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November 03, 1932 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-03

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ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
sity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
.1:30 a. m. Saturday.

How To Really Enjoy The Game:
A Michian Alumnus' Solution



No. 341

To the Members of the University Senate: There will be a meeting of
University Senate on Thursday, November 3, Room "C," Law Building,
4:15 p. in. President Ruthven desires as large an attendance as possible.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Uniyersity Broadcasting Service,-Thursday, Nov. 3, 2 p. m.. "Industrial;
giene and Occupational Diseases"-Dr. E. W. Sink, Professor of Hygiene
: Public Health.
"Children Among Primitive People"-Leslie A. White, Professor of An
Thursday evening, 9:00 p. m. "The Amazon Valley"-Carl D. LaRue,
)fessor of Botany.
"The Unemployment Situation"-A. D. Moore, Professor of Electrical
gineering. (The second in the series).
School of Education Faculty: There will be a regular meeting of the
hool of Education Faculty Monday, November 7, at 12 o'clock noon,
chigan League. A full attendance is desired.
C. O. Davis, Secretary
Undergraduate Students of the College of Literature, Science, and the
is: Undergraduate students in the College of Literature, Science and the
ts, wishing to become candidates for a University Scholarship (value
0 to $500), may obtain blank applications in Dean Effinger's office. There
three Mandelbaum Scholarships ($500 each) open to men only. There
T be some Marsh scholarships ($100) open to all literary students. These
nks must be filled out and returned not later than November 17. No
plication will receive consideration after that date, and the awards will
made about December 1.
F. E. Bartell, Chairman Scholarship Committee
Oratorical Association Lecture Course: For the benefit of those who
elected to secure season tickets before the first lecture of the series, the
e will be continued at Wahr's State Street store until November 10,-the
te of. the William Butler Yeats lecture in Hill auditorium. A rebate of
y cents will be allowed on the price of each season ticket to cover the
t of the first lecture. The season ticket prices for the five remaining
cures are: Main Floor $2.50 and $2.25, First Balcony $2.25 and $2.00.
Students interested in securing teaching positions for the second
nester or the fall of 1933 will meet in the Natural Science Auditorium,
ursday, November 3; undergraduate students at 4:15 p. in. and graduate
dents at 5:00 p. m.
Dormitory Directors; Sorority Chaperons, Househeads; Undergraduate
)men: Those women students who attend the formal party at the Union
Friday night, November 4, may stay out until 2:30 a. in.
Alice C. Lloyd
Dormitory Heads, Sorority Chaperons, House Heads; Undergraduate
[men: All undergraduate women students wishing to attend the Fire-
n-Policemen Ball may do so by obtaining special permission from the
ce of the Dean of Women.

A kick-off in the last minute of'a
scoreless game, two games every Sat-
urday afternoon, dozens of acrobatic
cheer-leaders, and all sorts of side-
shows are proposed for discontented
Michigan football fans in a letter
written by Gordon K. MacEdward,
Detroit business man, who was a stu-
dent here in 1906-07.
The letter, addressed to a column,
"Looking in on Detroit," which ap-
pears daily in the Detroit News and
which is edited by Harold LeBaron
Jackson, '19, cries for a solution of
what Mr. MacEdward terms a "scan-
dalous situation."
"There ought to be a law!" the
letter says. "Every year they reform
football by lightening the physical
punishment of the players. But what
are they going to do about lessening
the mental torture of the spectators
who want to witness a good football
Mr.MacEdward's humorous wail is
a tirade against persons who spend
all their time in the aisles watching
for their friends, displaying their
new coats, and moving from one seat
to another in an effort to find a more
comfortable spot.
"They come in after the kickoff
and spoil all the opening plays," he
complains. "They jump up and
squeal at every incomplete forward
pass and cross-field run ending up
with thedcarrier forced out-of-bounds
with a one-yard loss. They jump up
to call attention to the cute antics
of the cute cheer leaders. They jump
up to see the airplane. That North-
western's band is bigger than 'ours'
is their greatest worry, unless per-
the Laboratory Theatre, just behind
the Union. Tickets may be reserved
by phoning 4121, Extension 789.
Luncheon Club meeting for under-
graduates today at 1:15 in the
League Cafeteria at a table by the
window reserved for it. All interested
are welcome.
Senior Engineering class elections
will be held at 10 o'clock, in Room
348 West Engineering Bldg. Identifi-
cation cards must be presented in or-
der to vote. Seniors will be excused
from classes.
Polonia Circle meeting at 7:30 p.
m., Michigan League. Important
meeting and all members are re-
quested to be present.
Black Quill: Initiation at 1236
Washtenaw Ave., 8 p. m. Old mem-
bers be present at 7:30. Short busi-
ness meeting before the party.
Dr. Fisher will meet the students
for the Fireside Hour at Wesley Hall
at 4 o'clock. All students who are in-
terested in this discussion are re-
quested to attend.
Hillel Foundation will hold a tea
this afternoon for all Jewish Stu-
dents, sponsored by the Tau Delta
Phi Fraternity.

chance the Michigan drum-major
fails to catch the baton he has hurled
over the cross-bar, whereupon they
must jump up to groan. My life is
being ruined by football jumping-
"I am going to start a movement
to have two games every Saturday.
Thp first will be scheduled for 1
o'clock. A half-our later, as the crowd
begins to saunter in, there will be a
flag-raising, with ceremonies. The
two trumpeters will do a ballet dance
and trumpet. Next the bands will
march around and the strutting
drum-majors will throw their batons
over the cross bars.
"Two teams of scrubs, wearing the
same numbers as the first-string
players-nobody will know the differ-
ence-will put on a movie-sort of
game, with oodles of incomplete for-
ward passes and cross-field runs, and
finally a blue-sweatered player will
catch a kick-off in the last minute
of play and run 105 yards for a
touchdown, and the home team wins
"There will be a block 'M' formed
in the students' section every few
minutes. Dozens of acrobatic cheer-
leaders will perform. At least one
will be carried off on a stretcher. The
bands will march and form words
and sentences and whole paragraphs
in their evolutions.
"Every woman will receive a bag of
confetti and the escort a paper hat.
Then they can all go away, and there
will be an old-fashioned football
Detroit AlumIni
Plan Series Of
Faculty Talks


Hope To Bring
Contact Between
And University


Educator Sees
Need For New
Teaching Ideas
Prof. Carrothers Tells Of
Danger Of Monotony
For Children In School
Changing conditions in the coun-
try call for corresponding changes in
the treatment of children, according
to a statement of Prof. George E.
Carrothers of the School of Educa-
tion who spoke recently over the fa-'
cilities of the University Broadcast-
ing Service from WJR, Detroit.
"In the days of the Hoosier
Schoolmaster," said Professor Car-
rothers, "children escaped from bar-
ren, dull, severe homes, and spent
their time hunting and fishing. But
conditions have changed greatly.
Children still escape from dull, mon-
otonous homes and schools, but the
outdoors has changed.
Turn To Radio, Newspaper
"When homes and schools and
other accepted, organized forms of
civilized life become a bore today,
children turn to the automobile with
its challenging speed, to the radio
with its jazz programs, to the movie
with its large per cent of filthy sug-
gestion, or to other commercial at-
tractions found on every hand."
Professor Carrothers cited in-
stances of the need for variety in
school life. He deprecated the lack
of new material for thought in the
schools and homes. "This dead level
of home monotony," he said, "seems
not to bother some adults---in fact,
some seem to thrive on it. That may
be all right for them, but the grow-
ing natures of children demand
something new."
Gossip Should Be Banished
Changes in the position of furni-
ture in the classroom or an occa-
sional new picture will help in re-
lieving the monotony in school work,
Professor Carrothers said. At home
all questions of family difficulty, dis-
cipline of children, money matters,
and neighborhood gossip should be
banished from the dinner-table, he
"Character development of chil-
dren will begin to take care of itself,"
said Professor Carrothers in conclu-
sion, "when parents and other adults
abolish from their thoughts the no-
tion that they are called upon to be
disciplinarians of children. The pre-
vailing idea that adults must direct-
ly mould and train children in the
ways they should go is one of the
most pernicious notions ever to get
Varsity Band Will Not
Make Trip To Indiana
Lack of necessary finances will
prevent the Varsity Band from mak-
ing either the Indiana or Minnesota
trips, according to Prof. Nicholas D.
Falcone, director. Consequently the
organization has reduced the number
of drill sessions this week and is con-
centrating on music in preparation
for the concert season.
Only one drill session is to be held,
that scheduled for 5 p. in. today. Re-
hearsals were held Monday and yes-
terday afternoon and another will be
held Friday afternoon. A concert sea-
son even more extensive than pre-
viously is planned by Professor Fal-
cone, and considerable preparation is
being made. The regular drill sched-
ule will be in effect again for next
Without leaving America 23 ex-
peditions from the Museum of Zo-
ology last year brought back 32,360
itemized specimens for the museum
collections. The collecting parties,

ranging from the British Honduras
to Canada, gathered specimens of
mammals, birds, fish, amphibians,
reptiles, insects, mollusks, and crust-
Now Showing

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash inaadvance-Ile per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimun 3 lines per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines, per insertion.
By contract per line---2 lines daily, one
month.... ............c
4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months.........8c
2 lines daily, college year... .....7c
4 dines E. O. D., college year......7c
100 lines used as desired........9c
300 lines used as desired........ .8c
1,000 lines used as desired ......... 7c
2.000, lines used as desired........ 6c
The above rates are per reading Bite,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case.. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capi-
tal letters. Add 6c pea rimeto above
for bold face, upper and lower case.
Add 10c per line to above rates for bold
face capital letters.
The above rates are for 7%/ point







FOR RENT -Very attractive 4-roon
apt. artistically furnished; firs
floor; spacious grounds. $45.00
820 McKinley. Phone 9604 120
FOR RENT-Conveniently located-
nice suite for 'one or two women
Breakfast and dinner. 5740 118


rolls Eastman Verichromer film and
receive a third one free. Francisco
& Boyce Photo Co., 723 N. Univer-
sity. 29c
BARGAINS -repossessed cars. 1932
Plymouths, Fords, De Sotosat tre-
mendous discounts. Investigate!
Finance Co. W. Huron 2-200-

FOR RENT-Large front room, three
windows; 112 blocks from campus;
$3.50. 602 Monroe, Phone 2-1502.
A SUITE and a downstairs double
room very reasonable. For weekend
guests. 507 S. Division 113




TANTED-2 neat appearing young
men to sell part time. Write Box
25B. 121


- I-.


COUPLE wants ride to Indiana; will-
ing to share expenses. Phone 22850
after 5. 106



middle-aged lady would like to be
companion and assist in house
duties; smal wages. Dial 7358.

Ti -

TTENTION!-Have your shoe re-
pairing and hat blocking done at
Liberty Shoe Repair Shop, 622 E.
Liberty. 26c
AT-MEAL tickets $5.50 for $4.50.
Lunches 25c, 30c, 40c. All11 steak
dinners 40c. Forest Restaurant
538 Forest Ave. 25c
OST-Tan top coat. Taken from
S.A.E. party last Friday night.
Call A. S. Clark, 6617. Reward. No
questions asked. 119
OST-Small brown suede purse.
Lost on Forest or South University,
Monday night. Phone 8750. 122
OST-Lady's green coat at Phi Psi
party Saturday; one left in its
place; will person making mistake
write Box 24B, Michigan Daily.
OST-Slide rule, serial No. 292055.
Call 31123. Reward. 111
,ST-Illinois man's watch, Satur-
day; telephone Birmingham 2361,
collect, Birmingham, Mich.; re-
ward. 109

Students, College of Engineering: Saturday, November 5, will be the fi-
nal day for dropping a course without record. Courses may be dropped only
with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor in
the course.
R. O. T. C. Uniforms: All students who ordered uniforms should re-
port at R. O. T. C. office during the hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. rn. Friday,
November 4, or 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 Noon, Saturday, November 5.
University Controlled Book Store: All students interested in a non-
profit university controlled book store to be located on the campus are urged
to attend the United Front Conference tonight at the Union at 8 o'clock.
Education D202a and B227a: My seminars in the Teaching of Science
and the Curriculum of Secondary Schools will not meet Saturday, Novem-
ber 5. F. D. Curtis
Geological and Geographical Journal Club meeting, 8:00 p. m. in room
4054 in the Natural Science Building. Prof. W. H. Hobbs will speak on "The
Evolution of Geologic Thought." All those interested are cordially invited
to be present.
Student Branch A. S. M. E. open smoker at the Union, 8 p. in. Profes-
sors Anderson and Hawley, of the Mechanical Engineering Department, will
speak. All engineers invited. Refreshments.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Student Branch: Regular
meeting 7:30 p. in. Room 3201 East Eng. Bldg. Mr. McCready will address
the group on "Paper, Its Manufacture and Classification." All students in
chemical Engineering are invited to attend. Refreshments.
Applied Mechanics Colloquium: Prof. W. E. Lay will give a paper on
"Air Resistance of Motor Vehicles." Recent experimental work will be dis-
cussed accompanied by slides and models. The Review of Literature will
be given by Prof. H. C. Adams. Meeting will be held in Room 445 West
Fngineering Building on Thursday, November 3, at 7:30 p. m. Those in-
terested are cordially invited to attend.
Le Cercle Francais: All students interested in becoming members of
the Cercle Francais are invited to consult the membership committee on
Thursday, Nov. 3, between 4:00 p. m. and 5:00 p. m. in Room 408 Romance
Language Building.
National Association of Cost Accountants, Detroit Chapter: Meeting
at Detroit-Leland Hotel, 8 p. m., to be addressed by J. P. Margeson, of the
Phoenix Hosiery Co., on "The Relation of the Accountant to Current Man-
agement Problems." Visitors are welcome.
Alpha Kappa Delta meets at 8:00 p. m., at the home of Professor
Holmes, 602 E. Liberty St. Important business meeting, and members are
asked to bring names of prospective candidates for membership. Myer
Teitelbaum is to have charge of the program.
Phi Sigma meets at 7:30 p. in. in room 2003, Natural Science Building.
Dr. S. A. Graham, Professor of Economic Zoology, will speak on "The In-
fluence of Man on Insect Life in the Forests."
Phi Delta Kappa: Important business meeting at the Michigan Union
7 p. m.
Theta Sigma Phi meeting at 7:15 p. in., League.
Varsity Glee Club: Important rehearsal, 7:30 in preparation for ap-
pearance Sunday evening at Hill Auditorium.
Play Production presents the last performance of Elmer Rice's famous
experiment in expressionism, "The Adding Machine," tonight at 8:30, at
Hey Looki
--T . X . _). a. r

ments, 5

Band: Drill, no instru-
p. m. today, North Ferry

Michigan Technic Staff Meeting,
7:30 p. m. All staff members please
report. Eligible Engineering and Ar-
chitectural students invited to try
All members of Sophomore Cabaret
Entertainment Committee and heads
of dances be present at meeting in
the League at 7:15 p. m.
Rehearsal for Gob Tap dance from
3 to 4 p. m. at Barbour Gymnasium.
Music Section, Faculty Women's
Club, will have a pot luck supper at
6:30 p. in. at the home of Mrs. Hop-J
kins 1517 6. University Ave. The sup-
per will be followed by a program
entitled "A Bohemian Night in
Greenwich Village."
New Comers Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will be entertained at
tea from three to six o'clock, at the
home of Mrs. Emil Lorch, 718 Church
University Club: Club Night Fri-
day, November 4, 8:30 p. m. Profes-
sor A. E. R. Boak .will talk on "Ex-
cavating in Egypt." Lantern slides.

Members of the Detroit University
of Michigan Alumni Club will have
an opportunity in the near future to
hear several of the most prominent
professors on the University faculty
in a series of 10 lectures at the Book
Cadillac Hotel entitled "The United
States Today," according to a state-
ment by T. Hawley Tapping, general
secretary of the Alumni Association.
The lecture program was conceived,
with the idea of maintaining a closer
contact between alumni and the Uni-
versity. Admission is free to all mem-
bers of the Detroit University of
Michigan Club. Single admissions for
each lecture will be 50 cents.
Hoover To Be
in Calif ornia
Election Day
(Continued from Page 1)
ed, that California will contribute to
the responsibility of interrupting that
leadership to the nation which Cal-
iforia itself has provided.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. - ( )-In
reply to a telegram, asking if he had
changed his position on prohibition
since accepting the Republican nomi-
nation, President Hoover said tonight
"my position is unaltered."
White House officials made public
a telegram from Edward C. Stokes, of
Trenton, N. J., chairman of the New
Jersey Republican campaign commit-
tee, saying representations were be-
ing made in that state that the Pres-
ident had changed his prohibition
views, and asking permission "to
deny upon your authority."
The President's telegram of reply
"I am in receipt of your telegram
stating that representations are being
made that since my acceptance
speech I have changed my position
upon prohibition.
"I would be glad if you would reply
to any such misrepresntations that
my position is unaltered."
"In that address I set forth my
conclusions clearly and unmistakably.
That statement is a matter of public
record. It is inconceivable that it
should be misunderstood."

ARTISTIC piano tuning. Kempf
Music Studios, 312 South Division,'
Phone 6328. Official tuning, Mich.
Union, Mich. League, Lawyers'
Club, Martha Cook Dormitory,
Betsy Barbour House, Helen New-
berry Residence, Mosher - Jordan
Halls and many fraternities and
sororities. 27
finishing. We specialize in Univer-
sity and fraternity work. Johnke
Yph Co. 334 E. Huron Ave. Phone
23730. 28c
Students Cut Out Rolls
As Depression Measure



CHAPEL HILL, N. C., Oct. 31.-
Twenty-five per cent of the students
at the University of North Carolina
eat only two meals a day, economic
conditions aggravating their prefer-
ence for sleep instead of toasted rolls.
As a result some restaurant owners
"threaten to go out of business be-
cause the students expect to eat
enough in two meals to last the day.
Manners are also on the down
grade at the University, according to
boarding house owners. One says
"they have no manners at all"; an-
other says that "food on the table is
the signal for a free-for-all grabfest."




A U N D R Y- Soft water. 21044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
- ~ ~ ,- -- -

Wear Your Old Clothes
Dance--Eat--Be Gay



IANTED - Studen- and family
washing. Phone 3006. 6c


25 cents per person
From 9-12
Harris Hall (State-Huron Sts.)

YOUNG MAN desires day or evening
work on a cash basis. Experienced
in many lines. Can furnish best of
references. Please call 9673 after
7 p. m. Senior in the Univ. 105



THE WINNERS of the Guessing Contest on the
Michigan-Princeton Game ave

1st Chair
2nd Chair
3rd Chair
4th Chair

BILL EASON..............13-7
DALE McCORMICK.........13-7

Don't forget that each barber gives a $2.00 job FREE to winners
of the football score-guessing contest -- and the free manicure
with every haircut is being continued by MR. GLEN LICHTY,
the new manager.


Zooms to Stardom in




Last Time Tonight --

Alison Skipworth
Mae West
Constance Cummings
Wynne Gibson
Jack Denny Orchestra
Jimmy Gleason Conedy



II 1

II I I rA TVA X* Wti IT m r.Tr c

I L--f IN t- I I I Aalllk.

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