New Program Of
Education, Agitation
DETROIT, Nov. 15.-('P)-R. N.
Holsaple, superintendent of the
Michigan Anti-Saloon League, in a
statement to speakers of that or-
ganization throughout the state, said
today that'- he would shortly an-
nounce a program of "education and
agitation to be conducted on a more
comprehensive scale than any ever
yet undertaken by the Anti-Saloon
"The wet debacle of the election

Community Fund Sets $63,000
I |Goal; Drive B egins Tomorrow

For a number of years Ann Arbor's
needy have been provided with food
.clothing, fuel, shelter, and recreation-
al and social activities by the city's
agencies, of which the Community
Fund Association is a part.
The Community Fund Association
will inaugurate its annual drive to-
morrow, setting its goal at $62,938,
$260 less than last year. "In spite of
the fact that our budget is less than
last year," Miss Edith Owen, execu-
tive director said in an interview, "we
have to care for more families." This
year the association has apportioned
$2,000 for student emergency relief,
which is to be released through the

tine said. "We give out milk, cloth-
ing, and special diets when they are
needed. In addition, all families are
investigated and a complete record
is kept for fut'ure reference."
'The bureau makes a particular ef-
fort to put under-privileged children
in contact with character-building
organizations, giving them the oppor-
tunity to make use of their leisure
time to the best advantage and with-
out any cost.
A nine-hole golf course, park im-
provements, and curbing driveways
has provided work for the unemploy-
ed during the fall. The $150,000 "ca-
lamity bond"hwhich 'was definitely
approved by the city council in a re-
cent meeting will provide for plenty

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