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November 06, 1932 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-06

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hicago; Rentner

Wisconsin Wins
In Homecoming
Tilt With Illinois
Iowa Hands Cornhuskers
A Scare But Can't Win;
Fordham Downs Gaels
Harvard Is Buried
Army Scores 46 Points
Against Them; Brown Is
Victor Over Holy Cross
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Nov. 5.-Purdue's ma-
chine-like offense overcame Chicago
today as predicted, but went farther
than expected to smother the Ma-
roons, 37 to 0, in their Western Con-
ference football engagement.
A 43-yard first period drive in a
Purdue score with Duane Purvis go-
ing the final eight yards for a touch-
down. In the second period Purvis
scored again, and Horstman added a
third touchdown. In the third ses-
sion, Hecker flashed through the Chi-
cago line for 61 yards and three plays
later went over. He intercepted a
Chicago pass and ran 44 yards to add
to the mounting total. The Purdue
seconds and thirds played most of
the final period, but with less than
three minutes left, the regulars went
into- to perform the most sensational
play of the game. With the ball on
Chicago's 46-yard line, Purvis passed
backward to Hecker, who shot a pro-
digious heave to Moss. Moss had only
to trot over the goal line.
COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 5.-With an
irresistible rush in the second and
third periods, the Buckeyes romped
over Northwestern for a 20 to 6
triumph, their first victory in Big
Ten competition.
Rentner started what everyone
thought would be a Northwestern
touchdown parade when he broke
around his own left end for a twist-
ing gallop of 67 yards to score in
the first period. But the Buckeyes
came back for the second period with
a passing attack that brought victory.
Oliphant started the first march by
returning Olsen's kick 47 yards. Later
he scored the touchdown that tied
the count at 6-6.
MADISON, Wis., Nov. 5.-Wiscon-
sin loosed a superior passing attack
and a smoother running game to win
its homecoming tilt with Illinois, 20
to 12, today.
Capt. Gil Berry took the opening
kickoff on his 11-yard line and ran
87 yards before going out of bounds
on the two-yard line. Walser went
over for the touchdown.
IOWA CITY, Ia., Nov. 5.'-Iowa's
Hawkeyes threw a fourth period
scare into a supposedly superior uni-
versity of Nebraska team only to die
fighting on the short end of a 14 to
13 score.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 5.-The
powerful Army cadets today slaugh-
tered Harvard in methodical fash-
ion for a 46-0 victory. The Crimson
was helpless against the Cadets' fur-
ious attack during all of the game.
Army kicked off, stopped Harvard
dead and then regained the ball to
pile up a total of seven touchdowns.
The Cadets made 19 downs and
gained 366 yards by rushing to six
first downs for Harvard and a rush-
ing yardage of 86.
EAST LANSING, Mich., Nov. 5.-
For two periods today Michigan
State outplayed South Dakota uni-
versity and collected three touch-

downs, sufficient to give the Spartans
a 20 to 6 victory over the Coyotes.
After scoring once in the first period
and twice in the second, State was
held by the Dakotans, who took ad-
vantage of fumbles and intercepted
State passes to turn Crowley's team

Michigan Cross



Final Scores
Ohio State 20; Northwestern 6.
Purduie 37; Chicago 0.
Illinois 12; Wisconsin, 20.
Nebraska 14; Iowa 13.
Mississippi 0; Minnesota 26.
Notre Dame 24; Kansas 6.
South Dakota 6; Michigan State
South Dakota State 0; Michigan
Normal 12.
Marquette 0; Detroit 7.
Army 46; Harvard 0.
Lehigh 0; Princeton 53.
Columbia 7; Navy 6.
Drake 0; Butler 0.
Tulane 20; Georgia Tech 14.
Iowa State 0; Kansas State 31.
Mississippi College 0; Colgate 32.
City College of New York 0;
Providence 46.
Jackson High 6; Scott High, To-
ledo 0.
Lafayette 6; Rutgers 7.
Lebanan Valley 0; Springfield 27.
Rensselaer 13; Massachusetts 18.
Amherst 31; Trinity 0.
Kentucky 0; Duke 13.
U.S.C. Backers
Glum As Injury
Removes Star

Illini And Ohio
Vanquished; Bill
Howell In Form.
Maize-And - Blue Runiners
Come In Second, Third,
Seventh, Ninth, Eleventh
Woolsey In First
ie Finishes In Excellent
Time Of 21:18; Course
Heavy From Long Rain
An inspired Michigan cross-coun-
try team won its first Big Ten meet
in three years yesterday at Colum-
bus, barely nosing out a determined
Illinois outfit, 32 to 33. Ohio state
placed a bad third with 59 points.
Wolverine harriers came in second,
third,seventh, ninth, and eleventh to
edge out their opponents by the' nar-
rowest of margins.
The meet was featured by the re-
turn to form of Bill Howell, Michigan
captain, who has been handicapped
by an injured leg. His placing sev-
enth was hailed as a good omen by
Coach Chuck Hoyt.
Woolsey First to Tape
Capt. Dean Woolsey of the Illini,
one of the outstanding distance run-
ners in the Conference, led the pack
to the finish in the excellent time
of 21:18. This was considered re-
markable because of the condition
of the course. Rain the night before
had left it heavy and muddy.
The next four men crossed the fin-
ish line in a group. Bill Hill and Bob

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 5.-{P)-Now
that Orville Mohler, great quarter-
back, has been removed from the
football picture at the University of
Southern California, it will be inter-
esting to see if an eleven can carry
on without the services of its ace.
Mohler was the outstanding per-
former on the Trojan team, but it
must be said to the credit of the


Canzcuiwri 1)efpas Williamnson Telks
Scrapping~ Petrolle I e eame V
.18,000 See Ranl
By ALAN GOULD "Well my father was always inter-
(Associatei Press Sports 'rwter) ested in baseball and I grew up in
NEW YORK, Nov. 5.-It appeared that sort of an atmosphere and just
today that the fighting Petrolles of naturally began to mess around in
North Dakota have had enough of football when I was a kid," explains
Tony Canzoneri, world's lightweight Captain Ivan Williamson of the tltle-
champion, to last them for a long bent gridders.
tie. At his Bowling Green, O., high
Billy, the pride of this' scrappy school, Williamson played at both
clan, took up the feud Friday night end and backfield posts, and as well
before a roaring crowd of 18,000 acquired a reputation as a particular-
in Madison Square Garden and ran ly efcieent gu ard on the basketball
a poor second to the titleholder in team.
15 bruising but somewhat monoton-
ously one-sided rounds. He did much Yeh, my ;rades in high school
better than Brother Frankie, who were as good a they are now" he
was knocked out by Canzoneri, but admits. Sure s football players are
Billy was badly cut, battered and dumb. This one has a college average
thoroughly outclassed by the barrel- of only A-B rating!"
chested little Italian whose features Cards, shows, and radio programs
mark him a miniature Babe Ruth. are his means of relaxation. He has
The fight drew a "gate" of $78,000, to stick to training
one of the biggest for the Garden just about all the
in two years. school year, and
Canzoneri's victory, in defense of ;during the summe
the title he won two years ago from he keeps in condi-
Al Singer with a single knockout sion on the gol
punch, was so decisive that the unan- course, where hh
imous decision of Referee Gunboat reCOid is 83.
Smith and the two judges was a for- bsted in th
mality. The champion, on the Asso- the best end in th-
ciated Press score-sheet, carried off Conference, W i 1-
12 of the 15 rounds. Petrolle was liamson s e 1 e c te
credited with two, the eighth and .WL--LA snS Moss of Purdue
tenth, while the first was even, . "but Ted Petoskec
Petrolle, as game as they come play against."
and always charging forward, wasr Gosterbaan His Hero
licked to a frazzle throughout the Itwas during his high schools days
last five rounds after firing his last that he came to Ann Arbor to see
desperate broadside in the tenth. The ieome of the games. That was while
veteran Fargor Express, although he Beeny Oosterbaan was making his bid
occasionally connected, was a mark for an All-American post at end, and
for Tony's stream of left hooks and he became Williamson's football hero,
overhand rights. He was wobbly m- Since Ivy came here, he has been
der the fusillade, his right eye was under the tutelae of his old hero,
closed, his already battered features for Oosterbaan became end coach
cut and bleeding. The only time he after graduating.
left his feet, however, was when the Captain Williamson thinks now
force of a missed left swing sent him that he'll try to get a coaching job
floundering to the floor momentarily next fall. He was originally going into
in the final round. the medic school but due to the De-
--pression-"Anyway, I'm getting sick
Basketball Season or studying h
"My biggest thrill? I don't know.
Loomss As Serious I guess it was the time I blocked
the punt in the Princeton game last
Rival To Football week-end." however, he admitted
that he does fret a kick out of re-
EATLA- N-ceiving a pass down near the goal
EAST LANSING, Nov. .A) line which he makes od for' 6
Basketball this coming season will points.
shade football as the most spectacu- Ths.gh handicapped by a serious
lar of all college sports, in the opin- leg injury at the begnning of the
ion of Coach Ben F. Van Alstyne of season, Capt. Williamson has seen
Michigan State. The new rules will action in every game this fall. Ad-
make the game the fastest in history, mittedly a clever ball-hawk and diag-
he said. nostician, Williamson's work as one
Van Alstyne said the new rule pen- +of the finest ends in the country has
alizing a team for keeping the ball been greatly underrated. He has
in the back court more than 10 sec- -
onds will make the game a race horse
affair, pile up heavy scores and draw
heavily on reserve material.A
The delayed offense he said, will
be entirely outlawed. Another rule
requires the offensive team to keep
the ball across the center line once
it has been brought up from the back B urrPatterson& A d
Just by way of carrying out his ",Ono
opinion, Van Alstyne is junking all
his prevoius nine of offensive strategyFv
which has been so successful at State
during his regime. er" "
- ~~~~~ 66 rnch St
North Carolina apple growers re-
port the crop this year will be great-
ly curtailed.





university that there was no sug-
gestion of "wait awhile" when it was
revealed that further play might en-
danger the health of the star player.
As soon as the doctors found that
an old injury at the fifth and sixth
vertebrae had been aggravated, offi-
cials of the university announced
Mohler would play no more football.
He could have gone ahead and trust-
ed to luck that he would not be
struck in that spot again, but if he
had suffered another blow he might
have been paralyzed for the rest of
his days.
Mohler not only was a great ball
carrier and fine kicker, but he was
a field general far beyond the ordi-
nary and the Trojans will miss most,
perhaps, his fine judgment of tactics
as well as his extraordinary ability
to return punts.
back without a score in the third
POLO GROUNDS, New York, Nov.
5--Fordham's powerful football team,
smarting under two upset defeats,
came back today to completely out-
play the unbeaten St. Mary's Gaels
from Calfiornia and win, 14-0, re-
venging the 20-12 setback they re-
ceived from the Gaels in 1930. The
Rams pushed over touchdowns on
forward pass plays in the first and
final quarters.
PROVIDENCE, R. I;, Nov. 5-A des-
perate last minute rally gave Brown
the touchdown needed to beat Holy
Cross 10 to 7 today in a brilliant bat-
tle of eastern undefeated elevens be-
fore a crowd of 20,000.
FRANKLIN FIELD, Philadelphia,
Nov. 5.-Pittsburgh's football power-
house handed Pennsylvania its first
setback of the season today, 19 to 12,
in a fiercely fought battle before aE
crowd of 70,000. Heller and Sebas-
tian starred for the Panthers while
Don Kellett's 57-yard dash for a
touchdown featured the Quaker at-

Ostrander were in almost simultane-
ously to cop second and third places
for Michigan. Hill's time was 21:29,
and Ostrander was fraction of a sec-
ond behind him.
The next three places went to the
opposition. Chet Ragland of Illinois
finished on the heels of Ostrander
to take fourth place, while fifth place
went to Captain Levine, the first
Ohio State man to finish. He was
followed by Bill West of the Illini.
Capt. Howell Shows Form
Capt. Bill Howell came in less than
a second behind West to win seventh
place for Michigan. He did his best'
running of the year, covering the
four-mile course in 21:43. Huffman
placed eighth for the Buckeyes.
Rod Howell had to put up a terrific
fight to win ninth place for the Wol-
verines. Sprinting in the homestretch,
he edged out Line of Illinois by one-
tenth of a second.
John Clarke's performance in win-
ning eleventh place for Michigan was
one of the features of the meet. He
beat Demorest of Illinois, cinching
the meet for the Wolverines.
Warner (O) finished twelfth;
Ratenberger (O), thirteenth; Mc-
Manus (M), fourteenth; Moore (O)
fifteenth; Lockskin (O) sixteenth;
McMillan (M) seventeenth; Elwor
(O) eighteenth; Melodey (I) nine-
teenth, and Stone (O) twentieth.
State To Meet Marquette
On Gridiron In 1933-34
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 5.-W)--
Michigan State college and Mar-
quette university will meet on the
gridiron in 1933 and 1934.
Marquette athletic officials an-
nounced Friday that a game with
Michigan State has been scheduled
for Oct. 21, 1933, with a return game
in 1934.
All men interested in trying out
for the freshman basketball squad
should report to Coach Ray Fisher
at Waterman Gym Monday at 7:30
p. m. Each man should bring his
own uniform.






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