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March 02, 1933 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-02

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Next To St. Jamntes

CompetesNew hems Front Otiwr Gampuses
Completes New

From Floor
Five Representatives From1
Michigan Paid Tribute'
By Colleagues In House!
WASHINGTON, March 1. - P) -
Praise from one of their fellow mem-
bers for five retiring Michigan rep-
resentatives in Congress was duly{
recorded in the Congressional Record
Rep. Carl E. Mapes of Grand
Rapids was recognized on the floor of
the House Tuesday to announce that
he felt his five Michigan associates<
were going home only "temporarily"
and that he expected the constitu-
ents "of every one of them to insist
that they return to the next Con-
There was applause, from Demo-
crats as well as Republicans, as Rep-{
resentative Mapes made his commentI
on each of the five. Here are some'
of the things he said about them:
Michener-In the House 14 years
and with a "record surpassed by none
and equalled by few."
-Associated Press Photo
Ketcham-A member for 12 years' Jude Robert W. Bingham, pub-
and "a recognized authority on agri- usher of the Louisville Courier-
culture" whose counsel here will be Journal, has been selected as am-
greatly missed." bassador to England to succeed An-
Clancy-With eight years of serv- drew Mellon, according to authentic
ice and "aptitude and ability as an sources.
Bohn-In six years he has "im- Ly 1y T C ief
pressed himself on the members of Loya. 0yh eo
this body as an unusually capable cter
Person-In two years he has shown j-j - -** I F nuj
himself "a careful and earnest stu- ( JjJicialJFamily
dent of public affairs."

Roosevelt In Readiness To
Take Active Control Of
Government Saturday
HYDE PARK, N. Y., March 1-O)
-President-Elect Roosevelt complet-
ed the selection of his official family1
today and with a serious mind and
li I ffot~ t~-i1n fialA '.aW hit.

NORMAN, Okla.. Mar. I-Students
at the University of Oklahoma be-
lieve that some of their professors
need an intellectual laxative, it is
A few of their professors still think
that college students should never
question the sanctity of the text-
books. However, the students realize
that the person daring to question
such a thing is far more liable "to get
something" out of the course.

iight neart tuirned toward the VI
He picked "Louis, Mac and Steve" NORMAN, Okla., Mar. 1.-A ques-
for his secretariat-Louis M. Howe, tionnaire to identify 50 famous
senior secretary, and Marvin H. Mc- Americans was sent out by the gov-
Intyre of Kentucky and Stephen T. ernment class at the University of
Early of Virginia, as his other chief Oklahoma recently. The only name
aids in the White House. correctly known to all was Al Capone.

The cabinet was completed official-
ly last night with the announcement
of Miss Frances Perkins, New York
state commissioner of labor, as theI
secretary of labor, and Daniel C.
Roper of South Carolina, as secre-
tary of commerce

So far as immediate appointments
are concerned, Mr. Roosevelt has fin-
ished his task and has surrounded
himself with trusted friends.
Three Aids Retained
He will carry on the present White
House staff that has continued
through past Democratic and Repub-
lican administrations-Rudolph For-
ster as executive clerk, Pat McKenna
as executive office doorkeeper and Er-
win H. Hoover as head usher. These
are men who know American official-
dom and how to keep the wheels
spinning smoothly at the White
With this ground work Mr. Roose-
velt is in a position to take active

LARAMIE, Wyo., Mar. 1.-"Buy
Wyoming" is the policy advocated by
the Agriculture Club at the Univer-
sity of Wyoming. The club plans to
ban corduroy pants on the campus
in favor of the wood growers of the
Austin, Tex., Mar. 1.-In order to
provide jobs for the men who have
been playing football at the Univer-
sity of Texas, students are throwing
paper and trash all over the campus.
The football players are paid to pick
up the papers.
Following the action of one of the
"self-styled B. M. 0. C." at Michigan,
a student at the University of McGill,
in Montreal, inserted this advertise-
ment in the McGill Daily: "Wanted.
Rich, beautiful, young, intelligent

girl, nreferably widow, to take to
Black: Sheep Ball."
EVANSTON. Ill., Feb. 27.-(Big
Ten)-Court, abbreviation for court-
esy classes, will become'a regular part
of Northwestern University curricu-
lum if the suggestion recently offered
to a campus group by the socially
prominent wife of a Chicago artist
is accepted. The classes are to im-
prove the 'deplorable" manners of
college students.
BOULDER, Colo., Feb. 28.-To
meet the specifications for queen of
the Engineer's Ball, to be held at the
University of Colorado, a secret com-
mittee has decided that the queen
"must be a regular student of the
university and must smoke mild and
inexpensive cigarettes."
CINCINNATI. March 1. - -
Claribel Ratterman was voted the
most beautiful, best dressed, most
popular, and the cleverest girl of the
freshman law school class at the
University of Cincinnati.
She's the only girl in the class.
SEATTLE, March 1. -A)-More
than 100 men renewed search to-
day for victims of two shipwrecks
in the wake of a fierce gale that is
believed to have killed 10 men off the
Alaskan and Oregon coast.
YOKOHAMA, Mar ch 1.--(P-
Henry B. Hitchcock, American consul
at Nagasaki, died today at Yokohama
General hospital following an opera-

. I

control of the government next Sat-

WASHINGTON, March 1. --OP) - urday noon. It is probable that Wil-
Applying its own yardstick as the lham H. Woodin, new secretary of the
Roosevelt official family begins to treasury, around whom is revolving
take over the government, Washing- the national business and banking
ton has marked wokn loyalty to the situation, will see Mr. Roosevelt in
chief as the probable outstanding New York tonight or Thursday.
characteristic of the new cabinet. The President-Elect is represented
All appointments so far made or as keenly alive to the banking prob-
indicated are of men and women lem and watching it closely.
who were for Franklin D. Roosevelt Mr. Roosevelt was to leave here
early in his drive to the Presidency. late today by automobile for New
All appear to have at some vital point York to spend the night. He takes
views in line with, or at least resemb- with him to Washington his family
ling those, of the new chief execu- and personal secretary, Miss Mar-
tive. guerite Lehand. They have a car-I
Yet the cabinet is a collection of load of personal correspondence and
individualists, several of whom are oificial business to haul along.
noted for holding decided opinions Also, there will be found at the
and for independence which repeat- White House next Saturday the
edly has transcended party lines. I faithful Erwin McDuffie, Negro valet
Here They Are to Mr. Roosevelt, and the Negro cook
and maid of the Roosevelt household.



4Here are some quick facts on the f
cabinet which takes hold three days
from now:
State: Cordell Hull, 61. From Ten-
nessee, lawyer, representative and
senator. Episcopalian.
Treasury: William H. Woodin, 64.1
New York City. Industrialist, musi-
cian and writer, collector. Presbyter-
ian. Hitherto a Republican.
War: George H. Dern, 60. Utah.
Mining executive, former governor.
Justice: Thomas J. Walsh, 73.
Montana. L a w y e r and Senator.
Postoflice : James A. Farley, 44,
New York. Building supply executive,
political- leader. Catholic.
Navy: Claude A. Swanson, 70. Vir-
ginia. United States Senator. Meth-
Interior: Harold L. Ickes, 58. Chi-a
cago. Lawyer and social reform lead-
er. Presbyterian. Republican inde-
Agriculture: Henry A. Wallace, 44.
Farm editor and organization leader.
Presbyterian. Independent of Repub-
lican background.
Commerce: Daniel C. Roper, 65.
South Carolina. Lawyer, former gov-
ernment executive. Methodist.
Labor: Frances Perkins, 49. New
York. Sociologist and lawyer. Episco-

They insisted upon going and Mr.j
and Mrs. Roosevelt would not say no.
In continuing the threefold secre-
tariat established by President Hoov-
er, Mr. Roosevelt explained' he was
abolishing the post of literary secre-
Howe To "Run The Shop"
By this move, he emphasized, he
was doing at the White House what
he expected other departnents to do
in the way of economy.
Louis M. Howe, citizen of Massa-,
chusetts and for years an intimate ofr
Roosevelt, is going to "run the shop"
and take care of the correspondence.
Howe said McIntyre would make ap-
pointments and look after visitors.
Early is to be the public relations
man and in charge of travels.
4litiderstorus Sliowii
In IL. Of Chicago Film
MINNEAPOLIS, March 1. - UP) -
'Thor, mythical thunder god, is in
the movies.
A new talking motion picture en-
titled "Electrostatics," and having as
its plot the majestic phenomena of
thunderstorms, will be given its first
E showing here tonight before alumni
of University of Chicago, who are
attending the National Educational
association convention.

Place acdvertisemcnts with Classified
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FIRST CLAS-Woman cook. Best
of references. Hotels and fraternity
experience. After Murch 1st. Write
Box 14A. 303
Cash for old gold. Chicago buyers
Phone Ann Arbor , 4308. Will pay
highest cash prices. 34c-
S. U.--Shoe Repair Shop. Repairing
while you wait. Reasonable prices.
Hats cleaned and blocked. Shoes
shined. Open evenings. 1990

SPECIAL--For Thursday, Friday,
Saturday. Men's ladies' half soles.
Rubber heels 59c pair. H. W. Clark
Boot Manufacturer. We call and
deliver free. Work guaranteed. 534
Forest. 8736. 337
HAVE--Your snap shots developed
at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. Univer-
sity. Here fine work is the tradi-
tion. 29c
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart. 3423. 35c
TYPING - Typing carefully done.
V e r y moderate rates. 0. K.
Thacher. Phone 6734. 10c
WANTED-Housework by woman of
three years experience. Afternoons
desired. Will cook. Apply Michigan
Daily, Box 32B. 335
A T T E N T I 0 N - Fraiternitie5. Ex-
perienced white coolk will run your
kitchen on percentage. If your
house is not on paying basis let
me have an interview. Write Box
34A. 333
WASHING-And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guarneteed satisfactory. 2-3478.
611 Hoover. 15c
LAUNDRY -- Soft water. 2-1044,
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c

I '!
Andy Clyde Comedy
"STUFF on the BALL"
Benny Friedman

I y,

Or is fit?
agree that it's the
funniest murder
you've ever attended.
T E-




sends little
... and

raises gooseflesh . .
and ends in
great, glorious



Of Ciourse 'We Mean('t/-



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