Alumni Clubs
Elect Officers,
Give Banquets
Campus Elite
Turn Out For
o% medy Club Production
Has Brilliant First Night
At Iydia lendelssohun
A1 brilliant turnout of campus no-
tables attended the opening of Com-
edy Club's presentation, "Three
Times The Hour." held last night at
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, and.
the reception after the play.
Dean Alice Lloyd, attired in a long
gown of brilliant red with insertions
of gold lace in the wide sleeves, pre-
sided at the tea table at the recep-
tion with Leona B. Diekema, direc-
toress at Betsy Barbour; Ethel Mc-
Cormick, social director of the
League; and Mrs. 0. J. Campbell.
Among the faculty celebrities we
caught glimpses of were Dr. Mar-
garet Bell,. Dean G. C. Huber, dean
of the graduate school; Prof. W. R.
Humphreys, assistant dean of the
literary college, and Mrs. Hum-
phreys; and Prof. O. J. Campbell,
head of the English department, and
Mrs. Campbell.
Detroit Guests
Those who attended from out of
town were Humphreys Springstun
who was from Detroit, past member
of Comedy Club and a guest of the
Humphreys; Adelaide Simmons from
Detroit, and Josephine Timberlake,
last year's president of Panhellenic.
Mary Pray, '34, president of Com-
edy Club, was attired in flowing white I
satin featuring a short cape jacket
tieing snugly around the waist and
closing high at the neckline with a
burst of rhinestones. Helen Chee-.
ver, superintendent of the theatre,
wore a fluttering gown of pink chif-
Frances Manchester, '34, chairman
of J. G. P., wore pale peach angel-
skin satinfeaturing a short cape
that fastened up the side; and Eliza-
beth Griffith, assistant chairman of
J. G. P., was attired in black with a
turquoise top. Marian Gittings, '34,
author of the play, chose' an effec-
tive gown of black and white with a'
wide scarlet sash.
Carpenter In Dead White
Kathleen Carpenter, '35, chairman I
of the reception, chose dead white!
crepe with a short cape trimmed with
bands of white fox. Ruth Ann Oakes,
of dramatic circles, wore yellow withi
accessories carried out in rust. Billie
Johnson, prominent in dramatic cir-
Iles, was attired in a clinging gown
of burgandy crepe with a wrap of
the same shade velvet trimmed with
white lapin. Isabel Boincave, '34, of1
Comedy Club, wore an intricately-
cut gown of white satin.
Fraternities that attended the pro-
duction were Tau Delta Phi, Theta
Phi Alpha, and the Theta Delta Chis.
First Lady's Outfit New Members
Picked To Head
First Ca bar e t
s Central Committee Will
Choose Assistants For1
All-Campus Project
New appointments were made yes-
terday to the central committee of
the Campus Cabaret to be held April
1. At a meetingo f the central con-
mittee orchestras and entertainment
for the cabaret were discussed.
The new appointments made were:
assistant chairman, Parrish Riker,
'33; chairman of finance, Mary Sa-
bin, '35; chairman of finance, Hilda
Kirby, '35. The rest of the central
committee appointed last week by
Margaret O'Brien, 33, general chair-
man, are: chairman of entcrtain-
ment, Miriam Carver, '33, chairman
of decorations, Mary Stirling, '35;
and chairman of publicity, Eleanor
Blum, '35. These chairmen will an-
nounce their committees within the
next few days. Ethel McCormick, so-
cial director of the League, is assist-
ing the women in their preparations.
Profits from the Cabaret will go
toward the League Undergraduate
Fund as it is being planned to make
up the deficit in the fund resulting
from the fact that was no Mardi
Gras held this year.#
The Cbaaret will feature an inex-
pensive evening of fun, according to
Miss O'Brien. The admission price
j. will be 25 cents and there will be
a charge of five cents a dance. Al-
-AMsocated Press Photo though the orchestra for dancing has
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt poses I not yet been decided upon, the en-
in the gown that she will wear at the tertainmeit will include both men
inauguratioh of her husband as pres- and women.
ident. The dress is of "Eleanor blue"
velvet, the wrap of "Anna blue,"
named after her daughter, Anna Dr. Hazel M. Losh
xplains Planetaria
Fratern ities Hold Initiations;
Sorority Pledges Plan Dance:
This week has been an active one PHI SIGMA KAPPA
for fraternities with initiations and T. Hawley Tapping, editor of the
election of officers. One sorority Michigan Alumnus, was the dinner
dance is the only feature for the guest of Phi Sigma Kappa last night.
week-end.1 KAPPA DELTA
ALPHA CI SIGMA Kappa Delta pledges are entertain-
Mr. Frederick Farr, Grosse Pointe, ing the actives with a formal to-
is visiting Albert Bunting, Grad., this night. Laurence Livingstons' orches-
eest-end at the fraternity house. tra from Ypsilanti will play for the
eKAPPA tyNUu dance. Guests attending from out of
KAPPA NUtown are, from Detroit, Katherine
Kappa Nu initiated the following toore, 3 ram Petis 3,ael
at a formal initiation: Manuel Cog- Jore, '34, Grace Prentiss, '33Isabel
gan, '36; Edgar Davidson, '36; Robert Jenkins, '33, and Elizabeth Jenkins,
Fleishman, '36; Robert Freeman, '33; '34. Wihlema Calmack, '33, of East
Irwin Glasser, '36; Milton Keiner. Lyons and Dorothy Cummings, '33,
'36; Milton Kramner, '36; Howard Le-lof Pontiac will also attend the dance.
vine, l'36;Irving Levitt, '36; Paul 1Spring flowers will be used to deco-
Reitman, '36; and Richard Rome, rate the house.
;36. Wednesday night Alpha Omicron
Ta~i wregust ot. oue t-n4 x
. I
Several Alumni were present at the
ceremony which was followed by a
formal dinner. .
Electibn of officers was made at a
Pi were guests of the house at an ex-
change dinner.
Seven guests were entertained at
a rushing dinner last night. Ivoryk
tapers and green fern centerpieces
were used on the tables.
Organizations In Buffalo,
Flint.,Adrian AreeAtiv
In Making New Plans
Banquets and reorganization meet-a
ings fill the schedules of the alumni
clubs at present, with election of
term officers also occupying interest
in some- cases.
With a reorganization meeting Feb.
25 the University of Michigan Club
of Flint has again begun to take an
active part in alumni activities, ac-
cording to T. Hawley Tapping, gen-
eral secretary of the Alumni Associa-
The club has been nactive for ap-
proximately three years, Mr. Tapping,
added, but under the stimulus of sev.
eral active alumni in the city new in-
terest was awakened.
Charles S. Crawford, '25, was elect-
ed president of the group. Besides
four officers, the members also chose'
a board of governors consisting of'
five men to serve a term in office.
L. 0. Telfer, '20, director of the
ninth district, was among those pres-
ent at the meeting.
President Ruthven to Buffalo !
In Buffalo, N. Y., the University
of Michigan Club of that city will
be hosts to President Alexander G.
Ruthven and Mr. Tapping at their
annual banquet to be held March 10
at the University Club. Mr. Tapping
explained that the University Club
in Buffalo is an outgrowth of a na-
tional sectional club that used to
flourish several years ago.
These sectional clubs for Buffalo
students, were called Scalp and Blade
Society, formed at leading universi-
ties throughout the country, it was
pointed out, and were very active at
one time. They became so strong in
Buffalo that they formed the club
now known as the University Club,
and the Michigan chapter, always
one of the strongest of the organiza-
tion, had a separate room in the
Lately, however, these groups have
died out in the universities where
Where To Go
Motion Pictures: M ich igan:
-'Broa da ty Bad,"; Mlajestic, iHot
;Saturay": Wuerth, "Fa,: Life."
Atletic EvEnits: S ing meet,
M.Cihigan vs. Nor1thlwesterni, 8 p. in.,
Intramural Pool; Fencing, Michigan
vs. Michigan StL,7:30 p.m. ,In-
trami ur'al Building.
Exhibits Student art exchange,
Hcste s Room, League; Women as
Authors, General Library; Persian
architecture photographs, Architec-
ture Building; Leather book bindings,
William Clements Library; Modern
CaplanpantigWest Gallery,
Alumni Memorial Hall.
Dances: Tea cancing, League Grill;
Informal dancing, 9 p. in., Union
they once flourished, according to Mr.
Tapping, and now the club is the
mecca for all Buffalo residents who
have attended a university, whether
they were active in one of the sec-
tional clubs or not.
Adrian Club Elects Officers
Election of officers of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Club of Adrian, held
recently, put Earl Kelly, '26, in the
office of president, according to re-
ports. Kelly is a former Varsity track
man and present physical educatior
director of the Adrian public schools
as well as coach of the Adrian High
School athletic teams.
meeting, Tuesday night, by active iKAPPA KAPPA GAMMA
members of the chapter. Robert Mc-
Kenzie, '34, was chosen president;
Philip Schaupner, '34, vice-president;
Charles Parvih, '34E; secretary; Del-j
fred Keyes, '34, treasurer, Allen Me-
Combs, '35, pledge trainer; and Well-
ington Hartmann, '35, social chair-
Frosh Frolic
Ticket Price
The Kappa Kappa Gamma soror-
ity wishes to announce the pledging
of Barbara Schoetz, '34, of Milwau-
kee last night.1
The Chi Omega sorority wishes to;
announce the pledging of Frances
Drake, '36, of Monroe.
Bridge Lessons At
League Successful
117 South Main St.
y and
That Wear
New Shades
Placed At $3
Sale of tickets for the Frosh Frolic,
freshman class dance, featuringI
Emerson Gill's orchestra, began yes-
terday and will continue until the
dafy of the dance, March 17,. John C.
League ilances
This Week-En d
Few Dances To Be
Held This Wee k-end
Although offcials of the Leaguej
have found it necessary to cancel
t h e regular membership dances,
scheduled for tonight and Saturday,
other day and evening features will
not be curtailed, it was announced
Free dancing to radio music in the
grill will take the place of tonight's
dance and all game rooms and other
recreation' departments wvill be oper-
ating as usual, it is expected.
"Our reason for canceling the
membership dances is purly a result
of the temporary banking situation.,"
according to Miss Alta B. Atkinson,
manager of the League. '"This ac-
tion will not affect the tea-dancing
and. mid-week evening dancing next
week, and we do not expect it to
affect the membership dances for
next week-end, unless developments
in the banking problem present fur-
ther difficulties."
A balloon dance tonight will be the
feature of the social week-end at the
Union, according to Edward W. Mc-
Cormick, '34. The regular member-
ship 'dance will take place Saturday
night and every attempt will be made3
to ca-e fo1 Me addeci crowds expectedj
as a result of thc cnceling of the
Laue danes. McCormick said.
Other r iles ot' te Union will
confinue as usual
"Planetaria," said Dr. Hazel M.
Losh, instructor in Astronomy, "have'
both decided advantages and disad-
vantages. In a large city where stel-
lar observation is greatly hindered by
clouds, lights, and other physical
conditions planetaria are very bene-
ficial. They are also valuable in that
they bring the entire field of As-
'tronomy, from the earliest times to
the present day, within the gasp of
the general public. A planetarium
is an astronomical achievement from
the mechanical point of view because I
phenomena which would ordinarily
take months to become evident are
projected on the dome in a very short
space of time. There is also, how-
ever, a disadvantage in this quality
I because the speed with which certain
j aspcts of the science are shown
mii'ght very easily give the laymian
an erroneous conception of the 'phe-
"Another disadvantage," Dr. Losh
continued,- "is that although the
planetaria give the entire field of as-
tinoiny they are not useful in re-
search because of their inherent arti-
ficial qualities. The primary purpose
of the planetarium is to show the
elementary motions of the stars but
beyond this research is impossible."
"Although I can readily see that
planetaria are very beneficial in so
far as' they bring the elements of
Astronomy to the public, I feel that
if the' money expended 'on them were
put into observatories which could be
opened to the pu blidthere would' le
as much if not more advahe in thc
4eneral knowledge of the subje6L"
McCarthy, general chairman, said
The price of $3 set by the commit-
tee, one dollar lower than the price
of last year's Frolic tickets, will help
to make the dance one of the most
attractive events of the season, for
Emerson Gil ls orchestra is well-
known in this part of the country
and is a popular radio favorite on
Cleveland stations.
Tickets may be secured from each
member of the Frosh Frolic commit-
tee and also at the Hut, the Den, the
Union and the Parrot.
The following are members of the
committee: general chairman, John
C. McCarthy; program committee,
Elwood Morgan, Julie Kane; decora-
tions, Paul Philips, Sue Thomas;
tickets, William Isaacson, Lawrence
Mattison, Dean Smith, T h o m a s
Landes; orchestra, Thomas Kleene;
publicity, Michael Brennan, James K.
Eyre, Meigs Bartmess, Lawrence Mat-
tison; chaperon, Edith Ferrin; floor,
Fred' Mitchell.
Emerson Gill's 15-piece radio or-
chestra will come from Cleveland
where it is playing at the Bamboo
Fifteen people turned out for the
weekly lessons in contract bridge for
beginners held Wednesday night at
the League.
These lessons are heiI in conjunc-
tion with the regular bridge program
which the League maintains. In-
cluded among the bridge activities
is the weekly duplicate bridge con-
test held on Tuesday nights. Last
Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Porter
of Lakewood had the top-scores for
the north-south position, and Profes-
sor C. E. Love and E. W. Miller had
the top-scores for east-west position.
There were ten tables playing. The
charge is 25 cents an evening.
Starting next Tuesday, a tourna-
t between the independents and
sorority women will be held. The
winner of the independent-sorority
contest will play the winners of the
contest to be held between the inde-
pendent and fraternity men.
COLUMBUS, 0., March 2. -Re-
strictions against smoking in sorority
houses vary greatly, according to a
recent survey on this campus.
Full Bias Cut . . ..
' _, .
All Seats
Call 6300 for Reservations
If the dog hasn't eaten
the meat, your lunch is
on the table. I've gone
to get my jig-saw puz-
zle at Staebler's new
station, State at Jef-
With many houses concentrating
on probation week and initiation, thet
social events of this week-end will
be few'.- There are several dances
scheduled, however.
A closed iormal dance will be held
tonight at Kappa N for which Pete
Blomquist's Orchestira will furnish
ihe music. David E. Markcs. '33, hdst
been in chrge of the arrangmernnts,
and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Oreenberg,
together with Mr. and M Rs. ItE.
Weiner, will 'be guests of the mem. -
Phi Chi is to entertain with a
closed formal dance also this week-E
enld. Dr. and Mrs. rv. W. WaggonerI
aind Dr. anid 1Mrs. V. S. Perham are
to chaperon the party. James M. La-
Berge, '34,M, is the dance chairman.
Under the direction of Frederick A.
Heller, '33E, Phi Kappa Tau is plan-
ning a dance for Saturday night. Mr.
and Mrs. R. D. Buick, Detroit, and
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor, Dear-
born, will be present.
Jeanne F. Hewitt '34. has made
the airrangemeuts for th forma
dance to be held tonihtl. The chap-
orous will be 's. Blache rley
of the Chi Omega house. Mrs. Mary
Ftller of the Zeta Tai Alpha house,'
£and Mrs. Maudiie .Thomapson of the
Theta Phi Alpha house.
At Helen Newberry Residence Sat-
urday night an infiorma'l dance Will
take place'. Ellensar'a Place, '34,
has cherge of the dance and Mrs.
Floience Tousey and Miss Eunice
Van Camp will attend as chaperons.
Decorations are to follow the
scheme of an Inaugural Ball. Al
Cowan and his orchestra will furnish
music for the alfai.
- ~ I
A Presentation of Comedy Club
The regular Hilie! tea was held yes-
terday afternoon at the Foundation
bWilding. It was sponsored by the
Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority.
_. .
\ . .
.f _ ,b
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YOUR health influeceu your reaction to under-
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Too often common constipation is per.
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Try Kellogg's ALL-BRAN for a month, and
see how much better you feel. Two tablespoou-
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BRAN supplies "bulk," vitamin B and iro.
Ask that it be served at your fraternity house
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also one table of
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