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November 03, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-03

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Sir igVA6ru

xily fair; Friday clo-dyI



Tax Amendments Preeli
Other Revenue Measures.

.. r r 1




President Will
Return Home;
Attacks Tariff
Stand Of Dems
Plans To Leave On Final
Swing West Tomorrow;
Will Talk In Many Cities
On Last Minute Tour
To Arrive In Palo
Alto Election Day


Campus Leaders Join Gargoyle
In Greater Publicity Campaign


Some people will do anything for
a laugh. But Editor Edward S. Mc-
Kay, of the Gargoyle, will go even
further. He'll do anything to make
other people laugh. This story is an
Yesterday, Editor McKay's maga-
zine for November went on the mark-
et, carrying satire and caricature of
national and campus political figures
-especially Joseph F. Zias, president
of the Student Council. The maga-
zine sold pretty well. But Editor Mc-
Kay said it ought to sell even more;
he announced publicly that the cam-
pus was looking altogether too sad
and moody. Maybe it's the depres-
Editor McKay suggested that some
one should start a fight over some-
thing. Somebody else proposed that
he ought to get some campus leader
to attack him for "riding" Zias. The
Gargoyle staff got together and hit
Roosevelt To
Make Eastern
Trip Auto

Says Country Would Go
To Ruin If Other Party
Should Get Control; To
Speak On Eve Of Voting
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-(P)-By
telephone and radio President Hoover
tonight directly informed California
and the nation that he intended
"coming home to vote" at the end
of an eleventh hour trans-continen-
tal campaign swing.
The chief executive disclosed his
final campaign plans late last night
in a political address at the Carlton
Hotel here, during which he renewed
his attacks upon Democratic tariff
policies and asserted that if that
party is placed in power agricultural
"products will rot on the farm."
Under, a Democratic "regime," he
said, the country "would go back to
conditions of depression worse than
that through which we have passed."
The President delivered his address
directly across the continent by tele-
phone and then broadcast by radio.
He spoke at the end of a long day
of preparation for his departure to-
morrow afternoon at 4:20 o'clock on
a fifth westward political swing, with
major speeches scheduled for him at
Springfield, Ill., St. Louis, Madison,
Wis., and St. Paul, before beginning
his swift dash .to the west coast.
He now plans to begin his far west-
ern trip Saturday night, directly
after his St. Paul address with a few
major speeches en route because of
the shortness of time remaining be-
fore election day. He expects to de-'
liver a radio appeal for vote on elec-
tion day, however, to be broadcast
from a point still unchosen. His ar-
rival in Palo Alto is scheduled for
about noon next Tuesday.
He asked directly tonight "for sup-
port in this contest." He added he
did "not take seriously the claims of3
our opponents, however, loudly voic-
(Continued on Page 2)
Adventures In
T ibe t Related
BySven Hedin
Crowd Fills Auditorium
To Capacity To H e a r
Famous Explorer

upon the idea of publicizing their
magazine in a new and different
Editor McKay left the office. He
came back a short time later smiling.
In a little while, three letters drift-
ed into the Daily offices. Campus
opinions from three campus leaders.
They didn't like Editor McKay. They
didn't think he ought to "ride" Mr.
Zias. They gave Editor McKay's Gar-
goyle a thorough going over.
The letters were signed respective-
ly by J. A. Schmieler, senior and
Varsity swimming captain; John W.
Lederle, president of the Union, and
John H. Huss, recording secretary of
the Union. Excerpts:
"After yesterday's issue of the Gar-
goyle, it seems to me that Ted Mc-
Kay, editor, ought to take "Peaches"
Zias to the Union formal Friday
night. Evidently it is love at first
sight... ." Lederle wrote.
"When student institutions find it
necessary to pick on an individual
as Gargoyle did in its attack on Pres-
ident Zias of the Student Council
they are exhibiting bad taste. It
seems to me that the Gargoyle has
gone too far in their abuse of Mr.
Zias. Isn't it true that he is a loyal
Michigan man? .. ." said Schmieler.
"Again our great Gargoyle has
bowed to the conventional high
school trick of playing peek-a-boo
with a man who has been able to
place himself in a position far above
that ever held by any of those pros-
titutory Gargoylians... ." Huss said.
Awards Made
Tis Week For
Earhart Group
Fellows' Work In Detroit
Area Assisted By Two
Or More Seniors


Baker Assails
fState G.O.P.
Lehr Stresses Need For
Administration Change;
Urges 'House-Cleaning'
Comstock Delayed
By Fog, Storms
Staebler, Abbott Also At
Democratic Rally Held
In Whitney Theater

Iniii Daily-Union Straw


Roosevelt Is

Poor Secon

Complete Results Of Straw Vote

Hoover ..,
Foster ..

. 748



Norman Thomas Is Next
Scattered Few Vote Foi
William Foster; Upsha-%
Is Granted Single Tall)
Faculty Heavily In
Favor Of President

Hoover Swamps Opposition

Democratic Nominee Plans
To Confine Addresses
In New York Area
ALBANY, N. Y., Nov. 2.-VP)-
Franklin D. Roosevelt tonight ex-
tended his plans for winding up his
campaign for the presidency in the
New York City area to include an au-
tomobile trip tomorrow night into
New Jersey.
Leaving his New York City home
about 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon,
the Democratic presidential candi-
date will drive through Jersey City
and Newark before going to the Met-
ropolitan Opera house to speak to the
Republican for Roosevelt club.
After attending to various state
matters today, the New York gover-
nor turned to the preparation of the
speech he will make tomorrow night.
A radio speech that had been tenta-
tively planned for tonight did not
materialize and he spent most of the
evening dictating to two stenogra-
The return of Mr. Roosevelt to Al-
bany from his whirlwind automobile
tour of New England placed him
here last night in time for a late
dinner after a change in plans that
were to have taken him to his Hyde
Park home. He expressed belief today
that New England will be all right
next Tuesday.
Leaving Albany tomorrow shortly
before noon, he will motor to Hyde
Park for luncheon with his mother,
before continuing to his hom2e in New;
York. After a short time there, he
will drive into New Jersey, but ex-
pects_ to make no stops or speeches
in either Jersey City or Newark.
The speech tomorrow night at the
opera house will bring Mr. Roosevelt
and Owen D. Young together on the
same platform. Mr. Young, himself
prominently mentioned at one time
in the pre-convention conversations
as a likely candidate for the presi-
dency, will make a short talk.
Cox Advocates
Change; Decries
Waning Trustj

Eight fellowships a n d sixteen
scholarships were awarded this week
under the Earhart Foundation for
the training of Social Leaders;
Last year the foundation was
started by H. B. Earhart of Ann Ar-
bor, on a smaller scale as an experi-
ment. This year some 30 scholar-
ships were granted to seniors and
graduates in the sociology and social
sciences curriculum. The object of
the foundation is to make it possible
for promising students interested in
social work to combine actual con-
tact with urgent community prob-
lems with university work.
The fellows are graduate students
working on definite problems and
projects in the Detroit area. Under
each fellow are two or more senior
scholars or undergraduates who take
one aspect of a problem for particu-
lar study.
The field work of the scholars and
the fellows are discussed in a seminar
which meets for two hours once a
week. There the problems are pres-
ented and discussed by members of
the seminar and men from Detroit
who are acquainted with the prob-
lems from a practical point of view.
"Our object," Prof. Roderick D.
McKenzie, of the Sociology depart-
ment and director of the Earhart
Foundation, said yesterday, "is to
give the student a wider conception
of a complete communtiy."
James D. Murnan, 65 years old,
former manager and joint owner of
the Whitney hotel here died yester-
day at a local hotel after a brief ill-

More than 500 men and women
gathered last night in the Whitney
theatre at a Democratic rally to hear
last week speeches from Washtenaw
Democratic candidates for state and
national offices.
William A. Comstock, candidate
for governor, who had been talking
in the Traverse City district had
hoped to fly to Ann Arbor in time
to give an address, but due to fog and
weather conditions he was unable
to be present. In his place Edward
W. Staebler, candidate for state leg-
islature, Burnett J. Abbott, candidate
for Secretary of State, James H.
Baker, Adrian attorney, and John C.
Lehr, candidate for Congress spoke
on both state and national issues.
Gives Party History
Giving a brief outline of the history
of the government from the time of
the unsuccessful Confederacy down
to the present time, James H. Baker
brought out the fact that since the
time of the organization of the Dem-
ocratic party under Jefferson until
the election of Lincoln, with two ex-
ceptions, the party had held the pres-
idential position. At the Lincoln
election, in protest of slavery, the
Democrats came to the side of the
Republicans. "Now," he said, "it ib
the turn of the Republicans to come
to the aid of Roosevelt in the inter-
est of the country and lift it out of
the economic depression."
He turned to -attack the payroll of
the state, showing that it amounted
to $17.000,000 yearly and that there
were numerous "useless" bureaus and
committees which only consumed the
taxes of the citizens. As a means of
reducing taxes he advocated cutting
the state militia two-thirds, which
had originally been created in time
of war, saving $400,000 per year.
"Taxes can be reduced 25 to 33 per
cent within two years," he stated.
"Michigan needs economy, honesty,
efficiency and fearlessness in govern-
Attacks G. O. P.
John C. Lehr stressed the fact that
in Michigan an autocracy of one
party government had grown up, one
which now does not recognize the
wishes of the citizens, and that to
remedy this situation there should be
a continual change of administration
from time to time. "We do not want
to destroy the American system," he
said, "abut it is the Republican ma-
chine in Washington that we want to
wipe out."
He turned to Hoover's promises be-
fore the 1928 election and declared.
"He said he would bring a greater
degree of prosperity." From the au-
dience someone called, "Give him a
chance," which was accompanied by
"Well, here's one promise that
Hoover did keep," Lehr answered.
"He said that he would put the farm-
er on the same level as other indus-
tries-and he has."


State Street,
Sweeps iniior
Lit Ele ctions
All State Street Nominees
Get Into Office; Big
Margin In All Cases
In a whirlwind campaign which
was the most colorful and expensive
in the history of campus politics, the
State Street juniors swept the Lit-
erary College elections yesterday,
placing all of their candidates in of-
fice by a large majority and length-
ening their lead to two straight vic-
tories in the all-campus political rub-
Results are as follows: president,
Richard Degener, 239, Charles Ber-
nard 150; vice-president, Martha
Bowen 243, Prudence Foster 143; sec-
retary, Josephine Woodhams 241,
Louise Crandall 143; treasurer, Fran-
cis Wistert 235, Clinton Sandusky
150; J-Hop chairman, Charles Jew-
ett 219, Richard Briggs 148; J-Hop
committeemen, Wallace Graham 235,
Cyrus Huling 231, Robert Saltzstein
229, Brackley Shaw 224, Martin Cav-
anaugh 146; Bernard Good 143, Wal-
ter Brackel, and Paul Pryor 132.
As there were four J-Hop commit-
teemen to be chosen, the leading can-
didates of the list received these po-
sitions. They were all State Street
The sweeping victory of State
Street was attributed mostly to the
fact that the women's dormitories
got on the band wagon the night be-
fore the election and the majority of
the Sororities decided to "stick with
Washtenaw, to meet the avalanche
of women's votes that were swinging
to the State Street ticket, claimed
that it had the entire junior class of
the Socialists Club backing them.
The junior medical elections were
also held yesterday. The results are
as follows: president, Lee Halsted;
vice-president, John Murtagh; secre-
tary, Robert Waggoner; treasurer,
Donald Smith; J-Hop committeeman,
Harry Craff; first year honorary
man, Fred Pohle; second year hon-
orary man, Spencer Wagar.
Tibbett Sings
Before Near
Capacity Crowd
Famous Baritone Forced
To Do Nine Encores;
Wille Also Applauded
Lawrence Tibbett, baritone, last
night sang to a near capacity audi-
ence in the second of the Choral Un-
ion concerts in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Tibbett was forced to sing a
total of nine encores in the course of
the evening. The approval of the au-
dience was manifest after each num-
ber he sang.
Stewart Wille, his accompanist, re-
ceived his share of the acclamation
when, during his own short program,
he was obliged to play three added
A humorous sketch by Jacques
Wolfe, "Shortnin' Bread," apparently
made the biggest "hit" with the list-
eners when sung by Mr. Tibbett. His
other encores included two by Bra-
hms; the prologue to "Pagliacci"; an
old English hunting song, "My Old
Nag Nell," by Sommerell; a Texas

Politicians Break
Expense Records
In Class Elections
It doesn't mean anything when you
get it, but it's worth trying for.
This was the outlook of the junior
literary politicians as evidenced in
their campaign yesterday when they
"won with Washtenaw" but "stuck
with State."
Both parties spent more on adver-
tising the election than any other
class in the history of the University.
Both bought advertising space in The
Daily, and had thousands of hand-
bills printed. State Street spent more
money than Washtenaw, and State
Street won the election.
"Peko" Bursley, notorious political
boss, lived up to his reputation of
always having an ace in the hole.
Yesterday it was an airplane that
dumped pluggers over the campus
and dormitories, breaking two local
laws and the all-campus political ex-
pense record.%
At least one person on the campus
Was satisfied with he results of the
election. President Alexander Grant
Ruthven heard that the ballot boxes
were not stuffed and went to bed
knowing that the Council would not
call at 3 a. m. to ask him to come
over to the office with his Bible.
Harry Allen To
Have Title Role
In N'lew Satire
Written For Presentation
At Press Club Meeting
Here November 11,
Harry R. Allen, '33A, will have the
title role in the play "The Mayor's
Husband" to be presented for the
University Press Club of Michigan on
Nov. 11, it was announced last night
by Valentine B. Windt, director of
Play Production.
This one-act play, a satire on the
part women are playing in politics,
was especially, written for the meet-
ing of the club. It is to be presented
in the Laboratory Theatre after the
banquet of the press club at the Un-
ion on Friday, Nov. 11.
The part of the Mayor, Mrs.
Deems, will be taken by Ann Ed-
munds, '33, and Allen will have the
role of Professor Deems. Betty Bir-
gener and John Hirt will have the
parts of the Mayor's daughter and
son, while Frances Manchester, '34,
will take the part of "a typical co-ed,
a flirt."
Other parts will be taken by Alfred
Gold, '34E, Lawrence Levy, '34, Eli
Soodik, '34, Edward Freed and John
Silberman, '34.
Fenner Brockway
To Speak Tonight
On Labor Projects
"A Program for Labor" will be the
subject of a talk to be given at 8 p.
m. today. A. Fenner Brockway, mem-
ber of the British Independent Labor
Party, in the Natural Science Audi-
torium under the auspices of the
Michigan Socialist Club.
Mr. Brockway, authority on inter-
national affairs, has travelled exten-
sively and was for a time secretary

)oiled Votes 4
Total ........2821


Is Most Represe
Poll In Campus I
Discover No Ca
Dishonesty Or S
In the most representati
student opinion ever he)
Michigan campus, Herber
yesterday won a smashing 2
in the final returns of the :
ion presidential straw vote,
and faculty members cast
3,292, the largest in Unive
In a total student vote
Hoover received 1,615, a cle
ity of the number of ball
Governor Franklin D. Roos
a poorsecond with a tota
Norman Thomas, Socialist c
was the choice of 420 stude
William Z. Foster, nomini
Communist party, ran fourt
votes. William Upshaw, p
candidate, received one vo
four ballots were spoiled.
Faculty Vote
The faculty vote, a tota
ran closer than the stude
Hoover received 236 votes I
Roosevelt and 96 for Thomo
received the support of seve
The total vote in the pt
poll amounted to approxima
third of the nuiber of stud
istered in the University.

1 of


Students and townspeople yester-
day afternoon crowded into Natural
Science Auditorium, filling every seat,
sitting in the aisles and standing in
the exits, to hear Sven Hedin, famous
explorer and scientist, tell of his ad-
ventures in Tibet, land of mystery
and danger.
No other man, it is generally
agreed, has done more than the great
Swedish explorer Sven Hedin to il-
luminate the vast unknown spaces of
Central Asia. For over forty years
he has made explorations.into hith-
erto unknown parts of that contin-
ent and has returned with valuable
scientific information and thrilling
tales of adventure.
Some of his experiences in Tibet
he related here yesterday, his sub-
ject being "Tents and Temples in
Tibet." After describing the country
as dry and barren of almost all vege-
tation, Hedin began a description of
his attempts to reach the holy city
of Lhassa. He encountered opposi-
tion from the Tibetan rulers, how-
ever, and was forced to abandon his
project for the time being.
His crossing of the Himalayas eight
times in order to map a previously
unexplored part of Asia was accom-
plished only by traveling in disguise,
Dr. Hedin told his audience, for the
Tibetans keep a very careful watch
for foreigners. But although several'
times detained by native governors
while in Tibet, he was always courte-
ously treated.
.. 2 _ . ._ nl~a. if M" O r11"

far, exceeded the total of the v
conducted four years ago and, as
as figures are available, surpas
the student vote cast in any p
either straw vote or campus elect
held at .any time in the past.
Only two college votes in the co
try exceeded that cast here, one c
ducted by the Lantern at Ohio Si
and the other by the Cardinal
Wisconsin. Both these schools h
a larger enrollment than Michig
Republican Statement
Del Pfommer, publicity director
the University of Michigan Repu
can club last night said: "The
suit of the straw vote clearly de
onstrates, I think, that the peo
are considering issues calmly
coolly, realizing the tremendous b
den upon president Hoover's show
ers and expressing their confide
in his ability."
The second day's voting ran cl
to the number of ballots cast
Tuesday, when approximately 1
votes were cast. A large number
women took advantage of the ba
boxes placed in the dormitories d
ing, the latter part of the afterno
No attempts at fraudulent vol
were reported, and the fact that o:
four ballots were spoiled was indi
tive of the intense interest and c
which students exercised in vot
The identification card system wc
ed perfectly, preventing all atten
at fraud. Names of candidates w
rotated on the ballots to escape
hint of partiality.
The Daily-Union vote was the i
venture of its kind held under
joint sponsorship of two large ca
pus institutions, officials of both
ganizations co-operating in the m
agement of the poll. Further co-
erative activities are planned by
two organizations.
Washtena. County Civi.
League Indorses Hoov
Preferred candidates in the Nov
ber election were announced yes
day by the Washtenaw County C
The league indorses President H
ver, Governor Brucker, Lieutena
Governor Dickinson, and Represen
tive Michener for re-election.
drew Moore, Republican candid
for state senator, also received
Independent Engineers
Enter Senior Electi

1920 Democratic Nominee
Attacks Republican Ad-
inistration At Banquet
CINCINNATI, Nov. 2.-(P)-De-
Glaring that the "central crisis of this
campaign" is "the waning of that
confidence in politics and govern-
ment now conspicuous on every
hand," former Gov. James M. Cox,
of Ohio, said tonight "the one. safe
way out of our plight is to change--
to throw out the management which
has brought us to this pitiable past."
In an address released in advance
for delivery before a Democratic ban-
quet here, the former governor
launched into an attack on the Re-
publican national administration
after first dealing with state issues.
"The economic depression now
heavily upon us is only one, and the
lesser one, of two crises now con-
fronting us," said Cox, who was the
Democratic presidential nominee in
1920. "The lost confidence in business
we shall sooner or later, given rea-
sonable common sense, regain."

Tibbett Likes Popular Music;
Enjoys Gargoyle's Carie


A smiling, debonair, broad-minded
young man Lawrence Tibbett is-a
man who has risen far above the lim-
itations and restrictions usually
thought of as being inevitably asso-
ciated with his profession; a man
who, while chosen to sing the lead
role in this year's opening Metropoli-
tan Opera presentation, admires pop-
ular songs and Kern, Gershwin, and
Youmans;a man who can be favor-
ably compared with Enrico Caruso,
yet likes "the college type," football,
politics, and thinks of his profession
as pure joy.
Expects Enthusiastic Response
"I want first of all to say that I
like Ann Arbor heartily," he said in
an interview yesterday. "In spite of
, flp fat tat Tl ,nn ,t C ° _,c'n ,

Choral Union program which brings
me here is an amazingly fine thing;
amazing in the way it tends to raise
the public morale in times of depres-
Keeps Gargoyle
Mr. Tibbett insisted on keeping the
copy of the current issue of the Gar-
goyle which was presented to him
that he might express his opinion of
the caricature of himself in the
drama section. "I think this picture
is priceless," he said.
Instinctively one thinks of Mr. Tib-
bett as being young, modern. It is
told in his dress-his light grey suit,
his shirt and tie to match. His whole
bearing is that of a university under-
He likes popular songs without res-
ervation-if they're good for their

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