Ho iday Adds Complexity To His Du ies
ion In the Bulletin is constructive °notice to Sll members of the
ity. Copy received at the officeof the Assistant to the President Until
:30 a. m. Saturday.
No. 102
University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: All
students registered for teaching positions will please call at the office, 201
Mason Hall this week to fill in Location Blanks for the second semester.
Office hours for this purpose will be from 8 to 12 a. m. and 1:30 to 5 p. m.
daily except Saturday.
Hopwood Awards: Rule 14 of the Rules of Eligibility for 1932-1933
reads: In particular or irregular cases the committee may, upon petition,
waive particular parts of these rules, but no petition will be received by the
committee after March 1, 1933." Bennett Weaver
Winners of the Freshman Hopwood Contest: Please telephone the Eng-
lish Office some time today.
Playboy of the Western World: Students who want seats on the spe-
cial Detroit bus to the Wilson Theatre Sautrday night, call the English
Office. (Synge's "The Shadow of the Glenn and "Playboy of the Western
World" will be given by The Abbey Theatre Players).
Architectural Building Exhibition-Persian Architecture-Photographs:
Automobile body design. Paintings and models. Open daily 1 to 5 through
February 25, except Sunday. The public is invited.
Student Art Exchange: Work submitted by students and alumni of the
University is now on sale in the Hostess Room of the League every after-
English 150 (Drama 1). The class will meet today.
Kenneth T. Rowe
Business Administration 154 will meet at 9 a. m. today, 109 Tappan.
Business Administration 280 will meet at 4 p. m. today, 109 Tappan.
Mathematics 356: Professor Rainich will meet those who desire to take
part in this Seminar at 4 o'colck in 2001 A.H., to arrange hours.
Political Science 107: The make-up final examination will be held
Saturday morning, February 25, at 9:00 a. m., Room 2032 A.H.
Psychological Journal Club meets at 7:30 p. m. in Room 3126 N.S. Mr.
W. L. Jenkins will speak on "Recent Researches in Nerve Conduction." All
interested are invited to be present.
Sigma Xi meets at 8 p. m. in the Amphitheatre of the East Medical
Building. Dean Huber and Professors Novy and Gesell will talk and re-
search rooms and laboratories in the Departments of Anatomy, Bacteriol-
ogy and Physiology will be visited. Refreshments.
Observatory Journal Club meets at 4:15 in the Observatory lecture
room. Dr. W. C. Rufus will speak on the subject "An Old Korean Planis-
phere." Tea served at 3:45.
All Campus Forum: Professor George Carrothers, member of President
Ruthven's Committee on Taxation, will discuss "Taxation Problems as Seen
by the Layman," Natural Science Auditorium, at 4:15 p. m.
A.ICh. E. meeting at 7:30 p. m. in the chapter room.
Dr. Hall of the Geography Dept. of the University will speak on "Japan,
An Economic Survey." Refreshments.
University Girls' Glee Club: Usual weekly rehearsal at 7:15 p. in. It
is imperative that every member attend. Rehearsal is in preparition for
out of town engagement March 14.
Engineering Council meets -at 7:30 p. m. in M. E. computing room.
Junior A.A.U.W. Book Section: Meeting at the Michigan League Build-
ing at 8
Faculty Women's Club: Meeting at three o'clock in the Ethel Fountain
Hussey Room of the Michigan League. The Garden Section will be in
Extra Expense
- .
For Prohibitioii
States Feared
Dry Leader Claims That
Protection Will Be Very
Costly If Repeal Passes
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22.-(P)-The
opinion that a larger federal force
than is now maintained would be
required for complete prevention of
shipments of liquor from wet to dry
states, should the eighteenth amend-
ment be repealed, was expressed to-
day by Amos W. W. Woodcock, di-
rector of prohibition.
He explained to newspaper ment
that in referring to complete preven-
tion of shipments he meant every
type, rangig from that carried On
the person or in automobiles in small
quantities to truck loads on freight
"On the other hand, should the
federal government leave the entire
policing of state borders to the states
themselves no federal force would
be required." he added."Should teI
Texas ailroad
Station Is Scene
Bold Holdup
Seven Mail Pouches Are
Taken Just After Being
Unloaded From Train
FORT WORTH, Tex., Feb. 22.-(P)
-Postal inspectors investigating a
bold robbery of the mails here said
the loot obtained by three masked
men might not be large as Dallas
Federal Reserve bank officials in-
formed them the bank had no large
shipments Tuesday night.
Seven pouches, six of which con-
tained registered mail, were taken
from C. T. Black and D. D. Crabb
as they trundled a small truck across
the top of a street under-pass. The
pouches had just been unloaded from
a train arriving from Dallas at the
New Texas & Pacific railroad sta-
tion, and were being taken by the
men to a mailing room.
Black, railway mail clerk, and
Crabb, driver of platform trucks for
the Texas & Pacific, said the men
appeared suddenly. Apparently they
had been hiding behind a signboard.
Handkerchiefs covered their faces.
The men threatened Crabb and
Black with pistols, disarmed Black
and threw his pistol away, and af-
ter forcing them to lie face down-
ward, dragged the sacks to a waiting
automobile and sped away.
Several youths standing near the
mailing room saw them and gave
the alarm. Employes were incredu-
lous until Black and Crabb appeared
and told their story. Witnesses de-
clared they saw only two men get
into the car and did not see where
the third man went.
Carrothers To
Give Address
This Afternoon
Will Open S. C. A. Forum
For New Semester With
Talk On Tax Problems
Prof. George E. Carrothers of the
School of Education will speak on
"'Taxation Problems as Seen by the
Layman" at 4;15 p.s .today in Nat-
ural Science Auditormn at the first
S. C. A. forum of this semester.
Professor Carrothers was one of
the three men appointed by President
Ruthven, at the suggestion of Former
Governor Brucker, to investigate and
report on tax reform in the state.
Because the other men on the com-
mittee, Prof. iarcourt L. Caverly of
the economics department and Prof.
Thomas H. Reed of the political
science department, supposedly rep-
resented the economical and political
viewpoints, Professor Carrothers was
conceded to be the representative of
the layman.
It was for this reason, according '
to Jules Ayers, '33, president of the
Student Christian Association, that
Professor Carrothers was picked to
deliver a speech on the tax situation
in Michigan as it appears to the ordi-
nary man, since the reports given by
these men will undoubtedly have
some bearing on the future legisla-
tion at Lansing.
House Bills Lower,
Ohio State Reports
COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 16.-The de-
pression has at last effected the house
bills of fraternities on the campus of
Ohio State University, according to
a local fraternity auditor. In a re-
port comparing average montly fra-
ternity fees during the last two years,
it was revealed that while dues and
house taxes have increased slightly,
there has been a much greater de-
crease in the cost of room and board.
The average monthly room rent
has decreased almost a dollar since
last year and the average monthly
board bill has dropped more than
four dollars. Many groups have cur-
tailed social activities with the result
that the average social tax has de-
creased slightly.
In concluding the report, it was
stated that total fees paid by men
living in houses have decreased, while
those of the town fraternity men
have increased. Actual average fig-
ures show that the house active bill
has fallen from $49.66 to $45, while
the out-of-house active bill has in-
creased from $11.95 to $12.37.
Photographs Of Persian
Architectnre Displayed
The exhibit of Persian Islamic
architecture which was put on dis-
play in the large exhibition cases in
the main hallway of the Architecture
Building last week will be displayed
from 1 to 5 p. m. through Saturday,
it was announced yesterday. Brought
here under the auspices of the Amer-
ican Institute of Persian Art and
Archaeology, and prepared by Arthur
Upham Pope, the director, the exhibit
has attracted much interest and
many visitors.
Photographs and colored illustra-
tions of Persian palaces, tomb towers,
great courts, vaults, and mosques
constitute the display. The rich de-
velopment of modeled stucco patterns
as ornaments for the interior of the
mosques, and the use of the incrusta-
tion motif completely covering the
surface of the buildings with an or-
namental texture, are clearly shown
in these photographs.
More Accidents Follow
Oregon Student Auto Ban
CORNVALLIS, Ore., Feb. 20.-Fac-
ulty members of Oregon State Col-
lege found to their surprise that ac-
cidents increased upon the campus
after passing a ban on student-owned
automobiles. Bicycles, skates, wagons,
scooters and buggies were many
modes of transportation used by the
Students wishing seats on the spe-
cial bus to the Wilson Theatre, Sat-
urday night, to see the Abbey Thea-
tre Players in Synge's "Playboy of
the Western World," are to call the
English office, according to an an-
nouncement to The Daily by Prof.
Erich A. Walter. If the bus-load can
be obtained, the trip will be made
from the Union in time to reach the
theatre for the opening of the play.,
Brother Vs. Brother
-Associated Press Photo
Earl Long testified against his
brother, Sen. Huey Long, before the
Senate committee investigating the
election of John H. Overton of Lou-
isiana to the Senate. Senator Long
is counsel for Overton.
Students Given
Blame 'For Bad
ICard Pictures,
"Students have only themselves to
blame for the looks of their iden-
tification card pictures," declared
Irene Caswell, University photog-
rapher, yesterday.
Smirks and remarks of students
upon being handed their identifica-
tion cards, according to Miss Cas-
well, is simply an instance of their
not being able to "take it." Her de-
fense is the time honored one that
the camera doesn't lie.
She does admit, however, that stu-
dents do seem a bit afraid when they
sit down before her camera with
their names crayoned on a card be-
fore them, and that that may affect
Japanese Halt
Jehol Drive To
Take Terminus
Chinese Resistance Proves
Useless; Accounts Lack
Operation Details
(By The Associated Press)
Driving westward toward the capi-
tol of Jehol, the Japanese army is
reported to have halted at Peipiao,
30 miles from the Manchurian fron-
tier at the terminus of the railroad
from Chinchow. Chinese resistance
has been ineffectual and the invaders
plan .to sweep on to Jehol City with
50,000 men operating along a 200-
miles front.
At Peiping an official Chinese an-
nouncement denied that Japan had
captured the town of Nanling, half
way between the Manchurian border
and Peipiao. Neither account gave
many details of the operations.
Japanese dispatches from Chang-
chun, also in Manchuria, said the
Chinese commander of the Lupeli
district army had deserted and of-
fered his 19,000 men to Manchukuo.
This was not confirmed from other
A spokesman at Tokio, confirming
reports of the advance thus far, said
it might be necessary eventually for
the army to install itself at Peiping
and Tientsin. The former is the old
Chinese capital. In the latter several
western powers including the United
States maintain army posts.
Nanking, seat of the national gov-
ernment of China, has not yet re-
ceived from Manchukuo an ultima-
tum demanding evacuation of Jehol.
'If and when it does come, a govern-
ment spokesman said, it will be re-
turned unopened,
their pictures. Her final contention
however is that students refuse to
smile when their likeness is being
snapped no matter how much she
encourages them.
Among upperclassmen, who may
remember last year's effort, a serious
demean is understandable.
., ,
3 1
gj lq lu , lv a tu.
A7ilV U14l 411f;
Lutheran Student Club will have a hay-ride or sleigh-ride party,
pending on the weather, Friday evening. Members are asked to be at
Zion Parish Hall by 8 o'clock. Afterwards, the club will assemble at
home of Christian. Haas.-
Firestone Tells
Council Value
Of Advertising
MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 22.-(P)-Harvey
S. Firestone, the rubber magnate,
says newspaper advertising and cur-
tailment of production costs helped
him conquer the panic of 1920 and
pay off a debt of $45,000,000.
Speaking here Tuesday night be-
fore the Committee of One Hundred,
Firestone said he owed that sum to
banks when he returned from a visit
to Europe in 1920 to find. business in
a slump.
"I told my sales manager to go
on a vacation," he said. "Then I
placed full page newspaper. advertise-
ments in every city in the United
States. Within two months I sold
18,000,000 tires and reduced my in-
debtedness to $32,000,000. Next, I
cut my expenseand readjusted busi-
ness. In less than four years I did
not owe the banks anything. We
must change our attitude and con-
centrate on simple fundamentals to
improve business. Let's make a sac-
rifice and help the other fellow."
Charles F. Kettering, president of
the General Motors Research Cor-
poration, suggested that industry go
back and study the fundamentals of
science and utilize the nation's un-
limited possibilities as a step toward
advancing to prosperous times.
Zealots Seek
More, Longer
CHICAGO, Feb. 22.-(Big Ten)-
Students- at the University of Chi-
cago are not taking advantage of
the new plan which allows them full
freedom from classes and exams. The
students are actually demanding fre-
quent examinations to "see how they
are getting along."
Last semester students asked for
quarterly examinations 25 minutes
long; this semester students have re-
quested that this time be doubled.
After these requests had been grant-
ed, many of the students petitioned
for more frequent examinations.
Harry D. Gideonse, associate pro-
fessor of economics and chairman of
the first year social science course
under the new plan, stated that the
upper 20 per cent of the new class
were really enjoying the new plan
and pay no attention to "required"
Northwestern's 'No Cut'
Rule Not Taken Seriously
EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 18.-A new
rule at Northwestern University re-
quiring attendance at all classes ex-
cept in unavoidable cases isn't being
taken very seriously by the students,
according to recent reports.
federal government seek to prevent?
only operations of large shippers-
the commercial violators-it would
not be necessary to maintain a force
as large as the present prohibition
The present personnel consists of
1,910 investigators and 180 special
agents. The latter deal with the
most important cases, working di-
rectly from Washington.
The repeal resolution submitted
to the states by Congress provides
for protection of dry states. Such
activities by the federal government
must be provided for by Congress.
"This would be a different kind'
of enforcement from that now be-
ing carried on," the director said.
"It would be for Congress to decide
how extensively the federal govern-
ment would get into it."
Wisconsin Investigates
Student Fees Increase
MADISON, Wis., Feb. 22.-- (Big
Ten)-An increase in student fees,
drastic salary reductions, and the ab-
olition of several university depart-
ments are the subject of an investi-
gation at the University of Wisconsin.
The medical, law, and agricultural
schools were criticized for their low
fees by administrative authorities
who charged that the amount of
money expended in these schools was
not justified by the returns. Some
salaries could be cut as much as 40
per cent, it was claimed.
It was suggested that the fees for
non-residents of Wisconsin should
be lowered to attract students to the
university, but that resident fees for
the literary college should be raised.
Place. advertisements' with Classified,
Advertising Department.Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at three
o'clock previous toclay of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-11e per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimumr 3 lines perinsertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of "last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
4 lines 0. D., 2 months........Sc
2 lines daily, college year...........7c
4 lines E.'0. D., college year.......7
100 lines used as desired.........9c
3G0 lines usedaas desired..........8c
1.000 lines used as desired.........c
2,000 lines used as desired ......... 6c
The .above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all eapital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point type.
deliver. Soft water, low prices. Call
4863. 12c
LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
WASHING-And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory . 2-3478.
611 Hoover. 15c
STUDENT -- And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
FINANCE CO.-Is selling late model
cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron.
2-2001. Open evenings. 19c
University Of Oklahoma
Offers Credit For Trip
NORMAN, Okla., Feb. 22.-A motor
tour of 6,000 miles plus three hours
credit in either journalism or geo-
graphy is offered by the summer ex-
tension division of the University of
It will cover 20 states and south-
ern Canada with a four day stop-
over at the World's Fair. The tour
will last 48 days at a cost of $130,
excluding meals, it was shown.
Some of the places to be visited are
Daytona Beach, Jacksonville, Shen-
andoah valley, West Point, Chicago,
and the United States Naval Acad-
Duke Has Honor System
With Proctors Present
DURHAM, N. C., Feb. 15.-Despite
the fact that proctors are present
at examinations the honor system is
now in force at Duke University. The
dean of women, in a talk before a
campus organization, declared that
proctoring was abolished when the
honor system was first established,
!ut that it was resumed when the
college grew larger. She urged women
not to cheat at examinations and
said that no leniency would be shown
in cases of dishonesty.
TYING - Typing carefully done.
Very moderate rates. O. K.
Thacher. Phone 6734. 10c
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
theses. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
LOST-Flying helmet, brown leather.
Please see R. J. Auburn, 312
Thompson. 315
LOST-Alpha Sigma Phi pin. Call
Harmon A. Wolfe, 6108. 822 Oak-
LOST-Elgin wrist watch, Men's
room, Main Library, afternoon,
February 22. Finder call 8118 or
leave watch and name in Secre-
tary's office. Reward.
WANTED-Party to share expenses
to Youngstown or Washington,
D. C.; driving Friday. Phone 21051.
WANTED-To tutor in German.
Have M. A. degree. Experienced.
Reasonable rates. Write 190 Jor-
dan Hall. 312
as the czar of industry in
t 'e w ith,
lla damita - glenda farrell
harry langdon comedy
"betty hoop for
HAVE-Your snap shots developed
at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. Univer-
sity. Here fine work is the tradi-
tion. 29c
NOTICE-Let us give you prices on
repairing or altering garments.
Ladies' or gentlemen's clothes.
Greene's Cleaners. 317
KONA, Ky., Feb. 21.-John
65-year-old miner, is said to
world's champion father. He
living children including two
be the
has 35
sets of
trplets and four sets of twins.
MAJESTIC Now Playing.
. - ..".-.
... ~ ~Alfl
Matinees 20c - Nights 25c
II ?f ,' A "r . Y 'nt.9r A TT
eii .w.r '1'
Ii'I na[mh)lt ew
v remount news