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November 15, 1932 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-15

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Formal Dances
Hold Interest
Over Week-End
Fraternity Parties Attract
'Many Guests; Alumni
Attend Chicago Game
Many guests were attracted to the
fraternities for the last football
week-end of the season. Formal and
informal dances were held at many.
of the chapter houses, celebrating the
victory over the Maroons.
The Delta Sigma Pi fraternity en-
tertained among their guests for last
week-end Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Holmes
of Bay City and William A. Zent-
grebe of Detroit.
Kappa Nu held an informal dance
Saturday night to celebrate the Chi-
cago-Michigan game. Decorations,
were cleverly carried out in a football
trend. Careful pains were taken to
represent a complete grandstand and
field, with goal posts and score board.
The field was used for dancing.
Dance programs were in the form
of football programs. During the eve-
ning "penalties" were called on
various of the guests present.
Guests were Adele Helper, of De-
troit; Helen Levison, '35, Georgia
Geisman, '34, Shirley Hibler, of De-
troit, Cecile Chiert, Peggy Fink, of
Detroit, Jean Grossberg, '36, Maxine
Grabow, of Detroit, Elaine Sloman,
of Detroit, Eleanor Schwartz, '33,
Doris Dubenstein, '34Ed., Ruth Lewis,
'33, Emily Luxemburg, '34, Odessa
Cohen, '34, Josephine Stern, '33,
Charlot Rudolph, '36, Lillian Fine,
Sylvia Weiss, of Detroit, and Ruth
Cohn, '34.
Others were Jule Dalitz, J. Fuchs,
Janet Neaman, '36, Rosalind Green-
berg, '35, Mildred Feinberg, '36, L.
Lindenbaum, of Detroit, Florence
Travis, '35, Rose Weiss, Beryl Jacobs,
Molly Laban, Ruth Greenberg, Sally
Levitt, Irene Rosen, Dorothy Wine-
garten, '35, Ann Dorbe, Terese Neu-
wahl, '34, Muriel Frank, Helen Blu-
menstein, '34, S. Rosenbaum, Francis
Zwernbaum, Ann Solomon, Cyril
Schohen, '36, and Miriam Carver,
Chaperones for the dance were Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Novitsky, of Fort
Wayne, Ind., &rs. Minnie Mahrere,
Rabbi Bernard Heller, and Rabbi
Leon Fram, of Detroit.
At the Phi Kappa Sigma chapter
house last week-end many guests
were entertained. The alumni who
returned from Flint were Palmer
Crawford, '31, Loy Sutherland, '29,
Charles Crawford; from Toledo Don-
ald Strater, '32, Harold Knapp, '31;
from Detroit, Edward Stark, '24; Fred
Toepel, '30 from Saginaw, C. Robert
Christensen, '34; from Sylvania, 0.,
Thomas Russel, '32; and from Mt.
Morris, Mich., Mr. Frank Wolcott,
'29, and Mrs. Wolcott returned for
the game.
Mrs. George Defren and Miss Lu-
cile Defren were the guests from
Newton, Mass.; Miss Fances Wyn-
koop, and Miss Harriet Suprenant
from Saginaw; Miss Mabel Duncan,
Fred Older, Jean Boswell, William
Amberg, from Flint; Miss Priscilla'
Thornton, Robert Kiellaoltz, Miss
Melba Lucy Durbin, Miss Alice Hee-
son, Miss Dorothy Atwood,.Miss Jean
Montgomery, Miss Jane Hackett,
John Schroeder, William Mauk, all
from Toledo.
Other guests were Miss Dorothy
Hogedon of Dayton, O., Miss Jean
Furguson of Pittsburg, Pa.; Evelyn
Robinson of Cass City; Miss Sally
Olson of Muskegon Heights; Ralph

Dillingham and Bennet Whitney of
Buffalo; Miss Dorothy Bradfield of
Bay City; Louise Cooley of Lansing;
Miss Virginia Clifford and Miss
Claire Mellon of Pittsburgh; Miss
Geraldine Wuerth of Buffalo; Miss
Margaret Kreighoff, Miss Louise
Kaelin, Miss June Day, and Miss
Edith Toepel.
From the Chicago chapter there
were William Kurfee, Robert Smith
and James Hansen.

La Astor Visits U. S.

onor Society
Initiates Nine
Junior Women
Wyvern, Junior Society,
Holds Formal Invitation
In Chapel Of League
Wyvern, Junior honorary society,
held formal initiation ceremonies for
nine women, at 4 p. m. Sunday in
the chapel of the League. After the
rites the actual members of the chap-
ter served tea to the initiates in the
Russian Tea room.
Those honored were: Elizabeth F.
Cooper, Louise P. Crandall, Prudence
M. Foster, Helen E. Gray, Katherine{
MacGregor, Sally Place, Mary L.
Pray, Phyllis Swift, Josephine M.
Present at the ceremonies were the}
active members of Wyvern: Harrietk
L. Jennings, president; Grace E.
Mayer, secretary; Margaret W. Allen,
treasurer; Ruth F. Duhme, Marion L.
Giddings, Josephine McCausey, Ada
L. Blackman, Ruth Robinson, Ruth
M. Kurtz, Joan H. Barnette. Mrs.
Byrl Fox Bacher, assistant to the
dean of women, is patronesses of the
Entrance into Wyvern is one of
the highest honors given to a junior
woman. The requirements include a
good grade of scholarship, at least
a C average is necessary, and numer-
ous activity points.

New First Lady's Reign Has
Been Predicted One of Dignity
NEW YORK, Nov. 10.-(IP)-How members of the family at the White
will the new first lady reign over the House, friends believe, but often
White House? there will be family visitors, espe-
At a recent party at Hyde Park, j cially on holidays.
home of the Franklin Roosevelt, a The sons may expect advice when
guest looked on interestedly as Mrs. they desire it, no matter how busy
Roosevelt sat on the lawn, talking their father, as indicated by an mci-

Riding Habits
Favor Brighter
Autumn Shades
November is a funny month. Just
when you think that it's too cold to
do anything but bundle up in yog~r
warmest clothes and hope for Spring
to come around; along comes a nice
balmy day that makes you think of
cantering through the country or
even looking askance at the old golf
clubs that you laid away for the sea-
For formal riding, black is the
smartest habit. Black breeches, black
tailored coat, white stock and the,

Visiting Editors' Wives
Are Entertained At Tea
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Mrs.
John L. Brum, Mrs. Wesley H. Maur-
er, Mrs. Donald H. Haines and mem-
bers of Theta Sigma Phi were hos-
tesses to the wives of visiting editors
attending the Press Conference, at
a tea given Friday afternoon.
modified derby is the accepted ap-
parel. However, most of our riding
is done very informally and for that
the brighter the habit the better. One
clever outfit seemed to reflect the
colors of autumn in its brilliancy. The
breeches of hunter's green whipcord
blended perfectly with the bronze
coat, while the brimmed felt hat had
a jaunty little feather stuck in the
band and was of the same shade as
the breeches.

with animation.
"A charming family," said this
friend, "and a charming hostess."
It was a compliment spoken of a'
woman whose social experience and
background include residence in two
capitals-Albany, where she presided
over the governor's mansion, and
Washington, her home during the
time her husband served President'
Wilson as wartime assistant secre-
tary of the navy.
She is no stranger to the White
House, once home of her uncle, the
late Theodore Roosevelt, and friends
expect her knowledge of its social
ways to be of value to her in direct-
ing it during the next four years.
Her reign, they predict, will be one
of dignity relieved by the proper
measure of informality.-
She and Mr. Roosevelt probably
will be the only continuous resident:

dent during the convention when
Elliott asked his father for help on
a business problem and received it
at length despite the exciting events
in Chicago.
What Mrs. Roosevelt may do as
to furnishings in the White House
her friends do not know. At Albany
she installed new furniture, covered
chairs with gay chintz and other-
wise livened up the executive man-
The chaperones at the Union dance
Friday night were Dr. and Mrs. Don
King, and last night Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. James were present. Mr. and
Mrs. M. B. Waterman chaperoned
the League dance on Friday, and Dr.
and Mrs. Carl Huber were there last


tea d

We Knew It
*te Shoes...

Lady Nancy Astor (right), member
of British parliament, is shown with
her sister, Mrs. Robert HL Brand, as
she arrived in New York from Eng-
land. She proceeded to her old home
in Mirador, Va., where she wad born
and spent her childhood.

(i .: .., _



Sororities Entert ained Guests
With Dinners Over Week-End

Is your hair Dry and Lifeless? Brighten it u
by a Hot Oil treatment steamed with Arnao
Scalp Steamer.
Our Steam Permanent...............$5.00
Personality Hair Cutting

T h e Michigan-Chicago football
game proved an attraction for many
alumnae who returned to the soror-
ity houses to spend the week-end and
attend the game. Open house follow-
ing the game and pledge formals
provided entertainment for the week-
Catherine Kratz, 32, Angola, 'Id.,
Janice Joillette, '32, o Howell, Mich.,
Lucile Lough, '32, of East Lansing,
Edwina Jenney, '32, of Mount Clem-
ens, and Dorothy Oostdyke, were-
guests of Alpha Chi Omega this
The sorority held open house after
the game Saturday.
Red, White and Blue of Armistice
day formed at attractive background
for the rushing dinner given by Al-
pha Delta Pi Friday night. Mrs. Has-
tie of Ann Arbor was a guest of the
Alpha Epsilon Phi entertained sev-,

eral guests from Detroit Sunday. Mrs.
M. Stern- and Mrs. Rosensweig were
the guests of Josephine Stern. Mr.
and Mrs. Gerstman were the din-
ner guests of Jane Gerstman. Mr.
and Mrs, Fiske were also guests at
the house later in the afternoon.
Miss Charlotte Feldman, of Petos-
key, Mich., will be a house guest for
the entire week.
Miss Cristelle Ferguson, Chi Omega
chapter inspector, is a guest of the
house for a few days.
Bill Marshall's orchestra furnished
the music for the Delta Gamma
pledge formal last Friday night. Mrs.
Phyllis Renolds, Mary Power, and
Mrs. Raymond Cordess acted as
chaperones for the dance.
Guests who visited Delta Gamma
last week-end were, Gertrude South
of Detroit, Pauline Wilson of Beld-
ing and Jane Kessel of Saginaw.

Above the Parrot

Phone 8878

Opposite Michigan Theatre


Through the
-with jOANNE

Sun down dresses of velvet, fea-
turing black in many unusual ver-
sion is Jacobson's fashionable
trend for the Michigan co-ed. New
copies of velvet dinner gowns and
the ever chic double-purpose dress


t - lip .

with bagheera cut
velvets in smart
color combinations
of gold, black and
red, that are the
last word in lux-
ury - yet not too
high priced to be
possible for the
modest b u d g e t.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Special Thursday-- -

They are just the thing for the
informal bridge get-togethers and
a flattering addition to any dinner
or theatre party. Velvet, you know,
is the leading fabric for dressy
occasionsthis yea., and during
formal evenings, especially, it
reigns supreme. You will want
more than one velvet dress for
the little affairs after 6. From
$16.75 up at Jacobson's.
The close-fitting turban con-
tinues to be the season's most pop-
ular choice. New beret-pancake
ideas adorned with velvet bows or'
colorful feathers are making their
debut in town this week at The
Robert's Shop, 604 E. Liberty. You
will go for them in a
big way, I know. An-
:t 4 other iinteresting
model which appealed

Velvet suggests to me, a sophis-
ticated make-up for evening that
can be obtained from the jars of
the Elizabeth Arden preparations
at Quarry's Drug Store, coi'ner
N. U. and State. Triumphant with
black is the "Victoire" lipstick,
which comes in just the right
shade of raspberry. Compliment-
ing the lipsticks are the rouges
and powders in both
the paste and powder
forms, bright - yet
subdued shades that
are particularly attractive with
the evening ensemble - and the
new bronzine eye shadows pro-
duce a truly magnificent effect.
Sets containing six lipsticks, with
shades for every conceivable make-
up, may be obtained at $7.50. Sin-
gle sticks are $1.50. The titian or
auburn headed co-ed's worries are
over, too, for Quarry's have in-
cluded Arden's specially blended
rouges in their cosmetic counters.
Tiny woolen booties, infant
sacques, and bonnets knitted and
crocheted from Minerva yarns at
the Women's Exchange make the
sweetest gifts for some recent ar-
rival. I couldn't help but notice
that the twisted pompadours and
the new angora yarns are vieing
with each other for foremost favor
in the baby's wardrobe. You will
enjoy making things for the tiny
tots, too. The Women's Exchange,
7 Nickel's Arcade, is always glad

No raw tobaccos in Luckies
-that's why they're so mild.

E buy the finest, the
very finest tobaccos
in all the world-but that
does not explain why folks
everywhere regard Luck
Strike as the mildest ciga-
rette. The fact is, we never

aging and mellowing, are
then given the benefit of
that Lucky Strike purify-
ing process, described by
the words-"7It's toasted".
That's why folks in every
city, town and hamlet say

s cn" I I NILAM

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