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October 30, 1932 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-30

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ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of -the
'sity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant tb the President until
1:30 a. m. Saturday.

1, or Thursday, Nov. 3, between 4:00
p. m. and 5:30 p. m. in Room 408
Romance Language Building.
University Golf Course. will be
closed beginning Monday, October 31.
Students should call for their equip-

meet at 3:30. J. K. Dunn, '24, will
lead the group which will discuss
Dr. Fisher will speak at 10:45 on
"Living with other people," and in
the evening on "Geneva."



NO. 31

Choral Union
Tibb,)e Here
Noted Baritone Presents
First Recital Wednesday
At 11111 Auditoriiut

Prof. Campbell
Says He Will
Go De-mocrati
Claims G.O.P. Responsible
For Depression; Lauds
RooseVelt's Policies


President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students of the
University on the first two Wednesday afternoons of each month from
four to six o'clock.t
Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: It is highly de-
sirable that members of the Faculty should call the attention of all students
nterested in securing teaching positions to the meetings which have beenl
called for next week by Dr. Purdom of t;ie University Bureau of Appoint-,
ments. Undergraduate students are asked to meet on November 3rd at 4:15;
p. m. in the Natural Science Auditorium, and at 5 o'clock in .the same place'
on the same day there will be a meeting of all graduate students interested.
The actual registration is to take place in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments between November 7th and 11th. Anything that can be done
to insure the attendance of students who are interested, should be done as
promptly as possible. John R. Effinger
Lawrence Tibbett Concert Program: Mr. Tibbett, assisted by Stewart
Wille, accompanist, will sing the following program, Wednesday evening
at 8:15 o'clock in the Choral Union Series, in Hill Auditorium. The public
is urged to be seated on time as the doors will be closed during numbers.
Holders of season tickets are specially requested to detach coupon No. 2
before leaving home and present only this coupon for admission: Care,
Away Go Thou from Me (Old Scotch Song) Arr. by Margaret Pierrepont;
Arne-Endicott: Air (Comus); S. Donauciy: Vaghissima sembianza (Fleeting
Vision); Emile Vuillermoz : Jardin d'Amour (Garden of Love); Gustave
Ferrari: Le Miroir (The Mirror); Carl Loewe: Maidens are like the Wind;
Joseph Marx; If Love Hath Entered Thy Heart (Mr. Tibbett) Debussy:
La Terrasses des audiences du claire de lune; Dohnanyi: Rhapsody Op. II
No. 3 (Mr. Wille) Massenet: Vision fugitive ("Herodiade"); Harry Bur-
leigh: Deep River; Thomas Dunhill: The Fiddler of Dooney; Carl Loewe:
.Edward; Elinor Remick Warren: Piano; Lord Berners: Dialogue between
Tom Filuter and -his man (By Ned. the Dog Stealer) Jacques Wolfe: De
Halleljljah Rhythm (Mr. Tibbett).
Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University organist, will,
give the following program, Wednesday afternoon, November 2, at 4:15
o'clock to which the general public with the exception of small children
is invited: Rameau: Air Majestueux; Bach: Sonatina from the Cantata
Gqd's Time Is Best"; Wesley: Gavotte; Bull: Prelude on the Dutch Chorale
"Laet ons met herten Reijne"; karg-Elert: Symphonic Chorale on "Arch,
bleib mit deiner Gnade"; Widor: Scherzo (Symphony IV); d'Antalffy:
Drifting Clouds; Saint-Saens: The Swan; Vierne: Finale (Symphony 1).
Students interested in securing teaching positions for the second
semester or the fall of 1933 will meet in the Natural Science Auditorium,
Thursday, November 3; undergraduate students at 4:15 p. m. and graduate
students at 5:00 p. m.
University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information.
Faculty Concert: The piano recital oy Joseph Brinkman, previously
announced for Sunday afternoon, has been postponed for one week and
will be given November 6.
University Broadcasting Service, Sunday, Oct. 30, 5 p. in.: "Discipline
Through a Stimulating Environment," Dr. George E. Carrothers, Profes-
sor of Education. "Readings from Books for Children," Miss Edith Thomas.
The ,Phillips Scholarships for Freshmen: Freshmen entering with four
years of preparatory Latin with or without two years of preparatory Greek
are eligible to compete for the Phillips Scholarships. The examination will
take place on Nov. 19. For further details see the University Bulletin on
Scholarships. Prizes, and Loan Funds, page 6. Prospective candidates,
should present their names to the undersigned.

melit tomorrow.
Harris Hall: Supper at the Hall
ACADEMIC NOTICES at 6:15 p. m. at a cost of 25 cents.
The program will begin at 7:00 p. m.
uistry: Qualifying examinations for Dr. Randolph Adams, director of Cle-
those wishing to become applicants ments Library will give an illustrat-
for the Doctor's degree in Chemistry ed lecture on "Making Books Live."
will be held as follows:
Analytical Chemistry, Nov. 11, 1 St. Andrew's Church: Services of
p. in., Room 151 Chem. Organic worship today: 8:00 a. m. The Holy
Chemistry, Nov. 18, 1 p. i., Room 'Communion, 9:30 Church School,
151 Chem. Physical Chemistry, Nov. 11:00 a. m. Kindergarten, 11:00 a.
25, 1 p.m., Room ,151 Chem.y m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by
Those wishing to take any of these the Reverend Henry: Lewis.
examinations are requested to leave
their names with the undersigned not Baptist Guild: 12 Noon. Guild
later than November 7. Study Group at Students Houses 503


Economics 51: Rooms for the ex-
amination on Monday at 5 o'clock
are as follows: 1025 A.H.-Mr. Pal-
mer's sections. 103 R.L.-Mr. Hoad's
sections. 25 A.H.-Messrs. Burroughs
and Lamb's sections. 205 M.H.-
Messrs. Caverly's and Devol's. sec-
University Lectures: Tuesday, No-
vember 1, 4:15 p. Mn., Natural Sci-.
ence Auditorium. Mr. S. R. K. Glan-
ville, Assistant Keeper of Egyptian
and Assyrian Antiquities in the Brit-
ish Museum: "Egypt and the Old
Testament" (illustrated with lantern
Wednesday, November 2, 4:15 p.
in., Natural Science Auditorium. Sven
Hedin, explorer of Central Asia:
"Tents and Temples in Tibet."
Public Lecture: Mr. Joseph Cohen,
of Brooklyn College, delegate to the
International Congress Against War
which met in Amsterdam in August,
will speak in the interests of the Stu-
dent Congress Against War to con-.
vene this December in Chicago. Na-
tural Science Auditorium, Monday,
Oct. 31, 8 p. m.
Exhibition of European Sketches
by Lorne E. Marshall, '31A, holder of
the Booth Traveling Fellowship in
Architecture. On ground floor of the
Architecture Building; open daily ex-
cepting Sunday, 9 to 5, through Oc-
tober 31.
Tenth Annual Ann Arbor Artists'
Exhibition in the Galleries of Alumni
Me46ria1 Hall. Open 130 to 5 'on
week days, 3 to 5 on Sundays through
November 20.

East Huron streetToi,"una
tions of the Home" Leader, Howard
R. Chapman.
6:00 p. m. Mrs. Judson C. King,
who has been engaged in mission
work for many years on the Congo,
will speak on "AFRICA ?"
Presbyterian S tud ent Appoint-
ments: 9:30, Student Classes-Church
House. 10:45, Morning Worship-
Theme, "Brains" How to make them
count. 5:30, Social Hour and Super-
Church. 6:30, Student Forum, "What
Do You Think About Prohibition?"
Leader, Dr. W. L. Wilgus, Prof. Emer-
itus of the Law School. 8:00, Fire-
side Hour-Church House.
Lutheran Students: Secretary Louis
Hopkins, of the U. of M. Engineer-
ing School, will speak at-5:30 to the
Student Lutheran Club, on .problems
of University life. The Club holds
its meetings in the zion Lutheran
Parish H a11, corner Washington
street and Fifth avenue.
Liberal Students Union: Repre-
sentatives of the two major parties
and the Socialist club will present
the case for their candidates in .the
coming election. Unitarian church,
7:30 o'clock.
Junior Mathematical Society in-
vites all interested to hear Professor
Kazarinoff of the Engineering faculty
on "Complex roots of an algebraic
equation" at 7:30 p. i., Tuesday, No-
vember 1, 3011 A.H. The society is
open to all students, not exclusively
to juniors as some were led to con-
clude from the title.

Lawrence Tibbaett, baritone, will
make his fourth Ann Arbor appear-t
ance Wednesday evening when he;
sings at Hill Auditorium as the first
presentation of the choral union
Concert season.
He has never before been heard
in recital, but he has appeared in
three May Festivals: in 1925, withi
the orchestral accompaniment of Dr.I
Frederick Stock and the Chicago1
Symphony Orchestra; in 1927, as Es-1
camillo in "Carmen"; and in 1929,
as soloist in Brahr's "Requiem" and
Wolf-Ferrari's "Ne. Life."
When in his early twenties, Mr.
Tibbett scored an upprecedented
triumph on the stage of the Metro-
politan Opera House, singing the
role of Ford in Verdi's "Falstaff."
Since that time he has carried his
art into the three fields of opera, re-
cital, and the motion picture.
Mr. Tibbett does not confine him-
self to the recognized classics in
music, but rather injects novelty
into his programs by singing pieces'
of music which are great, but lack-'
ing in deserved renown. "Tibbett
looked far beneath the surface of
American life to give all he could
to the music," said the Pittsburgh
Sun Telegraph, in a review of a per-
formance wherein the baritone char-
acteristically sang two of the songs
that lend originality to his recitals.
Orangeburg, S. C. was authorized
by the state legislature to allow de-
linquent tax payers to liquidate the
debts in annual installments.
League. Dues are payable at this

Continued from Page 1)
with these are admirable. He be-
lieves that the depression had causes
which can be remedied. His program
for the railroads, for public utilities,
above all, for tariff revision, are con-
structive and sound. While Hoover
talked, he called a special session of
the legislature of New York, had ap-
propriated $20,000,000 for unemploy-
ment relief and set up an organiza-
tion for its expenditure, which is a
model of efficiency. This shows that
he faces economic facts and sees,
first of all, their human implications.

He stands for tae repeal of the 18th
amendment in a Vay that can be
understood, not in Hoover's inten-
tionally obscure fashion which brings
him the support of all the organiza-
tions opposed to its repeal.
Assails Fear Campaign
"The organizations established to
aid recovery will continue to func-
tion just as effectively after Roose-
velt is elected. Like the R. F. C.,
they are almost all presided over by
Democrats. The Republican conten-
tion that they will falter and fail is
absurd and insincere.
',Finally," Professor Campbell con-
cluded, "it is practically certain that
both houses of the next Congress will
be Democratic. In a crisis it would
be dangerous to have our organs of
government paralyzed by disagree-
ment between its two most important
branches. For this reason, under
Roosevelt, with his weapons of pat-
ronage and public approval, we may
expect prompt enactment of neces-
sary legislation, under Hoover, legis-
lative chaos and positive danger of
economic and social disaster."


Landscape Club meeting at
home of Miss Anne Hinshaw,
Scottwood, at 6:30 following' a
which will start from University
Parking place at 3:00 p. m.


Art Lending Service: The Ann Arbor Art Association calls attention
to the arrangements which have been made whereby paintings included
in the exhibition of local artists beginning today in the North Gallery,
Alumni Memorial Mall, may be rented by individuals and organizations.
For terms and further information, inquire of Jean Kyer (tel. 9456).
Women Students Attending the Indiana-Michigan Football Game:
Women students wishing to attend .the Indiana-Michigan football game
are required to register in the Office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents must be received in the Dean's office
not later than Thursday, Nov. 3. If a student wishes to go otherwise than
by train, special permission for such mode of travel must be included in
the parents' letter. Graduate women are invited to register in the office
also. Byrl Fox Bacher, Assistant Dean ef Women.
Graduate Students: Bridge: All graduate students interested in either
bridge lessons or in a bridge club are asked to meet at the Michigan
League Monday, October 31, at 7:30 p. M. This will be an organization
meeting for both groups. Ten lessons $2.25.
Dancing: Lessons begin Wednesday, November 2, at the Michigan;
League, 7:30-8:30 p. m. Eight lessons $3.00.
tonight for the first lecture.
Dancing Club: Organization meeting Saturday, Nov. 12, at the Women's
Athletic Building at 8:00 p. In. An admittance charge of 25 cents will be
charged to defray cost of janitor service and music.
Eating Clubs: Breakfast Group: First meeting November 6, 9:15 a. m..
it the Russian Tea Room of Michigan League. Cafeteria service.
Luncheon Group: Tuesday noons, 12:15, in Russian Tea Room of Mich-
igan League Cafeteria service.
Dinner Group: Wednesday at 6:00 p. in. Russian Tea Room of Michi-
gan League. Cafeteria service.
Sports-Men Graduate Students-Swimming: Every week day etcept
Saturday, 11:00 to 12:00 a. in., Intramural Sports Building. Supervised by,
Coach Matt Mann.
Tennis: Tuesday and Thursday, 2:30 to 4:00 p. m., Intramural Sports
Building. Supervised by Coach John Johnstone.
Golf: Every Friday, at 2:00 p. in.,
Intramural Sports Building.
Riding: Every Tuesday at 7:00 to LET'S
8:30 and 8:30 to 10:00 p. m. Meet 0
at Engineering Arch at 7:00 or 8:00 a
p. m. Free transportation will be fur-
nished to and from the stables. Su- TODAY
pervised by Mr. Jensen and Mr. Ris-

Scalp and Blade: Special meeting
at the Union at 4:30 p. m.,
Graduate Outing lub: Hike to
Saginaw Forest . Leave Angell Hall
8:30, return 12:30. Second group,
leave Angell Hall 3:00, bring 20 cents
for supper, cup and spoon, return
8:30. In case of rain, hikes start as
scheduled, but others may meet at
W.A.A. building at 5:30. Watch this
bulletin for overnight hike next
Albert W. Palmer, President of
Chicago Theological Seminar, will
meet with al students interested in
discussing "Opportunities Open in
Religious Work," in the Russian Tea
Room of the Women's League build-
ing, at 9:15 a. m. All students inter-
ested in the ministry, missions, or
religious education are invited to be

Physics Colloquium: Professor F.
A. Firestone will talk on "A New An-
alogy Between Mechanical and Elec-
trical Systems" at 4:15 p. m. Tues-
day, in Room 1041, East Physics Bldg.
All interested are cordially invited to
Botanical Journal Club will meet
Tuesday, November 1, 7:30 p. in.,
room 1139 N.S. Papers by Dr. Davis,,
Jean Davidson, Alexander Smith, and
Eleanor Cooke. All interested are,
cordially invited.
Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting Tues-
day, November 1, at 8 p. m. prompt
in the League. Werner Striedieck
will speak on Auf Fahrradern durch
Deutschland. Members are urged to
come and hear about our president's
bicycle trip through Germany.
Adelphi meeting Tuesday evening
at 7:30 on the 4th floor of Angell,
Hall. The topic for discussion will,
be the present campaign and the
coming election. Final tryouts will
be held, followed by the initiation.

University Girls' Glee Club regular
weekly rehearsal on Wednesday, Nov.
2, at 7:15 sharp and ending promptly
at 8, in the Glee Club room at the
League. All former members who
wish to retain their membership
must report to this neeting and
heiceforth, or they will be dropped.
Interpretive A r t s Society: All
members of the Society who wish to
take active part on the committee or
in the programs of this society for
this year are requested to see or call
Mr. Hollister at once. A meeting of
such members will be held in Room
302 Mason Hall on Wednesday, Nov.
2 from 7:15 to 8:00. At this meeting
important committees for the year
will be organized.

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at three
o'clock previus; to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-11c per reading line
(on basis of fivetaverage words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
10( per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for oneor two insertions.
14c per rading line for three or
more insertions.
10" discoint if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract per iune--2 lines daily, one
month. .............
4 lines E. 0. D.,2 months........ .8c
2 lines daily, college year...... ..7c
4 lines E. 0. D_ college year ......7e
100 lines used as desired.........9c
300 lines used as desired.........8c
1,000 lines used as desired.......7c
2.000 lines used as desired......... 6c
The above rates are per reading lae,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
Be per line to above rates for all capi-
tal letters. Add 6c pe rline to above
for bold face, upper and lower case.
Add .100per line to above rates for bolai
face ,capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point
WANTED-Boarders; three meals,
$4; two meals, $3.50; served coun-
try style. 609 E. University. 97
WASHING and ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory . 23478?
611 Hoover. 15c
water. Will call for and deliver.
Sure satisfaction. Telephone 4863.
W A N T E D-Student and family
washing, rough dry or ironed. Rea-
sonable, call for and deliver. Phone'
5118. 14c

YOUNG MAN desires evening work
from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. or
thereabouts on a cash basis. Best
references. Call 9673 after 7 p.m.
STUDENTS-Part-time work. Good
commission. Princess Joy Co. Apply
Mich. Union. Monday afternoon.
FOR SALE-Children's play clothes
and snugovers, and girls hand-
made frocks; Call E. H. Connor,
1110 Olivia Ave. 6152 96
WALER'S home Laundrv-Student
laundry a specialty. Terms very
reasonable. Dial 4776. We call for
and deliver. 7c
Maynard. Free mending and darn-
ing. Collars and cuffs reversed.
Opening special, 12c a shirt cash
and carry. Dial 8894. 8c
finishing. We specialize in Univer-
sity and fraternity work. Johnke
Yph Co. 334 E. Huron Ave. Phone
23730. 28c

EAT-MEAL tickets $5.50 for $4.50.
Lunches 25c, 30c, 40c. All steak
dinners 40c. Forest Restaurant
538 Forest Ave. 25c
FOR RENT-Central, pleasant front
room and alcove. May be equipped
for light housekeeping. Near Union.
513 E. Jefferson. 102
FOR RENT-Near campus. Clean
well furnished suite on second
floor. Phone 3216 94
LOST-Jewelled Hermitage Frater-
nity pin. Reward. Call 45. 101
LOST--Large, round, carved green
jade earring in platinum. Saturday
afternoon. 7772. Reward. 103

Wesley Hall: The topic for dis-
cussion in the graduate forum
at 6:30 will be "Religion and Cul-
ture." Roy Burroughs will lead the
group. The Guild will have a discus-
sion group at the same time on "The
Bible and a Philosophy of Life," lead
by Sherwood Messner.
At 9:30 a. m. the classes will meet
for their discussion. Prof. del Toro
will lead the Freshmen group and Dr.
Blakeman will have charge of the
The Oriental-American group will

Alpha Nu meeting Tuesday, Nov. 1,
at 7:30 in the Alpha Nu rooms on the
fourth loor of Angell Hall. Because
of the current pdlitical interest, the
debate with Athena has been post-
poned until Nov. 22. The political
situation as viewed from the point,
of a student who has participated in
it, will be the theme of a speech to be
delivered by Ed McCormack, presi-
dent of the Student Council 1931-
1932. All persons interested in speech
activity are cordially invited to at-
Freshman Girls' Glee Club re-
hearsal at 8:00 p. m. on Monday eve-
ning, October 31, in Lounge 1 of the

University of Michigan Republican
Club and the Young Men's Republi-
can Club of Washtenaw County will
hold a joint rally Monday evening
at 7:30 o'clock, Michigan Union. A
prominent speaker will address the
meeting and free refreshments will
be served. All students interested are
urged to attend.
Michigan Dames: The regular
meeting will be held in the Grand
Rapids room of the Michigan League
at eight o'clock Tuesday evening, No-
vember 1. Business meeting is to be
followed by a presentation of Cosmo-
politan Club views and purposes.
President H. I. Khalaf and others
from that organization will be pres-
ent. A most interesting meeting is
anticipated to which' all students
wives are cordially invited.
Play Reading Sectipn of the Fac-
ulty Women's Club will meet Tues-
day promptly at 2:15 p. in. in the
Alumnae Room, Michigan League.
If you write, we b it.
Correspondo ce St tionery,
Foim'ta3F Peas, Izak, etc.
T"p Wniters all makes.
Greeting Cards for bq4.y
0*4D* 1t t RtR onr ,r

- 1111 South University Avenue
~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~~' ~ ~

WANTED - Student and
washing. Phone 3006.
LAUNDRY-Soft water,
Towels free. Socks Oarned.


: Mate ;

St., Ann Arbor.'




: >
, , ; ,
:z ,. r ,
:Y, :

Representative: JERRY COAN
at The Campus Bootery
Monday, October 31 st

r as arr .s 3c sa ®mn war arrmv ..._

chery: Every Sunday at 9:00 a.
Yost Field House. For mixed
,p Dancing: Every Tuesday at
p. m., Barbour Gymnasium. For
d group.
en and Women graduate sections
meet together on special occa-
in all activities except golf.
nior Engineering class elections
be held Tuesday, Novemiber 3,
o'clock, in Room 348 West En-
ring Bldg. ,Identification cards
be presented in order to vote.
ors will be excused from classes.
Cercle Francais: All students
ested in becoming members of
Oir.l.a -Prnn a reinvited ito

1:30 to
P. M.


in Clothes of Quality
Suit or Topcoat $5 5

i i

There is no deviation from the
high character always associated
with Rosenberg clothes. Only
the price has changed. The new
Fall woolens are handsome.


Richard Arlen -- Andy Devine

III ii



11 . .

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