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March 01, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-03-01

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The Weather

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Fair Wednesday; slightly

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VOL. XlIII No. 107



_ _. __ _... _ _ ___. _ _._ T _._ ....

- -- -

Explosion Of
Tank Fatally
Burns Boy, 6
Blast Transforms His Body
Into A Living rTorchi,
Throws Him 10 Feet .
Ch11ild Lives Fout
Hours In Hospilal
Truck Driver Employs
Coat To Snuff Flames;
1,000 Gather At Scene
A six-year-old boy whose body be-
came practically a flaming torch as
the result of an explosion of a 200-
gallon gasoline tank died at 9:55 p.
m. last night in St. Joseph's Mercy
Hospital from burns received in the
The child, Harold Hepner, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hepner, 211 N.
First St., was believed to have un-
screwed the cap from an outlet of
a container and applied a lighted
match. The tank, located at the west
end of Ann Street near the Ann Ar-
bor Railroad tracks, was owned b
the Elsifor Cartage Co.
Eyewitnesses of the event said the
explosion threw the child about 10
feet. He retained consciousness and
started to run, his entire body cover-
ed with fire. Benedict Poquette, a
truck driver, used a sheepskin coat
to extinguish the flames, but the
boy's dlothes were almost entirely
destroyed and he suffered from burns.
over the greater part of his body.
The noise of the explosion was
heard in distant parts of Ann Arbor,
being plainly audible on the campus,
and a large crowd, estimated as more
than 1,000 gathered at the scene.
Fire Department officials last night
said that the tank was an old one
and of no great value. None of the
surrounding property was damaged.
The accident occured at 5:45 p. m.
The child was rushed to the hospital
and lived for four hours.1
Leo Hepner, father of the boy, is
employed as a truck driver. There
are four other small children in the,
, Observance Of
LI sent Beens In
City Churches
Today's Services Mark
Start Of Forty Days Of1
Religious Worship
Today many or the Ann Arbor
churches will begin special Lenten
services with the observance of Ash
Wednesday. After 40 days of relig-
ios worship, the season will be
brought to a close with the Easter
celebration on April 16. Pastors of
other churches' will recognize the
period with appropriate Sunday ser-1
Tlice Ash Wednesday services in St.
Andrew's Episcopal church will con-
sist of a Holy Communion in Harrisl
hal at 8 a. m., a discussion group at
4:15 p. m., and an evening service
at 8 p. m. when Dr. P. Linwood Ur-
hba, professor of Theology at the
Berkeley Divinity school, will preach
the sermon.

St. Thomas Catholic church will
open its evening service today with
the R1osary at 7:30 p. m. A sermon
will then be given by Father Frum-
veller, head of the mathematics de-7
partment at the University of De-
troit, on "A World Without God."1
The benediction of the blsesed Sac-
rament will conclude the evening's;
The Rev. Carl A. Brauer of St.r
Paul's Lutheran church will open the
Lenten season today at 7:30 p. m.:
with a sermon on "The Disciples and
Indifterentisin." He will have serv-
ices every Wednesday during this:
period. His subjects for March 8, and
15 will be "Judas and Hypocrisy,"
and "Peter and Cowardice."
"His Presence" will be the topic of
a sermon to be given by Rev. John
Shilling, of the West Side Methodist
church, which will open Lenten serv-
ices today. Mid-week devotions will
continue through Lent at which Rev-
erend Shilling will give a series of
Although there will be no Ash
Wednesday services at the Congrega-

An Editorial
A new plan of student government will be presented at
the Student Council meeting tonight. We ask the Council
to pass it.
At the present time there are two things basically wrong
with the Council.
In the first place, through adroit manipulations, insincere
politicians may gain berths in the body.
In the second place, the Council has very little to do.
Many believe that the second ailment would be cured if
the first were cured-that, if the personnel of the Council
were improved, there would be more for the body to do-that
two birds would be killed with one stone.
This is true.
The new plan, which was drawn up by a group of student
leaders and progressive Council men, would make the mem-
bership of the body ex-officio instead of elective. Every promi-
nent campus organization would be represented.
Undoubtedly, the plan will be opposed by selfish Council
members who do not wish to lose the jobs obtained by political
pull and by stand-pat Council members who are still waiting
for a year-old plan to pass a University committee.
To the latter group we say that the new plan will not in
any way impede the progress of the old plan. To the former
group we say nothing.
We ask the Council to take student government out of
the hands of the politicians and give it back to the students.
We ask the Council to give us student government on a
merit system basis.

Quick Action
Being Sought
By Comstock
Hope For Federal Aid Is
Defeated; Legislators
Asked To 'Get Busy
GVOvernor Favors
Creen Bank Bill
Advocate Giving Power
Of Dictatng io State
Banking Commissioner
LANSING, Feb. 28.-MlA)-His hope
for Federal action to force release of
reserve deposits temporarily defeat-
ed, Governor Comstock tonight
turned his attention to the legisla-
ture to gain immediate consideration
of emergency banking legislation.
The legislature swung into action
again with a mandate from the gov-
ernor to "get busy" on banking bills
now reposing in the committee of the
House. It had been adjourned
throughout the day for the Repub-
lican state convention in Grand
While the governor was reluctant
to commit himself on his preference
for pending banking bills, he said he
favored a measure which would prove
"as flexible as possible" at the pres-
ent time.
The governor read a sheaf of tele-
grams throughout the day from
Grand Rapids, Ionia, and other cities
demanding that immediate action be
taken on the so-called Creen bill
which would clothe the state bank-
ing commissioner with the power of
a dictator. The measure is an emer-
gency one and the administration{
has launched another bill providing
more detailed plans for reorganiza-
tion of banks.
Banks Here Await U. S.
Action Ref9) Openi sg
The banking situation in Ann Ar-
bor will continue unchanged, prob-
ably until 'some federal legislation is
enacted to aid the country's financial
institutions, C. J. Walz, president of
the Ann Arbor Clearing House Asso-
ciation, declared, last night.
"As the matter stands now it really
looks as if the Detroit plan will not
go through, and banks in other states
are limiting withdrawals at such a
rapid rate that some Federal legisla-
tion appears imperative," he said.
Rev. Urban To
!Begyin Lecture
Series To1itt

Aide To Ford
Sought After
Strange Flight
Liehold, Ford Secretary
For 2() Years, Drops
Out Of1 Sight
Police Follow Car
Through Michigani
Missing Matn Has Been
Udder Strain Because Of
Bank Situation
DETROIT, Feb. 28.-(A'---Over the
roads of central Michigan tonight
state police and sheriff deputies, al-
ways a few moves behind, sped after
an automobile believed to be driven
by the missing Ernest G. Liebold,
general secretary to Henry Ford, and
for 20 years his "right hand man"
in matters of finance.
Liebold dropped out of sight yes-
terday, after, his friends said, two
weeks of "terrific strain" acting as
his employer's agent in devising plans
for easing Detroit's financial situa-
tion. His wife telephoned Ford offi-
cials at 1:45 a. m. today that he had
not arrived at his home; an ever-
spreading search, finallyresulting in
the sighting of his automobile, was
initiated. Detroit and state police,
county authorities, local officials, and
the Ford industrial police organiza-
tion, headed by Harry Bennett,
Ford's personal agent, joined in the
For an explanation of the strange
Journey of the matter-of-fact busi-
ness man, police had only the state-
ments of his associates that he had
"worked day and night" on Henry
and Edsel Ford's plans to start two
new banks in Detroit, taking over
t the liquid assets of banks now oper-
ating under limited withdrawals.
Friends offered the same theory.
Mrs. Liebold, sought for clues as to
her husband's disappearance, was not
at her Detroit home.
From the time this morning that a
letter was received from Liebold,
mailed in Pontiac, Mich., 20 miles
north of Detroit, the trail led steadily
to the north central part of the state.
The letter, terse and without explan-
ation, tendered his resignation from
the Guardian National Bank of Dear-
It was mailed Monday afternoon.
A few minutes later police were ad-
vised that Liebold's car, bearingli-
cense number .X90-000, had been
sighted near Saginaw, 100 miles to
the north. In rapid succession dur-
ing the day, the car was sighted
along the highways toward the cen-
tral part of the state, moving north-
ward. In each case, observers said
. lone man was driving.

Plan Proposed T4

Chati ge

Person re

Of Student Coune:

E B Wliamson,
Local Scientist,
Iies Of Stroke
Authority On Entomology
Passes Away At Home
Afler Short llness
Edward Bruce Williamson, research
associate in the insect division of
Museum of Zoology and internation-
ally-known authority on entomology,
died at his home on Packard Street
at 1 p. m. yesterday. He was 55 years
Death resulted from a stroke suf-
fered Friday, Feb. 17, at a luncheon
of University Museum officials. Fu-
neral services will be held Thursday
afternoon at Bluffton, Ind.
Mr. Williamson was outstanding in
two branches of natural science. He
was the foremost authority on Odo-
nata (dragon flies) and one of the
most successful iris breeders in Amer-
ica. From his iris farm at Bluffton,
he introduced the Dolly Madison,
the George J. Tribolet, the Lent A.
Williamson, the Ethel Peckham, and
other well-known varieties of the
flower. He was vice-president of the
American Iris Society for many years.
One of the largest collectionsof
dragon flies in the world was gath-
ered by Mr. Williamson during nearly
40 years of study. This collections,
comprising more than 40,000 speci-
mens, is now in the University Mu-
seum. With the death two years ago
of Freidrich Ris, Swiss naturalist, he
came to be recognized as the out-
standing authority in his field.
From 1916 to 1928, Mr. Williamson
was honorary curator of Odonata in
the Museum of Zoology. In 1928 he
moved to Ann Arbor from Bluffton
and became research associate in the
Mr. Williamson was born July 10,
1877, at Marion, Ind., and was grad-
uated from Ohio State University in
1898. He was assistant curator at
Carnegie Museum in 1898-99 and a
fellow at Vanderbilt University in
1900-01, but most of his scientific
work was carried on independently
or in co-operation with the Univer-
sity Museum.

Majority Of Group Wo
Be Replaced By Ot c
If Two Amendments
Constitution Pass
Body Scheduled T
Meet At 9:30 P.
Two-Thirds Vote Nee
Before Plan Goes



Emerson Gill
Signed To Play
Fr o sh Frolic
Popular Band Is Secured
For Class Dance To Be
Held March 17 In Union
Emerson Gill and his popular 15-
piece orchestra will play for the
Frosh Frolic, it was announced last
night by John C. McCarthy, general
chairman of the Frolic committee.
The dance will be held March 17, at
the Union.
The price of the tickets was set at
$3 by the committee, McCarthy said.
They will go on sale tomorrow at
many campus stores and at the Un-
ion, and may be procured from mem-
bers of the Frolic committee, it was
announced. This price is a reduction
of $1 from last year's.
Gill and his orchestra are well
known to many students, especially
those who have had the opportunity
to hear him in Cleveland, where he
is under contract with the Bamboo
Gardens. He has also enjoyed a pop-
ular season at the Golden Pheasant.
efoorestration Prog ra n
Approved By (oioek
LANSING, Feb. 28. - (UP1)- Gov.
Comstock today gave his approval
to a proposed $2,400,000 reforesta-
tion program in this state presented
before him by the Michigan trade
recovery committee.

Depledged Men
May Eat Meals
In Fraternities

Interfraternity Council
Discuss 'Hell Week'
Meeting Tonight


Depledged freshmen may eat atj
fraternities, it was definitely decided
last night by the Judiciary Commit-I
tee of the Interfraternity Council.
"Hell Week," in its various phases,
will form the topic of discussion at
tonight's meeting of the Interfra-
ternity Council. "Much criticism has
been made concerning 'Hell Week,'
Edwin T. Turner, president of the
Council, said last night, "aid we have
decided to talk the whole matter
Dr. Warren Forsythe, direcbor of
the Health Service, stated last night
that he believes the fraternity men
go too far in some of their practices
during "Hell Week." "Although no
one means to injure the freshmen,
yet there are many unnecessary
health hazards in the practice," he
Blanks are being sent out by the
council to all fraternities upon which
they are to list all the men that they
have depledged, Turner said last
night. All applications to the dean
of students for permission to initiate
pledges should contain every pledge
connected with the house, Turner
Second semester freshmen who did

Plans to oust a majority of the
present members of the Student
Council and replace them by ex-
officio officers were under way last
night as two amendments to the con-
stitution were being formulated by
several councilmen. The council will
meet at 9:30 p. m. tonight.
Agitation for a change in the or-
ganization of the Council has been
under way for some time, but plans
that have been suggested in the past
met with little success. More than
two-thirds of the present member-
ship of the Council have stated th at
they will support the proposed plan,
however, and backers of the move-
ment are confident that the 'two
amendments will become effective.
Will Remove Politics
The first amendment which con-
cerns the membership of the Coun-
cil will take politics out of that body,
according to the sponsors of the pro-
posal, and put "real campus leaders"
in their, places. The second anoId-
ment being contemplated will repeal
the article calling for regutlar weekly
meetings, and replace It ,y one
which leaves the calling of the net-
Ings tup to the discreton of the pres-
The ex-officio officers who will re-
place the members of the present
Council, if the plan succeeds, will-be
the presidents of the, Union, the
League, M i c h i g a m u a, Vulans,
Druids, Sphinx, Triangles, the Inter-
fraternity Council, Barristers, the
Panhellenic Associatioi, the editor
of The Daily, captain of one' sport,
one junior, two sophomores to be
elected from the canpri at large
each spring, and all junior members
of the Council which will carry over
from the previous year, including the
ex-president of Sphinx, the ex-presi-
dent of Triangles, and the two junior
Junior MembershIps Ended
A special provision will be included
in the amendment to permit the
junior members on the present
Council to complete their term of of-
fice, but their vacancies will not be
replaced. These men were elected by
.the students at large last year in the
spring elections.
Under the constitution of the
Council the pla must be submitted
in writing at one meeting and passed
by a two-thirds majority at the fol-'
lowing meeting, which may be called
especially for that purpose, before it
goes to the Senate Committee on
Student Affairs for final approval.
A motion will be made at tonight's
meeting to call a special session for
tomorrow night to take a final vote
on the proposed amendments, back-
ers of the movement said yesterday.
Starts in Honor Groups
The plan for the reorganization of
the Council originated in meetings of
two of the campus honorary societies,
and has received the endorsement of
other campus organizations. Several
council members stated that they
have been of the opinion for some
time that the student government
body has not accomplished the pur-
pose for which it was originally in-
tended and a number of plans for a
reorganization have been suggested,
but met with little success.

University Pays
Of February


University pay checks for one-
half of the February salaries of
employees will be issued today, ac-

The committee will go before the not receive 11 hours and 11 honor
Reconstruction Finance Corporation points are not eligible for pledging
in an ci ort to obtain the loan to now, according to the rules set down
flnance this method of work relief. by the Judiciary Committee.
Hlayden Criticizes Philippine
Freedom Bill In Radio Address

Criticism of the recently-enacted
Philippine independence bill on the
ground that its provisions relating to
trade would endanger the achieve-
ment of real Philippine independence,
and a proposal for a United States-
Philippine conference in the event
that the bill is not accepted by the
islands were voiced last night in a
nation-wide broadcast from Wash-
ington, D. C., by Prof. Joseph R. Hay-
den, of the political science depart-
The broadcast was in the nature of{
a round-table discussion. The other1
participants were Speaker Manuel)
Roxas, of the Philippine House of
Representatives, and Rep. Butler
Hare (Dem., S. C.), who introduced
the recently-passed measure in the
United States House of Representa-
tives. Both Speaker Roxas and Rep-
resentative Hare favor the measure,
which offers a qualified independence
to the islands.
Sneaker Roxas listed six objections

"I fear that the provisions of the
act governing these trade relations
during the transition period before
ultimate independence is granted,"
he said, "are so destructive of the
basic industries of the Philippines as
to endanger the achievement of the
prime purpose of the act, namely, in-
Speaker Roxas contended that if
the islands reject the offer of inde-
pendence, the United States Congress
will in all probability enact measures
similarly destructive to Philippine
commerce. Professor Hayden's an-
swer was that in his opinion such a
course would involve sufficient risk
of danger and embarrassment to this
country to prevent the next govern-
ment from following it. The Demo-
cratic party, Professor Hayden, re-
minded Speaker Roxas and Repre-
sentative Rare, will control both the
executive and the two branches of
the legislature, and would in all prob-,

Subject For alk Will
Be 'Religion Witl Or
Without God'
Dr. P. Linwood Urban, professor of
theology in the Berkeley Divinity
School at New Haven, Conn., arrived
in Ann Arbor yesterday and will
begin a series of addresses and lec-
tures as the Baldwin lecturer for this
year at 8 p. m. tonight at St. An-
drew's Episcopal church.
According to Rev. Henry Lewis of
St. Andrew's the address tonight will
open the generalstheme of the dis-
cussions which is to be "Religion
With or Without God." Dr. Urban's
addresses later this week will be in
Harris Hall. He will conduct Holy
Communion services today, Thurs-
day, and Friday at 8 a. m.
Murfin Claims Trickery
In Republican Convention
GRAND RAPIDS, Feb. 28.-(R)--
Charges of trickery emerged from a
spectacular Republican state conven-
tion today.
James 0. Murfin, of Detroit, de-
feated candidate for renomination
for Regent of the University of Mich-
gan, alleged he had been "sold out."
He denied that John Gillespie, De-
troit politician, was authorized to
speak for him and say he did not
care for the nomination.
The Murfin incident was linked
with an all-day and all-night bat-I
tle by Gillespie, Frank D. McKay,
frmer state treaurer .nd Edward

cording to an announcement yes-
to Oxygen ' reatRlieterday afternoon by Vice-Presi-
As Certak Gets ]elter (lent Shirley W. Smith. Money to
cover the checks was deposited in
MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 28.-(/P)-Mayor Ann Arbor banks yesterday in the
Anton Cermak made sufficient prog- forn- of trust funds which may be
,ess today to warrant cessation of drawn upon immediately.
oxygen treatment and intravenous The checks represent more than
injections of glucose. $30s,000 in cash. Payment of the
Dr. Frederick Tice of Chicago, one balance of the February pay roll
of five physicians attending the will be made as soon as state au-
wounded executive, said late today thorities are able to turn over the
that an oxygen room being rushed money to the University. No pay
here from New York probably would checks will be issued until there
not be used if further improvements are trust fund accounts to cover
1were noted tonight in Cermak's con- them.
Honor System Being Dropped
By Colleges, Dean Effin}*er Says

A marked tendency for American;
colleges and universities to get away;
from the honor system in examina-
tions was demonstrated yesterday by
Dean John R. Effinger of the literary
college, who, in an interview, made
public a list of penalties in use at
various educational institutions for
"cribbing" on an examination.
While declining to comment on the
advisability of the honor system in
the literary college here, Dean Effin-
ger stated that the tendency away
from the system, illustrated by the
list which was compiled by him in1
1931, was still continuing, and that
there had been comparatively few
alterations to the 1931 codes.
Of 22 colleges listed, only four em-
ploy the honor system, the table
shows. The other 18 have either dis-
carded the honor system after trial,

a disease." "I am forced to say,"
stated Dean Moore of the University
of Texas, "that most of those con-
victed are rather dumb and would
not have been caught but for their
faulty technique."
The penalties are as follows:
Amherst. General penalty-loss of
credit. Student already on probation
for poor work or bad conduct might
be dropped. Honor system abandoned
in 1928.
University of California. Penalties
vary from reprimand to expulsion.
Underclassmen treated more lenient-
ly than upperclassmen.
University of Chicago. General
penalty-loss of credit, probation for
from one to three quarters, suspen-'
sion for one quarter. Penalties ap-
parently growing milder.
P'/. ... L:. L n li ninm .rY\l e

New tryouts for the Union com-
mittees may still report any aft-
ernoon between 3 and 5 p. m. at
the Student Offices of the Union,
it was announced yesterday by
John W. Lederle, '33, Union presi-
The tryouts will be given the op-
portunity to try out on the under-
clas honn nblicitv dance and

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