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October 23, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-23

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The Weather
Rain Sunday, ending Mon-

Sic iauF


Coaches Should Not Meddle
With Studies; "Roosevelt Makes
A Bad Blunder.



Hoover Tell
Detroit Crow
Panic Is Over
Asks Suppori
Lists Ten Evidences O
Better Times; Outline
His Program For Nex
4 Years If Elected
Executive Greeted
By Boos at Depo
Receives Applause F o
Attacks On Statement
Made By Gov. Roosevel
Charging Extravaganci
OLYMPIA ARENA, Detroit, Oct. 2
-(P)-Pointing direct to 10 points o:
"evidence" that "the gigantic force:
of depression are in retreat," Presi
dent .Hoover tonight asserted th
Democratic party had retarded thi
recovery and that its 1 e a d e r ha
broadcast "a misstatement of facts.'
Greeted in Detroit with mingled
boos and cheers, the President wa
given a riotous four-minute ovation
when finally he entered the arena.
The boos were given him at the
railroad station by a crowd bearing
banners labeled "Vote Communist'
and "W o r k e r s Ex-Service Men's
Once inside the arena, where a
year ago he pleaded successfully with
the American Legion against the bo-
nus, the President responded with
smiles and bows to the cheers and
applause from a throng that packed
solid the 18,000-seat auditorium and
overflowed into the aisles. The Uni-
versity of Michigan band furnished
the music. .
The crowd applauded when he
time after time assailed statements
he quoted from his Democratic oppo-
nent, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Denies Extravagance.
He said that Roosevelt had been
"amazingly removed from the truth"
in his recent statement that the ad-
ministration's fiscal policy was "ex-
The Democratic nominee, he assert-
ed, had sponsored a plan holding out
hope that 10,000,000 men and Women
now unemployed "will be given jobs
by the government." He said such a
plan was "fantastic" and asked:
"Is this the new deal?''
At the very outset of his address
the President declared that the na-
tion's economic "tide has turned."
Then he named his 10 points of
"evidence" as follows:
1. Return of $300,000,000 of gold
into the country through restored
confidence abroad.
2. Return of $250,000,000 of cur-
rency from hoarding.
3. Increase in the values of bonds
by 20 per cent.
4.dIncrease in manufacturing pro-
duction by 10 per cent, in some
groups, such as textiles, by 50 per
5. Increase in building contracts.
6. Return of 180,000 workers to
the manufacturing industry in Aug-
ust and 360,000 more in September.
7. Increase in carloadings from
49Q,000 per week to 650,000 per week.
8. Increase in exports and imports
by nearly 23 per cent.
9. Inprovement in farm prices.
10. Decrease in bank failures.
"Our measures and policies have

demonstrated their effectiveness," he
18-Point Program
Then, while listing 18 recommend-
tions made by him as the "Republi-
can program," the chief executive de-
voted much of his address to an at-
tack upon statements made by Dem-
ocratic leaders during the campaign
and to what he called "the destruc-
tive Democratic program" proposed
during the last session of Congress.
The Democratic candidate for Pres-
ident, he asserted, "has refused to
renounce or disavow these destruc-
tive measures, or to give the country
the assurance it deserves that he will
not be a party to these measures in-
cluding the prepayment of the bonus.
Observing this, and examining the
dominant elements of his party under'
the leadership of the vice-presiden-
tial candidate, we can only assume
that this program is still in abeyance,'
to be produced by them if they shall
come into power."
The President directed one main
shaft of his attack upon a letter hej

i . , .. _.

I t ,s L. -s___ " _ ---- -7Y in I rv ... I


imt joins IKoosevelt IF or'ces

Socialist Club
Cites Law To
Defend Stand
Expect Early Settlement
In Fight On Rights To
Sell Radical Books
City Officials Must
Give Written Notice

Michigan Outclasses Illinois
In Running Attack; Petoskey,
Newman, Everhardus Star

% c:>

Rallies, Ties

Leads Offensive

Purdue, 7 To


Alfred E. Smith, taking an active part in the campaign for the first
time, called for the election of the Democratic national ticket at a
political rally in Tammany Hall, New York.


Choral Union
Series Opens
Tuesday Night
Dr. K oussevitzky Will
Direct Boston Symphony
Orchestra Here
One hundred and ten musicians,
the full personnel of the Boston Sym-
phony Orchestra, will be heard here
next Tuesday night at Hill Auditor-
ium, when they open the Choral Un-
ion Concert Series with their only
1932-33 appearance in this part of
the country.
Recognized as one of the world's
most distinguished ensemble groups,
the orchestra, when organized in
1881, numbered but 70 players. Since
that year, under the successive di-
rection of Georg Hanschel, Wilhelm
Gericke, Arthur Nikisch, Emil Paur,
Dr. Karl Muck, Max Fiedler, Henry
Rabaud, Pierre Monteux, and Dr.
Serge Koussevitzky, its size steadily
increased until it reached its presentI
number. Dr. Koussevitzky, present
conductor, first became affiliated with
the organization in 1924; he has
served a longer term than any of his
Although the orchestra gives such
a heavy concert program in Boston
that it is generally unable to leave
its home city, at intervals of several
years it is prevailed upon to make a
brief westward tour. This season Dr.
Koussevitzky is again making a brief
out-of-town tour, visiting Buffalo,
Ann Arbor, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh,
and Philadelphia, Ann Arbor being
the only city in this portion of the,
middle west where the symphony will
be heard.
Freshmen To Hold
Smoker, Will Pick
Fall Gaines Leader'
Freshmen will meet at 8 p. m.
Tuesday in ,the Union for a smoker
and to elect their leader for the class,
games which will be held during the
week-end of the Princeton game, Oct.
28 and 29, according to an announce-
ment by Joseph Zias, president of;
the Student Council.y

fRev. Marley To
Give T alk On
Stage, Screenj
Current Productions On
Broadway And Talkies
Will Be Discussed
"Stage, Screen, and the Public
Mind," is to be the topic of an ad-1
dress at the Unitarian Church today
by Rep. H. P. Marley. His discussion
will be the last of a series dealing
with the factors in reconstruction.
Many of the current productions on
Broadway wil be dealt with, and such
movies as "I Am a Fugitive" and
"Cabia pthe Cotton," both dealing
with sociological problems of the
South will be analyzed at some
At the student discussion in the
evening, Dr. C. L. Lundell, who has
recently returned from South Amer-
ica, will speak on "Recent Guate-
malian Explorations." Dr. Lundell
I was studying the flora of that section
but accidentally discovered the re-
mains of 13 ancient Maya cities,'
probably the last find of any import-
ance which will ever be made on the
continent. This talk will begin at
7:30 p. m. and will be followed by
dancing and refreshments.I
Student classes of the First Pres-
byterian Church will meet at the
Church house at 9:30 this morning,
Alfred Lee Klaer, associate minister,
announces. A social hour for young
people will be held at 5:30 p. m.
Two student Guild house meetings
will be sponsored by the First Baptist
Church today, according to Howard
R. Chapman, University minister.
The first, at 12 noon, will last about
three-quarters of an hour, with Mr.
Chapman speaking on "Building a
Home." The second is to begin at 6
p. m. John Khalaf, president of the
Cosmoiolitan Club, will give an ad-
dress on "Mohammedanism." A social
hour with refreshments will follow.
PRINCETON, N. J., Oct. 22.-(A')--1
A scrapping Navy eleven, which hasn't
been doing so well this season, made1
up for any previous lapses by play-
ing Princeton's well-liked Tigers to
a scoreless tie before 40,000 specta-
tors at Palmer stadium today.

Members S e e Possible
Grounds For Legal Suit
Against City
Members of the Michigan Socialist
Club, whose stand for the distribu-
tion of radical literature was closed
by the police Thursday afternoon 10
minutes after its opening, last night
expected to reach a settlement with
city officials on the matter early in
the week.
Denying that any new develop-
ments had arisen since Friday, mem-
bers of the club told The Daily that
unless action is taken immediately
considerable money will be lost in the
Don't Want Restitution
"The main object of the fight is to
secure the reopening of the stand,"
said John Olson, Grad., chairman of
the committee in charge of the stand,
"rather than to receive restitution by:
means of lawsuit for -the money we
have spent."
Members'of the club said last night
that they believe they have grounds
for legal action on the basis of Sec-
tion One of a city ordinance "relative
to theuse of streets and other public
places," which says, in part:
* "It shall be the duty of the Board
of Public Works to take cognizance
of any violation of the provisions of
this ordinance, relative to the remov-
al of obstructions from streets, alleys,
and sidewalks.
Must Serve Notice.
"And whenever the said Board shall
learn of any sidewalk in any street,
alley, or other public place in this
city being obstructed or encumbered
contrary to the regulations herein
contained, the said Board shall im-
mediately cause a written or printed
notice to be served upon the person
charged under this ordinance with
the removal of the said obstruction or
The police, members of the club
said, closed the stand without serving4
written notice, on the basis of whicht
they believe the action was taken
illegally. No definite plans had been
make by the club last night for ac-
tion in the matter.1
Trojans Beat
Stanford; Hold
GripOn Title
PALO ALTO, Calif., Oct. 22.--W)-
The Trojans of Southern California,1
the nation's mythical football cham-
pions of 1931, met and mastered
Stanford's Indians, 13 to 0, to pass
the first mighty' test in defense of
their title today.
Late in the second period McNeish,
substitute left half, faded far back in
a deceptive spread by the backfield
while Palmer, end, dashed over the1
goal line. McNeish whipped the ball
true into Palmer's hands while three
Stanford men looked on. Another
touchdown march started by way of
the air and finished in a terrific
smash straight through center
brought the Trojans a second score
midway of the third period.5
Rtipon 0, Beloit 0.I
Kansas 6, Nebraska 20.
Illinois Wesleyan 12, Milliken 0. a
De Pauw 13, Ohio Wesleyan 25. d
Vanderbilt 6, Georgia 0.f
Alabama 24, Mississippi 13.
Marquette 13, Boston College 0.
Minnesota 21, Iowa 6. V
Missouri 0, Iowa State 0.C
Walbash 34, Butler 0. I
Chicago 13, Indiana 7.g
Illinois College 6, Knox 0. i
Northwestern 7, Purdue 7.
Notre Dame 42, Carnegie Tech 0.0
N. Carolina 14, Georga Tech 43.C
M. S. C. 19, Fordham 13.t
Toledo 6, Marietta 0.E

Marquette Teachers 10, Northland 9
Albion 13, Kalamazoo 6.
Bucknell 14, Lafayette 6. -
Columbia 46. Williams 0. e

Touchdown March Gives
Wildcats Score In Last
Three Minutes Of Play
EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 2-()
Outplayed and beaten for three pe-
riods Northwestern, rallying furious-
ly in the dramatic closing three min-
utes of the game, swept down the
field in a 65-yard march for a touch-
down that held Purdue to a 7 to 7
tie today.
Before that uprising, gloom hung
over the crowd of 40,000 that almost
filled Dyche stadium, because the
Wildcats seemed certain to go down
in defeat. Then they opened up, in
desperation, with a sensational for-
ward passing assault, bringing their
aerial attack to a climax with a per-
fect shot over Purdue's goal line.
The dramatic climax of today's
game was furnished by blond-haired
Ollie Olsen, fullback, and "Pug"
Rentner, Northwestern's all-Amer-
ican halfback. On Purdue's five-yard
line, Olsen, taking the ball from cen-
ter, tossed it to Rentner, who with
perfect aim, shot a forward pass into
the waiting arms of George Potter,
Wildcat halfback. Potter was stand-
ing behind Purdue's goal in one cor-
ner of the end zone, andneasily
plucked the ball from the air.
Calmly, Olsen then kicked the ex-
tra point that tied the score.
Purdue, hitherto undefeated and
untied, played Northwestern off its
feet for three periods, scoring after
a terrific 28-yard march in the third
Purdue's touchdown came after
Hecker passed 45-yards to Moss, who
leaped into the air and caught the
ball on Northwestern's 28-yard line.
Horstman, Purdue's plunging full-
back, then took charge of things, and
except for a smash by Purvis and an-
other by Hecker, tore through the
wilting Northwestern line for a
Horstman ripped through the Pur-
ple defense for a first down on the
19-yard line, and then Purvis tore off
a 14-yard gain, going to Northwest-
ern's five-yard line. Horstman plung-
ed for a yard, then added another
and then on the next play Hecker
crashed through center, carrying the
ball to within six inches of North-
western's goal. On the next play.
Horstman plunged his way over the
line for a touchdown.
Maroons Upset
Hoosiers; Ohio
Ties Pittsburgh,
Defeat Is First Suffered
By Bloomington Squad
During 1932 Season
CHICAGO, Oct. 22.-(P)-Amos
Alonzo Stagg brought his Chicago
Maroons, a band that looked like the
Maroons of old, back to the Big Ten
football wars today, to earn, by two
quick thrusts, a 13 to 7 victory over.
Indiana's husky Hoosiers.
Pete Zimmer swept around Indi-
ana's left end for the first touch-
down. Capt. Don Birney drop-kicked
for the extra point.
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 22. -() -
Waging a defensive classic, Pitt and
Ohio State fought it out to a score-
ess draw this afternoon as two great
grid machines nullified every assault
ts rival sought to launch.c
With a homecoming crowd of 18,-
000 begging for a Panther win, the 1
Ohians repulsed P i t t's greatest
touchdown threat, one yard from the"
Buckeye goal, seconds before theI
game ended.e

IOWA CITY, Ia., Oct. 22.-()-
Headed by the rushing Jack Mand-
ers and Bra dnobinson Minnestn's

Michigan Illinois
Ward.........L E.........Straw
Wistert........LT..... Cummings
Kowalik .......LG.. ...Kowalski
Bernard ........C.........Bloom
Savage..... ...RG..... Abrahams
Austin......... RT......... Gragg
Williamson ....RE......Schustek
Regeczi .. .RH ... Craven
Everhardus .. LH. . Yankuskus
Petoskey.......FB........ Walser
Referee-James Masker, North-
western; Umpire-H. G. Hedges,
Dartmouth; Field judge-Lee Dan-
iels, Loyola; Head linesman-N. E.
Kearns, DePaul.
Substitutions: ,Michigan-Westov-
er for Regeczi, Cox for Ward, Mar-
covsky for Kowalik, Hildebrand for
Wistert, Damm for Austin, Cantrill
for Savage, Ward for Williamson,
Oliver for Petoskey, Debaker for Ev-
erhardus, Fuog for Bernard, Regeczi
for Newman, Borgman for Marcov-
sky, Singer for Cantrill, Jacobson for
Damm, Chapman for Hildebrand;
second half-DeBaker for Everhard-
us, Westover for Newman, Oliver for
Petoskey, Hildebrand for Wistert,
Damm for Austin, Fuog for Bernard,
Marcovsky for Savage, Cantrill for
Kowalik, Newman for Westover, Wis-
tert for Hildebrand, Austin for Damm,
Bernard for Fuog, Savage for Can-
trill, Petoskey for Regeczi, Everhardus
for Oliver.
Illinois-Hoeft for Schustek, Snave-
ly for Walser, Froschauer for Craven,
Van Dyke for Abraham, Bennis for
Bloom, Fischer for Straw, Schuster
for Hoeft, May for Gragg, Hladik for
Kowalski, Van Meter for Fischer;
second half-Walser for Snavely,
Froschauer for Craven, Bloom for
Bennis, Hedtke , for Kowalskli, Van
Dyke for Abraham, ,May for Gragg
Palmer for Cummings, Bailey for
Van Dyke, Beynon for Berry, Adams
for Yanuskus, Seamans for Walser.
NEW YORK, Oct. 22.-(P)-An
outnumbered but not outfought
Michigan State football team, which
didn't know when it was beaten,
today tumbled Fordham from the list
of undefeated as it came through
with two touchdowns in the final
quarter to turn back the Ram, 19 to
13, in a thrilling intersectional strug-
gle before 20,000 hysterical fans in
the Polo Grounds.
Michigan Te ch n ic
To Make Its Debut4
The first issue of the Michigan{
Technic, a magazine published by the1
students of the engineering school,'
will appear Wednesday, Oct., 26. 1
The issue will contain an article
by Professor Walter C. Sadler on
"The Obligation of a Contract."1
"Iron Removal from City Water Sup-{
ply," an article by Lawrence C. Whit-{
sit, '32, which won a prize in theY
American Institute of Civil Engineers,1
student branch, and "Dynamic Bal-{
ancing in Industry" by P. C. Mans-j
field. '32E.. which won a prize in the,

Revamped Backfield Pro-
duces More Offensive
Power Than Previous
Petoskey Scores
On 56-Yard Run
Regeczi Out-kicks Indian
Booters; Newman Runs
Punt Back 73 Yards In
Spectacular Play
With their scoring punch greatly
improved by a rebuilt backfield, the
Wolverines moved forward yesterday
in their march to a Big Ten cham-
pionship, sweeping aside the feeble
threat of the Illini, 32 to 0, before
30,000 people.
Michigan outclassed Illinois with a
new running offense built around
Ted Petoskey and Herman Everhar-
dus, intermixed with Harry New-
man's usual accurate passing. Mich-
igan's line, 18-pounds heavier to a
man, cut wide swaths for Coach
Harry Kipke's duet of ground-gain-
ing stars, through Coach Bob Zupp-
Juggling Michigan's lineup brought
results. The revamped backfield pro-
duced more offensive power than the
previous combination had done in
three games. Illinois, set for New-
man's touchdown passes, was swept
off its feet by the running attack
of the pennant-bound Wolverines.
Instead of letting down, as Coach
Kipke feared, the team rose to new
heights and stamped itself as one of
the outstanding elevens of the coun-
Michgian's heavier line out-charg-
ed the light Illini forward" wall and
gave a great defensive performance,
holding Captain Gil Berry, Pete Yan-
uskus, and Frank Froschauer to a net
gain of 28 yards from the line of
scrimmage for the afternoon. John
Kowalik and Carl
S a v a g e, starting
.. guards, kept Illi-
nois' famous spin-
ner plays in hand,
: and on offense
)pe ed the way for
Petoskey and Ev-
* 9 erhardus. Francis
Wistert and Tom
Austin, playing at
the tackle berths,
SAVAGe teamed with Sav-
age and Kowalik
to give Michigan her best line play
shown this season.
John Regeczi's superior kicking
kept Illinois at bay, and Everhardus
also had a decided edge on Berry's
and Yanuskus' boots.
Petoskey Makes 197 Yards
Petoskey made 197 yards from the
line of scrimmage, including one gal-
lop of 56 yards for a touchdown,
while Herm Everhardus netted 105
yards. The new fullback carried the
ball 23 times, while the speedy half-
back took the pigskin only 18 times.
Late in the first period, Newman
flipped a pass to Williamson for 34
yards and the first score of the game.
On the first play after the next kick-
off when Everhar-
dus brought the
. ball to the 46-yard
line, Petoskey
slanted off tackle
. for a 56 - ya r d
touchdown behind
~** ~excellent blocking.
Newman kicked
first point but
after Mich ig an
was penalized 15
yards, missed the
sdoA9mAw' -'second attempt.
In the middle of the second quar-
ter, Everhardus raced 31 yards to
bring the ball to mid-field Herrn

then took a pass from Newman, and
Petoskey made it two consecutive
first downs, through the line, bring-
ing the ball to Illinois' 20-yard stripe.
Everhardus picked up four by slicing
through guard, and Petoskey made
three more off right tackle. On the
next play, Everhardus made the most
brilliant run of the day, throwing off
tacklers with his twisting, shifty run
for 14 yards for a touchdown. New-
Mon m-anil own. ew-%

I -_

'Writing Has To Be Casual' Is
Frost's Advice ToYoung Poets
"Writing has to be casual," said "My advise to young writers," he
Robert Frost in a recent interview, said, "is to get a part time job and
"I have heard of novelists who have , te or tir ork.
made of writing a very regular affair so to spare themselves for their work.
with hours during the day set aside In this way they can take care of
for work but with poetry ti is dif- themselves without counting on the
ferent. money which they might make from
"As a writer, I have only one reg- their writings and it will prevent
ularity, and that is that I never write having to write under pressure.
in the afternoon, often in the morn- "The writing of poetry," he ex-
ing and often in the evening, but I plained, "demands that you keep at
can remember no time in my life it often enough to keep a hand in it
when I have written poetry during but when you attempt to keep at it
the hours from noon until dinner constantly over a long period of time
time." you grow stale."
Mr. Frost, who is one of America's I
foremost contemporary noets, nent In telling of his own works he said

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