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February 25, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-25

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Wood Calls Iiller Will Man;' Many Injured,
Be Sees Dark Future For Liberals Four Dead As

.t)IJJ1L1"i9YUJ. k) JI emnued fro:ii Pa I
turning to take special courses or to
Roosev elL's Friend iThink take their final examinations."
German secondary schools, corre-
President-EIecut Will Io sponding somewhat to American high
jAWRV ay lth Conlt1Tii ce schools,. Pr ofc:-or Wood pointed ouzt
includc two years more of school
WASHIGTON b. 2.-W x work, which is equiva lent to the firt I
wrkhtEarly. abolition of farm boardwhic to years of American university
was the Hoover administration's re- tor.sude m ina se-r
sponse tofarm relief demands, was ondary school examiations before
they are accepted in the German
forecast today by 'friends: of Presi- 1---_-_ i

day by the -"auditor general for 'Sen- dent-Elect;Roosevelt.I
ator Andrew L. Moore, Republican, They expressed the opinion that
Pontiac. the vacancy created by the resigna-
Senator Moore is the author of a tion Thursday of James C. Stone,
bill, backed by the administration, board chairman, would befleft un-
which would permit the payment of filled by the incoming chief execu-
delinquencies in 10 equal installments tive. Stone resigned effective March
beginning in 1935. The compilation .
shows the total delinquency has in- A group of Roosevelt's agriculture
creased from $28,829,438 in 1928 to advisers, now studying reorganiza-
$60,222,126 in 1931. The four years tion of- scattered farm organs, have
covered by the Moore proposal. It recommended transfer of the board's
amounted to $36,352,835 in 1929 and activities to other existing agencies
$48,658;906 in 1930. as one of the first steps to bring
In the same time the number of about greater centralization.
acres returned delinquent has in- Another vacancy on the board will
creased from 9,113,883 in 1928 to 15,- go unfilled if this plan is carried
440,720 in 1931 and the number of out. C. C. Teague of California re-
lots from 973,109 to 1,598,987 in the signed the vice chairmanship nearly
same period. A total of $254,180,520 a year ago and no successor has been
was levied in taxes throughout the named.
state in 1931. Stone, whose resignation was for-
Maomnb counity has the highest molly accepted by President Hoover;
percentage of delinquency for 1931. said he intends to take a long rest"
Out of $4,840,348 levied in taxes' in in an effort to recover from recentI
"u f$,4,4 eidi ill-health. His home is in Kentucky
this county, $4,658,950 was returned whr- he h e l tobac o
delinquent. The delinquencies took wherehe headeda large tobacco co-
168,994 acres and 103,706 lots off the operative marketing association.
S res an 0,0oFriends of the President-elect said
tax lists, the actual work of reorganizing agri-
Oakland county's: delinquency for cultural agencies- will be placed in
1931 was $11,112,068 out of a total te an te man Rooevelt
lev of$1,80,48; ackon' $,26 -the hands of the mnan Roosevelt
levy of $14,807,487; Jackson's $1,267,- selects as secretary of agriculture,
95,46 out of $3,847,167; Genesee, $2,- understood to be Henry A. Wallace
,995,831 out of $9,04395; Berrien, of Iowa.
gon, $1,467,976 out of $3,902,989; Sag- Present plans call for transferring
igna, $1,527,911 out of $5433,412 ; St the division of co-operative market-
Clare, $1,17,838 out of $3,493,529. ing back to the department of agri-
culture, where. it functioned before
the board's formation.
Washington Hotel Rooms Indications are the board's loaning
activities-will be, turned. over to the
Reserved For March 4 Federal :FarI Land 'bank board,,
WASHINGTON, F'eb. 24.- (P) -- which has handled a heavy. volume
_ - _. s . epo.e. today of-co-operative loan-through the in-
Washington hotels reported todayteditcredi n
that virtually all- their available Merbe redithbar u r
rooms have been reserved for the Mediubis ,of the agriculture re-
Roosevelt inaugural.. sea-rch ~division' of Cornell university
have been asked for suggestions , on
-As a result, the inaugural housing reorganiziation:
Cothiittee became one of the most
active gro-ups in preparations for the ECQN'JCS SPEAKER
fidod of visitors estimated at up to "TeFuture for.thePublic Utility
200,000,olding company" will be the sub-
The committee, headed by Mrs. ject 'of Prof. H. M. Waterman of the
Blair Banister, capital society woman, business administration school, when
has arranged for more than 20,000 he addresses a meeting -of the Eco-
rooms in private homes, 'iiacluldig nonifcs Clu'b at 7 45' p. m. Tuesday
residences of some of the city's tin Room 302, the Union, it. was an-
wealthiest families. - nounced yesterday.

German Students Political-Minded
There is more intellectual inter-
est and less social interest among
the students of Germany as com-
pared to American University stand-
ards, according to Professor Wood.
They are all political-minded, and
take violent sides on current politi-
cal questions. Most of the students
are Nazis, Professor Wood declared.
Citing a course in journalism as an
Roosevelt, Farley
Discess Patronage
ALBANY, N. Y., Feb. 24.-("P)--
lresident-Elect R o o s e v e l t called
James A. Farley, Democratic national
chairman and master of patronage,
to his side today to make final de-.
cision on the multitude of appoint-
ments necessary to put the new Dem-
ocratic government into operation
March 4.
The President-elect to all effects
completed his cabinet Thursday night
with the announcement that George
H. Dern, former governor of Utah,
would be his secretary of war.
He also gave a surprise with the
statement that Representative Lewis
Douglas, yo'uthful Arizona advocate'
of economy in government, would be
his new budget director. Douglas led
the economy drive in the house and
will be relied upon by Roosevelt to
use the ax on government expendi-
tures in the sveeping reorganization
he plans.
Before leaving - here today, Mr .
Roosevelt got in touch with- Farley
and invited him to go on to Hyde
Park, where the next President prob-
ably will remain for most of the time
before going 'to Washington for in-
Mayor James M.- Curley of Boston,
is one of the Roosevelt intimates on
the list' for appointment to high
The President-Clect came here
Thursday night to attend the an-
nual dinner of the Legislative Cor-'
respondents' association. He called
first at the executive mansion where
he and Mrs. Roosevelt were guests
of Gov. and Mrs. Herbert Lehman
at tea.

cxample, lac said that while in AmCr-
ica students were taught the nore
technical points of journalism, Frie-
burg students were learning to be po-
litical writcrs. well informed in the'
iuations both in Europe
anad America. . !
'cncing duels no longer exist in
Gcrmai universities, however, there
is a certain amount of student so-
cial life. They spend a great deal of
their time in reading. according toI
Professor Wood, but when they take{
a girl out, the girl always pays her
own xvay.
German Students Poor, Too
When asked whether there were
any students "living in attics on two
dollars a week," Professor Wood de-
clared that many of them were liv-
ing on almost nothing. There was a
time before the war when students
who tried to work their way through
the university lost caste and social
position. "This, of course, due to
present economic conditions, is no
onset true. Many Students work
while they are in school, however,
'according to American standards,
student costs are comparatively
H o w e v e r, economic conditions
throughout Germany are considerably
lower than in America. A large mid-
dle class has been wiped out by in-
flation of the currency.
Well Organized Welfare
"But in many respects Germany
is better off than we are," Professor
Wood stated. "We are badly organ-
ized, and up until a short time ago
we were afraid to recognize the prob--
lem that confronted us. Germany has
well organized welfare 'elief, but no
money to carry out needed relief on
a large scale as in Ameria.
"The Reich has been doing as
much as it can under the circum-
stances, and social insurance has
helped to a certain extent, but local
communities are almost broke.".
Cities are models of cleanliness,'
better than ours, in spite of econo-
mic advantages, Professor Wood de-
clared. Even the poorer worker's
dwellings were, always clean, char-'
acterized by a sense of. order and
Crime is conspicuously absent,
Professor Wood said, except for fair-
ly 'frequent -.political iots and dis-
turbances. The police force in the
larger cities, Professor Wo'od noticed,:
were -well groomed, 6vell trained;
.and very courteous."
Malcolm A. Maclntyre of the class
of '33, now a Sterlin fellow of Yale
Law School, has been chosen coach.i
of the Yale lacrosse team for the
1933 season, succeeding -Reginald D.
Roat, newly appointed football coach.

Germans Riot
,011,i i ists Fear Seizure
By Government; Police
BERLIN. Feb. 24.-(0)-Four more
persons were dead and many others
injured today as the result of politi-
cal rioting in various cities of the
The reichsbanner man at Leipzig
and a policeman at Dortmund were
slain Thursday and two opponents
of Hitler died in Berlin and Hanover.
A leftist source told the Associated
Press that leading Communistsfeared
they would be seized by the govern-
ment at any moment as hostages and
no longer dared to return to their
(The Communists had 100 of the
600 seats in the last reichstag dis-
solved by Hitler and were even
stronger in the Prussian diet. Next
to the Socialists, their party is the
largest opposing Hitler's forces in the
reichstag-and diet elections March 5.)
At Dortmund, police banned all
Communist meetings following con-
tinued disorders. Many were injured
in rioting in the Silesian cities of
Breslau and Hindenburg when Nazis
stormed Socialist meetings.
In Essen, police cancelled a Social-
ist mass meeting where former Chan-
cellor Philipp Scheidemann was
scheduled to speak. Nazis had occu-
pied streets adjacent to the hall.
Following a warning from Dr. Wil-
helm Frick, Nazi minister of interior.
that the reich will countenance no
resistance from south German states
to extension of commissioner rule,
Fritz Schaeffer, champion of state's
rights, told a mass meeting at Wuerz-
burg Thursday night that "the ca-
thedral of Bamberg was already
standing when wild boars rooted
around the swampy spot that is Ber-
lin today."
M oveTo Speed Hearin
In Lindy Extortion Case
ROANOKE, Va., Feb. 24.--AP)-De-
finse counsel prepared to oppose any
further postponenlent is. a hearing
set for today for two young men and
a woman charged witi participating
n 'a plot'to extort $50,000 from Col.
Charles.A. Lindbergh.
'After two postponmemnts, United
'States Commissioner Charles D. Fox,
Jr., said ,'further continuance would
be granted only in the .event 'govern-
'mrint officials could give some speci-

fic reason for requiring more time to
investigate charges against Joe Bay-
ant, 19, Norman T. Harvey, and his
wife, Else Harvey, 26.

Stars MarkedFor Abduction; Corbett Funeral; Paderewskt And Pilsudski Oppose
--Associatedt Press P'h


Bread smiles spead over tho faces of thcse Democratic leaders in the House of Representa
body had voted the proposal of what may become the Twentieth Amendment. Left to right
Henry T. Rainey (Ill.), loer leader; Speaker John Garner, vice-president-elect; and Rep.
(Ala.), Demo:ratic whip,


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