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March 02, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-02

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The Weather
Partly cloudy Thursday; Fri-
day cloudy, not much change
in temperature.


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Shakeup Plan
In Council Is
Defeated, 56
Backers Of Movement To
Reor ganize Group Will
Draw Up Compromise
OI.r Petitions For
11I lus on Of Clubs

IIitn ill ism Called Philosophy
Of Depat By Dr. P. L. ubt

S. C. A.

And Cosmopolitan
Plead Through
To Consider Plan,

"Humanism-religion without God
-is simply hauling down the flag
because the going is hard and the
fire is hot," Dr. P. Linwood Urban,'
of the Berkeley Divinity School, New
Haven, Conn., declared in a sermon
last night at St. Andrew's Episcopal
Dr. Urban is in Ann Arbor for a
five-day series of talks and discus-
sions as the Baldwin lecturer of the
Episcopal Church for this year. His
general topic to run throughout the
session is "Religion With or Without
'Instead of joyfully admitting that
truth is almost inaccessible to the
human mind as all great religions
do, Humanism says, Let ultimate
truth alone;' because human nature
s difficult to change, Humanism says
Leave it as it is,'" Dr. Urban de-
"Humanism may smoke cigarettes,
ase a hip flask and talk the patter
of the twentieth century," Dr. Urban
stated, "but it is reality an old, old
friend. This doctrine has arisen
perennially in an age of confusion,
in the space of time between two
great systems of thought, one dying
and the other not yet born. There{

never was an age so like our own
as that into which Jesus was born.
The people of that time revealed in
themselves, in their humanity, until
at last in disgust with themselves
they turned to Christianity and mon-
"From the uncertainity of the mid-
dle ages came the humanists of the
renaissance and then the turn to Calr
vinism and now the reaction from
the overconfidence of the late nine-
teenth and early twentieth centuries
brings this new form of Humanism."
"Humanism," he continued, "bears
within itself the seeds of intellect-
ual decay. It is philosophy of defeat,
for the victory it offers is a Pyrrhic
victory. The peace it offers is the
peace that kills. Christianity," he
concluded, "can never be friends with
a philosophy which has so low an
estimate of man."
Dr. Urban will conduct a Holy Com-
munion in the Chapel at Harris Hall
at 8 a. m., a discussion group at Har-
ris Hall at 4:15 p. m., and a service
and address in the chapel at Harris

Ford, Couizenis
Confer Upon
Det[roil Batiks
Senator Arrives From
Washington Withl flans
T Open InStitutions
Details Unreveled
By Michigan Solon
May Propose Legislation
Similar To That Recently
Effected In New York
DETROIT, March 1. - (P) -The
Fords and the Couzens-a father and
son combination-tonight took the
spotlight in rapidly developing moves
to lift restrictions that for more than
two weeks have bound operations in
the banks of Michigan.

Amendments to reorganize the
membership of the Student Council
were defeated at a meeting of that
body last night by a vote of 5 to 6.
A two-thirds majority was necessary.
Backers of the movement to re-
organize the Council, however, are
going ahead with plans to draw up
compromise amendments which will
retain the same general principles
of the one proposed last night.
Several of the members who voted
against the amendment said, they
felt more time should be allowed for
discussion, w h i 1 e the remainder
branded the plan as "non-represent-
ative" of the student body. Charles
A. Orr, Grad., prominent member of
the Michigan Socialist Club, suggest-
ed to the Council that other organ-
izations, such as the Student Chris-
tian and Cosmopolitan Club be rep-
resented on the new Council.
Compromises Possible
Several members of the Council
were in favor of giving other organ-
izations representation and it is be-
lieved that compromises can be made
which will give the general plan suf-
ficient backing to gain the two thirds
majority necessary to amend the
The plan for reorganization of the
personnel of the Council provides for
a majority of ex-officio members who
represent various organizations-
such as the honor, societies and the
Uion-and a minority of men elect-
ed by the campus.
The theory behind the proposed
plan is that ex-officio members wi
represent organizations with power
on the campus. The present system,
according to the consensus of opin-
ion among councilmen, has accom-
plished little towards gaining student
government, and it is believed that
men elected by the campus are real-
ly not representative as only a small
percentage of students turn out to
Plan Peace Meetings
Councilmen favoring the proposed
amendments will hold meetings with
those opposed during the next week
to iron out difficulties, and the sub-
ject will be brought up for discus-
sion at the next meeting of the Coun-
Two councilmen failed to register
votes, saying their minds were not
made up, while two others were un-
able to vote because of eligibility rul-
ings. Joseph Zias, '33, who is on pro-
bation and unable to retain the of-
flee of presidency, installed Charles
R. Racine, '33, vice-president, as
chairman until a new president is
Prof. Moore Talks
Ol 'Know Yourself'
Stating that a "normal person
ought to know himself better than
he knows anyone else," Professor Ar-
thur D. Moore of the engineering col-
lege, speaking to members of Sigma
Rho Tau at their regular meeting
last night at the Union, advised uni-
versity students to study their own
personalities more thoroughly.
Prof. Moore's talk was the intro-
duction to the subject of personality
problems, one of the topics that the
members of the Engineering Speech
Society are to discuss this semester.
Further discussions on economic
problems, social problems and recent
developments affecting architecture
and engineering will be studied by
the society, it is announced.
Professor Robert D. Bracket of the
engineering college, who also spoke,
stated that the knowledge gained
from these discussions would enable
students to understand their audi-
ences better and would give them
more information on important ques-

Jehol Falls
To Japanese
hinese Forces Desert To
Invaders; Proclaim Al-
legiance To Manchukuo

Minor Changes
Are Made In
Rushing Rules
Interfraternity Council
Also Condemns Pillaging
During 'Hell Week'
Two minor changes inthe Inter-
fraternity Council's rushing rules
were adopted at the organization's
meeting last night in the Union.
Article II, Section 2, which for-
merly read "Any rushee who receives
a bid from a fraternity and who does
not turn in a preference list as pro-
vided him shall be ineligible to
pledge any fraternity until the be-
ginning of the second semester of the
academic year" was amended to read
"Any rushee who receives a bid from
a fraternity and does not turn in a
preference list shall be ineligible to
pledge any fraternity until the be-
ginning of the second semester of
residence. No rushee turning in a
preference list shall be eligible dur-
ing the first semester to pledge any
fraternity not on his list."
Article III, Section 2, which for-
merly read "After the aforemen-
tioned pledging Monday, any fresh-
man scholastically eligible may be
rushed and pledged at any time" was
amended to read "After the afore-
mentioned Monday, any rushee not
ineligible as provided above may be
rushed and pledged at any time."
The changes were adopted unani-
mously. Ned Turner, '33, president of
the council, said the Judiciary Com-
mittee of the council had already
discussed the changes at some length.
Pillaging and disturbing the peace;
during "hell week" were condemned
by the council. Fraternities were
urged to carry out the present trend
toward a mild probation week. f
Alpha Kappa Delta To
Be Addressed By Wood
The first meeting of the second
semester of Alpha Kappa Delta, hon-
orary sociology society, will be held
at 8 p. m. today, at the home of Prof.
R. D. McKenzie, Harvard Place.
The main speaker of the evening
will be Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the
sociology department.

------------' tC i At a quiet conference in the Dear-
Hall at 8 p. m. both today and to-
morrow. His mission will be conclud- born offices of Henry Ford, his old-
ed with a sermon at 11 a. m. on Sun- time partner, Senator James Couz-
day in the church, and a discussion ens, who arrived today from Wash-
at 7 p. mn. in Harris Hall. , ington, outlined, a banking plan
which he said was "more comprehen-
sive" than any yet proposed, but of
Com ed Club's which he declined to reveal details.
Each was accompanied byhis son,
M yster Play Edsel Ford, president of the Ford
Motor Co. and Frank Couzens, pres-
MePident of the City Council and acting
Opens Tonioht mayor of Detroit in the absence of
Mayor Frank Murphy.
Ford and Couzens, who became
Formal Reception Will multi-millionaires as associates in
the Ford Motor Co. many years ago,
Follow Presentation Of and who severed relations in 1915,
'Three Tines The Hour' got together again over the manufac-
I turer's luncheon table. They were
Comedy Club's production of "Three 1partners once more, in theory at
Comedy Ileast, in efforts to unravel the finan-
Times the Hour" by Valentine Davies, I cial tangle that has tied up more
onetime president of Comedy Club, than $1,500,000,000 in savings and
will open tonight in the Lydia Men- commercial accounts in 530 lower
delssohn Theatre, followed by a for- Michigan banks.
mal reception given by members of It was understood in financial
the cast and of the club. circles that Sen. Couzens proposed to
Members of several fraternities and Detroit bankers that they reopen
Ann Arbor organizations plan to be their institutions under provisions
at the reception. Among those who like those of the Broderick-Robinson
will assist at the affair are Mrs. Alex- law made effective in New York last
ander G. Ruthven, Mrs. O. J. Camp- j week. Michigan has not yet passed
bell, Miss Alice C. Lloyd, and Miss similar legislation.
Ethel McCormick. Provisions of the New York law, if
"Three Times the Hour"had a run adopted to this state, would permit
in New York last year. The play is banks to open on a limited with-
a murdertmystery, unique in that all drawal basis, with liquid and frozen
of the acts take place over the same assets separated for the benefit of
period of time in different places in dpstr.Tebnstesle
the house in which the action takes depositors. The banks themselves
place.would undertake the orderly liquida-
tion of frozen assets and the disad-


Brisk Fighting Precedes
Occupation Of Lingyua
75 Miles From Capital
SUICHUNG, Manchuria, March 1.
-(.P)-The two great Chinese strong-
holds which blocked the path to
Jehol City, capital of Jehol Province,
fell to the Japanese invaders today.
Shortly after rlightfall Gen. Hei-.
jiro Hattori's Fourteenth Brigade en-
ered Lingyuan, only about 75 miles
from the capital. Brisk fighting pre-
ceded the occupation.
Earlier in the day the Japanese
announced that the Fourth Cavalry,
commanded by Maj. Kennosuke Mogi,
had seized Chihfeng, which is about
100 miles northeast of the capital.
Previous dispatches from the scene
of operations said that main Chinese
defense forces were concentratedat
Lingyuan and Chihfeng. In Peiping,
great importance was attached to
these two cities, as they are situated
at key passes leading through the
mountains to Jehol City. Some Peip-
ing observers expected the Chinese
to hold the two cities for several
weeks, as the terrain is excellent for
Chinese in Mountains
Only the southern fringe of the
,vestern mountain wastes of the pro-
vince remained in Chinese hands to-
night. Japanese leaders spoke of the
possibility of a complete breakdown
in the defense which would enable
them to complete the subjugation of
the province before March 10, and
thereby better the time set down in
th>iir offense schedule.'
Chihfeng, transportation center of
the province, fell without offering
any resistance, the Japanese report-
ed. They asserted that the occupa-
tion of Jehol City might be only the
matter of a few hours. During the
afternoon the 11th Infantry Brigade,
commanded by Maj. Gen. Kunizo
Matsuda, passed through Foshaoti, 38
miles southeast of Chihfeng.
Two Brigades Smashed
Gen. Shih Wen Hua, in command
of the 10th Jehol Cavalry, who was
charged with the defense of Chih-
feng went over to the Japanese, pro-
claiming his allegiance to the State
of Manchukuo, to which the con-
querors intend to annex Jehol. Jap-
anese and Manchukuo banners were
flying in Chihfeng when the invaders
The Japanese asserted that the
Sixteenth 'and Nineteenth Brigades
if Marshal Chang Hsiao-Liang's
roops had been smashed by the Jap-
anese column operating in southeast
ern Jehol. These units of the North
China war lord's army probably will
not be able to put up effective de-
fense again, the Japanese declared.
The attack from the north pro-
ceeded well, Japanese sources said.
One column of the forces of Gen.
Liu Kui-Tang, who was reported last
week to have deserted the Chinese,
Financial aid to public utility com-
panies is sufficient to justify a long
and powerful system of holding com-
panies; but such financial aid must
be judiciously applied, in order that
inefficiencies and abuses may be
avoided, stated Prof. H. M. Waterman
of the business administration school
night at a meeting of the Eco-
nomics Club.

Hepner Family
Given Aid By
Sheriff's Wife
Father Of Boy Who Burned
To Death Tuesday Out
Of Employment Year
Mrs. Jacob Andres, wife of Sheriff
Andres, yesterday collected $20 to aid
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hepner, 111 N.
First St., parents of six year old Har-
old Hepner who was burned to death
in a gas tank explosion Tuesday.
Judge 'George W. Sample, SheriffI
Jacob Andres, deputy sheriffs, and
employees of the county jail contri-
buted to the fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Hepner and their
four surviving children are practical-
ly destitute. Mr. Hepner has been
unable to get employment for over al
year, but he has worked one day I
each week during that time for hisl
rent. The children, ranging in age
from one to seven, were accustomed
to play on the dump where Harold
met his death.
Private funeral services will be held
at 2:30 p. in. Friday at the Zulz fun-
eral home. Rev. John Shilling will
officiate and burial will be in Fair-
view cemetery.
Over Coo ii 1try
Legislative Or Executive
AdiLcs In Three States
Proclaim Moratoriums
The bank holiday spread Wednes-
day with governors of three states-
Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama-
declaring moratoriums designed to
support banking institutions and pro-
tect depositors.
Bank holidays and legislative or
executive edicts authorizing restrict-
ed withdrawals operated in various
states as follows:
Tennessee-Governor proclaimed a
six-day holiday, not mandatory.
Kentucky - Governor declared a
four-day holiday, also not manda-
Alabama-Ten-day suspension of
banking business ordered by Gov-
Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania and
Arkansas have in force measures au-
thorizing banks to limit demands on
their funds to a small per cent of
deposits, in most cases 5 per cent.

Principals in the play are James;
Raymond, '33, who has the part of
the rich banker around whom the
action centers, Barbara Vandervort,
'34, David Zimmerman, '35, who has
the role of a reporter, Jay Pozz, '34,
Ann Vernor, '35L, Robert Hogg, '34,.
Nelson Shaw, '34, and Uldene Hunt,
Mrs. Lois Maier is directing the
All of the members of Comedy
Club are taking part either in the
acting or on the business or stage
staffs of the production. An excep-
tionally large stage crew is required
for this play because of the difficul-
ties in synchronizing the entrances,
exits and offstage effects for the
same time in the different acts.
New Co-Op Plan House
Operated For Students
Another socialist planned house
began operation last week when
the Co-operative House, 807 S. State
St. opened for boarders. A few men
have been rooming there for the
past week.

fVantages of a receiverip i~wcoild he
Randall Case'
To Come Up In
Circuit Comrt
Accountant Of Y psi State
Hospital Charged With
Forgery, Embezzlement
Louis F. Randall, chief accountant
of the Ypsilanti State hospital,
charged with technical forgery by
altering checks, waived examination
in Justice Court yesterday afternoon
and his case will now come up in
Circuit Court. It is expected that the
trial will begin Saturday.
Charges against Mr. Randall allege
that he changed a $12.25 check to
$312.25. He also faces a charge of
embezzlement of $900 and officers be-
lieve that a check-up of his books
by state auditors will reveal that an
even larger sum is involved.
Mr. Randall served three years in
Atlanta Federal prison for embezzle-
ment of postal funds. He has been
active in American Legion work in
Washtenaw county and commanded
the post at Milan. His wife states
she had no knowledge of his former
police record when she 'married him.
Prominent Socialist Will
Give Talk Here Tonight
Frank Crosswaithe, instructor in
the Rand School of Social Science,
will speak at 7:45 p. in. tonight at the
Michigan Union. Mr. Crosswaithe is
an organizer of colored unions, was
socialist candidate for Lieut. Gover-
nor of New York, is considered by
many as the "best orator in the so-
cialist party, none withstanding" ac-

DETROIT, March 1. - (P)- Still
seeking the rest and sleep that weeks
of "constant pressure" had denied
him, Ernest G. Liebold, 48-year-old
"watchdog" of Henry Ford's financial
affairs, tonight turned back to his
Detroit home, ending a strange 500-
mile motor journey through central
"I needed sleep," he said. "I went
to get it. I don't remember it all
clearly. All I remember is that I
was very tired."
Thus, after a 30-hour state-wide
search that ended late last night in
a Traverse City, Mich., hotel, 76
miles to thenorthwest, Liebold ex-
plained the mystery of his disppear-
ance at 11 a. in. Monday. While Ford
officials, informed that Mr. Ford's
general secretary' was missing, were
seeking frantically throughout De-
troit Monday night, he slept quietly
in a Saginaw, Mich., hotel. Then,
after aimless wandering in central
Michigan, he registered Tuesday
night at the Traverse City hotel, got
a "few hours sleep," and telephoned
his office, ending a search that had
grown to state-wide proportions,.
I remember I was very tired and
wanted to go some place to rest -and
forgetheverything until I could think
straight again," he said, " I kne I
couldn't go home-the telephone
would ring constantly and I'd have
to go back to work again."
For two weeks, Ford Officials said,
Liebold had been working "day and
night" on his employers' plans- for
easing the Detroit financial situation.
For two days prior to his disappear-
ance they said he had "appeared to
be under a strain." They said he
would get the long-sought rest and
sleep at his home here, without in-
terruption by telephones and banking
The telephone call from LIebold to
the offices of the Ford Company last
night sent a group of Ford officials
and Detroit police to Traverse City
at top speed. There they found Lie-
bold in bed. He said he had tele-
phoned after seeing a newspaper ac-
-ount of his disappearance.
Salveri niPraises
Dante In Address
Dante, like all great heroic souls,
had hope after all ground for hope
was lost, declared Prof. Gaetano
Salvemni, formerly of the University
of Florence, speaking here yesterday
on Dante and the Florence of his
Professor Salvemini characterized
Dante as a "broken man," pessimis-
tically and bitterly attacking the new
Florentine civilization, yet always
prophesying a future universal com-
monwealth. Of a noble family, the
poet had no sympathy with the mer-
chant class that had risen to power
in Florence.
Hating all that was plebeian,
Dante hoped for the re-establishment
of a strong central government, with
power in the hands of a feudal rather
than a "quick-profit" class, Professor
Salvemini said. But Florence, because
of its rapid growth in the thirteenth
century, had entered irrevocably on
a new economic and commercial pol-
icy, importing raw materials for its
large population, and exporting capi-
tal, manufactured goods, and mer-
chants services, Professor Salvemini
City Situation Unchanged,
Employees Paid In Part
Ann Arbor city and public schocA
employees were paid in part today
as the five per cent limit upon bank
withdrawals continued, with no ii-
mediate prospects of the city's banks
opening upon a 100 per cent basis
without state or federal aid.
City Treasurer William Verner said

Raymond Ditmars To Lecture
March 9 On Familiar Animals

Slutz Lists Five Pillars Of

Familiar animals, ranging from
the beaver, inventor of the dam, to
the larger monkeys, whose human-
like traits have been developed by in-
tensive training, will be described by
Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars, curator of
the New York Zoological Park, who
will appear here March 9 in an illus-
trated lecture, "Our Animal Friends
and Foes."
Nominated for Vanity Fair's Hall
of Fame in 1931 "because he is the
best-known zoologist in America; be-
cause his antivenom serum has saved
many lives; because his book,

fight, guard, and cajole various speci-
mens of the animal kingdom. "I have
been on intimate terms," he says,
"with snakes, bears, apes, monkeys,
elephants, jaguars, tigers, buffalos,
giraffes, deer, kudus, hippos, wild
horses, kiangs, rhinos, lions, cougars,
leopards, kangaroos, and many other
A motion picture studio has been
installed at Scarsdale, N. Y., which
is reported to be the most complete
establishment of its kind in the
world. Here Dr. Ditmars has installed
a variety of highly-complicated ap-
pliances for searching into nature's

Successful Modern Marriage

Upholding the new modern home,
Dr. Frank D. Slutz listed the five pil-
lars of a successful marriage in his
speech, "Problems of Modern Mar-
riage" given last night at Lane Hall
as the first of the series of lectures
on martial relationships.
These five pillars of marriage that
were lacking in the old-fashioned
home are good health of both
partners of the couple, family back-
ground, "likeness" of the couple for

"We are now in a transformation
of morals and religion. The old-
fashioned home is not strong enough,
not capable of withstanding these
new changes, for the relationship in
the old-fashioned home was largely
physical in nature," he said.
One of the reasons advanced for
the ultimate disappearance of the
old-fashioned home was the entrance
of women into everyday life which
assured her economical freedom.'
"Real love and everything in it be-

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