The Weather
Partly cloudy; slightly warm-
er; Monday showers.
Ll r e
M' r
4w A6F All ..'+ s' ...
41i4ir t alt
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Intolerant Liberals on
Campus; Something the
Nmendments Ignore.
Better Days
In Last Drive
Roosevelt Ends Campaign
With Plea To Support
Program Of Democrats
Candidate Is Sure
Of Party Vietory
Michigan Explorer Leaves On
Trip To Himalayan Mountains
Dr. Kilpatrick
Ends Session
Parent Education Institute
Crippled Wolverine
Defends National
Says Democratic Regime
Is Country's Only Hope
For Economic Recovery
New York, Nov. 5.-()-.Franklin D
Roosevelt closed his campaign to-
night with a call to all classes o:
citizens to rally behind the Demo-
cratic party to help bring Americ
"to better days."
In a speech delivered at the cus
tomary Tammany rally with whic
New York Democrats usually clos
their campaign, the Democratic pres-
idential candidate said that the doc-
trine of present-day democracy hac
already been outlined in the series
of speeches that he had taken tc
virtually all sections of the country
since he started his campaign with
a flying trip to Chicago in June.
"Tonight we set the seal upon that
program," he said. "After Tuesday
we go' forward to the great task of
its accomplishment and, we trust, to
its fulfilment.
One Great Principle
"There can be only one great prin-
ciple to guide our course in the com-
ing years. We have learned the les-
son that extravagant advantage for
the few ultimately depresses the
"To our cost we have seen how as
the foundations of the false struc-
ture are undermined all come down
together. We must put behind us
the idea that an uncontrolled, un-
balanced economy, creating paper
profits for a relatively small group,
mean yr ever an mean, prosperity."
Mr. Roosevelt sad that the hopes
and ambitions that had struggled for
realization on farms, in cities, in
factories, among business men and in
the homes had found at length a
common meetng ground in the Dem-
ocratic program.
"All of you, in all places, in all
walks of life, have joined in proving
that only by a true conception of the
interdependence of the American
economist system can there be hopes
of safety and security for all," he
No Bitterness
"I prefer to remember it has a
hard-fought campaign," he added a
moment later. 'There can be no bit-
terness where the only sole thought
is the welfare of America.
"It is with this spirit and in this
spirit that I close the campaign. I
believe that the best interests of the
country require a change of admin-
istration. Every sign points to that
"But I would have you realize that
the strength of the country is the
strength of the Union. Let us re-
store that strength."
The New York governor said that
the struggle of today was "the in-
evitable result of wandering after
false gods."
Drys Combine In
Automobile Parade
To Visit Governor
More than 50 cars from Wash-
tenaw county left Ann Arbor at 10:30
a. m. yesterday to join in a state-
wide dry parade to the capital city.
Ann Arbor was represented by 30
cars and a float which gathered at
the high school and the courthouse.
The procession met 15 more cars
from Washtenaw county and about
500 from Detroit a Brighton before
proceeding to Lansing. Other dele-
gations joined the group en route.
At East Lansing the entire group
formed a parade and marched to the
capitol building where they were wel-
comed by Gov. Wilbur M. Brucker.
The dry parade consisted of mem-
bers of the Allied Youth Movement
which was sponsored by Mrs. H. B.
Earhart and marshalled by Louis
Students Will Debate
Political Parties Tonight
The call of the east will be an-
swered again by.Dr. Walter N. Koelz,
University Asiatic explorer. Dr. Koelz
sailed from New York this week for
Naples, Italy, ennroute to Bombay,
Enorthern India, and Tibet, to spend
a year on "the roof of the world."
The Michigan explorer returned to
the United States last May after two
years of explorations among the
Himalaya mountains and immediate-
ly began making plans for another
Himalayan expedition. His second
adventure will be sponsored by the
Freer Art Fund of the University and
gifts from the Cranbrook Institute
and Dr. and Mrs. Walter R. Parker
of Detroit.
Dr. Koelz travels aone and with
the simplest possible equipment. He
Hoover Claims
Foes Capitalize
On Discontent
President Sees National
Collapse Unless People
Give Him Second Term
Nov. 5.-QP)-Stretching his cam-
paign drive into Minnesota, Pres.
Hoover tonight asserted that the '
Democratic party was seeking to
"play with discontent," and was re-
sorting to "the oldest tricks in poli-
tics by stimulating a protest vote.
Renewing his plea that Republican
economic policies be sustained, the
chief executive declared that in event
of a Democratic Victory at next Tues-
day's poll "at least a year must
elapse" before the Democrats could
"validate their promises on their new
The president brought his campaign
to a near climax tonight before this
Minnesota audience after a swift all-
day swing through Illinois and Wis-
consin. Only two more major
speeches are on his program beforeI
he casts his ballot at Palo Altch all-
fornia, next Tuesday.1
In his address tonight, Mr. Hooverf
summed up his argument in favor ofI
his administration and reiterated hist
attack upon the statements and pol-
icies of Democratic leaders.-
He asserted the Democratic chief-I
tains "have demonstrated their total
lack of understanding of the real sit-4
uation with which the Democrats
must deal."1
Fighting what he called "a Demo-
cratic program," containing varioust
measures proposed In the last Con-1
gress, he declared "the nation must
collapse with them."7
He enumerated 21 measuresr
"adopted" by the Republicanadmin-s
istration as bringing increasing evi-
dences of economic recovery."
Women Students May
Get Permits For Ball
Women students may obtain latee
permission from the dean of women1
to attend the 5th Annual Policemen-c
Firemen's Ball tomorrow night at they
Masonic Temple on South Fourth e
Eddie Howard and his U. of M. Vag- c
abonds will play in the main ball- t
room while East lake's Musical Cow- I
boys will play for old-fashioned danc- t
ing on the first floora
Tickets, costing one dollar, will be t
sold at the door or by any police- h
man or fireman.M
will use steamships, railroad, auto-
mobile, horse and then go on foot
to reach his destination. He must
take his own food supply into Tibet,
since food cannot be purchased
there. Rice, onions, and dried milk
to last several months will have to be
carried. His rifle will supply fresh
meat, and occasionally he will be
"To be chased up a tree occa-
sionally or to have one's horses
eaten by leopards is rather irri-
tating," Dr. K~elz told a Daily
reporter in a recent interview,
"but no more dangerous than
d o d g i n g traffic in American
able to purchase some yak's milk
from the owner of a wandering herd.
Game is plentiful in the Himalayas,
including the ibex, ovis ammon,
pheasants, antelope and the wild yak.
The explorer hopes to arrive in
India next month and will go im-
mediately to the northern provinces
to spend the winter in the Kangra
valley beyond the outer passes of
the Himalayas at the headwaters of
the Beas river, where the farthest
march of Alexander the Great was
Next March Dr. Koelz will cross
the mountain passes into Lahul prov-
(Continued on Page 2)
NiebuhrlI Wil
Speak Today
On Moral Man
Alvin C. York Speaks On
Prohibition Last Night
In Presbyterian Church
Reinhold Niebuhr will speak at 8
p. m. today at Hill Auditorium on
"MoiI Man and ImntraI Society." 1
Mr. Nliebuhr is a well known author'
and was for 10 years pastor of the .
Bethel Evangelical Church in De-
Sergeant Alvin C. York, hero of
the World war, spoke on "Why I amz
for Prohibition" last night in a talk
in the Presbyterian Church also
sponsored by the S. C. A,
In introducing Sergeant York Prof.
F, N. Menefee told of the tempting
offers he had received when he re-
turned from the war as a hero and
how instead of accepting any of theseJ
offers Sergeant York returned to his
Tennessee home and continued thet
missionary work he had been doing
here before the war.
"I believe in prohibition for the
sake of my four children at home in
Tennessee," York said.i
Sergeant York also emphasized thec
evil of liquors in homes where it de-l
prived children of their food and .
education. "No one can tell me that
liquor will bring back prosperity be-c
cause I was in it's grip for eightl
years and it took every cent I couldt
earn," he said.r
After Colonel Ebert of the Anti-t
Saloon League clarified the prohibi-
ion amendment coming up next
Tuesday and solicited contributions
o the campaign fund to fight this1
amendment Sergeant York went ont
o tell of his war experiences whent
he captured 132 German prisonersX
with the aid of only 6 other men. t
By Beating Indiana, 7 To
Closes Annual
With Luncheon
at Union
Fisher Is Pleased
With Diselssions
Struggle, Success, And
Failure, Basic Elements
Of Life, Says Educator
Dr. William H. Kilpatrick, Colum-
bia University, brought to a successful
close the third annual Parent Edu-
cation Institute yesterday afternoon
with his speech on "Why Educators
1Vust Consider More than the
School." "The attendance and in-
terest shown in these sessions ex-
ceeded all of my expectations," said
Dr. Charles A. Fisher, assistant di-
rector of the extension division.
"There were 400 paid enrollments at
the beginning of the Institute and at-
tendance has increased to 1,000 at
the various conferences and meet-
Dr. Kilpatrick spoke to an audience
of about 400 at the luncheon held in
the ballroom of the Michigan Union.
"To obtain a true picture of educa-
tion we must keep in mind three
things, the person, the environment,
and the time," said Dr. Kilpatrick.
In expanding this point the speaker
stated that "life develops in a novel
manner" where old things are con-
tinually being presented in a new
way, and where the person must al-
ways make an effort to maintain
himself against the ever present pre-
cariousness of position.
Basic Elements of Life
"Struggle, success, and failure are
basic elements in life, and learning
is the devising of new ways to meet
difficult situations," declared the Co-
lulnbia professor. It is the belief of
Dlr Klpatri k that the sdtis i ii con-
tinual process of reconstction in all
behavior and that we have a need
for a new psychology of self direc-
The concluding thought of Dr. Kil-
patrick's speech was that "society
and the individual react upon each
other and this reaction is education,
and modern technology demands de
facto cooperation of all persons in so-
A capacity crowd at Lydia Mendel-
ssohn theatre heard Dr. Kilpatrick
speak yesterday morning on the sub-
ject "My Child as a Person." Dr.
Willard C. Olson,aassociate professor
concerned himself mainly with the
of education, presided. Dr. Kilpatrick
definition of terms used in learning
and child growth.
"Paying attention consists of tak-.
ing in meanings through the senses
and acting consciously," explained
Dr. Kilpatrick, "while the effects of
learning are expressed in the man-
agement of a situation and in the
changes in the individual." The Co-
lumbia professor says that every act
changes us somewhat, and in this
manner learning extends throughout
the whole being.
Good and Bad Habits
"Study," continued Dr. Kilpatrick,
"is the effort to get the person and
his environment into more satisfac-
tory relations under the direction of
the person." In connection with this
point the speaker distinguished be-
tween good habits and bad. The for-
mer, he said are controlled by think-1
ing, while the latter control the
Dr. Kilpatrick defined the person
as being the self as it takes other'
people into account, while the selfW
is an organism acting in and through
meanings. Individuality is how the
self is different from any other self
in the convictions which it holds.
Continuing in his development of the
integration of personality, Dr. Kil-
patrick states that we should help
the child find better and varied ex-
periences for "the thing that makes
a person more of a person is the
manner in which one pursues and
uses meanings."
Talking Pictures
Immediately following Dr. Kilpat-
rick's speech there was a showing of
talking pictures. Films by Dr. B. H.
Bode on "Classroon Instruction in
Primary Grades" and by Dr. Arthur
1. Gates on "Methods of Teaching
Primary Reading" were s h o w n
through the courtesy of Electrical
Research Products, Inc.
Patel Presents
New Picture Of
Suffering India
B I a in e s India's Collapse
On British Government;
Tells Of Unemployment
Before 250 people who had gather-
ed in the Lydia Mendelssohn theater
"President" V. J. Patel, India's 70-
year-old statesman, spoke on "Behind
the Scene With Ghandi," presenting
a vivid picture of the real situation
in India at the present time.
Before introducing Mr. Patel, Dr.
J. T. Sunderland gave a brief back-
ground of India's history and cul-
ture, concluding with a parallel
drawn between Thomas Jefferson,
framer of the Declaration of Inde-
pendence, and Mr. Patel, framer of
India's independence.
"Is anyone entitled to keep another
as a slave?" Patel began. "Is any
nation entitled to keep another na-
tion in subjection? No nation is en-
titled to rule another nation."
He turned back to discuss factors
leading up to the present economic
condition of his country. "India has
become one of the poorest countries
in the world after 150 years of Brit-
ish rule. The average income of a la-
borer is 2 cents a day. The British
dare not take a census of the unem-
ployment. There are 300,000,000 peo-
ple who have no occupation eight
months of the year. Millions are on
the verge of starvation and don't
know what two meals a day mean.
"It is natural for a people to rule
along. We are decided.to ~efree apd
we are confident that it will not be
long-not more than ten years-ke-
fore all India will be free. Millions
are trained in the doctrines of love,
peace, and non-violence. My people
cheerfully accept punishment, give up
their lives cheerfully for our great
cause. But our fight is not for India
alone, it is for world peace, and we
want to be world citizens."
Patel Is Given Official
Welcome At City Hall
Wearing customary Gandhi "white-
caps" and carrying flags of India,
sympathizers of Gandhi gathered at
the city hall yesterday morning to
welcome "President" Patel to Ann
Arbor. Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk de-
livered a speech of welcome to the
Indian leader, after which both were
presented with wreaths of flowers
from the people of Ann Arbor. "It
is not the president of the Indian
Legislative Assembly you are honor-
ing, but you honor the suffering
country of India" Mr. Patel answered
in perfect, deliberate English.
Hoover Train Wreck
Attempted By Negroes
BELOIT, Wis., Nov. 5.-(P)-Two.
Negroes believed by the police to
have been tampering with spikes on
the ties supporting tracks along{
which President Hoover's special
train was to travel were arrested near
here at 4 a. m. by railroad detectives.
The men were picked up at a
curve near Waverly Beach Dance
Pavilion between Beloit and Janes-
ville, at a point where trains are forc-
ed to slow down. They were carrying
a pinch bar of' a type used in remov-
ing spikes.
The men gave their names as
Hayes White and Henry Vance.
I. ;
Mich. Ind.
First Downs............3 S4
Yards by Rushing ......129 77
Forward Passes
Slashing Thrust In Thir
Period Gives Michiga
Only Score Of Contest
Field Wet And Slipper
Pass Threat Makes
Score A Possibilit
Passes Completed .....
Intercepted Passes ......
Number of Punts......
Average Yardage .......
Yards Returned........
Fumbles ............... 5
Fumbles Recovered ..... 2
Penalty Yardage........20
Churches Offer
Sermons On
Current Topics
President Daniel Marsh Of
Boston University Will
Discuss True Patriotism
President Daniel L. Marsh, of Bos-
ton University will deliver a Wesleyan
Guild lecture at 7:30 p. m. at the
First Methodist Church, on "Educa-.
tion and True Patriotism." This is
one of a series of lectures to be given
this year by university presidents. In
this same series, the Guild will pre-
sent Walter D. Scott, of Northwest-
ern, Robert M. Hutchins, of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, and George W.
Rightmire,-of Ohio State.
At 10:45 a. m. Dr. Frederick B.
Fisher will deliver a sermon on "The
Price of Easy Living," which is the
first of a series of sermons or
"Thinking Through to an Adequate
Philosophy of Life.",
"Our Nation Among the Nations"
will be the topic of a sermon whicr
will be delivered at 10:30 a. m. by
Rev. H. P. Marley at the Unitarian
Church, dealing with internationa
relations discussed from a sociologica
and historical point of view, as a
Armistice Day sermon.
Rabbi Heller will give a sermon o
"Does the Old Testament Sanctio:
War?" at 11:00 a. m. in the Wom
an's League Chapel. At 8:00 p. m
Professor Reeves, of the Political de-
partment, will lead a discussion on
"The Coming Election."
N e w man Fools Hoosier
Defense; He Carries Ball
Around End For Score;
Indiana Threatens Often
(Special to The Daily)
INGTON, Ind., Nov. 5.-A battered
and crippled Wolverine team not only
beat off the determined attack of a
fighting Indiana eleven, but scored
in a knife-like thrust during the third
period to win, 7-0 in a hard fought
game here this afternoon. Michigan
successfully defended her Big Ten
and national supremacy before a
near-capacity crowd estimated at
The Hoosiers threw a scare into the
undefeated, untied, Maize and Blue
eleven for three quarters. Michigan
was too crippled and handicapped to
click on the wet and slippery ground,
Pass Threat Clicks
It was the threat of Michigan's
pass attack which accounted for the
score in the third period; Indiana
had opened up for a pass play, and
Newman, seeing no eligible receiver
Purdue .........3
Indiana ........1
Ohio ...........1
Chicago ........1
Illinois .........1
Northwestern ...1
Iowa ..........0
series of plunges took the ball to the
six-inch line, with a first down for
the Wolves. After two unsuccessful
smashes at the formidable Hoosier
forward wall, Newman pulled a neat
strategic device. Michigan lined up
as though for a sweeping run around
left end. Indiana's defense shifted,
and the Michigan quarter took the
ball around right end on a quarter-
back sneak for a touchdown, convert-
ing later for the extra point.
Sarsas ad. E -Monr
ame will be Loin a:: tn ree.
Hard hitting and savage tackling
,haracterized Indiana's play through-
out the battle, and these features did
not tend to help Michigan's cripples
get along in the bruising contest. The
Wolverines paid for victory with the
serious injury of Wistert, star tackle,
while Petoskey's shoulder hurt was
aggravated further, although he in-
sisted on playing far into the final
quarter until he nearly collapsed
from exhaustion.
Regeczi sustained an injury to his
arm which apparently affected his
kicking ability and forced his re-
moval from the game. Despite these
casualties, however, Michigan suc-
ceeded in turning back a scoring
threat which brought the ball to her
five-yard line in a series of line plays
during the final quarter. Fighting
desperately, the Wolves held and re-
ceived the ball on downs.
Michigan threatened once during
the opening period, but the attempt
went for nothing when Ward, giant
end, missed a pass into the end zone,
the ball reverting to the Hoosier on
their twenty-yard line as the result
of the miscue. This seemed to dis-
hearten Michigan for the remainder
of the first half, and stellar kicking
by Ednunds, outstanding star of
the day for Indiana, kept Michigan
at bay with the ball in her territory
most of the time.
Eight Indianan Threats
The Indianans threatened eight
times with their vaunted passing at-
tack, but an alert Michigan defense
kept their aerial game on an unpro-
fitable basis, Fay and Everhardus in-
tercepting five of the tosses. The
Hoosiers resorted to a center-pound-
ing program for most of her ground.
while Veller was successful on end
runs. Michigan used tricky spinners,
half-spinners, and delayed bucks,
but only Everhardus was apparently
able to gain consistently.
Indian Leader Calls Ann Arbor
City Of Professors And Deans
BERLIN, Nov. 5.-(P)-Clashes be-
tween police and transport strike
sympathizers had resulted in four
deaths today as Berlin's residents
continued to tramp to work for the
third day in succession.
In spite of his recent illness and
operation, Vithabhai J. Patel, now a
man of 70 years, conversed and shook
hands with more than 50 students
and members of the faculty at a tea
held in his honor yesterday in the
League. Fatigue showed behind his
broad smile as he addressed the
guests. He wore the customary white,
tight suit of the Inidan Nationalists,
and long grey hair flowed beneath
his Gandhi "whitecap."
"I like Ann Arbor immensely," he
said. "It is a great city of professors
and deans.
Doesn't Like America
"This is the first time I have been
to America, but I find it very fatigu-
ing. And you can't even walk in the
open bonfires in the cities." He went
on to say that societies for the de-
fense of the Nationalists, leaflets, and
even ,wearing the "whitecaps" was
unlawful and subject to prison con-
finement. All meetings and gather-
ings had to be carried on with the
utmost secrecy.
Speaks Perfect English
He talked slowly, in perfect Eng-
lish, carefully choosing his words and
explained at some length that if he
had been "in chairman's shoes, and
he in mine, he would not request me
to speak now, as already I have given
two talks and I am going to another
tonight. And I know you will under-
stand and will not be disappointed
if I don't talk now."
Apparently forgetting what he had
said, he talked for 20 minutes on
Henderson Begins Direction In
Opening Play Of Civic Theatre
DETROIT, Nov. 5.-Rehearsals un-
der the direction of Robert Hender-
son began today at the Bonstelle
Civic Theatre for "The Animal King-
dom," which will open Nov. 11 as the
first production of the Bonstelle's
Detroit season. Jesse Royce Landis,
Lester Vail, and Gale Sondergaard
are included in the cast.
This production is the first to be
given since the direction of the thea-
was to have been associated for the'
Mr. Henderson has announced a
continuation of the policy which he
carried out in the annual drama fes-
tival at Ann Arbor. Plays successful
during the current season on Broad-
way as well as dramatic classics will
be produced under his direction.
"Cynara," "Left Bank," "The Man
in Possession," the Pulitzer prize