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October 23, 1932 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-23

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SUNDAY, OCT. 23, 1932

Publicatio in the Bulletin is constructive notice $o all members of the
University. COPY rec ivg at the office of the Assistant to the President until
3:30 11:30.a, M. Saturdav.
Faculty Directory, i9-198: The Editorial Department of the Regis-
trar's Offiee wishes to announce that copies of the Faculty Directory for
1932-1933 are being delivered by University mail to the campus addresses of
the members of the Faculty on Monday and Tuesday, October 24 and 25. By
Tuesday, October 25, copies of the Directory for general distribution will be
available at the Secretary's Office, 3 University Hall.
Boston Synph ony Or lestra Program: The Boston Symphony Orches-
tra, 110 players, Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor, will give the following pro-
gram, Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock, Hill Auditorium, in the Choral Union
Series, The public is secially reqtested to be seated on time as the doors
will be closed during' numbes. Pokofieff: "Classical" Symphony, Op. 25,
1 Allegro, II Larghetto, III Gavotte, IV Finale; Debussy: Two Nocturnes,
Nuages, Fetes; Strauss: Tone Poem "Don Juan" Op. 20 (after Lenaw):
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64, I Andante, II Andante
ci tabile, con alcuna licenza, III Valse' (Allegro moderato), IV Finale:
Andante maestoso; Allegro vivace.
Holders of season tickets are respectfully requested to detach coupon
No. I "Boston Symphony Orchestra" from their tickets before leaving home
and to present only this coupon for admision.
Trafic Regulations For Choral Union Concert: By direction of the Ann
Arbor Police Department and the Buildings and Grounds Department of the
University, traffic regulations will be 'enforced hereafter as follows:
Through traffic will be prohibited on North University' Avenue in front
of the Auditorium during concerts. Taxicabs and buses will be permitted to
unload and load on North' University Avenue in front of the Auditorium.
Private cars will unload and load at the side entrances on Thayer and
Inga'lis Streets.
Also, on the occasion of intermissions, concert attendants who step out-
side the building, intending to return for the balance of the concert, will be
required to present their ticket stubs to the officers at the outer doors on re-
entering-the building.
The Ann Arbor Police Department, the Buildings and Grounds Depart-
ment, and the University Musical Society will appreciate the sympathetic
co-operation of concert goers in conforming with these regulations which
are intended to facilitate and simplify the problem of handling the large
Tickets For The Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert may be purchas-
e0l at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, and $2.50 each. Tickets for the ten concerts in the
ghoral Union Series at $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 each at the office of
the School of Music on Maynard Street..
Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University organist, will give the
following program, Wednesday afternoon, October 26, at 4:15 o'clock in
Hill Auditorium, to which the general public, with the exception of small
children is invited.
Matthews: Paean; Bruch: Ro Nidrel; Rousseau: Scherzo; Barnes:
Symphony I; Jongen: Pensee d'Automme; Reger: Benediction; Bach: Pas-
sacaglia and Fugue in C minor.
Assistant in Organic Chemistry: A vacancy exists and is to be filled at
once. Salary, $235 per year. Applicants must have had Chemistry 69. Send
applications, giving name, address and telephone number immediately to
W. E: Bachmann, Chemistry Building.
Graduate Students: The Sunday breakfast group will not begin until
the- first Sunday in November. Watch ' for further announcement in the
Comedy Club Business- Staff Tryouts: All those interested in working
on the business staff of Comedy Cltib are asked 'to report to Ann Verner,
Business Manager, Monday, October 24, at 4:10 in the Rehearsal Room of
the Michigan League. Only those with previous business experience need
University Lectures: Professor Allardyce Nicoll, of the University of
London, is to give the' following. lectures in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre: Wednesday, October 26; at 4:15 p. M., "Sentimental Comedy": Thurs-
day, October 27, at 4:15 p. in., "Eighteenth Century Comedy, the Licensing
Act and the Newspapers." The ublic is invited.
R1ymon4 Currier, Editor of the Far IHoizon and Secretary of the Stu-
dent Volunteer Movement, will'disc'uss "EXPLOITATION OF A DEFENSE-
LESS EAST" (Western science'amoing Eastern Peoples) at Lane Hall Mon-
day, October 24, at 4:15.
Exhibition of mural paintings, organized by Museum of Modern Art,
New York City, Alumni Memorial Iall until October 25-auspices Ann Ar-
bor Art Association.
Triangles: Important meeting a t the Union 5 p. m.
Vulcans: Regular meeting at the Michigan Union.

10:45 Morning Worship. Sermon-c
life. 5:30 Social Hour and supper forI
Optimism, the spiritual sunshine ofI
young people. 6:30 Student Forum.1
Raymond Currier, Educational Sec-
retary for the Student Volunteert
Movement, will lead the meeting1
Subject, "Weavers of a New World."'
7:30 Fire-side hour.1
Student Lutheran Club is havingt
an "International Night," at Zion Lu-
theran Parish Hall, corner Washing-
ton Street and Fifth Avenue. Certaini
foreign students on the campus will1
speak about religious and social cus-
toms of their native countries. Social
half-hour at 5:30; supper at 6:00'
and program at 6:30.
Liberal Students Union: C. L. Lun-
dell will speak on "Recent Guate-
malian Explorations." U n i t a r a in
Church, 7:30 o'clock.
Congregational Student Club: At
the Congregational Fellowship meet-
ing this evening Dr. J. T. Sunder-
land will speak on the subject, "The
Hindu Interpretation of Christ."
Special music by a fourteen piece
orchestra under the direction of J.
Christian Pfohl.
20 cent supper at 6 o'clock.
Philippine-Michigan Club: A rep-
resentative of the Federal Govern-
ment from Washington, D. C., desires
to meet all the members of the Club
at 3 o'clock in Lane Hall. The pres-
ence of everyone is requested.
Hindustan Club: Regular meeting
in Lane Hall at 2:30 p. m.
Russian Student Club: A short but
important business meeting will be
held at 8:00 p, m., Lane Thall
Physics Colloquium Dr. K. G.
Emeleus of the University of Belfast
will talk on "Negative Sections of the
Cold Cathode Glow Discharge," at
4:15 p. m. Tuesday, in Room 1041,
East Physics Building. All interested
are cordially invited to attend.
Transportation Club Meeting: Tues-
day evening, October 25th, Room
1213 East Engineering Bldg., first
meeting will be held, at 7:30 p. m.
All members and anyone interested
please attend.
Applied Mechanics Dinner For
Professor R. V. Southwell: Men who
have arranged to attend this dinner
will note that it will be held in the
Michigan Union at 6:00 p. m. Mon-
day, October 24.
Acolytes will meet Monday, Oct. 24,
at 7:30 p. m. in room 202 S. W.,
Dr. Uchenko will read a paper on
"Relativity of Simultaneity and Pro-
fessor Lovejoy."
The Contribution of fte Stars:
Prof. Dr. Heber Curtis, Director of
the Observatory will give an illus-
trated lecture on "The Contribution
of the Stars" Tuesday, Oct. 25, at
4:15 in Natural Science Auditorium.
The Public is invited.
Adelphi, literary forensic society,
regular meeting Tuesday, October 25,
at 7:30 p. m. in their rooms on the
fourth floor of Angell Hall. A varied
program including try-out speeches
-Everyone welcome.
Alpha Nu meeting Tuesday, Oct.
25, in the Alpha Nu rooms, fourth
floor Angel Hall, The program will

consist of two talks to be given by
Lyle Eiserman, President of Kappa
Phi Sigma, national literary frater-
nity of which Alpha Nu is the local
chapter, and Joe. Zias, President of
the Student Council. There will also
be a short discussion to decide the
topic for the humorous debate with
Athena. All persons interested in
speech activity are cordially invited1
to attend.
International Relations Club will
meet Wednesday, Oct. 26, 8 p. in. in
the Political Science $eminar Room,
2036 A.H. The discussion will be on
Intei'.allied and Internaional Debts.
Tau Beta Pi Dinner Meeting: Michi-
gan Union at' 6:15' .p. m. Tuesday,
October 25. It is especially important
that all active member' be there.
Faculty Women's Club: The open-
ing reception honoring newcomers
will be held in the Michigan League
ballroom Thursday, October 27, at
3:00 p. M.
Sports Section of the Dames Club:
Meeting Monday, 8 p. in., at the
League. .Outings and games will be
planned at this meeting.
Bookshelf and Stage Section of the
Faculty Woman's Club will meet with
Mrs. J. M. Cork, 2034 Day St., Tues-
day, October 25, 2:45 p. m. All mem-
bers of the section are urged to at-
Sophomore Cabaret: Tryouts will
be from 4-6 p. m. Tuesday and Wed-
nesday at the League. See bulletin
board at League for room.
My English Classes will not meet
today. R. D. Williams
$tudents interested in playing cym-
bals in the Varsity Band, call Nicho-
las D. Falcone. bandmaster. Phone
6695, from 12:15 to 1 p. in. or 6 to
7 p. in. any day.
Holmes' Book
6 niversities
A new and different appoach to
rural life in America is presented in
Professor Roy H. Holmes' book,
"Rural Sociology," which was pub-
lished last May by McGraw-Hill. The
book hais been adopted by six state
univ'ersities, including Indiana, Min-
nesota, Washington, Oklahoma, Kan-
sas and Texas, in addition to the
University of Michigan, Michigan
State College, Western State Teach-
ers College and DePauw University.
The first portion of the book deals
with a discussion of social theory,
presenting the organi; viewpoint to
link elementary study with advanced
work, making the book, readily use-
able in schools that lo not offer
courses in social theory.
Holmes' book is one 9f the first to
classify the family-farm as an in-
stitution. The three conceptions of
country life, agriculture, and the
family-farms wereclearly differen-
'tiated, naming the family-farm as
the primary field of rural sociology.
Two-hundred twenty-five varieties
of wild flowers in bloom at one time
were counted in the flower garden of
Beatrice Griscom of Wildwood Glen,

*vHillel Foundation Will '
Hold Discussion Tonight
Aids Progress, dation Sunday night open forums to
be held tonight at 7:30 p. mi. at the
IRutlhven Says Foundation.
Eugene M. Shafarman, 33M, mem-
ber of the national committee for the
UniversityReady To Helstudent congress against war, will
ye explain the movement and lead the
In Education Projects, The International Anti-War Move-
He Tells Teachers ment wil be the subject for discus-
sion at the first of the Hillel Foun-
Welcoming teachers from Living-
ston County and' the Detroit Biology
Club who were attending the For-A
estry Field trips yesterday morning
in Ann Arbor, President AlexanderI
Ruthven pointed out that conserva- _
tion is playing an active part in the CLASSIFIED
social and economic progress of the
people. Further, he said, al ldepart- ADVERTISING
inents of the university were always
glad to co-operate with teachers in Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising1Department. Phone 2-1214.
educational projects. The classified columns close at three
The program yesterday consisted o'clock previous to day of insertion.
of an 'all day 'field trip upder the i Box numbers may be secured at no
of a al dayfied tip uderthe extra echarge.
direction of the School of Forestry cash in advance-ic per reading line
and Conservation. The trips were (on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
conducted at the outdoor laboratory Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
school. During the trip lectures were lOc per reading line for three or more
given by several faculty members. insertirns.
.Telephone rate--15c per reading iine
Professor L. J. Young spoke on "The for one or two insertions.
Forest-Conserver of Soil, Water and o per reading line for three or
more inrsertions.
Landscape Beauty." Professor Shirley 10% discount if paid within ten days
W. Allen talked on fires and insects rom theeofanstperda t insertion.
which are harmful to trees. Professor ny contract per line-2 lines daily, one
E. V. Jotter discussed "Growing the month-..... ......c
Timber Crop," and R. E. Trippense >lines dJv, college year.........7c
concluded with a talk on "Forest 4 lines E. o.P., college year......7c
,,e 100 unes used as desired............9c
Wild Life.300 lines used asdesired.........8c
The purpose of the Forestry Field 1,000 lines used as desired.......7c
2.000 lines used ... . .ired.......
Trips are to bring together state The above rates are per reading liue,
teachers for the purpose of demon- based on eiglit reading lines per inch.
Tonic type, uipper and lower case. Add
strating how to use Feld trips to car- 6cper line to aboe rates for all capi-
ry on outdoor activities, and the tal letters. Add 6c perhine to above
for bold face, upper and. lower case.
methods of, outdoor teaching by ob- Add 10c per line to above rates for bold
servation to supplement indoor lec- face capital letters.
tures and reading. These field trips , he aove rates are for 712point
will be held in various parts of the
state wherever the need arises and FOR RENT
wherever there is a suitable forest re-
gion to afford an interesting study. FOuRRwiNdoa 1e25 trooS Neawit
! for inos:115 hteSt Na

discussion. The meeting is open to
Shafarman is chairmian of the Uni-
versity committee for the National
Student Congress Against War, meet-
ing in Chicago Dec. 28 and 29 to dis-
cuss various plans of a~cion. As such
he is asking that all Michigan stu-
dents interested in the movement get
in touch with him so that they may
arrange to contribute their ideas to
the congress.
LAUNDRY-Soft water, 21044.
Towels free. Socks darned, 13c
WASHING and ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory . 23478
611 Hoover. 15c
WANTED - Student washing. All
Mending neatly done. Phone 3006.
WANTED-Ride to Marquette or vi-
cinity. Call C. Unger. 5929 before
Sunday evening. 83
WANTED-Student laundry. Good
work at reasonable rates. Mending
free. Called for and delivered. Dial
4929. 81


Member of Music Staff-
To Speak at Convention
Martha Merkle Lyon, of the piano
faculty of the School of Music, has
accepted an invitation to speak be-
fore the Detroit Musicians League
of the Michigan Music Teachers As-
sociation, at the Detroit Y.W.C.A.
building, on Oct. 24, it was learned
Mrs. Lyon for three years has
served as State Chairman of Junior
Contests, sponsored by the Michigan
Federation of Music Clubs.
Because of low prices this year,
the farmers of northern and eastern
Colorado will hold their crop of pop-
corn from the market and feed it to

campus. Very reasonable. Phone
8587. 85
CLOSE TO CAMPUS-Very nice un-
furnished apartment. Living room
with rollaway bed, dinette, kitchen
with gas stove and refrigerator,
private bath and shower, with hot
soft water, bedroom, steam heat
furnished, laundry room in base-
merit. Phone 7704. 426 Packard.
FOR SALE--Sweet cider. Paw Paw
grapes and grape juice. Call 9534
or 22413. Wagner Cider Mill. 20
IT IS NOT too early to order Christ-
mas cards. Our greeting cards de-
partment is large and complete.
Francisco Boyce, 719 N. Univ. 29

water. Will call for, and deliver.
Sure satisfaction. Telephone 4863.
W A N T E D-Student and family
washing, rough dry or ironed. Rea-
sonable, call for and deliver. Phone
5118. 14c
EAT-MEAL tickets $5.50 for $4.50.
Lunches 25c, 30c, 40c. All steak
dinners 40c.Forest Restaurant
530 Fl~orest Ave. 25
finishing. We specialize in Univer-
sity and fraternity work. Johnke
Yph Co. 334 E. Huron Ave. Phone
23730. 28c
Maynard. Free mending and darn-
ing. Collars and cuffs reversed.
Opening special, 12c a shirt cash
and carry. Dial 8894. 8c
STUDENTS' Laundry by experienced
Laundress. Prices reasonable. Will
call for and deliver. Stockings done
free. Call 116 and ask for 769F13.
WALKER'S Home Laundry-Student
laundry a specialty. Terms very
reasonable. Dial 4776. We call for
and deliver. ' 7c



1:30 To


Scalp And Blade ,meeting at 4:30 p in., Union All members be present.
Riding For Women: A supper ride'is being: organized today. Cost of
supper and ride is $2.00. The group' will meet at Barbour Gymnasium at
4:30. Transportation will be provided. Students should call 7418 and re-
serve their horses.
Men and Women Archery to meet at 9:00 A. M. at Yost Vield House.
Each person should bring his own arrows. Bows will be furnished
Methodist Church.: Sunday, Dr.
Fisher will speak in both of the serv-
ices of the day. In the morning his
topic will be 'Youth in the Making kA
of a New World." In the evening he MICHIGAN
will speak on "Conquering Fear."
Wesley Hall: Dr. Fisher
will speak to the graduate students
at 6:30. his topic is "Essentials and Now
Non-essentials of Christianity." Prof.
G. E. Carrothers will have charge of NORMA SHEARER
the undergraduate group and will
speak on "Peril of Uselessness.'FREDE IC MARCH
The regular classes will be held
at 9:30 a, in. with Prof. del Toro on in
"European and .American Christian-
ity" and Dr. Blakeman on "Personal-
ity and Religion.'

A rooster hasn't go
Of intellect to sh
But none the less m
Enough good se

A hen is not supposed to have
Much common sense or tact.
Yet every time she lays an egg
She cackles forth the fact.
t a lot
iost r oosrshave
ense to crow.

Ihe busy little b
Bulls bellow;
The watch dog -b
And doves a:

bees they buzz,
and cows moo,
barks, the gander quacks,
nd pigeons coo.



Harris Hall: Supper will be served
at 6:15 p. m. at a cost of 25 cents.
The program for the evening will be-
gin at seven o'clock. Professor E. S.
McCartney is the speaker and his
topic is "Noah's Ark." All students
and their friends are cordially invit-
St. Andrew's Church: Services of
worship today are: 8:00 a. in. The
Holy Communion, 9:30 _m. Church
Schiool, 11 :00 a. 7nIKi?!dergarten,
11:00 a. m. Morning prayer and ser-
mon by the Reverend Edward M.

A picture that stirs moonlight
Mickey Mouse Cartoon

But man, the greatest masterpiece
That nature could devise,
Will often stop and hesitate
Before he'll advertise.
-Editor and Publisher

_ ,,
_ ti /tom
] )


For Suggestions ou the Ant Arbor Student Market
Call for an Advertisiag R'Prersnf ative of

--- . __


II n17 Oth UXIer


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