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February 25, 1933 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-25

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e A& J

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_ .., ._CI--TIGAN DAILY. ._ R. ,



Plans Furthered llany New Outfits
For All-Camnpus'APpear .W 'Sprin
. Weather This Week

Sororities, Fraternities Have,
. Full Schedule For Week-End

Cabaret, Apr11 1
Margaret O'Brien To $e
Chairmjan; Others Are
Named For Commhttee

Have you noticed the perfect flood
of spring outfits that have been,
poiuring over the campus these: last
few days? We stood near the diag-
onal for a while and noted with huge
fi -lti'f 1t dnr r lin~i h ."n trnl1

Several-of the sororities are enter-
taining guests this week-end, while
one fraternity and several sororities
are giving dances.
Yatemai's orchestra of Ypsilanti
provided music for a formal dance
given last night by the pledges of
Phi Kappa to the active members.
Decorations centered around a rep-
resentation of the pledge pin of the
chapter and were in purple, white,
and gold.
ChapDerons at the dance were Mr

sa sj~iac uon and engnu Lnte weannh
Plans for an all-campus cabaret of attractive hats, new suits, and even
to be held Saturday, April 1, in the spring shoes that went past us in-
ballroom of the League, have been the space. of 10 inutes.
furthered with the announcement One charming costume we noticed
that Margaret O'Brien, '33, will act consisted of a swagger suit. in the
as general chairman. new two-color motif. The skirt was
Although appointments have not a light nile green of heavy material,
been completed as yet, Margaret while the coat was of a contrastingly
O'Brien announced that the follow- darker shade of green,.three-quarters
ing people will assist her: chairman length. A clever hat of -green: to
of entertainment, Miriam Carver, match the coat completed the outfit.
'33; chairman of decorations, Mary Smart chamois jackets, varying in!
Stirling, '35; chairman of publicity, ,length, cut and color are appearing.
Eleanor Blum, '35. Further appoint- The straight, beltless jacket seemsl
ments will be made soon. to be the most popular. These are
This cabaret is part of a program dark brown, beige, white, or grey
that is being furthered in order. to and are supplemented with harmon-
make up the deficit in the League izing accessories. Green and white
TUndergraduate C a mn p a i g n Fund or blue and white is particularly ap-
caused by the fact that there are no pealing. An outfit we saw"was com-
proceeds from a Mardi Gras, which pletely carried out in- green, black,
was given last year in conjunction and white. The perky green hat wias
with the Sophomore Cabaret. The accented with a tailored white
money made from it went to the Un- feather. A white suede. jacket and
dergraduate Fund. white pigskin gloves were worn, and
Carrying out the idea of making an Irish-green skirt, black shoes and
this cabaret an all-campus affair, a black purse completed the costume.
big entertainment program will in- Intriguing .scarves, are being worn
clude both men and women, to vary spring clothes. These may
An economical evening of fun will be flippant and daring, tied in an en-
be the aim of the cabaret committee. gaging bow at one side of the throat,
Everything will be offered at the least or they may be tailored, in more
possiple charge. The admission, for sombre shades to match coats and
example, will be only 25 cents a hats. Black and white is as popular
couple or 15 cents for individual per- as ever. We noticed a white angora-
sons. Dancing will be five cents a wool beret, pulled well down over
dance the right eye, worn with a black suit,
supplemented by a white wool scarf.
Penby Carn1iva . Is Lau ea ires.
P l117A P'.lWJ A A


are to be the chaperons. Alumnae
attending are: Katherine Turner, '32.
and Jean Winslow, former student,
both of Battle Creek; Hortense Bum-
pus, '32, of Monroe; Mary Hubbard
of South Bend. and Betty.Knight,
'32, of Detroit.
Marian Smith, former student, will
be a guest at Alpha Omicron Pi sor-
ority for the .week-end.
Elizabeth H. Gilkey, '33, whose en-
gagement to Daniel Robert Thomas,
Jr., '32, was recently announced, is
entertaining Betty Long, '35, at her
home in Plainwell this week-end.


Union To Be
Half-Price On
Tuesday Night
Prizes To Be Featured;
Also Bridge And Bowling
Tournaments To Be Held

W.A. A. Board.
Makes Plans
For Banquet
Plans for a spring program were
discussed at the meeting of W. 'A. A.
Board Thursday night, Jean Bots-
ford, '3'_!d., president, appointed
Virginia Lree, '34, to take charge of
farrangements for the house party
to be held in"April.
The committee for the annual
s.pring banquet was chosen. Catherine
Sentschler, '33Ed., will be chairman
and Marie Metzger, '35, and Betty'
Lyons, '34, assistants. Nan Diebel,'
'35, is to be in charge of Spring Sport
Dress Week.
For several years Field Day has
not been part of the spring season.
Betty Lyons, '34, was appointed to
arrange a tentative program of
events to be held intconjunction with
Freshman Pageant and Lantern
Miss. Diebel was elected to the
board to replace Elizabeth Gribble,
'33, as Point Recorder. To fill the
vacancy caused by Virginia Cluff's
resignation, Barbara Casper, '33, was
Hillel Fo-undation
Will 11old Forum


Gives I

Inaugurating .the .spring rush:
season, Delta Omicron, national h
orary mnusical sorority,, gave a no
Sparty Wednesday night at the ho
of Mrs. Rus'sell C. H~ussey, 414 Ca
den Ct., honoring 14 guests. The
fair was called a "ballyhoo par
and the theme was carried out
brightly colored balloons.
Plans are being furthered by
society for the annual formal mu
cale scheduled to be held Thursd
March 2, at the home of Mrs. Al
andler G. Ruthven. The Mozart sti
trio from Detroit and Dorothy B
jamin, also of Detroit, singer,
furnish the entertainment.
The society's formal banquet
be held Friday, March 3, at
IWh1ere rTo1Go

and Mrs. J. Paul Buckley. Among
the guests present were: Virginia
Lee, '34, Wanda Lee, '33, Margaret
I Cole, '34, Mary Marshall, '33, DorothyI
!Williams, '25iEsther Miller, '35, Dor-
othy Jones,. '26, Ruth Hess, '36, Ruth
Sbnnenstein, '35, Jean Shaw, '36,

Margaret Sabin, '35, and
Allen, '34, -are spending the
in Battle Creek.


rĀ£uth LOvejoy, 33, Betty Bowman Several girls are assent from the
'36, Molly Armstrong, '35, Barbara Alpha g Chi Omega housenthis week-
Andrews, 34, Margaret Culver, '34, end. M. Elinor Allen, '34, Jane Fau-
Margaret Grant, '35, Carolyn Novak, ver, '34, Roberta Dillnan, '34, and
'35, Betty Immel, '35, Dorothy Reeves, Genevieve Spencer, '34, are in Detroit
'34, Irene Sprignen, '34, Helen Rich- n for a round of dinners and dances.
ardson, Detroit, Kathleen Donovan, Cecilia Melody, '3, is spending the
Detroit, and Dorothy Bolton, Detroit. week-end with her family in Wyan-
Claude Trotter, Jerry Harrington, dotte.
Bill Mturphy and Hugh Stevenson of PHI SIGMA SIGMA
Detroit, were alumni who attended Phi Sigma Sigma entertained Mr.
the dance, also Pat Murphy, Adrian. and Mrs. Edward Eleize at dinner
DELTA PHI Wednesday night.
Delta Phi recently elected the fol- This afternoon the sorority will en-
lowing officers. for the second semes- tertain 10 guests at a bridge tea.
ter: president, Claude Pitts, '33; Frances Burnstein, '36, has re-
vice-president, William Marshall, '34; 1 turned to her home in Detroit for the
treasurer, Willard Blaser, '35, and re- week-end, Rose Levine, '36, accom-
cording secretary, Willard Banyon, paneid her as house guest.
ALPHA KAPPA PSI Maxine Maynard, '35, is spendingI
Alpha Kappa Psi wishes to an- the week-end at her home in Lansing.
nounce the pledging of Donald Blake- Ruth Campbell, '34, returned to De-
ly, '33, Pontiac, and Leslie Keeling, t'roit for the week-end.
'33, Detroit. Virginia Hart, of St. Clair, is a
ALPHA Pi1 I guest of the house.
Pete Bimquist's orchestra will fur- SIGMA KAPPA
nish the music for a formal dance Dorothy Shapland, '34, has re-
tonight at the Alpha Phi house. Mr. turned to her home in Detroit to re-
and Mrs. W. F. Qiefel of Barton Hills main untill Sunday.

Half-price night at the Union, in
the future to be a weekly feature, will
begin next Tuesday, Feb. 28, it was
announced yesterday by John W.
Lederle, '33, Union president.
The reduced prices will apply to
bowling, billiards and ping-pong.
Prizes consisting of free use of the
bowling alleys and the billiard room
and free trade at the tap room and
the main desk will be offered for
the highest first line score and the'
highest evening score in bowling,
Prizes will also be given for high
score in pocket pool, three rail and
straight rail billiards and ping-pong.
Coupons will be accepted for those
taking part in any of the events
during the evening.
The new feature is to become a
regular part of the Union activities
and will continue during the re-
mainder of the school year. It is
hoped that a regular "club night"
will develop with a large group par-
ticipating in the affair.
Beginning with the second week of
the half-price night, an independent
men's bridge tournament will be
formed which will be played off dur-
ing the remaining Tuesday evenings
of the year.
A student-faculty bowling 'our-
nament is now in the process of for-
mation, Lederle said, with an espe-
cial emphasis on having members of
the faculty take part. Any faculty
member interested may call the
Union Student offices between 3 and
15 p. m. daily.

Motion Pictur(
Match King";-Al
my"; Wuerth,"
Plays: "Hedda
Laboratory Then
Exhibits: Stu
Hostess Room, L
itecture photog
Building; Wome
eral Library; Le
William :Clement

1 . , ,. ...._

At the regular Sunday night Hillel Athletic Event
Foundation forum, Harry Warner, gan vs. Indiana,
134, will give a paper on Technocracy. Swimming exhibi
A discussion on the subject will fol- Intramural pool,
low. Hockey, Michig
The Foundation monthly luncheon P. m., Arena.
at 12 noon, Feb. 28, will take place Functions: Mi
at the Den. Prof. John L. Brumm, dents, 3 to 5 p. m
of the journalism department, will Chapel.
be the speaker. The luncheon is open Dances: Infor
to all students interested. Union ballroom
Mrs. Jacob Sacks poured at the 9 p. m., League
weekly Hillel Foundation tea Thurs-:student dance,
day. Building.

es: Michigan,
tajestic, "The
a Gabler," 8:30
udent art exe]
eague; Persian
raphs, Archit
en as Authors,
Bather book bii
ts Library,
s: Wrestling, I
4 p. m., Field I
Ition meet, 2:30
admission 25
an vs. Minnes
ixer for Catholi
n., St. Mary's St
mal dancing, 9
informal da:
ballroom; Gra
Women's At

Dqsigner of Gowns and
' Ensembles fay All Occasions
Aterations hlione 3468 506 East Liberty

A discussion of the booths for
Penny Carnival and plans for the
fioor arrangement formed the busi-
ness of the meeting of athletic man-
agers yesterday in the W. A. A. room
of the League.
Jean Berridge, '33, chairman, em-
phasized the necessity of the houses
making plans early, for decorations
can be done only from 2 to 5 p. m.
Saturday, March 11.-Any necessary
cleaning up may be taken care of
Sunday after 3 p. m.
Prof. Howard McClusky, of the
School of Education, and Prof. 0. J.
Campbell, head of the English de-
partment, have been suggested as
judges to assist Dean Alice loyd,
Dr. Margaret Bell, and Mary M.
Stewart, of the Physical education.
department, who made the decision
last year for the most original booth.

Specialty Number
A tap dance team was the feature
of the evening at the regular League
dance last night. This team con-
sisting of Marie Heid, '35, NanDiebel,
'35, and Sally Pierce, '35, is the same
that led the "Devil and the Deep"
number in the sophomore cabaret.,
This feature follows out the policy
that the League recently inaugurated
of having student specialty. numbers
for every regular week-end dance.
Barbara Bates, '35, is chairman of
the entertainment committee.
Chaperons at the League dance last
night were Dr. and Mrs. Carl Huber,
and at the Union were Dr. and Mrs.
J. D. Cameron. Tonight Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Power will be chaperons
at the League, with Dr. and Mrs.
J. D. Littig in the same capacity at
the Union.

S ome

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That Chesterfield ages and cures these
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That all that Science really knows that
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butThi' Much you
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(1 i., -at ing i from any IN1ill SCL~ (spocial
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Chesterfields are milder. You won't find
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Chesterfields taste better. Not too sweet,
but just sweet enough.. And you can taste
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not too much-Turkish tobacco makes!

They Satisfy, Day in and day out, year in

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